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<br /> 76- ���205
<br /> AfORTCAGG
<br /> At01tTGAG[i LOAN N0. l 2Z,Z68
<br /> � KNOWALLMENBY�nir:serRrsr:Nrs:�na�Q, Leon Hecht and RoJean A. Hecht, each in his and her
<br /> OWII ri ght dlld d5 SPOUS@ of each other, ����tgugor,whether one or ntorc,in consideration of the sum oF
<br /> Thirt -two Thousand Nine Hundred and No/100------------------------'-"'---'-"-'-"'�o��nKs
<br /> loaned�o said nwrtgagor by The Byui[able 8uilding and Loan Association o(Grand Island,Nebraska,M1turtgagee,opon 329 shares of s[ock uf
<br /> said ASSOCIATION,Certiticale Nu.L ZZ+268 ,do hereby grant,cunvey and murtgage unto the said ASSOCIATION the following
<br /> � described real estatc,situated in Hall County,Nebrasku: . �
<br /> togrther widi all the tenements.hereditaments�nd��IPUfIC11�11CC5 Illl•(Cl11110 belonging,including attached floor coverings.�II winduw screens,
<br /> � window sliades,6linds,stunn�vindows,awnings,hcating,ai�u�uditiuning,and plumbiug and�vater eyuipment and accessories tl�ereto,pumps,stoves, .
<br /> ` refrigarators,and other tix�ures and eyuipment now or I�ereatter attached to or used in cunnection�s•ith said real estate.
<br /> � And whereas the s:.id mortgaour has agreed and does hereby agrce �hat thc nwrtgagur shall and will pay all taxes and assessments levied or
<br /> � asxssed upon s�id premises and upon diis nmrtgage and the bonJ seeured thereby bzfure the s�me sliall become delinyuent:to(urnish approved
<br /> insu�ance upon the buildings on said premises situated in d�e sum o(532�9�0.�� puyab�e lo said ASSOCIATION and tu deliver to said
<br /> �. ASSO('IATION the pulicirs fur said insurunce;and nut tu commit or prnnit xny u'asle on ur a6out said premises;
<br /> � In casr of default in the per(o�manee o(anq uf the tenns and cunditiuns of diis mongage or ttie bond secured t�ereby,the mortgagee shall, .
<br /> s`� un dcm�nd.6e entitled tu inmiedi�te possession u(�he murtgaged premises �nd the nwrtgagor hereby assigns, transCers and sets uver m the
<br /> murtgagee all the rents,�evenues snd incume to br derived C�om the mortgaged premires during such time as the murtgage indebtedness shall remain
<br /> UIIPdIII:BIIII l�lt OlUfl68�'CC SIIJII�IAY2 llll'POK'Cf W J�tPUlill'JI1V e�'l'fll Uf 8F1'Ol5 ll i118)'IICSI(L'(ur ihe purpose of repairing said prcmises and renting
<br /> tlie same and collecting the rents,revenurs�nd incume,and 1t lll8)'�18}'����� �� 581(� lI1COI71C 8�� CXPC(15C5 O�rep�iring said premises snd necessary
<br /> � ronmiisuons and crpenses incurrrd im m�ting and m�nu�ing the same and �if collecting rentals dierefrom; Ihe balance remaining,if any,to be
<br /> � applieJ lo�vard tlic discharge oC said mort�:age indeb�edness:these ri�I1l5 U�II1C I71UflF8�,CC may be exercised az any time du�ing the existence of such
<br /> . defaull,irerspeetive uf any temporary w�aiver o(dir same.
<br /> A� � "fheu Presents,hu�ti'evtr,��e tl�lUll�I1C COIIlIIl10I1.I I11L II Illl'S:IIII MUfl�,:l�Of 3�18II repa)'said luan un ur befure the maturity ol'said shares by
<br /> payment:pay nwmhly to said ASSOCIA'(ION u(the sum specified in the BonJ secured hereby as intemst and peincipal on said loan,un or be(urc .
<br /> thc T��'cntieth day of eacl�aud cver}'munth,until said loan is t ully paid:pay all taxes and asscssmcnls levied against said premises and un this t�iortgage
<br /> and dic Bond seeured thercby,beCure delinyuzncy;(urnish appruvrd inswance upun the buildings tiureun in the smn of 5 3Z�9��.�� p��5'���C
<br /> to s�iJ ASSOCIA"l101;rcpay to slid ASSOCIA"fION upun demand all money b}'it paid I'or such tases,assessmenu�nd insurance with in�erest at .
<br /> . Uic ntaximum le��l ratc thcrcuu(ium d�tc of paymcni all uf�vhich Aturigagur hereby aerea�to p�y:permit nu waste on said prcmiees:keep and comply
<br /> ` with all the agreemems and cunditiuns ui the eund 1'ur 5 32,990.g��his day gircn by the said�fongagur to said ASSOCIATION,and comply
<br /> f_, �cith all the reyuirements uf the Cons�itu�iun and By-L:IK'S OP 5:11 AS 1AT10N:then these prcsents shall become null nnd void,o�herwisi:thry
<br /> sh�ll cemain in full(orce and tnay bc Imcclosed al dre opliun ol the said ASSO(.'IA710\ :dter 1'ailure fbr three munths �o makc any of said
<br /> p�yments ur ba thrce munths in auean in m�king�aid mon�hly p�}•mems,or w keep and cumply K�ith the agreemrnts and cunditions ol said Uond:
<br /> �I1lI��UfIF�6Uf 8C(Cl']lU�785'C 8 f2lCIYt(BPvOlflll'(I IUf�I1N91I1 10 SUCII�OfCCIU511f1'procccdings.
<br /> If thcre is�ny change in uwnership uf Ihc real cs�ate mur�gaged hercin,by salc ur uthcrwisr,then die entirc reniaining indebtedness hereby
<br /> ` ucureJ SII�II,81 IIII'U�II011 UI TIIC I:l{�II'd�IC ULL1I(IIO��IIII LOJI7 ASSUCIJUUiI UI Gf8111I ISI81llI,N[bIdSl:ll�become immediately due and payable x�ithout
<br /> �' furthc�nuticc,and d�c amuunt remainiiig due under said bund,and any uther bund(or any additional advances mnde dmreunder,shall,from tlie
<br /> 4. Ja�e ol esercise uf said uptiun,bcar imerest at the muximum Icgel rate,and this mortgage may lhen be(orcclused to satisfy tlie amuunt due on said
<br /> bund,anJ any oiher bund(ur additiun��advances,rogether���id�all sums paid by said"fhe fyuilable duilding und Luan Associxtion ul'Grand lsland,
<br /> Nebruska fur insurance,tases and assessmruu,�nd abstracting extensiun ch�rges,widi interest �hereun, Gum Jute ul payment at the masimwn
<br /> Icgal rate.
<br /> r As pruviJed in Ihe Bond secured hereby,H�hile this murtg�ge remuins in effect the mortgagee may hereafter advance�dditional swns to the
<br />�, tnake�s of said Bond,their assigns ur succrssors in interest,�chich sums shall be within tl�e securiry of this muctgage the ume as die funds oripinxlly
<br /> �ecured thereby,the tota!amuunt u(p�incipul debt nnt to exceed al any lime the ori�;in�l amnunt of this mortgage.
<br /> �� DaleJ Ihis Z9th day q( �U�y -�.,\ A D.,l9�6
<br /> .. % �— / ,
<br /> ;1---,c / /c/ :,. .� �. , St0 \ \�;.`i'��
<br /> � �,.. f_,.���-s��,�..-__— RoJeaaF.�A. Aec
<br /> ; B. leon Hecht
<br /> STATE OP NEDRASf:A, SS pn diis 29th day o( �U�y 19 76 ,be(ore me,
<br /> COUNTY OF HALL� �
<br /> the undersigned,a tiotary Public u�and fur said Counry,personally came
<br /> B. Leon Hecht and RoJean A. i�echt, each in his and her own right and asUsporee o�oaih o�W�e�, r. Nr_.
<br /> Lme tu1��dt��i wn S �+hou names a(fixed to the above instrument es nmrtgagurs �nd they se�•erally �
<br /> l' r•''��� r..
<br /> ac{AfoM�kdg¢1•thus;�� ent to be thei r �'uluntary�cl and dced. �� �
<br /> ';; ' 1�'471�SS hand nnd Nutari�l S�al thc date aforesnid. .� . tf.� .
<br /> ` i
<br />, .' 11y Coip�qisriun expires �,��_ � .—rj� :�'��1 "�' �'( .
<br /> � �i_i..r�i ') I ����'� � - �b��, �����
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<br /> 4. ri� _. . ` � � - � tiotary Public
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