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' i <br /> � ! .� :�:"� � <br />' � 7 �- (10 4 � � �: � <br /> h: <br />� : Lcndcr's �ariticn a rccmcnt or a ilic;iblc law. Borruwcr shall � �v Ihc amount nf all mnn � � insur.incc ircmiums in Ihc <br />� : �: ri i : _ �: ,� � � <br /> manncr provided undcr par:�graph 2 hcreof. <br /> , Any amnums dishurscd by I ,cndcr pursuanl lo Ihis pnragruph 7, wilh inicrest thcrcnn. �;hall bccomc aJdiiional <br /> inJeblcdncss of I1on'owrr sccurcd hy Ihis Mort�agc. Unlcss Norrmacr :ind I .cndcr a�!rcc tn othcr tcrnis of paymenl, such <br /> amounis shall bc payablu upon nrnice from I.cndcr lo Ilorrowcr rcyucclin� pa}'mcnl IhcrcoL and sh:dl bcar intcrcri frnm Ihc <br /> da�e of Jisbursement at Ihe rate pay,ihle (rom time [o time on oinstanding principal under the Note unless payment of <br /> interes� nt such rale would be contnry to applicablc I;nv, in nhich event such amouNs shall hear interesl :it ihc highest rate <br /> ; � permissibic under applicahlc law. Nothing wntnined in this parnFraph 7 shall require Lendcr to incur any expcnse or takc <br /> :iny action hcreunder. <br /> B. Inspectlon. I.cnder may make or cause to he madc rcasona6lc entrics upun :md inspections of ihe Prnperty, provided <br /> �� � Ihat Lender shall give Rorrower notice prior to nny such inspection spcci (ying rcasonable cause iherefor rclateJ to I .cnder's <br /> interest in the Pruperly. <br /> 9. Cundemnatinn. The pruceeds uf an}' award or claim for damaces, Jirec� nr ci�nsequential, in conneclion wi�h any <br /> condemnalion or other takin� of Ihe !'roperty, or part �hercnf, or for conveyance in licu nf condemnation, are herehy :�ssigned <br /> and shall be paid to i.ender. <br /> in the event of a toial taking of the I'ropeny. Ihe proceeJs shall he applied tu the sums secnred hy this Morigage, <br /> with t6e excess, if any, paid to F3orrowec In the even� of a partial t:iking of Ihe Prnpertp. anlezs I3nrrower and Lender <br /> olhenvise agrce in writing, there shall bc applicd to ihc sums secured by ihis Atortgage such prnportiomof ihe procecds <br /> as is cyual ro thnt proportion �ehich the ;imount nf the sume securcJ hy this �turtFage immediaiely prinr to ihe dale of <br /> � . tnking hcars to Ihe (air markel value o( Ihc Property immediatel}' prior lo lhe dote n( takinc. wi�h the balance of the proceeds <br /> - paid lo I3orrower. <br /> If Ihe Property is abandoned hy Bnrrower, or if, after noticc hy I.ender to l3orrower that the condemnor offers to make <br /> an award or seule a daim for damages, Ilorrower fails to respnnd lo Lender within 30 days aher [he date such notice is <br /> mailed, I.ender is mrthorized to collect and apply the proceeds, at Lender's option, either m restomtion or repair of the <br /> j+ , Propertq or to Ihe sums secured hy ihis Morteage. <br /> �'� - Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agrce in �vriting, any such applicatinn o( procecds to principal shall nol exlend <br /> _ or postpune thc due date of the monthly installments referred ro in paragraphs I and 2 hereof or ch�nge Ihe amount of <br /> such instatlments. <br /> � 10. [Sorrower Not Releused. Extension of the time fnr p:iyment ur mndification of amortization of Ihe sums secured <br /> t : b}' Ihis Mortgage granted hv Isnder to any successor in interes� of Aorrok•er shall nol operate tn release, in anV manner, <br /> ?� ihe liahility nf Ihe original 6orrower and t3on�ower's succes:ors in interest. Lender shall not be required to commence <br /> s� proceeJings agains[ such successor nr refuse to extend � ime (or payment or othenrise mndify nmorti2nlion n( the sums <br /> secured by Ihis Mongage by reasun o( :my dem;mJ m:�de by the or.1',II11I IjOffON'Cf :111(I I�UffOWCf S successnrs in interes�. <br /> ; ( 1 . Forbenroncc by Lender Nof n Waicer. Any fonc�arancc hy I.cnder in excrcising ant� right nr remedy hereundcr, or <br /> nlhenvise afTnrded by applicable law, sh;ill not he .i waiver ol or preclude Ihe esercise o( ;my such right or remedy. <br /> � The procurement of insurance or the poymcnt of taxcs or n� her licns ur charges hy Lender shall not bc a uaiver nf I_ender's <br /> right to nccelerate the mmurily o[ the indehtednecs cecurcd hy this btartgnce. . <br /> 12. Remedies Cumulative. All remedies provided in ihit 11ong:ige aro distinct �nd cumulative to :�ay other right or <br /> rcmedy under this T�lorteaFc or afforded bt� law or cyui�y. and may hc excrciscd concurrenlly, independenll}' or successivel,v. <br /> ;; � 13. Suttessurs and Assigns Bound; )nint and Secer,d ►.iabilify; Captions. 'I'he covenants and ❑ereements herein <br /> containeJ shail bind, and the rights hercunder sh;iil inure to, thc rctipectivc succetsnrs and assipns of Lender and Borrawer. <br /> t �. subject to the pravisions of paragraph 17 hercof. All covenants and ;igrccmenis of Borro�ver shnll bc joint and scvenl. <br /> The captions and headings ot the paragraphs o( Ihis Dlorteagc are fnr convenicncc onl}' :mJ ;ve nol to be used ro <br /> intcrpre[ or dcfinc thc provisions hcrcof. <br /> 14. Notice. Ezccpt for any notice rcyuired under ;ipplicablc law tn bc givcn in anothcr manncr, fal any notice to <br /> f3orrower provided (or in this Mortgage sh:dl be civen by mailing such notice by certified m:�il addressed to Borro�cer at <br /> ; the Yroperty Address or at such other address as Borruwer map designate by nolice to 1_ender as pravided herein, and <br /> � (h) any notice tn 1_enJcr shall be given hy ccrtificd mail, return rcccipl rcyuestcd, m Lender's address slalcd herein or to <br /> � such other address as Lender may desiGnate 61' notice to [3urruwer as provided herein. Any notice provided for in this <br /> Dlortgage sh:di be dcemed to havc hcen givcn to Borrn��cr or Lcndcr ���hen givcn in �hc m::nner dcsignatcd hercin. <br /> 15. Uni(artn Mort�agc; Go�•crnin� La�� ; Sererabilih•. "1 his (nrm nf mortcagc comhines uniform covenants for national <br /> use and nomuniform covenants �vith limited v;viations by jurisdiction to constiiute a uniform security instrument covering <br /> real �roperty. 7his Dlortgaee shall bc governed bv ihi law n( the jurisdiction in which thc Property is locatcd. In ihe <br /> event th;�t any pmvision or clause of Ihis D1ortgage or the Note cnnllicts wiih applicahle law, such con(lict shall not afiect <br /> t� o�her provisione of ihis Mortpagc nr Ihc Nmc which can bc givcn cfTcct wiihnut Ihc conflictin�; prn�•ision, and to this <br /> cnd thc pro�•isions of thc Mortgagc and thc tiotc :�re dcclared to bc sevcrablc. <br /> 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shall bc (urnishcd a confnrmcd cop�� o( thc Notc and of thiti Mnrtgage al �hc timc <br /> of execution or after recordation hercof. <br /> 17. Trans(er of ihc Property; Ariumplion. 1( all or any part of ihc Property or an intcres� ihercin is sold or �ransferred <br /> 6y [3orrower without I.ender's prinr wriucn consent, ezcluding f:0 � he cmation o( ;� licn ur er�cumbnnce suhordina�c to <br /> this 1�lortgage. (b) the creation of a purchase muney securil}• intcres� for houschold appli�nces, (c) a trans(er by devise. <br /> descent or by operation of l�u� upon the dcath of a jnim tcnam or (dl the gram o( anp Ic;�schold interest of three vears or less <br /> not conlaining :m option lo purchase, Lender m;ry, :�� Lender's aplion, declare all ihe sums secured by this �Iort�:aFe to be <br /> immeJiatcly due :mJ payable. Lender shall ha� e waived such option tu :iccelera�c it, prior to the �ale or transfer. Lender <br /> and thc person to ��•hom �hc Propeny is tu bc sold or tr:msfcrred rcach agncmcnt in writing �hat thc crcdil of such person <br /> ; is satisFactory to LcnJcr and that thc intcrest papablc on thc sums �ccurcd by Ihis �1ortgagc shall be at such ratc as LcnJcr <br /> ''' sh;dl reyuest. If Lender has w:iived the opiion io ;�cccicr�te prnvided in this p:iragraph 17. :md if [3orrowers successor in <br /> �� inlerest h�s execuled a wrilten assumption agrcement accepted in ���riting hp I_ender, Lender shall rclease Uorrower from all <br /> i obligations undcr this T4or[gage and ihc Note. <br /> I( Lender exercises such option tn acccler:uc. LenJer shall mail Rorru«�cr notice of acceleration in acrordance with <br /> paragraph 14 hercoL Such notict shall pruvidc a period uf not Icss than 30 da}�s I«�m thc datc thc nolicc is mailcd µ�ithin <br /> �• which Borrowcr ma}' pay ihc tiums declarcd duc. if I3orro�+ cr Liils ro pay such sums priur in ihc cspir:dion of such period. <br /> �, � Lcndcr m;�}', w'ilhoul (urthcr noticc or dem;md on 13orroH�cr, invokc ;my «mcdics permiucd by paraeraph IR hcrcuf'. <br /> � <br /> Non-UNieonn� CovF;Hnv rs. 13orruwcr and Lcndcr lurthcr c�xcnam .md aFrec as follnw� : <br /> 18. Acceleraliun; Remedies. Execpl as provided in paray�r:iph 17 hereot, upnn BorroN�cr's breach of any covenan� or <br /> agreement of Unrro�r•er in Ibis Alort�;vge, iucludin� Ihe rnven:mis lu pay �vhen duc any sunu sccured by ihiz 1lorlgage. <br /> I.ender prior lo •rcceleralion shall mail nolitt lu Iiurruwcr as pro.ided in �ILf:I(;f8�1I1 l4 henof specifving: � 1 ) the breach; <br /> (2) lhe action reyuircd to cure such Greach; (�) J IIOIC� nol ksti Ihan �I) (I:I,yti �fUIO �Ill` IIBII• Ihe nolice iti mailed lo Dorrower. <br /> by which such hrcach mus! 6c cureJ; and W) thal failure to curc such brc•rch un ar bcfurc Ihc dalc spcci(ieJ in thc nuticc <br /> may resull in acceler•rliun ut the sums secured by ihis �1urIR��;e. farerlusure II,V JIIILf18I �IfUCI•Clllll� JIIII S:III' U� Illl• Pruperty. � <br /> '1'he nolice shall tuAher infonn Bormwer uf Ihc ri�;ht lo rcinslalr after acceleratiun m�d the ri�;ht lo as�ert in the fineclusure . , ',�; , , . <br /> proceedin{� the nun-existence of a default or any u�hcr drfenu uf Dnrtuwer lu acecleratiun und foreclusure. 1[ the brcad� N <br /> iti not curcd un or befure Ihe ilalr specilird in li�e nolice. LenJer al Lender's oplion ma�' declare all of Ihe sumti srcured by � ; . <br /> � t6is Morl�a�;e lu IK immeJialrly due and payable nilbnul furlher demanJ antl m:q' fureclotie b�' judicial proceeJin�;. Lender � <br />� shull be enlilled lu cullect in procreJiug ;dl expenses of (oreclusure, includin�, bul nuf limilyd Iu. cusfs u( documentuq� � �, - <br /> cvidencc, abslracls und lillc rcports. � , <br /> a 19. Borro�rrrs Ri�ht lo Rcintif�lc. !`:ot�� ilhsLinding I .cndcr'ti ;�eccicralion n( Ihc smnc scc��rcd b}' thi� ��InrtF;igc. (i) � <br />`�� Ilorruwcr shall havc ihc right w I7:14L` .IIIV ��n�rrcdmgs bcgun hc I cudcr tc� cnlorcc this �fong:�gc discontimicJ at an}' Gnn. � <br />�n <br /> , K58-Form 10, Page 3 <br />� <br />� � rsa.�� L_ I <br />, g� J <br /> i <br /> .} <br /> F <br /> F <br /> 3 <br />