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' i <br /> i� - � . - �.:��,5. , <br />� � � r <br />� 76_ t) t1 � � 43 � <br />° MORTGAGORS MAY MAKE PREPAYMENTS OF PRINCIPAL ON ANY INSTALLMENT DUE DATE. SUCH PREPAYMENT SHALL BE <br /> APPLIED TO INSTALLMENTS LAST TO BECOME DUE UNDER THIS MORTGAGE. PROVIDED THE UNDERSIGNED ARE NOT IN DEFAULT <br /> . AND ARE THEN THE OWNERS Of THE MORTGAGED PROPERTY, UPON REQUEST OF THE UNUERSIGNED, OR EITHER OF THEM, <br /> � PAYEE AGREES TO FURNISH TO THE UNDERSIGNED 300% OF SUCH PRINC(PAL PREPAYMENTS, UNLESS ADVANCEMENT IS PRO• <br /> HIBITEG BY THE REGULATIONS OF CHARTERING AND SUPERV�SORY AUiHORITIES TNEN IN EFFECT, ALL SUCH ADVANCEMENTS <br /> � SHALL BE SECURED BY THIS MORTGAGE IN THE SAME MANNER AND EFFECT AS IF NO PREPAYMENTS HAD BEEN MADE. <br /> THE A10RTGAGOR rURTHER COVI'sNANTS AND AGRERS : <br /> . 7'hut the T9orlgaK�r ��•ill pay the indebtedness as hrn•inbefnro pnwided. . <br /> . 7'haL thr Morlgagor is ihu owner nf sairl prup��rtY in (eu aimplr .md has �;oud ri�;ht :md liiwlul authorit }� tn soll nnd . <br /> � convnv ihe eume and thirt th�• same is frei ;md cl��r�r of anY lirn nr encum6r+�nce; i�nd Ihal Rlurl �;a�;or will �enrrant :md drfrnd Ilie <br /> � lille to seid premiscv ugainst the claim5 uf rdl personx whomsoevi�r. <br /> 'I'o pt�y invnedinlely u•h��n due tind paysihli� nll gen�rnl tazcs, special taxes. aperinl a�����smnnl.s, wafer chifrgen, vewiar srrv� <br /> ice chr�rge::. nnd othor Wxe.� and clmrges a�;ainst naid property, nnd nll tazeh levird on Ihe drbt tiecured hereby. ;�nd to 1'urnish the <br /> �� �lortgngce, upon reyuest, with the original or duplicute recripts � huce(ur. 7'hu �lurignqur ngrees lhat. thero +hall be added ln <br /> ' each monthly pnymenl rrquirrd hereimder ur under the evidinci� of dr6t secived herrbl' �m amount e.;limated by tlu• Morlg��ger <br /> ln 6e suQicient lo en:+bl�� lhi� \Inrlgu�ee tu pay. �is theY Lecomr due, all tiixe�, i3ssi�ksmeNs, and .r-imilnr char�;cs uPon thr prem- <br /> � i;:es subJect thereto: any deliciency becair�� uf thn ineu(ticirncy of such additinnnl paymenls rhrall be (urthwifh duposiled by the <br /> �. t�tort�;al:�r �+�ith ihe 1lurtgagce upon demm�d by � hr \torlaagee. Any di•f�aull undrr ihis paragruph �h:dl br dr��med u d�dault in <br /> � paynu•nt of tazev, n,ses.amrnts. or similar charg�•s rrryuin•d hrrrundrr. <br /> 'Ch�• DSurl.gagor :igr����s thnt Uirr�• ahall nl.o br nddrd lu rarh mnnthly p��ymrnt uf prinoip:d and inlor�•st rc�quircd hrre- <br /> _ under an amount eslimulyd by thr Aturt�;ager ��� br su0ici��n1 lo rnuble the �lortgagre to pny, as i� hrcumi�s dur, th�� insurnnce <br /> pri�mium �m any insurunce policy di�livrred t<i tho �1�xiga�;ce. :�ny deficiency hvcnusr u( ( h�� inwlliciencp nf such additionnl pay. <br /> menl; sh.dl bc• Iurtha•ilh drpusited by iho Murfgagur a�ith Ihe Morl�a�;rr upon domnyid hy 1hi• M1iurt�at;rr. Any dr(��ult undrr Ihis <br /> � 7u�nigrapl� shull Ix• dei�mrd ii det:�ull in � hr pu}�mont ni in,urunee premiwns. I ( th�� pulicc ur P��lirie.+ depn;ii�•d arr such ns humr- <br /> owner:� or ull risk pulicic;, and lhe d��pusils �re insu(ticirnt tu pay' � h�� i�n� irr pn•mium, Ihi• �1��rt�;at;re mn}� apply tht• deposit ln <br /> �� � pt�}' pre•miums un risics required to he in,ured b}' fhi+ mnrt�;a���. <br /> h � Ya}�mrnls mude by th�• �1url�;aRor undi�r thn aLuvr parnRr,�phs ntay. ril thi• upiiun o( Ihr Alurt�ager, br hrld by' it nnd <br /> rnmminFled with oUier such fimds or its own (und4 (ur thr pnym��nL u( eurh it�•rtu. and unfil su applird . surh paVmrnts nrr hrrrby <br /> . pl�rlgi�l ias �;rcurity for lhe imp;iid hnlnncr u( the mort�nge indi�blednrss. <br /> `�� ` 'Po procuru. delivor lo, und muinGiin for thi� b��nelit o( th�• hlur� �;n�e�� durin�; tho li(r uf this mnrtµa�;r ori;;inal policii�s und � <br /> � renewuls lh�nn�f, delivered al I��nsi trn dnys tufore the expiratiun of any such policies. insuring ugainsl fire and uther insumble <br /> " h;uards. casuaities. ond cuntingenrics us Ihe btartgu�;ee mny rrquir�•. iu an amounl equn! lu the indrbtedness �rcured by Ihis . <br /> � -, biortgage, tin<I in cnmp�nic. acci•pt�ible lo thc hlurt�;at;ce. with Inss pr�yuble clausr in (nvnr uf und in (unn arceptahle lo the Alnrtga- <br /> � gee. [n !hu event tmy pnlicy is nnt n•newrd un or Lrfnre lrn d;�ys u( its �•xpiration. thr \�lorl�;agw� maiy prucurr insurance un thr <br /> ;. �- improvemrnta. puy the pmmium Ihrm(ur. and such sunt sh:311 6rcume iiumedinfolY due and pt3yable wiUi iNi•rrst nt th� rntr ci�l <br /> �. (urth in said nule witil paid i�nd shall be srcumd bp this murt�;u�;e. l�ailure un the pan uF Ihe hluriga�nr tn furnish such renewals <br /> i . a, +�re herein ri�uirrd ur fuilure tu piiy any tiums t�dvonced hnreundrr ,ch:dL ❑t Ihr uplion of thu Morltin�er. c��nstitut� a dr(nult <br /> undor thc trrms of ihis murttiagi�. '1'6�� d�•livery of .�uch pulirirs shall, in Ihr rvonl yd drfault , rnnslitu��� an assi�nment of Ihr un- <br /> rarniKl prrmium. <br /> '� � Any sums recrived by thr Murtgagre bp rrt�sun u( loss nr damaae ins�ut•d a�ainst mo�y bc rrtain�•d by ihr \lor��;aRer. <br /> .md nUPlied luwatd Ihe pnymenl n( � hr debt lirn•by srcurrd. ur. nt � he optiun n( thi� A4nrt�;n�;rr, cuch sums rilhrr wholly ur in <br /> �. pnrt tnu}' br paid o�•rr tu Ih�� 1�4urt �aR��r tn Im us�,d l�� rrpair �tiuch buildintis ur fo build ncw buitrlint;s in ihrir �dacr ur fnr mty <br /> . oth�•r purpusc ur ubjrct w� isLiclory tu lhe Morl �;agee wi� huut a(�rrtin� thr lirn un �h�� murt�a�;e fnr fhr full umount srcureJ hrre. <br /> a � b}' brfure such �mymrnt �•cer Gx�k pincr. <br /> fi <br /> - �� 'I'u prnmpdy ropuir. rr.,lore nr n•build any huildings ur mipru��i•m�•nL, no�c ur hrn•a(lrr nn lhe premisrs ���hirh mny be. <br /> � cnme dam�ged or dcslruycd : tu k�•ep suid prerniscs in ��n�J rnndiliun nnd repair mid In��• (rum any mrclinnir's lirn or uthrr lii•n ot <br /> clnim of lirn nnl cxprcysly suburdinnlyd tu lhr licn hrrcoC n� d ta .ufTrr nr �u•rmil any unlawful us�• of nr any nuisancc tn rxisl on <br /> � said properlV nor lu p�•rntit �cnste on said ptemis�•s. nur In dn miV o� h��r acl wh��rrLy tlu• proprrlY hi'relrY cum�i����•d sh.dl beenme � <br /> - leas valunblr, nor [u diminisL ur imI»ir it; valu�� by :up� +ict ur � �misriun tu act : lu �•omph� ��� ith .JI rrquirrmrnls nf Inw ���ifh rrvpcct <br /> � lo fhu mnrt�;nged premisen and the usn � hrrouf. <br /> 'I'hat should fhr prcmiM�s ur :�n�• p:�rt thrreuf be tukrn or dama�;ed by rcasun of iiny public improv�•mrnt or rondemn��tion <br /> � proce�rling. or under thr right u( rmin��nt dumain. ur in any uther m:�nm•r. the Atur��;a;;r�• sliall bi• ��nlilled lu all comP�'nsations, <br /> f. � awards. and anV ulhrr p:iVmiad ur rclii�( Umridqr, and sh:dl h�� rntitled. at iLs uptiun. lu cmnmenci�. appear in �wd pr�se<:ulc in iLs <br /> �� � nwn nnrnc :u�y action or Priwr��ding. ur tu muke any cumprumie�• or h�•tUemrn� in ronnecliun with such fakin�; ur d:�mag��. All such <br /> ' i•umpensuliun. uwardx, dumaKes. riFht nf actiun and prucec�cis sre here6y :i�.i::n,•:l !o tho ": i:,-.i;a�;ro. whu rna>'. ❑iter deductin�: <br /> n <br /> . t6errirom ull it+ expenses, rrl�•ase any tnuncys su receivrd 6q il nr applY Nu• s��nu• ��n nny indrbtrdm�..s secured hrrnLy. 'Che �1ort - <br /> 5 � ��gu� agrees tu rxrcute wch (urlh��r nsvignmenis u( :mv campi�nnnlinn. �nvardv, d:un:�gis. :ind ri�;hls �d actiun and prnc�vds as Uir <br /> . �turlgngec mny reyuire. <br /> s <br /> 7'hat in cave of (+�ilurr lu �wr(urm anV of lhe ruvennnln herrin. th�• f�lurt;;�ig��i� mny du nn Ih�� Alortgatiur's b��h�lf rvrrything <br /> � ::u coventinfed; thnt the A1url�ngre may :dsu du nny act it mny de�•m nre�•+s:� ry tu prot��cl thi• lii•n ihrreof: tic�t thr rlorlgu�;ur �+�ill <br /> � mpoy uPon dem:md any mon��ys paid ur disbursed b�� thr �lurlgagro fur ;my o( � h�• :�buvr purposi�s. nnd such munrys tu�;�•lhi�r w•ith <br /> inlerest lhen�nn nl tho ra(�� pruvidrd in naid nule sh.�ll brcorm• su nwrh addi� iunal indrblydnes.v hereby srcun•d and may I� in- <br /> dudcYl in nny d��crcc torcYlusing t}iis murl�;agr m�d bc p:+id uul uf mntti or prucred.a u( s:ili� uf said prrmisrs if nnt uthrnvisc <br /> �' pitid: lhat it shnll nut bc ubligu�or5' �iP��n lhe Mor��n�cc tu inquin� intu Ihr validily uf �my licn, rncumVai�ncrs. ur clnim in ad- <br /> � vvncing muneys ns ubuve ifuth�irizrd, but not6inl; hi�rrin cout:iiued nl�all Ix• cun�slrm�d as requinn�; th�• Marigagi•r t�� :idvancr :my <br /> � munuys fo� nn7• nuch purposc nor tu do �iny nct h��rrund�•r: mid thut \tnr��;a�;r�� sh:dl nut incur :�n�� pi•rsunnt liabilily h�=r.wse of nny . <br /> thing it may do ur nmil tu do hereundrr. <br /> In thr rw•M u( lhe defuull Ly Mortgugor in Uir paymenl of auy insfullntrnL ns rryuin•d by fh�� Nulr s� �i�urrd hr7��hy. or <br /> � in the pe�dorm+mc�• o( the o6liRalion in lhis mort�:ngr nr in lh�� notr securnd thi•reby. the �lurlF:�ti�'e shall L�� rntitlyd 1�� d�•rlaro � hr . <br /> drbt securcKl h.•rebq due xnd payable without nnlicc, and Ihr \lortgnt;re shall Mi• enlitlrd at its aplinn. �silhuut nulii���, rithcr I�v iLw4[ � <br /> ��r by n receiver !u be appuintivl Ly the cuurt lhrreuf. imd N�it6uul re�;nrd lu � he ad�•yuucy ut +�ny srcurit>• (or � hr ind�-bli•dnran se- - . <br /> cured henb}•, lu enter upun �t�d t•akc possi�ssiun of the murl�;a�;ed prr.mise�, :uid lu cullect :ind rrcuive U�r rrnts. i��ut•s nnd pru�ils N •",_ . <br /> thereof. and apply �htt s�tme. less custe u[ operuti<m and a�llecliun. upun lhr ind��L�rdnr.s .erurrd by Uiis murU;:�gr: snid mnls, . . � � <br /> ` ictiue5 und profitg ��ing hereby tusignrd lo the nlorlgn�:rr as (urfhrr sreurih• (��r Ihi• pa��menl n( nll indeb�rdni�sv �rcurrd hrn•hy. ., . <br />' t "Chi� A4lortgogt�t• nhall hrn�c the power lu uppoint nny t�gcut or a4�•�d. it nvty drsim (ur lh�� purpusi• uf rrpniriny; vaid prrm- ¢ . <br /> N <br /> iu�: renUng Ihe wime: tt>Ilecting lhe rrnls, revrnurs and incume. nnd it rnay pay out � �( ,aid inc� �uu� nll esprnvrs inrurr[.1 in rrnF (Q <br /><< � ing und manuging the vame emd uf colleclin�: Iht• rentals Ihrn�frnm. '('hr I,al�uicr rrmainin�;. if any. �h;dl bi• applird tm��arJ thr � <br />� - � diechnrgc af thc murl�;i��;e inJ��btrdno.s. 7'his av�ignmrnf ir h� 1 �•rtninnfr and I.•��nm�• nidl :uid �'aid up� �n rrl�•:r.r af Ihi. rnnrha��;r. .. <br />?4 <br />;e <br /> u <br /> sr? <br />` � � J <br />'�� �� <br /> � <br /> ,� <br /> Y <br /> f <br /> f <br /> r <br />