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<br /> A10RTGACE
<br /> �tORTGAGC LOAN N0.. '
<br /> r KNOWALLrfEN01'TtIL•SLPRL'S6NTS:'I'hat Anton J. Kvetensky and hiary E. Kvetensky, each in his '
<br /> I and her own right and as spouse of each other,
<br /> Afurtgngor,wh�t,:er one or more,in consideration of the sum o(
<br /> Thirty Thousand Eiqht Hundred and No/100-------------------------------------------Do��nKs
<br /> luaned to said murtgugor by The F;quil�ble�uilding and Luan Associatiun of C�and Island,Nebraska,Afurtgagee,upon 308 shares of stock of
<br /> said ASSOCIATION,Certificate No.L 22�2�4 ,du hereby grant,convey and nwrtgage untu the suid ASSOCIATION the(ollowing
<br /> described real estate,situated in Ilnll County,Ne6raska: . .
<br /> � tugether with all �he tenemrnts,hercdiiaments:�nd appurten�nces ihemunto beluneing,including nt[ached iloor coverings,all window screens,
<br /> � windux�shades,blinds,stonn���indux's,awnings,heatmg,�ir conditiuning,and plumbing and w:�ter equipment and acceswries therew,pumps,stoves,
<br /> rrfrigeratoes,and uthe�fi�mres and eyuipment now ur herea�ter attadied to oi used in cunreciiun with said real estnte.
<br /> � And whereas the said mortgagor h�s agreed�nJ does hcreby agrce th�t the nwrteacur shall and will pay ull laxes and assesments levied or
<br /> � assessed upon s:iid premises and upon tliis murtcage and the bond securrd therebt�before the s:ame shall become delinyuent:to Cumish approved
<br /> insu�ancz upon the buildings on said premixs siiueted in the sum of 5 30,8��.�� papable to said ASSOCIATION and ro deli�rcr to said
<br /> . ASSOC1A7fON ihe policies for said imurxnce,and not w cummit u�ptrmit any w�ste un ur a6out said prcmises:
<br /> In care��f deiault in the padonnancr uf any of the tenns and�onditions of diic nwrtgage ur the bond secured hereby,the mortgegee shall,
<br /> � on Jemand,be emided to immcdiate pussrssion uf the mortgaged premiscs and the mortgagor hereby assigns, transfers and sets over to the
<br /> � murtgagee all thn rents,�evenucs and incume�u be derivzd irom ihr nrortg�ged prcmises du�ing such time xs the mortg�ge u�debmdness shall romain
<br /> unpaid:and thc moctgagce shall have the pow�er ro appoint any agcnt m agents it may desirr fur the purpuse ol'repairing seid prenuses and mnting .
<br /> the same and rollecting thz rents,cevenues anJ incotne,:�nd it may p�y uut of said incume all expenses u(repairing said premises and necessary
<br /> ' cumminions and eapenus incuued in renting and managing the same and of colkcting rcnt�ls diere(rom:die balance remaining,iC any,to he
<br /> �PV��C(I�O\4'3((I IIIC dISCI13fCl'�if said muneace indebmdncss:�hese�ights of thc mortg�gtz m�y be exerci�ed at any timc during the existence of such
<br /> . default.irrcspecti��e of any tzmpora«•waiver o(the slme. �
<br /> Thcse Yresents,howeve�,aro upon the Cunditiun,That if�he said\furtgagur sh�ll rep�y said lo�n un or hefure the maturity of s�id shares by
<br /> psymenr,pa}�monthly to said 1SSOCIA'lION uf ihc sum speciiied in the Bond secured hereby�s interest and principal un said luan,on or befure
<br /> ihe T«'euticih day ot racl�and acerv month,until said loan is fully paid:pay all t�xes and assessments leried against said p�emises�nd on d�is 9lortgage
<br /> and�he 6und secured thereby,befure delinyuency:turnish nppru�ed insurance upon�he buildings thereon in the sum ul 5 3Q.$QQ.QQ P�>'��le
<br /> � to said 1SSOCIATIO'�:rep�y m saiS ASSOCI:\TIOti upun demand atl money by it paid(ur such tases,assessments anJ insurance with intecest at �
<br /> (Vlt'078XIIlll11T1 IC�'8I fBIC fltCfCOfI�f0111(I:t(l'OI�18)'fI12Ill dII UI\\'I11C}I AIUfIC��UI Ill'�l'I1}'JRfCCS f0�:1):�!ermit no waste on said premises;keep xnd comply
<br /> . will��II the ag�cemcnts ar.d wnditiwis uf the Bond(ur 5 3��HOO.00tlus day Eiven by the s:�id 1lorteagor tu siid ASSOCIATION.and comply
<br /> � wiih all the�eyuirements of[he Cunstitution nnd 8y-La��•s oi said ASSOCIA'f10N:then these presents shall become null and void,otherwise they
<br /> shsll rem�in m full furce anJ m�y 6e fmcelosed ai the uptiun of dte said ASSO(:IATION aftrr lailure (or threr munths [o make any uC said
<br /> � p�}•ments ur br three munth5 in a�re�rs m making said mm�Udy paymems,or�o kecp�nd cumply N�ith the agreeme�us and conditions o(said I3unJ;
<br /> - and Pton�agur agrces tu have a recei��er appuinted turth�a�ith in sudi lurcdusure proceedings.
<br /> I(there is atq'change in uu�nership ul the real estatt morlgageJ herein,b��s�le or utherwise,then the entire mmuining indebtedness hereby
<br /> �ccurcd shall,at the optiun u�Thz L•yuitable I3uilding and Lean Assuciation of GranJ lsland,Nebras}:a,become immeJiauly due end payable withoul
<br /> j � furthcr nutice,and�hc amount rcmainine due under said bund,and any uthcr bond fur any additiunal ad�;tnces made thereunder,shall,Gom the
<br /> dale ol exercise uf said uption,bear imerest at the maximum Iegal ratr,and this murtgage may then be(oreclosed to s:itisfy ihe amount due on said
<br /> bond,anJ an�•otlier bund(ur additiunal�dvances,tugethcr with all smns paiJ by said The liyuitable Building xnS Luan Aswciatiun of Grand tsland,
<br /> s'- Nebraska for insurance,tuxes and assessments.�nd abstracting e�tensiun charges,�s�i�h inle�est therron, Irom d�te uf paymen[ at the maximurn
<br /> legal rate.
<br /> - As proviJed in the 13ond secured hercby,�rhile ihis mungage mmains in ellrct the nwngagee miy hereaCter advance additional sums tu the
<br /> makers of siid ifund,their assigns o�succeswrs in interest,which sums sh�ll be within the security of this mortgage the same as the Cunds originallp
<br /> szcwed tLereby,�he total amouN ot principal debt nnt�o exceed a�any time die original amount of this mortgage.
<br /> n�cra����� 30th a�>-�r July ,�.�..i�� 76
<br /> �,/ � �
<br /> (l�`s1 v �,Cl.-;�"���.;.e. � .�,, �� .
<br /> �', i:��_ �1.
<br /> Anton J. Kvetensky � h�ary� . Kvetensky
<br /> �
<br /> STATE Of NEBRASF:A,1 ss. On this 3�th day of ���y 1�1 76 ,before me,
<br /> COUNTY OF flALL I ; I .
<br /> . the undersigned,a Notary Public in end for said County,perwnally came .
<br /> Anton J. Kvetensky and Mary E. Kvetensky, each in his and her own right and as spouse of N.';,
<br /> 2dCI � µ�1O are Perwnallyknownlo � ;
<br /> l, o�dtKYa��rsonS ��'hose n�mo5 are aflixed tu the abore instrument as morigagor S and they sevrrally �, ��..
<br /> . l�3�qwle�gtil fyiA'y,d in'�tument to be thei r vnluntacy act anJ dted. �`"� �-
<br /> i �11'1�L'JtS�my h:md and Notarial Seal the date al'oresaid. '�. t�
<br /> � _f�! �j` �=
<br />"+� � y '• �c.n.n -�I:My Caf�ifi;ssian expires � l �� '�J f���`,i
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