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��„� � . ��k� <br />�. � <br /> y��:,�y� � �6- ( ) �) � ) � � <br /> 4�+"." UNIPORM COVL'NANTS. 13oftOWC! :md Lendcr covcnnnt and agree as foUows : <br />'��,� 1 . Pnyment of I'rinclpal and LileresL Ilnrrower shail prompdy pay whcn duc the princip;�l of and interat on tFe <br /> indebtedness evidenceJ by the Note, prepayment and latu charges as providcd in Ihc Nnte, and the principnl of anJ interest <br /> on any FuWre AJvnnces secured by ihis Mortgagc. <br /> 2. Fun�Ls for 1'u:es and Insurance. 5ubject to applicable I¢w or to a wriUen waiver by I,cnder, Ilorcower shall pay <br /> to l.ender on the day monthly installments of principal �md inlerest are payahle unJer the Notc, unlil thc Notc is puid in full, <br /> a sum (hercin "Funds") cyual tu onc•twelfth of thc ycady taxes ;md as'scssmcnts N'I71Ctl may attain priority over Ihis <br /> � Mortgage, and ground rents on the Property, if any, plus one-lwcl(Ih of ycarly prcmium ins�allmcnts for harard insurancc, <br /> plus one-[weltth of yearly premium instullmcnts tor mortgage insurance, if uny, all as reasonabty estimated initially and from <br /> time to time by Lender on thc basis of assessments and bilis and rcasonablc estimates thereof. <br /> The Funds shall he held in an institution the deposits or accuunts of which are insured or guarantecJ by v I'cderal or <br /> state agency (including Lender if LenJer is such an institWion ) . 1_ender shall apply the Punds to pay said taxes, assessments, <br /> ` insurance premiums and ground rents. Lender may not charge for so holding and applying Ihe FunJs, amdyzing said account, <br /> or verifying and compiling said assessments and bills, unless Lender p:rys Uorrower in�erest on the Funds and applicahle law <br /> permits Lender to make such a charge. Borrower xnd Lender m:ry agrec in writin� at ihc lime of esecution ot this <br /> h{ortgage that interest on tlye FunJs shall be paid to t3orrower, and imless such agreemcnt is made or applicabte law <br /> requires such interest to be paid, I.ender shall no� 6e requircd tu p;q� liurrow�cr any interesl or earnings on thc l��mds. Lender <br /> shall give to Uorrower. without charge, an annual accounting o( thc Punds shuwine credits and debits to the PunJs and the <br /> purpose [or which each debit to ihe Punds was made. "fhe I�unds aro pledged as addition;il security for the sums secured <br /> by this Mortgngc. <br /> If the amount of the Funds heid by Lendcr, �ogcther with the fnture monthly intitallmcnts of PnnJs payablc prior to <br /> �f the due dates of taxes, assessments, insurance premiums and ground rents, sh;dl extccd the antuunt rcyuircd to pay saiJ taxes, <br /> assessments, insur;mce premiums and ground «nts ;is they fall duc, such e.�cess sh;dl be, at Borrower's option, cither <br /> prompdy repaid m Borrower or crcdited to I3orrnwer on monlhly installments of Punds. If the :miount o( the Funds <br /> held by Lender shall not be su0icient to pay taxes, ;�ssessmcnts, insurance premiums and ground rents as they (.dl due. <br /> Dorrower shall pay to 1_ender any amount nccessary to m;�ke up the dcliciency within 30 days Irom the date notice is mailed <br /> ' by Lender to Dorrower reyuesting payment thereol. <br /> � Upon payment in full of all sums secureJ by this I�longage, Lendcr shalt prompdy rclunJ to Uonower any Funds <br /> = held by Lender. 1t under p;aagraph 18 hereof the Praperty is sold ur ihc Property is uthenvisc acyuired by Lendcr, Lcnder <br /> ' shall apply, no later than immedialel}' prior to ihe sale of the Yropert}' or its acquisition by Lendcr, any Punds hcld by . � <br /> Lender at �he time of application as a credit against the sums secured by this Afong;igc. <br /> '` 3. Application of Puymcnts. Unless applicable law pruvides othcrwise, all paymcnts reccived by I.cnder under the <br /> Note and paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof sh:dl be applicd 6y Lcnder first in paymen� of amuuuts payuble to 't .enJer b}' l��rrower <br /> j under paragraph 2 herwf, then to interest payable on thc Nu�c, thrn to the principal of the Nete, �ind then to imerest and <br /> '; principal on any Puwre Advanccs. <br /> ;, 4. Charges; Lic��s. fiorro�scr shall pay all uixes, assessmcn�s :md olher chorgcs, fines and imposiliuns attributuble tu <br /> the Property which may attain a priority over this I�fungage, aud Icaschuld payments or �round rents, if any, in the manner <br /> � provided under paragraph 2 hereof or, i[ not paid in such manner, 6y Borrower making payment. �shen duc, directly to the <br /> ' payee thercof. Borrower shal! prompAy furnish to Lender all nuticcs ol amounts duc under this paragraph. and in the event <br /> Dorrower sha11 make payment directly, Burrower shall promptly lumish to L�nder reccipts evidencing such payments. <br /> Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien which has prioriry over ihis b7ortgage; providcd, th.rt Llorrower shall not bc <br /> r�quired to discharge any such licn su long ns {�orrower shall agree in ��'riting to ihe p:�yment ot the obligation secureJ by <br /> such lien in a manner acceptuhle to Lcnder, or shall in good (aith cuntest such licn by, or defend enCorccment ot xuch licn in, <br /> legal proccedings which oper.i�e W prcvent thc enforcemcnl uf �hc lirn ur tor(ciwrc u[ the Property or an}' p:irl thereof. <br /> - 5. Hnzard insurance. 13urrowcr shall kcep the improvcmenls nuw cxisling or here�Ctcr crectcd on thc Pruperty insured <br /> - agains[ loss hy fire, hazsrds included within �he term "exlended covemge", and such other hazards as l .ender may rcyuire <br /> * and in such amounts and for such periods as Lcudcr may rcyuirc: pruvided, that Lcnd�r sh:�ll not rcyuirc t6at �hc amount oC <br /> such covenge excced that amuunl uf covernge reyuired tu pay the sums sccurcd by this btongage. <br /> � The insurnnce carricr providing the insurance shall be chosen by 13orrower subject to approval by Lender, provided, <br /> that such approval sh�Jl not be unreasunahl}' wilhhelJ. All premiums un insurance policics sh:dl be paid in the manner <br /> provided under paragraph 2 hereof or, iC not p;iid in such munner, b} Ilurro�cer makin� p:ryment, �ahen due, direclly to the <br /> �: insurancc carricr. <br /> s: All insuranec policies and rene�+ als thercot shall be in lurm acceptable tu Lender anJ shall include ;� }tandard mortg:�ge <br /> clausc in [avor of :u�d in form acccptablc tu Lcndcc Lcndcr sh;ill h:rvc thc right iu hold thc pulicics ;md rencw:ils thcreuf. <br /> " :md Borrower sh:iil promp�ly fumish to Lender all rencu :il nuticcs ;uid ;ill receipis uf p;iid prcmiunu. In Ihe c� ent o( lass. <br /> y: [3orrowcr sh:dl gi��c prumpt noticc io thc insurmcc nirricr ;md L.cndcr. Lcndcr ma�� makc proul u( loss il not nwdc prumpity <br /> by Borrowcr. <br /> Unless Lender and Borru��•er olhenvise atirec in wri�in�, in,urance procccds sh;Jl be applicd �o restor:uion or rep:iir of <br /> the Property damaged. provideJ such restoratiun ur rcp��ir is economic;�lly fe:�sible nnd ihe sccurity of this I�torlgage is <br /> not �hereb}• impaired. lt such restoratiun or rcpair is not ecunumic:ill}' Ie;isible ur il the securilq of �his 1�torlgage would <br /> be impaired, the insurancc proceeds sh:d( be applicd tu Ihe sums securcd by this �turtga}�c, �+ ith ihe e�cess, if ;my, paid <br /> io u�«�w��. �r �n� t�ro��ny �� ahandoncd by Burro��•cr, ur it Burzuwcr lails �u respond lu Ixndcr within 30 da}'s trom thc <br /> d:uc noticc i� m:iiled by Lcndcr tu 1)urrowcr th:it ihc insurancc c:uricr ultcrs �o tic1Uc a claiin for in�ur.incc hcncliis. Lcndcr <br /> i� is authorized to collect snd ;ipplp the insurance proeceds at LenJer's uption either to resror.uion ur repair ol the Pruperty <br /> or to the sums sccurcd by ihis MortE�6� <br /> Unless Lender and Burruwer otherwi,c agrec in wriling, any such applir.i� ion o( proceeds to princip:il sh;dl nul ezlend <br /> or pustpone the due d,ite o( lhe monihly installmenls rc(errcd tu in paragraphs I ;md 2 hereof ur ch:u�ge the amount of <br /> such iustallmcnts. lf undcr paragr,iph IS hcroof thc Pro�xorty is acyuircd by Lcndcr, all right , iillc and intcresl of florrowcr <br /> in and W any insurance policics and in �ud iu thc procccds thcrcu( resuliing lrom Jam;�gc lo thc Pru�xrly prior W ihc salc <br /> or acyuisition sh;dl pass �o LcnJcr lo thc cctcnt of thc sums sccurcd by Ihis Murl�agc immcdiatcty prior tu such s;dc or <br /> acyuisitiun. <br /> " 6. Yreservalion aud �t•rinfenance of Property; Leaseholds: Condominiums: Plamicd Unil Uevclupmenls. l3urrower <br /> � shall kccp thc Property in good rep:iir :md shall not commit was�c or permit impairmcnt or Jctcriuratiun of thc Property <br /> and shall comply with thc provisions of any Ic1se i( this �lorlgagc is un a Ic:�schold. II thi, �torigagc is un a unit m a <br /> condominium or a planned unit dcvclopmenl, Ilon�ower shall perlorm all of 13orrower's obii�;;rtions undcr thc dcdaraliun <br /> or covenants creating or governing the cundmninium ur planned unit Jevelopiuent, the by-laws and regulatious o( Ihe <br /> condominium or planned unit development. :md conslitucnt Jocumcnts. If a conJominium or pl;mned unit Jevclupment <br /> rider is executed by Borrow�er and recorded logether wilh �his A1ortgage. the coven�inls aod ;igrecmenls of such rider <br /> � sh:ill be incorporuteJ into and sh;�ll amcnd and supplcmen[ the covcn:mis and agrccmcnu uf this Murtgagu az if the rider <br /> wcrc a part hcreoL <br /> 7. Yrotection uI Lender'a Securily. I ( Ilorrower C;iils to perfurm Ihe covenants ;md agreements containeJ in this I . <br /> Mortgagc, or if any action or procccding is commcnced which matcri;dly allcc�s LcnJcr's inlcrest in thc Property. � -�. ^fi: • <br /> - includinS, but not limited lo, cmincnt domain, insulvcncy. codc cn (urccmcN, or arrangcmcnts or prucccdings involving a N} . . <br /> L bankrupt or deceJrnt. then Lender al Lendcr's upliun, upon notice �o Burrowcr, may rnnke such appcar.inccs. Jisburse such a � <br /> sums and �ake such action us is necessary to pro�ect Lender's m�crest, mcludin�;, but not limited �o. disburscmcnl u( <br />� : reasonable attomey's fecs :md eNry upun lhe Proper�y to make repairs. il Isnder rcyuircd murigage insur:mce as a d' � . <br /> t� � condition o[ m.ilcing the loan secureJ hy this Mortgage. 13orrowe: shall p;q' ihe premiums rcyuired lo mainCiin such t`' <br />' insur.mce in eliect until such time us Ihe reyuirement for such insuranee terminates in aecorJancu �eith Ilorro�wer's ,md � <br />� � <br />:,� <br /> KSB-Form 10, Paqa 2 <br />�<;.� <br /> � � � . � � <br /> b <br />, �_ <br /> � <br /> � <br /> r <br />