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<br /> AtORTG�IGG LOAN N0. L 22' �5
<br /> ` � KNOW ALL rf[N I�Y TlIESL'PRC•SLNTS:That Mari on J. Schutte and Regi na A. Schutte, each i n hi s and
<br /> her own right and as spouse of each other,
<br /> Alortgagor,x•hether one ur more,in consideratiun of the sum oC
<br /> Twenty-four Thousand and No/100-----------------------------------------------�"' Do�LnRs
<br /> loaned lo said mortgagor Uy The 8yuitable Building and Luan Assuciatiun of Grand Island,kebraska,A1or�gugee,upon Z4� shares of stock of .
<br /> said ASSOCIATION,CerdGcate No.L 22�2�5 ,du hereby grant,convey and mortgage unto the said ASSOC1ATfON the following - �
<br /> descri6ed mal estate,situated in Hall Counry,Nzbraska: .
<br /> � together witl� all the tenements,hereditaments and�ppurtenances thereunto belonging,includin�attached Ilour coverings,all window xreens,
<br /> windo�v shades,blinds,srorm w�indu•.as,awnings,heating,air conditiuning,and plumbing and water eyuipment and accossories thereto,pumps,stoves,
<br /> refricerntors,and other fixwres and equipment no���or hereai�er at[uched tu ur used in cunne�iiun u�ith s�id real estatz.
<br /> � AnJ a�herexs�he said mo��gagor h�s agreed and does hereby agree th:+t the nwngagur shall and will pay all taxe:and assessments le�ied or
<br /> , assessed upon said premises and upon Uiis mortgage and d�r bond uwrzd diere6v befo:e the same shall become delinyucnt;to Cumish xpproved
<br /> insurance upon Aie buildings on s�id premises situated in the sum of S 24 OOO.�� P�Sable m s:iid ASSOCIA'CION and to delieer to said
<br /> � ASSOCIATION ihe pulicies for s�id insurance:and nm tu minmit ur perrni�any w�aste on or�bout:aid premises: �
<br /> �. In case o(default in the perfo�m;�nce of any uf the terms and cnnditions ut this rt�orteage ur the bund secured liereby,ihr mortgagee shall,
<br /> � on demand,bc entitled to immediate posszssion of the mortgaged premiszs and d�e muricagor herehy assigns, trans(ers :�nd stts ocer �u the
<br /> �� mortgagee all the rents,revenues�nd income to be drrived from Uie rnortgaged premises during such time xs the mortgage inJeb[edness s}�all remain
<br /> unp�id:and the mongagee sh:�ll have the power tu appoint any agcnt ur�gents it may drsire for the purposz u(repauing said pcemises and rcnting
<br /> � the s:imt and cullectine Aie rentt,rcvenues�ud incume,and it may paq uut of vid incmne all espenses o(repairing said premius and necessary �
<br /> � cummissions and expenses incurrcd in renting and managing the same�nd of colleding rcntals therclrom:the balanre remaining,if any,ro 6e �
<br /> � spplied toward the disch�rge nt said muneage indebtcdnzss;these�ighis ol'd�e mong�gee m�y be exercised at any time during qie existence oC such
<br /> " dzfault,irrespective o(any tem�wrap•����iver of the same.
<br /> These P�esenis,huwevrr,are upun�he Condi�iun,Th�t if thc saiti�lortgagor sh�ll rcpav said luan on ur before the maturity of taid sh�rts by
<br /> payment;p�y momhl}•to s�id ASSOCIA7'IOV o(thc sum specit7ed in the{3mid sccured hereby as interest and principal on said luan,on or before .
<br /> ' the T�s'tntieth dav u(e�ch xnd even�tnunUt,muil said lo�n is fully paid:pay all tsxes_nd ass:ssmenes Ir:icd�gainst said premises and on this lfurtgage �
<br /> � � and the Bund securcd thercby,betore dalinyuency:�urnisl�appruved insu�ance upon the buildings thereon in the sum oi S 94 �Q�.00 pa��able
<br /> � W said AS50(:IATION:repay to s�id ASS(X'1:1170'�upon dem:+nd all munev hy it p�id[ur such taxes,a;srssmenes ane(�ins�rana wnh interest at .'
<br /> � �he maximum legal rate thecaon from date ui paymrnt all ol which�fortgagor liereby agrees w pay;p:nnit no w�ste a�s�id premises:keep and comply
<br /> � ���ith all die agreements and canditions uf the[iond for S 2Q�OOO.00 tlds day gicen by the suid!�tortgagur to s�id ASSOCIATION,and comply
<br /> � �4•i4�all the rryuircments of thr Constitutiun and I3p-Laws ot sa�d ASSOC'IA'[fON;then duse presents sh�ll bacome null and vuid,uthuwise they
<br /> � shall remain ir�full furce and ma��be foreclused xt the uption of the s;iid ASSOCIATION afier f�ilure fur tli�ee months tu make any o(said
<br /> 3. � p�vments or be three munths in�rreau in m�kin�:said munthly pa}'ments,ur to keep and comply with the agraements and cunditions oC s�id 9ond;
<br /> and'�torteagur agrees w h�ve a recervrr appoimed(urtliwitl�in such forec�osure promedings.
<br /> � It thcre is any change in ue�nership uf the real csiate murtgagcd herein,b}•�Ie or mhere�ise,then the entire remaining indebtedness hereby
<br /> secured:h�ll,�t the uptiun o("(hr liyuiteble lluilding and Loan Associatiun uf Grand Isl�nd,�e6rxsl:a,become immediacely due and payable without
<br /> furihe�notire,�nd the amuunt rzmaining due unde�said bond,and any other bond for any additional advances m�de thereunder,shall,frum the
<br /> ' datz of exrreiu uf said option,bcar intcrest ai the rnaximum legal rate,and this murtgage muy then be furoclosed to sati:Cy tf�e amount due un said
<br /> q� � bond,and anq other bond tor addilional advances,together�rith all sums paid by saiJ The Equiteble Building and Loun Associntion uf Grand Islund,
<br /> 4ebraskx for insurancr,�axes and asscumems,and abs�racting extrnsiun charges,H�ith interest thereon,Gom date uf payment at the maximum
<br /> Icgal caie.
<br />�� � As providcd in the[2ond il'Cllltll II211'II)',N'I11IL'llus mortgage remains in eilect the mongagee may herea�ter advance additional sums tu the
<br /> m�kers ol said BonJ,their sssigns ur successors in interest,w�hich sums shall be w�ithin the security of this morigagr the same as the Cunds uriginally .
<br /> ucured thrreby,the tol•al amoum o(principal debt not to esceed at any iime the oricinal amuunt oi this mortgage.
<br /> DatedtLis 3�th ;��)jof �U]„y 1.D.,1J �6
<br /> � /U—r�.rv�-� � '��f't.c, ��.�� ; ,�1� !...( . � :.'�..��c,!.1.. ,�
<br /> Marion J. Sc utt Regin A. Schutte �
<br /> STATE OF NrBRASKA.�Ss. On this $Qth day of �U�y 19 7(,before me,
<br /> COUNTS'OF F3ALL � .
<br /> Marion J. �chutte and Regina A. Schutte, each`tin°�iis�'an��°er�own`rig�i�°`an�d a`�°1�'�fo`��`�°$`�m` �
<br /> .N '
<br /> � 2dCh other, __:.>�-=��=_�,.,.., ��n� dP2 perwnallyknowntu ? 1.,
<br /> �
<br /> me to be the idenlical person S whnf,eSp�p0le 5:„a�(i',?�i;�ffixed to the abu�•e instrument ns mongagor S xnd tf12Y xeverally 4r �_
<br /> acknowledged the svid instrumcnt to 6e.7LLlle11'•`�toiuttt�iy,aCt and deed. � � �- ,
<br /> 15'ITNI:SS my hand��i�tanal Sc�41tu dataaf`cirf�$�id. �`!��� _._f ����� �.�
<br /> �iC�f/
<br />, Afy Commissiun expi{es �� � �� /
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<br /> �I��� j � .�' � lutary Public
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