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<br /> A
<br /> � MOATGAGE—SaWnge ond Laan Poim—(Dlre� .redit Pl�) 255•2 (SpodaU
<br /> � m� 4�;6 MORTGAGE
<br /> �.s.,�'b- 0 0 9
<br /> Laan No
<br /> ��.:r..: iFi19 INDENTURE,made �n�• 19th a�o� d U I y .19 76�by�d betwaea � . .
<br /> ROBERT E. THOP9AS AIJD L[ONA L. THOMAS, husband and wife, each in his and her own rlqht
<br /> � ; and as spouse of the other,
<br /> � � o� Ha I:I����. rauaty.Nebraika,an mortgagn S aad Home Federal 3aviaqe and Loan AeaodaHon ol Grand ldand,
<br /> ' a cotpomflon organlzed md e�ndag under tha lawe o!Nebrmka with IU princ5pal olltce and place ol bueVaena at G�and Isl�d.Nebraalca, .
<br /> � aa mortgagee;
<br /> WI7NESSETH: That eald moxtgagor S lor aad fa conefderaqon of Iho eum of
<br /> TYIENTY FOUR THOUSAND AND IJO/100----------------------------------- o��al, �s 24•000.00 �,
<br /> tha receip!of wt�tch ie hereby aalmowledged,do_by theee precome monqaqe and wmmnt unto eaid matgagee, ite eucceanon md .
<br /> � aeatqna,forever,all the lollowing deecilbed ceal eelato, elluated in the county ot Na I I
<br /> ' and State o!Nebrmka,to-w1L•
<br /> r
<br /> '; � �
<br /> ; 7o elher with all hoatln ll hHn nad l�mbin e
<br /> j g q, g g, p g qWpment and li:turoa,includiaq etokon and burnen,saeem,awuinge,etormwindows
<br /> +F and doore.aad windaw ehadee or blindn,used on or In connection wi�h eaid propa�ty,whethec the eamo ace now located on said pcoperty
<br /> �� , S or horealter placed Wereon. $ �
<br /> 1' 3 TO HAVE IiND TO HOLD THE SAME,logether wi�h all and einqular�ho tenemante,horaditamante aad appurtenaaces thoreunto beloaq• $$•
<br /> �� ing,or in anywiae appenaining,lorever,and warsant Wo tille to tho eame. Said moitgagor 5 hereby coveaant_wlth eaid mortgaqee '
<br /> s: � ihat��o_� ��e at the delivery heroof,ihe lawful owner_.+_` ol iha premieee above mnveyvd and dencri6ed,and ��F' $
<br /> { selzod of a good or.d indoleaeiblo enlato of inhoritonce thotoin.lrea ond deaT o!oll encumbrancee,and that 1 hoL wlll wanaat and �
<br /> . j defond the tille therelo loreve�agaia�t t6a claimn and demands of all p�rsot�n whomsocvec i . .
<br /> ; ?
<br /> i�� . PROVIDED ALWAYS, and thia uutrument ie executed and dollvared to secure the payment ot tho eum o� -
<br /> } TWENTY FOUR THOUSAND AND NO/100--------------------------------nollare (S 24.000.00 �,
<br /> ; wflh inte:eat thexeon,togolher with euch chargea and advancee ae may be duo and payablo to eatd mortqagee under the torme and $
<br /> i�, � conditlone of the promieaory nota ol oven dato herewith and eecured heroby,ezecuted hy eaid morigagor 5 to eaid morigague,payable T
<br /> ; � ae ezpieeaod tn satd aote,md to eccure the pedormaace ot all the to�ma md wadi�fom contained thornln. 7he terma ol eaid no�e are �
<br /> � S hece6y incorpoiated herein by thls telerence.
<br /> 'r �� It ia tha lntealion and agreement ol Ihe partiea hernto that thie moriqage shall aleo eocvro any luture adv�cea made lo eaid
<br /> � morlqogor S by sdd mortqagee, md any and all lndobtednaen la addltlon to tho mnount above etatod whtch eaid mo�tqaqore,or aaq
<br /> � o!lhem,may owa to eaid mortgagae,however ev(dencad whelher by nole,book acmunt or othenvisa. 2h[e mortgage ehall ramain in full
<br /> � force and eflect betweea the parttea hereto and thafr heire,poraoml tepreaenlalivea, eucceeeote and asaigne, until n11 amounU �ecuzed
<br /> x �- he[eunde4 Iaduding tutura advaacae,are pald In tull wilh S¢tereel.
<br /> : � The mo�tgagor 5 hecebp aenlgn_to eaid mortgageo all reate and Income az(eiaq ot any md all limea tiom eald pioperty aad }
<br /> hereby au�hociza naid morigagoa or ka ageal,at ite optiou, upon dolaul6 to take ch�ge of said property and coilect all rente and tnwme ;�
<br /> � Ihmelrom nnd apply the e¢mo to!ho paymenl of inlaro�p principal,lneutanca promtume,taxoe,ateaeamantn,iepaire or improvemeale aecoe•
<br /> . sary to keep wid proporty In tenantabla rnndllion,m to olher chnrgas or paymonu providad!or hereln or in tho note horeby eecurad. Thle
<br /> real aaslqtvneat ahall conqnue 3n locce unlil We unpaid bulante d eald notn fe tully paid Thq taklnq ol ponneaaion ho�aunder ehal!In ao
<br /> . manner preve¢t or retard eaid mortgagee In tha oollectlon o!aafd aume by foreeloau�e or other�riae.
<br /> � ' 'he lailure of !ho mortqaqee lo aua:l aay o!its dg6te hareunder at aay Ume ehatl not be conahued an a wdver ot lle right lo aexrt
<br /> Et++ tLe�ame at any later tlme,and lo Inalat upoa and edorce strid mmpllance with all Ihe terme aad p�ovielona of said note and of thia
<br /> �. F� mortgaga. �
<br /> $i ll said morigagor 5 ehall caux to be pald to said mortgagee tLe enttre amount due It hereunder,aad undoc 1he torme aad provieion�
<br /> � ot eald note hereby eacwed,(ncludinq tutu�e advmcan,anQ aay erien�lons or tenewale lhereol in accordaace with the lerm� �d piovlNona
<br /> �� thoraof,aad il wid mortqaqor_S ihall eomply�v{th al!tha p:ovLlane of said¢ota and o!thte morlgaqo,lhoa lhaee p�eae¢ta ehall ba votd;
<br /> - IS otherwies to romaia ln!uU(o[ce and etlec6 aad eald mortqaqee ahall ba enlllled to the poue�don o!all of aaid proparty.�d may,at Its
<br /> . � optlon,declare�he whols ol ea[d nols and al!indebtedneu repre�saled lhereby�0 6e lmmedlalely due and payable,md may loredose thi�
<br /> � morigage m take any olher leqal actton.to pwtoet!U dqhq and feom t6e date ol euch daludt all ilems ol Indob�edneu aecured Lereby S �., '...c,r +
<br /> ft ehall draw lata:eel at 9%per aaaum. Appraleemenl wai�ed { � � , �'-
<br /> � SS Thie mor�qags�hall ba bindinq upon aad�hall enuza lo ths I»nelll ot the h�ln,azetulon,adminlstiatvn,mcce�eon and m�iqn�o! � � � �
<br /> S3 tho raapeclive pante�heroto.. �
<br /> �,
<br /> IN WI7HFS9 WIff.REOP, wid Moriqaqor' ti� Ve hareuolo �et the i r �,cad 5 ihe day and ycar llnt above �'
<br /> h
<br /> S w[hlen. �_ :. .
<br /> -- /`�(/"" jL.�� -
<br /> Robert [. Thpmas /
<br />� �.�>c.ci ;3� �/'<=.,r:c..:,'
<br /> —����5 Om35
<br />, � � �
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