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<br /> Af O R'IGACG
<br /> M1tOR'fGAGIil.0ANN0. L 22,288
<br /> KNOWALLMIiNllYT11LSEPRGSI;NTS:That James A. Stout and Jodell A. Stout, each in his and her
<br /> ; (
<br /> OWiI ri ght dfld dS Sp0US2 0� @dCh other, hlorlga�;or,wheqier une or more,in consideration of the sum of
<br /> Thirty-six Thousand and No/100---------------------------------------------------- Do[.�nRs
<br /> loaned to said murtgagor 6y 1'he Equitable Uuilding and Luan Assuciation of Grand Island,Nebraska,Murlgagee,upon 360 shares of stock of
<br /> said ASSOCIATfON,Certificatc No.L 22>288 ,du hereby gr�nt,convey and mortgagc unta the said ASSOCIATfON tl�e(ollowing
<br /> � described real estate,situuted in Hall Coiuriy,Nebraska:
<br /> i
<br /> �ogather with all �he �enrments,hereditaments and appurtenances thereuuw belunging,including attached iluor COYCf1f165,all window screens,
<br /> window shades,6linds,sto�m windnws,awnings,heating,air cr,nditioning,and phm�bing and weter eyuipment and accessuries thereto,pumps,stoces,
<br /> refrigerators,;�nd other fixwres and eyuipment now ur hereafte:attached to or used in cum�ection���ith said rcal estate.
<br /> And whereas the said mortgagor has agreed and dors hereby agree thst the mur�gagor ehall and will pay aIl taxes and assessments levied or
<br /> assessed upon said premius and upon ttiis mortgage and the bond secured thereby 6efbre the same shall becomr delinquent ro turnish approved
<br /> . insurance upon the 6uildings on said premises situateJ in d�e sunt of S 3(����.0� paYable tu said ASSOCIATION and to deliver to said �
<br /> +� �' ASSOCIATION Ihe policies for said insurance;and noi tu cummit or permit any waste on or about said premises;
<br /> In case of de(ault in the performance uC any u(the tenns and conditions o�this mortgage ur the bond securcd hereby,the mortgagee shall,
<br /> on demaud,be entided to immcdiate possession of the mortgaged premises and the murtg�gur hereby assigns, trans(ers and sets over to the
<br /> murtgagee all ihe rents,revenues and incume to be derived frum the mortgageJ premises during such time as the murtgage indebcedness shall rcmain
<br /> �. i; unpaid:and dte morlgagee shall have the po���er lo appoint any agem or agents it may desirc for the purpose of repairing said premises and renting
<br /> . the same and collecting the�ents,rncenues und income,and it may pay out of said income all expenses of repairing sxid premises and necessary �
<br /> commissiuns and expenses incurred in renting and managing the same and of collecting rentals therefrom:the balanca remaining,if any,to be
<br /> � spplied taward the dischurge o(said mortgage indehtednesr,these rigtus ol the murtgagee may be exerciseJ at any time during die exiscencz uf such
<br /> def�utt,irrespective o(any lempurary waivzr of thz same.
<br /> ? . Thase Presents,hu�vever,are upon thc Cunditiun,That i(the said\tongagor shall repay said loan on or 6etore the maturity oC s�id share:by �
<br /> payment;pa}•munthly to said ASSOCIATIO`�of�hr swn specified in the Bond securcd heceby as interest and principal an said loan,un or befare
<br /> � the Tweniieth day o(each and every month,until s�id lu�n is(ully paid;pay all taxes and assessments levied against taid premises and on this t�tortgage
<br /> _�� and the BonJ secured thereby,befure delinyuency:furnish approved inmrance upon the buildings thereon in the sum nf S 36����.�� pa>'a61e
<br /> to said ASSOCIATIO`r';«pay to said ASSOClAT10N upon demand all mnney by it paid fur such taxes,assessments and insurxnce with interest at
<br /> ;� ' the maximum legal rate the�eon Gom Jate ui p�yment all of which�lorigaK��hereby ag[ees to pay;permit no waste on said premises;keep and comply
<br /> �:. � with all lhe agrerments and mnditions o(the Bond ibr S 36�QQQ.�Q this day gicen by the said Afortgagor to said ASSUCIATION.and wmply
<br /> wi�h all the requircments of Ihe Constitulion and Hy-Laws of said AS'b(:IATIOV;then these presents shall bzcome null�nd void,othenvise they
<br /> }� ' shall«main in full Ibrce and may be fureclused at the option ul'thc said ASSOCIATION a(ter (eilure for thrce muNhs to make any uf said
<br /> payments ur be three mondis in arrears in m�king said munthly payments,o�tu keep and comply wit6 the agreements and conditions oi said Bond;
<br /> � and btur�gagor agrees to have a receiver appuinted Ibrlhw•ith in such furrclosure pruceedings.
<br /> II diere is any change in ownership of the rcal cstate murtgagcd hemin,by sale or othenvise,then d�e entirc remaining indebtedness heceby
<br /> ; ; securcd shall,at tiie upliun of'Ihe Lyui�able Building and Lo�n Associatiun uf Grand Isl�nd,Nebreska,bewme iimnediately due and payable witlwut
<br /> funhei nmice,and the amuunt remaining due under s:iid bund,and any uther bond for any addition�l advances made thereunder,shall,(rum the
<br /> � date o(exercise of said uptiun,bear intcresl at thc maximum lrgal ratc,and this nwrtgage may thcn be furecloxd to satisfy the amuwu due on said
<br /> P . bund,and any ot6er bond for additional advances,together with alI sums paid 6y saiJ The Gyuitable duilding xnd Loan Association ol G�and Islxnd,
<br /> � Nebraska(or insurance,tases and assessments,and abstracting extensiun charges,with interest thereon, (rom date of payment a[the maximum
<br /> � legal rale.
<br /> As provided in thc 6oad secured hcreby,while this murtgage remsins in effec� ihe morigagee ma}•herea(ter advance additional sums to thc
<br /> +' , makers of sai nd,lheir assigns or sucttssurs in interest,which sums shall be within the security of this mortgege[he samr as the Cunds originally
<br /> � secured th by the total nmuunt�rincip�l debt not to excred at�ny time the original amount ol'this mortgage.
<br /> � e�� 5 9t , a� r August �°.��`�76, -
<br /> � j ,'� -�,;,..,�
<br /> ' °'� � _ ,f.,.. / ,- r=� � ?`l�
<br /> Jame . Stout / J3�TA Stout '
<br /> STA7 G OF NEBkASY.A, ��'"Y �;�y�f L� [� l y 7ra ,beforc me,
<br /> ss. On tl�is
<br /> COUNTY OF HALL� �
<br /> �� tl�e unders ened,a M1otary 1'ublic in and for said Cuunty,perxmally came • ,;
<br /> James A. Stout and Jodell A. Stout, each in his and �ier own right and as spouse of each N�,,;
<br /> � Ot{1@l'� ���10 are P��sonally known to � :
<br /> � me to 6e the identic�l person5 whose namo S a re a(fixed m the above instrument as mor�gagor$ and they severelly l ;�� �
<br /> � acknowled ed lhe said instrument to be r`� '
<br /> e thei r coluntary act and deed.
<br />, � WITNLSS my hand and Notarial Seal the date a(oresaid. �' . �, i,'tafs
<br /> .t��� '. /� . '
<br /> v,�. . �fy Commission expires I ' � '� �'
<br /> �j, GENEfi'ILGrliAfiY 5 tadh.:yr�L�f/��-� ���-� � �"``(�'
<br />� P 't1 � C I,LE ::i'�otary Public '
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