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1L � <br /> i <br /> S�. • �ti�� <br /> I <br />�s � 76- 0 (142 80 . . � <br />�r MORTGAGORS MAY MAKE PR@PAYMENTS OF PRINCIPAL ON ANY INSTALLMENT �UE DATE. SUf,H PREPAYMENT SHALL DE <br /> APPLIED TO INSTALLMENTS LAST TO BECOME OUE UNDER THIS MOR7GAGE. PROVIDED TI1E UNDERSIGNED ARE NOT IN DEFAULT <br /> AND ARE THEN THE OWNERS OF THE MORTGAGED PROPERTY, UPON REQUEST OF THE UNDERSIGNED, OR EITHER OF THEM, <br /> PAYEE AGREES TO FURNISH TO THE UNDERSIGNED 100% OF SUCH PRINCIPAI PREPAYMENTS, UNLESS AOVANCEMENT IS PRO• <br /> HIBITED BY THE REGULATIONS OF CHARTERING AND SUPERVISORY AUTHORITIES THEN IN EFFECT. ALL SUCH ADVANCEMENTS <br /> SHALL BE SECURED BY THIS MORTGAGE IN THE SAME MANNER AND EFFECT AS IF NO PREPAYMENTS NAD BEEN MADE. <br /> � THE MORTGAGOR FURTHPR COVrNANTS AND A(}REGS : <br /> . Thut the MorlKi�Kor will pny thc indehtrdness as herein6efom pruvided. � <br /> � '1'hut Ihe Murtgagor is Ihe uwner o( v,�id prnperty in fac simpit� and hns i;oud ri�;ht and la�rlul nuthorit}� tu scl� and <br /> i�nnvev fhe same imd lhnt lh�� aame is free nnd clear ot any li:m or onr.umb�nnce: and tlmt 11nrlga�ur ���ill wxrrant ;�nd do(��nd the <br /> �illc tn said premisev ng�i�ul the clt�ims of ��11 p�•rsons whomeoev�r. � <br /> Ta pay immrdiidely whrn due xnd payable all genrrnl taxes. specinl taxes. specirJ a.�r�amenLs, w:der charl;es. vrwer serv- <br /> ice charbes, nnd other I ;ue; and cfmrges against snirl prop�>rly. nnd nll ttixrs levird on the debt serured hereby, :md lo h�rnixh ihe <br /> �4ortgugr.e, upon mquesl, u•ith the originnl or duplica�c roca�ipts thrrefur. 'Ph�• Afurtgagor ugmes Uint lhere shall be added tn <br /> eech monthly pnyment requirecl herrunder or under ihe uridence of drbt cecured her��by nu amuunt estimadvd by lhr. Dtarfgagee <br /> to be �u0icient to enahle ihr � �lortgagee tu pu�', as l6ry become due. nll taxrs, assetsmentv, zmd sirnilar char�;cv upun lhe prrm- <br /> � ise�s +ubjeet therrlo: nny drficiimcy bormse u( ihe insu�ficir.ncy u( such addilionrd V:�3'�»�•��Is shall he furlhwilh deposited by � he <br /> � MorIR��F�r H�ilh the I�lortgr�gee upon dem�md by lhr. t�lortKagee. Any def:�ult und��r ihi:; pnrntiniph shall b�� dr�•merl a default in <br /> ��.. pnyment of taxex. n.�sex.mcnts. ur sirnilar chargrs n•qnired herrunder. <br /> . 7'he nturlgngur agrer� thiil there shnll �il;u 6i• add��d ln ��nch mnnthly p;rymenl n( principul nnd inierenf rvyuired herr- <br /> �� undrr nn umount eslimated by th� 1lurtgagce W bc sutlicient t�� rnnblr the �tort�agce i�, �r�c. :��, it brcomrn due. Ihe insurance <br /> ' premiwn nn any insurance polic�� de�li��ered tu thr M1lnrtgagoe. :1ny dclicicncp brcausi• o( ih�• insufticii�ncy uf such aJdilional pay- <br /> . menls shell he (orthwi�h depusifi�d bV L6i• Mnr�ga�;or wilh the \lort{�a�;ee upan drmaptl by � h�• Mortgn�;er. Any deL'�ult under this <br /> . pi�nigraph shall be Jeemod a drfai�lt in lhe pt�yment nf insurnnce premiums. I ( thr pnlir�• nr P��lirirs d�•pu,itrd o�rr such us hume- <br /> � awuen or nll risk policirs, and t6r deposits are inau0ici�•nt. in pay t6�� i�ntirr �rzrmium. th�• hfurt�;n�cr may npply Ihe deposit to � <br /> � ; puy prrmiums un riskx myuired to be insurrd by thi; rnorl�;aFe. <br /> Paymunts made by Ihe SturtFagor under tho :�bo�•e par��:raphs nwy . :u the nption uf thc 9turlgagce, b�� Leld Iry it and <br /> r�� � i•ummingled �ci� h other �;uch [unds or ilti uwn tunds for the payrnenl of such itrms. and until sn .�pplird, surh pnym��nis am hereby <br /> pl�vigcvi as srcurity (nr lhe unpaid balnnce o( thi� mnrltiaK�' indc�6lydnra.. <br /> 'I�u procura, dclivcr to, imd nmint:iin for the brni•lit o( lhr bl��rlga�;ci� durin�; thr li(�� n( Ihis murlRnge uriFinal policirs �nd <br /> - rrnewaln thenrof. delierred at lcast trn dms before ihe expirntiun of any �uch policine. imuriuR n�;ainsi fire xmd nlher in,urable <br /> � haznrds. casunitie�. und contintiencies as Ihe �lurtgngec m�iy rcK{uire, in :u� amoimt equal t�� the indi•btedness securcd 6y fhix <br /> - � hlortgngr,. tmd in companii:v nccuptahle to !hr MnrtFagee. with Inss pnyablr clausi� in (avor of mid in [urm ncceptnhle fn ihe A9url�;n- <br /> �: gce. In the event any policy is nut. mnewrd nn ur befure Ion d:ry4 uf its capindiun. the niurlRagee m.ry Procure insurunce un t.he <br /> � improvemenls. pay Uie prnmium ihere[or, and such sum shnll becume immediotely �lue and payuble �vith interesf. at the rntr cet <br /> � [vrth in suid nuu� until priid and shall br s��cured by� this mortgnpe. Failure un �he part o( the ;1lurtgagor lo furnish such n•m�wuls <br /> � ns nre herrin requirrd or [nilure to pay anv sums iidviinced herrundrr shall, nt the optinn o( thc lfortgagee. cunstilide a dr(nult <br /> under the terms ot this martFage. 7'he d�•li��er�� of such pulicivs chall. i❑ the ew•nt nt d��fnult. enn�tihdr i�n ussiRnmrnt u( thr an- <br /> . ��urnivl premium. <br /> � AnY' sums rrceived hy lhe n1ort�;�agce by rnason u( In.. ur dama�;c insured against may hc rrWin��d hy tlir plurtgagee <br /> � nnd npplied towerd the pnyment o( (he debt hereby srcured. ur. at the optinn uf ihe lforfgngee. euch eums either ���hully or in <br /> pr�rl may Le p.iid uvvr �n Ihe \Surlg:�gor tu t� ueed to rapnir such buildintis or lo fiuild n�,w� huildinl:. in their Place u� tor nny <br /> �� � olher purpou or uhjec[ s:disfactun' tn ihe Dlort{;ugee w�ithnut alTrc�ing Ihe lien on thr morf�a�e (or � h�� full nmuunt vrcun�d h��rr- <br /> �� . by Lr(ore such paym�•nt rr��r l�x�k plac��. <br /> !" 'Cu pr��mptly rrp:�ir. n���urr ur mbuild nny huilJinR� ar impruw�mi•niv nuw ur h�•n•aRrr �in lh�� yrcmises K�hich may M`- <br /> come damtttied ur destrnyed : tu k��ep s:�id premisrs in euud cundiliun and «rpnir and fn��• (rum .my mrchanics lirn or nthrr lien ur � <br /> daim uf licn nut expmsvly .uborditmteJ lo the licn hi�reuf: nul In sul5er ur prrmit any tnilawful tis�� u( ur :my nuis:mcc to rzist on <br /> �- said proprrly nur tu pi�rrnit w:�ste on said premines. nar lu do :tny olher act �rhrrt�h�• the prnprrly hrrvbY �•nnveyed sh.dl iH�eom� � <br /> '� Icsv valuablc. ni�r �u diminish ur imP�ir il, valu�� Ly any :irt ar ornission �u acl : ln rnntply ��'i � h nll rryuin•mrnt.s n( I;i�c �vith rr.pect <br /> �: <br /> in Ihe mort�;sge•d premisrs and the uxe thereof. <br /> �? <br /> 'I'h:�t shoulJ the pnanis�s or uny parf there�nf Ih• tak�•n ur dmm�ged hy rc;uun o( :un� public imprnw�mrnt or cnndemnation <br /> proceedinY. ��r under the rit;ht of eminrnl dumnin, ur in any uther mnnner. llu• \tort��i�;ec shall b�� enlitled to ;JI cumpensntion5. <br /> ` nH�ards. und nnY ofhnr payment or reliet ihrndor. and sh;ill b�� entilled, ut its uplinn, lu cummi•m•e. apprur in .ind prnhirute in iLs <br /> j: uwn mm�e any action or pnxeedinR. .��r lo make tiny cnmprumise ur srldement in runnection with such tukina or dama�:o. :\II such <br /> f: eompensation. awards. damug�s. ri�;ht n[ nc�ion and prucreKl, nre hereby ns.signed lu the plonga;;cr. whu may, aHer deductin�; <br /> lh��refmm all it5 exV�•n.x•s. roli•as�• any mnnt�ys su recri��ed bp it or apph• the samc nn any indvbtednetis securcd hvmby. 7'hr �tnrt- <br /> t gugor Ugree� tn ezecute such further asnignments ot any compi�ns��tinn, a�curdc. dnmagrs. anJ ri�;hts nf arliun and procr��d, :u the <br /> !� Tlorttiagee mny rr<p�in•. <br /> 'I'hat in cnse ol f�iilure to pur(orm any uf lhe iv,vrn:fnts herein. the 1lurigage�� mny du un thv \inrt�;n�:ur's Li�hulf eerrythin� <br /> � so mvenanled: lhat Lhe �iurt�agee mtry' also du �iny nct it may drem nec��s.�in' lu pruti•rt Uir li�m Wen•uf: Ihnt lhr :11url�;agur will <br /> n rrpay upon drmnnd uny munoys puid or disLursed by the A1urlga;;ec Gir am' uf thi� abuvr purpusr:. :tnd �uch munrys tu�;rther w�ith <br /> � inter��l ther��n tit the provided in said uule sh�ill herum�� so much nddi�iun.d inJeblednes.v hvreby s��cured and rni�y Ix� in� <br /> cluded in any decrec torccluein� thia murt�n�c und Lc paid uut uf Ihc n•nLc ur prueecds uf sale o[ snid premisos if nnl ulheneise <br /> paid: that it shail nut be obiigulory upun llm TtorlFa�ee lu inquire intu thi• ��:didily uf ;uiv li��n. ��ncumbrance�. or cl�iim in ud- <br /> vancinK moneyx us nbm�e :wlhoriud. bul nuthin{; h�•rrin cnnlnined .Lall IH• runsirucd us n•quiring Uir lfurlg:��;ee 1�� xdei�ne�• any <br /> � muncrys for an>' 4uch P��rpose nor lo do any arl hen•und��r, :md thnt nL�rtga�:�•c shall n�rt incur :�ny prrsonal li�ihility L��rw�i� u( anv- <br /> thinq it mny du ur umit to do hereunder. <br /> - Lt Ihv evrnt oI thr de(ault b}• Mortgagur in th�� payment ut �� n}• inshdlmenL :�: r��yuirrd b}• thr lule .ri�cumd hrr��by. or <br /> in the per(ormunc[• of � he obli�;atiult in lhis mortgny�t� or in fhe nutr �r�cured �licrcby. Ihc• \lur�ga�;re nLali hr �•nfitlyd 1�� Ji•clarr the <br /> . debt wecurcd f�ereby duv and payable wilhuut nulice, und the Dlort�;a�;rr shnll bi• entitled at ils uption. H�ithuut nntia•. i•ither bY it.w�l[ , I . <br /> nr by a ren•iver tu IH• uppuintiYl hy the court thrreo(. :md withuul rrg��rd tn the adcyuacy nf nny securit�� fnr tLr indr6tednrss u�- . �y..'� . <br /> � curttl hereby. to ent�r upon nnd lakr povu�ssion u( the mortgagrd premises. .md to collect :md rrceivr thr n�nts. i.urs and prufits - N .::;. ; . <br /> lhereoL :uid upply the nxtme. lese cusls of uperntiun nnd ailleclion. upun the indeb�cdn���s ..i•cured Iry' ihis rnurtgu�;e: s:iid mn�s, ' � <br /> Lissues nnd profitx be•in� herehy nssigncd to thr M1lortg:��i�o ;�s (urlhrr c��curih• (or Ih� p.i)�m�mt uf �dl ind��6a�Jnes, ��.�ured hereLy. � � <br /> 7'lir Mort �n •ee shull have lhe �ower to e� �uint nny u ent ur ut;enls it mny dr�im fur ihi� �ur �u��• uf m �uiring viid � rrm . ¢ - . <br /> �, �, i m � i t r � t� ' <br />. ises; renting lhe :wme: n�llecting the renls. revenues and incume. :�nd it muy pay uut uf s;ud incunu� alI exp�•nsrs inrurrt+l in rrnt- $� � <br /> eC �. ing und msnu�ing lho snme and o[ cnl;eclin�; Uie rentuls t6em( rum. 'I'hi• h�tLmce rrm.iimn�;. i( any. �h;�ll Lr :� pphrd luw:ird thr � <br />�;'+�� diqrhorge of ihe mnrlgagr indebtrdnesr. T'his a�ssignmrnt is �n Irrmin:dr and M�c� �mi• null nnd w+irl up� �n r�•I�^�.�• ot thi: mnr� �:i�;r. .. <br /> e3$ <br />+.. <br />�` <br />` � •— I <br /> J <br /> € <br /> � <br /> � <br /> f <br />