� � ,,..'.�
<br /> ; � . Return to: Wisconsin Ev. Lutheran Synod, :teal: Esta.te Dept. �
<br /> 3512 W. North Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53208
<br /> � THIS IAOR7GACG, made tl�is`�_�/q—day of 3U 19� , beCween C}1Y15t �
<br /> �j Fvangaliral intharan C'hnrrlU V whose address is GYaIId I518na-I�2�L'd5TC3
<br /> � , hereinafter referred to ac Che hlortgaqor, and WISCOtJSIIJ I:VAfJGELICAL LUTIiERAN SYNOD
<br /> O a Wisconsin.Curporation, wl�ose address is 3512 W�ast North Avmiue, Pfil.waukce, Wi.consin 53208, liezein-
<br /> . after referred to ac the Mortgagee, witnesseth:
<br /> � Forty Fdur Thousand Five Hundred
<br /> ,� � 'Phe Mortgagor, for and in consideration of the sum oe _ Twenty One dIId 60�100
<br /> �� (S 44,521.60 IDollars, the recei t whereof is hereb acAnowled ed, and for the
<br /> P Y y Puryose of se-
<br /> ^ curing the repayment of said sum with internst as hereinafter,provided, and the perFonnanc.e of the
<br /> covenants hereina£ter contained, does 1'iereby htON1GAGL A[JD 47AI'iRANT unto the Mortgagee, its succescors
<br /> � and assigns, the following described real estate situated in the CltY pf Grand Island
<br /> county of Hall , state of Nebraska , eo wic:
<br /> Lots Two Hundred Forty-nine (249), Twv Hundred Fifty (250), Two Hundred
<br /> Fifty-one (251), Two Hundred Fifty-two (252), Two Hundred Fifty-three
<br /> � (253), Two Hundred Fifty-four (254), and Two Hundred Fifty-five (255),
<br /> in Westlawn, an Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br /> together with all and singular the tenements, Lereditaments and appurtenances thereunto, including all
<br /> . apparatus, articles, fir.tures, and eyuipment of every nature and kind whether now on the said premises
<br /> oc hereafter placed or installed therein or thereon whether physically attached Chereto or not, are '
<br /> � and shall be deemed to be fixtures and an accession to the free-hold and � part of che realty and a
<br /> �, portion of the security for the indebtedness herein mentioned and subject to the lien of this mortgage,
<br /> � and may be included as a part of the rcalty in the event of a foreclosure hereof.
<br /> : In addition to the sum atwve mentioned, this mortgage shall also secure any and all further loans or
<br /> �. indebtedness owed or io be owed by the blortgager to the 19ortgagee. The obligation to further advances
<br /> or re-advances shall be optional with the Mortgagee.
<br /> � The said Mortgagor does hereby covenant, yromise and agrce to and with the Mortgagee as follows:
<br /> : 1. That the Mortgagor �ill pay to the Mortgagee according to the termc of a yromissory note bearinq
<br /> even date herewith, or any renewal or exteiision there.of, and to pay when due any additional sums �.
<br /> � which Mortgagor may now or hereafter owe Hortgagee.
<br /> , 2. That the Mortgagor holds a free, clear and unencumbered fee simple titlo to said mortgaged prop-
<br /> � erty and will forever warrant and defend the same.
<br /> � 3. That the 4lortgagor shall pay, or cause to be yaid, a11 taxes and special assessments of Nhatever
<br /> nature, which may be levied upon the premises above described, and as soon after as the same may be-
<br /> _ - come due and payable, and shall deposit with the Mort9agee within thirty (30) days afte= the same be-
<br /> � came due and payable the tax receipts showiny the payment, of the same, and that in default of paying
<br /> - such taxes and cpecial assessments it shall and nay be lawful for the Mortgagee to pay the same, and �
<br /> +�. the said sum, when paid, shall constitute and be a lien on the said mortgaged premi�es, secured by
<br /> � the said mortgage. due and payable forth•.aith, and bearing interest at the same rate as on any other
<br /> . unpaid principal due hereunder. Provided further that Mortqagee, at his option, may elect to foreclose
<br /> . this mortgage for such default in accordance with the yrovisions contained in paragraph 6 hereof.
<br /> F�� . 4. That t}:e Mortgagor shall and will keep the buildinqs, crected and to be erected upon the premises
<br /> above conveyed, insured against loss and damage b� fire and othec hazards and casualties in such
<br /> �� companies, in such amounts, and for such periods as shall be satisfactory to tne Mortgagee, and shall
<br /> � pay when due a11 premiums on such insurance, and deposit with the Mortyagee the original policies of
<br /> � insurance properly endorsed; and in default t}iereof, it shall be lawful for the tdortgagee to effect �
<br /> - such insurance, and the premium so paid shall be added to the amount secured by these presents, and
<br /> V- � payable on dcmand with in[erest aC tlie same rate as on any other unpaid principal due hereunder. Pro-
<br /> �� vided fuLther that h'ortgagee, at his oytion, may elect to foreclose this mortyage for such default in �
<br /> s� � accordanec with the provisions contained in poragraph G hereof.
<br /> s.
<br /> , 5. That the hlorx7agor sY.all abs[ain from the commission of waste on said proyerty and shall keep the
<br /> ; _ buildings which aze or sha11 be located thcreon i❑ qood repair and chall comply promptly with all laws,
<br /> � ordinances, rcyulations and requirements o£ any yovernmental body affecting said property or the use
<br /> ; thereof. If said proyerty or any part thereoi shall require inspection, repair or care of any kind
<br /> ,�-. which the Plortgagor shall fail to provitie, the ttoztgaqee may, after notice to the Mortgagor, enter,
<br /> inspect, repair and care for said property and pay such amounts thecefore, as in its sole judgment
<br /> ¢� � it may deem necessary, anu may at 74ortgayee's option ad3 such sums expended to the unpaid yrincipal
<br /> + due hereunder to bear interest as herein beEore scated, or may elect to fo=eclose this mortgage for �
<br /> � [his default on the yart o£ the t;ortgayor in accordan:e wiUi the provisions of paragraph 6 hereof.
<br /> . 6. That if any default be made in the payment of any princi�?al or interest due hereunder or accord-
<br /> inq to said note, or in tne pa}anent of any principal or interest of indebtedr�ess resulting from such
<br /> other sums heretoPore or hereafter advanced or accordiny w the note or no[es given t}�erefore, or in
<br /> the performance of any other covenants of thic mortqaye or tlie uoCe secured Lereby, or any par[ there-
<br /> � of, by the biortqagor, or if he shall allow or }�ermit any legal or equitable liens to stand or be placed
<br /> . ayainst said property which will in auy way aifect or :ueeken the security herein qiven, or sha11 do any
<br /> act whereby said property is made less valuable, and if such default sha11 continue for thirty days,
<br /> � then [hercafter at the election of the Mortyaqee the Nhole o£ said principal and U�e. interest thereon
<br /> � shall be immediately due and yayable, and no notice, other than the commencement of proceedinys to
<br /> foreclose this mortqage or collect such mor.eys, shall be required to be given of such election. In
<br /> � case of any such default thc tdoregagee is hereby authorized Co sell and convey said property, with the
<br /> aopurtenances thereunto belonginq, at public auction, and execu[e to the purchaser or purchasers,
<br /> . good and suFficient deed oz deeds of conveyance af said property, pursuant to the s[atute in such case �
<br /> provided; and after deductin9 said principal and interest, the amount:; paid for taxes, assessments, �
<br /> � insurance, zepairs, encumbzances, abstracts and Wx histories, with intcrest, as hereinbeEore provided, '�-t::•� �
<br /> �. all legal costs, and an attorney fec as provided by law, yay the sucplus moneys, if any, to the - �N,��_�
<br /> Mortqagor, its representatives or assigns. - � ;�
<br /> I7. That if thc Mortqagor shall convey, assiqn or transEer all or any p�rt of thc mortgaged premises, ,
<br /> by deed, land contract, or utherWise, or if any other person or persons shall become vested of the M1����'
<br /> � title thereto, th?s mortgage shall at the option of Ure MorGga9ee, b�come due and yayable forthwith. �.
<br /> Neither waiver of acceleration nor subsequent dealinqs wich auch tzansYcrec ur assiynee shall be t�
<br /> deemed to release or dischazge Mortyaqor's obliqationc undez thic �mr[gage or vnder the note secured .
<br />�� theceby.
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