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<br /> htORTCAGI?
<br /> A10RTCACG LOAN N0. � ZP.Z9�
<br /> r KNOW ALL�1GN Rl'TFIESG PR�S[NTS:That Gordon D. Ruark and Col l een F. Ruark, each i n hi s and
<br /> �
<br /> her own right and as spouse of each other,
<br /> Mortgagur,whether one or more,in wnsideration of the sum of
<br /> Five Thousand Five Hundred and No/100--------------------------------------------- uoL�nes
<br /> � loaned lu said tnortgagor 6y The Equitablc Building and Luan Aswciatiun of Grand Island,Nebraska,I�fu�tgagee,upon 55 shares of stock of
<br /> s;riJ ASSOClATION,Certifcate No.L 22�29� ,du hereby grant,convey and r�ortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION the tollowing
<br /> � descrihed re�l estate,situuted in Hall County,Nebraska; �
<br /> " together wid� all the tenertixnts,heredituments and appurtenances therewno belunging,including attached tloor coverings,ull winduw screens,
<br /> a� window shades,blinds,sWrtu winJows,awnings,heating,air cunditioning,and plumbing and water eyuipment and accessories therero,pumps,stoves,
<br /> refrigeruto�s,end other fixwres and equipmem now or hereafter attached tu ur used in eunncctiun�vith said rral esLate.
<br /> hx:� � And wliereas the said murtgagor h�s ugrecd and dues hcreby agree that thc mongagur shall and will pay all taxes anJ assessments levied or
<br /> � assesstd upon uid premius and upon this mortgage and the bund secured thereby 6eforo the s�me shall become delinquent:to furnish appruved .
<br /> � insurance upon the buildings on s�id premises situated in die sum ul'S 5,5��.�� p�}'able tu said ASSOCIATION and to deliver to saiJ
<br /> ASSOCIATION the pulicies fur said insurance;snd nat ro wmmit u�permit any w�aste un or nbout s�id pmmises; .
<br /> In case of default in the performance of any uC the terms and mnditium uf this morlgage ur the 6ond mcured hereby,the mortgagce shall,
<br /> on demand,be emi0ed to immediate pusussion u(thc mongaecd premiscs and the nwrtgagun c�reby assigns, transfers and seu over lo the
<br /> � morigagee ulI thc renis,revenues and i�reome to be darived frum the mongagad prcmises Juring such time as the murtgago indeUtedness sliall�emain
<br /> ' unpaid(8111I llll`IDUf�F8s2C SI78II II�VC(IIL'�ON'Cf lU J�tEl01(Il�II)'8El'Ol Uf BQ,L•I7[5 11 ntay desire Ibr tl�e purpose uf rep�iring uid premises and rcnling .
<br /> �he same und collecting the rents,reecnues aud income,anJ it may puy uut u(said incume all expenses uC repai�ing said premises and necessary
<br /> - commissions and eapenses incurred in renting�nd m�naging the samr and oC collecting rentals there(rom: lhe balxnce remaining,if any,tu be
<br /> ,4 applied�o���a�d the discharge u(said murtgage indebtedness;ticex rights ul'the mungagee may be exereised at any time during tlie existence uCsuch
<br /> y . default,irrespective of uny temporap�waiver uf the same.
<br /> `` � - Thcx Prexnts,hnwever,arc upon the Cundition,That il thc saiJ M1furtgagor shall repay s�id loan un or belbre the maturity of said sharcs by
<br /> {� � payment:pay mondily to said ASSOCIATIO\ul Uie sum apecilied in the Bund secuced hereby as intecest:�nd principal un said loan,on ur befuce
<br /> +. .. thc T��'enlie�h day of cach anJ erery month,until s�id luan is tully paid;Vay all iases and assessments leviad ugxinst said premises und on diii Afungage �
<br /> � and the Bund secured thrreby,belore delinyuenc};furnish app�uced insurana upon the buildings ihe�eon in�he sum of S 5�500.00 payablt
<br /> k IU S:IItI ASSOCIATIOi�.fC�B)'�u s�id ASSOCIATIOV upon demanJ all muney bp ii paid lur such t;�xes.assessments auJ insurance wuh intercst at
<br /> i � the m�ximum lagal ru�e Ihereon Irum datc oi papment all uf whi�h Nortgagu�hereby agrees tu pay:prrmit nu w�ste on said premi�es;keep and cumply
<br /> � u�ith all the agrremrnts and conJitio�u u(the Bond(or 5 5�500.Q� this day gh�zn by the said Alortgngw to said ASSOCIA110N,and comply
<br /> �4'llll 8II IIIC fCyLLIICI➢Cf115 OI l�il'COI1SU�tIl1UI1�I7(I BY-L:IWS U�s�id ASSOCIATI01:ih^n these prosents shall becume null and void,udienaise thty
<br /> � shall remain in full furce and may be foredosed at thr uptiun ul'ihe siid ASSOCIAI'ION after (ailure lor three months to ntakt any ui said
<br /> payments ur br ihrce muntlis in�nears in making said munthly payin�ius.ur w keep and cumply with the ag�eements and cunditiuns uC said Bond;
<br /> � . and Dlortg�got agrees�o liave�receiver appuinted(orthwith in such fu�eclwure pcoceedings.
<br /> � I(there is any ch�nge in u�vncrsLip of thr re�l es��tc nwrlgagcd herein,by s�lc or a�henvise,lhen tl�e entire remaiuing iudebtedness hereby
<br /> � secweJ shall,at the op�ion uf 7'he L'yuitable Building anJ Luan As:ociation ol Grand Island,\ebcaska,becume immediatrly due und payeble wiQwut
<br /> r � furiher notice,and the amount «maining due under said Uund,and any other bond(ur any additional advances enade thereunder,shall,Irom the
<br /> . daie of excrcise uf said option,bcar inlerest at thc maximum legal ratc,and this murtgage may then ba foreclused to satisly the amount duc on said
<br /> F� bund,and any uther bond fur uddi�ional advances,together aith all sunu paid by said"fhe[quila6lz Auilding and Luan Assuciation o(Grand Island,
<br /> Nebraska for insurunce,taxrs and xssr.svnents,and abstracling exlensiun cliarges, x�ith inteiest thereun, fmm d�te ot payment at the maximum
<br /> - Icgal rate.
<br /> � AS provided in the Ifund secu�ed hereby,wliile this mortgage remains in effect the murtgagee maq hzrealter advance additional sums to the
<br /> makers uf said Uond,their assigns ur succeswrs in imerest,whicl�sums shall bu within the securiry of d�is morigagz the same as the(unds originally
<br /> � ucureJ Ihereby,tl�e Wtal smuunt u(principal de6t nut lu eaceed at any�ime�he original emuwu of diis murlgagn.
<br /> n���a�i,+s 1 th r�]� Au s t ,�.n..�`-�76 ^
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<br /> Z �-�'�r�,,- ;i ;:t_«�a/
<br /> or on . u� y Co leen F. Ruark
<br /> STATE OF NEBItASKA, ss. On this ��th day oC August 1'y( ,before me,
<br /> the undersigned,a Nutery Public in un1 fur said County,personally came � ,
<br /> Gordon D. Ruark and Colleen F. Ruark, each in his and her own right and as spouse of each M --
<br /> L other ���� dre persunaltyknownto � 'r
<br /> me to be the identical person5 whose nameS are affixed lo thc above insuumea as murtga ur S ���� they secerally �
<br /> acknowledged tlie said inslrument to be thei r• voluntary act and deed. 1 �� �
<br /> � K'ITNLSS my hund and Nutarial Seal the date aCoresaid. �' / �
<br /> /
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