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<br />�-� 76. 00441U
<br /> ,
<br /> niokrcAcr.
<br /> -- —ntoit��cncr:t.onn�no.L 22,287
<br /> I:A'OWALLAfENUI'THESGPR[SGNTS:That Gerald L. Lamners and Rita K. Lainners, each in his and
<br /> = f
<br /> � heI' OWfI right and d5 spouse of eaeh other, M1lortgagor,whethe�oneornwre,incunsiderationoCthesumo(
<br /> Tiil�y cix Thoutand dOd N0��00 ---------------------------------�6--�------------ DOLLARS
<br /> : luaned to suid mur�gxgm by Tlte liqui�able Uuilding and Luan Association of Grand Island,Ne6raska,Atort a�ee,u on 26� shares of s[ock of
<br /> " said ASSOCIATION,Certificale Na L 22�2$] ,do hereby grant, convey and mortgage unto tLe said ASSOCIA'CION the lollowing
<br /> . dtscribed real eslatc,si�uated in tlall County,Nebraska:
<br /> i
<br /> �
<br /> �`
<br /> 4-� � toge�her with all the tenemems,heredrtaments and appunenances thereunto belonging,including nttactted Iluor coverings,all window screens,
<br /> � µ•indow sh�des,blinds,stunn winduws.awnines,hcating,air condi�iuning.and plumbing�nd water equipment and accessories d�ereto,pumps,stoves,
<br /> � re(rigcraturs,and other lixtures and cyuipment now ur herea(ter attached tu ur used in cunncc�iun wi�h said real estatc.
<br /> `�� . And whereas the said mortgagur has ag�ced and dozs hereby agcee that the mungatior shall and will pay all taxes and assessments leritd or
<br /> � assesmd upun s�id p�emixs and upun Q�is murtgage and the bond secured thereby before the same shall become delinyuenL•to furnish approved
<br /> � insurance upon the buildings un said premises situated in the sum ol S 26,0��.�� p�ya6le to s�id ASSOCIATION and to deliver ro said
<br /> � ASSOCIATlO\the policies for said insurance;and nol tu contmit or pennit any waste on or about said premises;
<br /> v � In case of de(ault in the perfonn�nce of any uf die terms and cunditiuns u(this murtgage or the bond sewred hereby,ihe mortgagee shall,
<br /> - on demand,bc entided to immcdiale pussession of thc nwrtgaged prcmises and the nwrteagur hrreby assigns, transfers and sets uver tu die
<br /> � nwngagee aIl the rents,revrnues and inwme to be derived lrum the nwrtgaged prcmises during such time us the murtguge indebtedness shal�remain
<br /> f ❑0�1811I:JtIII Illl'IOUf1�8�'l'C SIIAII II�VP flll'pmser to appoint any acent ur�gcnts it maq desire(ur ihe purpose of repairing said premisos and renting
<br /> ;� the samr and collecting�he renls,revenues and income,anJ it m�y pay out of said incume all expenses of rcpairing said prcmises and necessary
<br /> conunissiuns and espenses incur�ed in renting and managing che s�me and uf colleciing rentals thereCrum;the bulance remaining,if any,tu be
<br /> B�PIIC(I IOWefII llll'disclurgc o(said mortFage indebtedness:thcse rights uf the IIWfI'�,`��!l`C I11:11'be L`%C[l'ISC(�8I 8I1)'III11C(IUfIIl6lIlC CSISIrI1l'C O�SUCII
<br /> � de(atdt,irrespective uf anV t�mporaiy waivrr of the sante.
<br /> � Thesr Presents.I�uwceer,are upun thr Cundition,T�liat if the suid Jlurtgagur sl�all rep�y suid luan un ur before die maturity of said sha[es by �
<br /> p�ymenC p�p monthly iu said ASSOCI.\"I'ION uf�he sum sp�ci(icd in the Ilund secured hereby as interes[and principal on said loan,un or beforc �
<br /> � the Tweniieth day of each and rver��month.until said lu�n is(ully paid;pay all taacs and�ssessmems leeied�gainst said premises and un this Atortgaee
<br /> � and Ihe Bond secured thereb}',belu�e delinyucncc:lumish�ppruved insutance upun�he buildings therton in the sum ui 5 2(�QQQ.�� p�pable
<br /> to said ASSOCIATION:repay to said ASSOCIATIO\upon demand all muney by i�paiJ tur such!axes,ussesamen[s�nd insurance with intercst a[ .
<br /> ¢ . the masimum Ie@al rate thcreun Irum date u(payment all u(whid�lfuriEagur hercby agrees w pay;permit nu wasteon said premises:Aeep and curnply
<br /> wilh all ihe agreemenis and condiliuns ul�he Uund fur 5 26�0�� �Q Ihis d�y�;1\YII�)'Illl')811i tiIU[16J�'Of lU SJI(I ASSOGATlO\,and comply ,
<br /> � with all the reyuirements ul d�c Constdution and By�L�«�s of saiJ ASSOCIATION;then these prcsencs shall becume null and void,utherwise they
<br /> 2 sh�ll remain in full(urce and may be(orcclused:n�he uption u(tht said ASSOC'I�V70N after f�ilure for three months to make any of s�id
<br /> 7: . paymants ur be lhrec tnund�s in arteaa in tnaking saiJ monlhly paymaris,ur tu keep and mmply wnh the agmemenu and cunditions oi said l3ond:
<br /> �nd Atartgugur agrees�u havt a recci��dr appuinted fonh�sidi in such Ibteclusure pruceedings.
<br /> � if�licre is any changc in owueahip ol itic rcal esta�c mong�ged herein,6y sale u�uthcnvise,then lhe entire remaining indebtedness hereby
<br /> secured sh�ll,at the optiun u('Chr Liyuit�bie tluilding anJ Loan Assuciation uf Grand Isl:�nd,Nebraska,become immediately due and payable withuut
<br /> (unhrr nutice.and the amount rem�ining-due under said bond.�nd�ny uther bond fur any addition�l advances made thereunder.sh�ll,from thr
<br /> � Jale ot'e�crcise uf said optiun.brar imeresi at Ihe mazimwr�legal ratr,and ihis murtg�gc rt�ay tlren be foreclosed m satisly ihe amount due un suid
<br /> bund,and any uther bonJ for additional aJvanccs,togcther���ith all swns paid bq said The li.yuitable Building and Loan Associatiun of Grand Isl¢nd,
<br /> Nebraska fur insurance,taxes and assessiuen�s,and�bstracting ex�ension charges,���ith interest diereon, from date ul payment at the maximum
<br /> Icgat ratc.
<br /> As p�rn•ided in tlie I3und secwed hereby,while this mungage iemains in rllect thr mortgagee may hereafter�drance additional sums to thc
<br /> makers of said Bund,their assigns or succesw�s in iiverest,which sunu shall be within the security o(this mortgage thr same�s the lunds originally
<br /> $ secureJ thereby,ihe total amount ot p�incipal debt not�o exceed at any time�he uriginal amuun�of this mortgage.
<br /> _ n���ad��s 9\t,h a�y„r August 1��..�`� 76 _,
<br /> i���Ct�it - ./IL�.S/�')vYl C,1_-L-lI r'_I�a,fri� ���. '�J)'J':-4_?_1.=.'r,.• �
<br /> ' G�aZ. ammers Rita K. Lammers
<br /> STATL OF NGI3RAS1'v1, 9th ����� AU USt �y 76 ,befure me,
<br /> ss. On Ihis ]
<br />� 6� the undersigned,a Notary Public in and Cor said County,persunally came ^..t,R�,.•�,
<br /> Gerald L. Lamners and Rita K. Lammers, each in his and her own right and as s�ouse of N „
<br /> 2dCh other, µ��� dre ersunally known to ; .
<br /> L me lu be iLe idenlical person S whose name S dP0 affized tu the abovejtuLcument as mortgagor 5 ��� they severally �
<br /> - d':
<br /> acAnuwledged the said inrirument to be thei r voluntary act and deedr \��� � I�- '�
<br />�` 14'ITNLSS m�hand and Nota�ial Seal thc d�[c aCoresaid. ��` �,. J i� �
<br /> uo f �,' �; }, Ir1
<br /> s`'.;� . 41}'Commission expirts '' � � �-
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