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<br />;,q��. IOAN NO. 2 1 O 4�" � J� "MORTGAGE AND SECUkITY AGREEMENT"
<br />�
<br />� '��.--�--�� �1-�J—
<br /> s � THAT MARVIN V. SKRDLANT and JANE E. SKRDLANT, huaband and wife, I
<br /> each contracting in his own right and as spouse of the other
<br /> �. of the Counly oF Hall ond Sta�o of Nebmska,morfgogors,in considaralion of the wm o(
<br /> r TWENTY SIX THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED AND NO/100ths--------------------(526,400.00 )DOLLARS
<br /> the mceipl whereo(it hereby acknowledged,do hereby SELL AND CONVEY lo Sta�e Fedeml Savings and Loan Associo�ion,8cotrice,Nebrosko,mongogea,
<br /> � (he foliowing described reol eslate stluelad,in �11 County,Slafe oF Nebmsko,to wi1:
<br /> All of Lot One (1) and the Westerly One-half (W 1/2) of Lot Two (2), in Block One (1) in
<br /> Rief Addition to Doniphan, Hall County, Nebraska.�
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<br /> .�
<br /> ;
<br /> ' agelhar wifh all buildings,amements,improvamanfs,(ixtures or appurtenances now or hereaiter ereded Ihereon,including,all appamfus,equipment,
<br /> � Fixlurcs or articles,whether in single unife or cenfmlly<ontrolled,used to wpply hea�,�as,air conditianin9,waler,light,power,reFrigerafion,ventilalion,
<br /> dishwaehing,dispoml,or other servires,and any otha thing now or heroafror Iherein or Iherecn,thn fumishing of which by lessors fo�teisees is cusfomory w
<br /> appropriale,including screens,window ihades,storm doors and windows,floor coverings,screen doors,in-a-door beds,awnings,stoves and wafer heaten(all
<br /> � of which are daclared to be a part of said real eatafe whether physically ana<hed thereto or not).The Modgagee is hereby subropoted lo the rights of all mor-
<br /> � fgogees,lienholden and owners paid off 6y the proceeds o(the loan hereby sewred.This mortgage consi�uies a securiy agreemen�with respect ro fhe chattals
<br /> . coverod hereby ond wilh respect to the finturcs atmched to Ihe above described real estaie in whidi mwtgogee has an ordinary securi�y inlerest.
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD Ihe:aid properfy,wifh said buildings,easements,improvements,fixlures,appurtenances,apparatus and equipmml,unto said
<br /> � MoAgogee,its succe:son ond oseigne forever.
<br /> The monpegon represent and covenanf with fhe mortgagee thar they are lawful ly seized in fee simple of soid prerr�ises;thot Ihey have good right and lawful
<br /> � authaity 10�ell and conveylhe w e;�6ot�hey aro Free ond dear from encum6roncen;f6at there nre n ouhtondino securily in�erests aeainsf ony fiafures;and
<br /> that Ihey will warronf ond defend the tille fo�aid premisei ogainsl the claims o(all persons,and fhat there are no oufsfanding securily inieres�s as to any and all
<br /> of the above defcribed fixtures.
<br /> PP,OVIDED,always and these pmsents are upon expross condiiian:Thot,VJherem Ihe said morfgagors ha�e rhis doy execNed ond delivered�o�he said
<br /> Associution,one cartain nofe in the amounl of fhe above consideration,which sum wi�h inferes�as provided by said noie or any mulual modificaiion or extansion
<br /> theroof,ond all sums which said As:ociation sFwll poy ouf of its own lunds for foxes,insurance or repoirs«��he property described herein,or fufure cosh odvence-
<br /> � ments made by the morigogea io the morfgagor,or his successor in title,(or any purpose at any time before the release and c cellation of Ihit mortgoge(provid-
<br /> � ed thot iha said edvancemenl,together wifh Ihe principal bolonce due o�fhe�ime of ihe said advancemen�,shall not exceed Ihe original amwnt of the mortgoga
<br /> ond,provided(urther,fhot no�hingherein<on�ainadshall be consideredaslimiiirg the amwNs thatshall be sewmd hemby when advonced ro profect�he security
<br /> �. or in eccadance with Iha covenrnfs conlained hemin)�holl cons�itute Ihe debt owirg lo said Aswciafion ond by aaid nole said mortgagors pmmise to pay�aid �
<br /> � debl ond interost fo the Association in monthly installmen��as provided in said note o(even dale herewifh.Unless modi(ied or exlended,Ihe final payment is dua
<br /> 300 m�u,:r,om am�.
<br /> Mortgagw�further a�rea Io pay,be(ore delinqumcy,ihe sums sacured hereby,and all�axes and chorges of e ery chawcter ossessed or now due,under
<br /> fhe laws of Nebmsko,upon iaid real estale,and upon this morfgoge ar Ihe nole or de6f secured herc6y;to keep ihe buildings upon soid pwmiaes insured for fire
<br /> ond axtended coveraga in sane company o�componies accep�oble�o mwtgagea(or an omount no�less than the volue oF ihe building,as determined by the mor-
<br /> igogee or fhe unpoid bolonce oF�he loon,whichever is less;to keep oll improvements in good repair and condiiion,wilhwf woste during the life oF�his mwtgoge;
<br /> ond ta permif mortgagee or its opent Io enler upon said premises to examine fhe condilion o(suid improvemenls in order to enwra complianca herewifh.
<br /> Should defaull be made in paymenf of the sum secured hereby,a any par�thereof,a�d sald de(au11 conlinue!or si.ty(60)days,or should said fnwran<e
<br /> not be promplly e(fecled,or ta.es or ossessmenls nol ba paid be(ore delinqvenry,or defaull In any ot the�er:ns af�he note for which fhis mod3age is security,
<br /> or said propMy sold or imns(erred by deed,contrac�,oplion,evsemeni,or otherwisa,wifhoul approvol of a supplemenlal oppliwtim for a�sumption of�his mrn-
<br /> tgage wid the debt evidrnced�hereby,by iha Associaiion,or in cau of failure ro duly observe and be�ovemed by rhe proviiions and.condi�iom o(the Charter,
<br /> By-Lows of mfd Associmion,and mles and regulo�ions oF The Federal Savingn and Loan System,or if inswed by niortgage insurance wrpomtions,to pay in odd-
<br /> ilion at tha oplion of the Auociation,the praniums for said inwrance,or the discovery 6y rhe Associvlion,or its oFf:cen,that any o(Ihe slotemenis conlained
<br /> 4 in Ihe opplicalion for Ihe loon axeculed by mwtyogon aro iolse,or i(a rax iien,oddirional merlga3e,mechanics Ilen,or other rnwm6ronce is filed oI record
<br /> which impous a lien agaimt rhe obove dncribad real esfafe,fhen fhe whole o(said indebtedness remoinin9 unpaid sholl al Ihe oplion of the said Associolion,
<br /> become due and payabie withoul nofice,�ime being�he msmce of this contract.
<br /> F`
<br /> Shou�d mortgo�on foil ro keep Iha buildings insured,os herein opmed,or fail ro poy real eetale ioxes anJ speciol asseumen�i on�he said mortpoged pro-
<br /> perty be(we delinqumcy,mortgogee may effect soid insumnce,pay faxes ond in o e premiums,and all such paymenfs,wilh inrere�l as provided in Ihe fint
<br /> mortgoge nole�ecured by fhi�mortgoge,sholl be a lien upon iaid premisei and secured hereby.
<br /> f� The mwtgogon hareby relirpulsh all homestead and muriial righ�s of evcry kind in and to ihe aaid premises.
<br />�'f For tba purpose of fumishing further:ecuriry for fhe deb�secured here6y,the mortgoyors hereby asign tmniler ond set ove.ro�he m«tgogee,m Le applied
<br />� toward Ihe payment oF Ihe nde and oll other sums securad heieby,in case of a deFault in the perfoimance of any oF�he re�m�and condi�iom oF this mcngoge o� ;
<br /> �he said nae,all the rmt�,revenuas,and income to be derived(rom fhe mortgoged premius during such�ime as ihe mo�tgoge inde6ledneu eholl remain onpaid; ,—.y' �
<br />�'"j rnd Ihe mortgq7ee aholl hova power lo appoinf any Wenf,a agen4,if moy desire(or the purpose o(rcpairing said premisas and o(re����g�he iama and colle<I- N��
<br />� ing Ihe renb,rovenuea,acd income,and i1 may pay oul of svid incana all eapenses of repalring said premises and neceuary wmmission�,ond e.pmse ncurred �
<br />��'1`� I in renting md monogirg�he sama,and oFwllecting renfah therelrom;fhe 6olrnce remoining i(any,io6e applied Iowmd�ha diuharga a(said mortgaga�indebred- � a.
<br /> , L ness.Mortgogee sholl occount for renl�acfually wl�ecfed and nol for the rental value of said premises. -
<br /> g� ¢
<br />,,,_� If Ihe inde6�edneu secured hereby be guaraNeed or insured undar tne Servicemen's Reodjosimen�Ac�,as umended,auch Aa and Neguloiions i�wed there- �
<br /> kF under ond i�aflacf on Ihe do�e hereof s6all govem Ihe right,dulies and liabilities o(Ihe parties here�o,ond any provis ms o(this or othcr instrumente e.ewfed �
<br /> Y`} in connectim with iaid indebtednes�which ero inconsisfenl wilh soid Ac1 or Negulafions are here6y nmended�o confam'�hera�o.
<br />�,�� The lerms used to dedgnale ony of 1he panies heroin shall be deemed ro include Ihe hefrs,rep.ese�lotivm,succeswn and assi3m of eoiJ poities,wd�he
<br /> _ �erm"Mortgagor"sholl olso indude any lawlul owner,holder or pledgor of any inde6rednes+iecored hereby,
<br />`_'S
<br /> � l-9 Rev.7-75 pvmbte)
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