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<br />; { �., i
<br /> :,.::�
<br /> Ak �� 76- �
<br /> OU41 '77
<br /> a�
<br /> F
<br /> 'Chnl �Ahe Mortgegor �vill pnY fhe inde6tedness. as hrreinbrfore prnvid��d. .
<br /> 'Phnt �hc A4orfgngur is the riwnrr o( e:iiJ prupi�rly in [cc simpic nnd has gond right and li�a (ul auUiorih' lo nidl nnd
<br /> e•unvey 16�� xnme nnd lha� the 'snme is free :+qd cl�rr�r of �my li��n or ri{rnmbrxm•e ; and U�ul. AtortY,�F;��r will w�arr:uil :wd defrnd ihr, .
<br /> litle lo uiid premises � ugainst the cluims af � xll persons w�homsoever.
<br /> I `1'u pay immediulcly when �due and pnynhle all genernt t:�xea spe.�. ial I�ixcs sprrial �r.sc,smrnts u ;rtrr rh;�rges, si�a ��r s.en,.. .
<br /> iri� rhnq;�w. �nd other tnxes and rlmiges ng�iin�l vnfd prc�prrty nnd nll t �rc; L•� ird nn thi� dr6t s�-currd 6�•r�•b� . :ind ln (urmsh ihe
<br /> �tiiurignger, itpu�� n•qut�al . u�ith �tho origimd ul' du�ilic�de roa•ipls tlu•rr(ur. "Phr Rluril;:igor agrrrs ih;LL tlmn� shall bc udd<�d ln
<br /> rach monthly pnyment rcyuired lirn�uuder or undcr 1lie rvidrncr uf r:i�6t srrumd hi�ruhv�-,iu :U),u�unl rstimi�t��d by lhr Alortgager .
<br /> tu br sulticient !o enahle fhe ��1ortR@gee �o pay. �i, thry becunu� � luv, i�ll L�z��, ti=,rssineA�s. :ynd ::itnilar ��h:��Y,�"� ��P•�n fhr prem. �
<br /> ises .zobjrct iLereto; nny drficiency 6ei�nusr nf Ih�� in,;uflicioni•t� o( ,u��}� :tddili�m:il paymrnis ;;ludl I�r G �r� h�vith di�pasit��d hv thr .
<br /> ivlutlgugor �villi ILe :Y1brfFnger upon . clenuind Ir; Ihi• Aiurtg;�,:ro. Anr ilr(t�ul ! imdrr fhis p:� r:tgraph shull i�r rl��rmrd :� dn(:mlt in �
<br /> paYm��nt nf laxes, axae�yments. nr �,imil�v rh;� rF�s •r�<p�ir�d In. reu �idur. '
<br /> . 'Chr• nlnrlga4:ur agrres LLat lh�•rc nLall nl.o bc addrd iu �.�rh munlhly Paymont of prinei�i:d .ind inle�rr�t re.quired herr �
<br /> � wider an .imoonl e.lim:itvd bv thi� .'Anrtgagre tu Lr sullirirnl t� � ennbir Ilir linrtEnµr�� �u p�iq . n� if I�.��artnrc �luo. Ihi• insurnm-r
<br /> prrmium un t�ny insurnnrc pulicc drlivarrd t�� [hr �[n��t�ugur. :1u}� dcli!:irnc;: Lrc:nisr � �( Ihu iusuflicicnc�' n( su.h addiliunal p�}� -
<br /> mcrds shnl� bi� forlh�eilh Jiqiosil�•J by tho ?�turtt:.�gnr with thi• A1nrtRugor upun d�•mnnJ try Ihr� '�1n��ti;ai:cv. An•; drfault undr•r this �
<br /> pnrogr.3ph sLnll IH• derm��d u d�•faul ( in Nie p�ymrnt ��f i� suranro prominms_ If thr pntir�� nr polirirs drpo;it+�d ,� re sirh :�e lnime- . .
<br /> nwnvrs or all risk pulirio,. und tho di�pusiL urr in::u0icicn( tn psp th� � � �nitr� � � �r���ni�un . � li�� A1nrl �;a;rr� m:i�� rq�plr Ih� drpnsit tn
<br /> p;�Y Pn•miums nn risks r•qnimd tn }n� ir.sur��d 6y thiti mnr� �;%µ:r. �
<br /> � r
<br /> P:n'nt�nis m:�dr h�• � li�• .`.ln[tl:a�ar ur� li�r' 11��� ah;;_: � p:� r:l ,: rupl�� m:�•; . :!t If��+� u�niun n( iho Alu � i{•n �� �c, 6r h��ld hy i ( � nd .
<br /> rummingl��d with nihrr ew•h (und� nr ils o�cn (und. G ,r t6r pa�cmrnl nf su�-h itrm:;, and until su upplicd. �urh pny� mont_=. ar�� hrrrby ' _
<br /> plodgrd nti .rcudty fnr � hr un���aid 6:J �mr�� n[ Ihr inuiq;:ii;�� ind� �6lednr� ;.a.
<br /> e
<br /> "C�.� prni�urr. drli��cr ti�. :md maint2iu fnr ihr b��nrfit u[ ih�• Alnrtti:i�rc durine fh�• li(r n[ this mnrlti:ae�� uril;�n:d p� diri�•� ;uid
<br /> � mnewul, tnrrevf. dr-lir�-r��d :�t lr:ist h�n d:ioe L.dor• fhr �•. pir:� w � n � �( :� u� =urh p�:li ��i<•;. insunu� ri�:ainst Firr and olh�•r insuruidi�
<br /> z; haz:n'da, �•asw�iltes, nn�! cnnlingencir.; uv the !lfortguKrr m:p' mquit'r, in an ;�rnunnt rqunl to Ih� indrbti�dness F��i�umd 6y ihie
<br /> �, .".lort�ttgr, and in cnmpunin� acmpti�LL• In ihr� �fr �nga�;��r. :. ith In-s � ,,n�:ihlr i�Icros�� in t:�vur uf :� nJ in (urm a��crptaMr tn Il�a Vurt�a-
<br /> l:i�c. In ihr cvent mi�� pulicy i. not rrnvwr�] � �u nr bclnn, I : � n � hr: ,: ��r it, rzpirutiun . t!:�� .'dorip:�y:rr muy pnlcurr insur�nrr � �n ! hr
<br /> �. improvrments. Pny lhr prrmium th� �ndr,r. :wi ::urh su!n .ir.�ll 1 ".c �uic inun��diat�.ic � Li., ❑ nd pnp:drl�� �.iU� inl�� n-st ut thr r.rt�� .rt
<br /> inrf}i in suid nol�� un�il �mid :ind =) isll L�• .rcurrd I;>� thi-: nn�rl ;;;it�r- I�,uhirr „n ifu� ��,! rt u( Ihc "dorq;ugur Ir, Lirnish surh rru�•�v�ils
<br /> � ��s tvc Litrcin nY�uimd or Iuiluro In pac anp �aum�ti _i� l�;mr� �� l h� ..,.un : l�� r :L:dl . :�t iLo oplinn u! thr �lurtungoc. r� �n�lifulr a J��fuult �
<br /> under the trmm �( Ihis morf�;;��;�•. "l�h�- d��livrry nf .urh � �o! i��i� ti tihrill _ in th, . „��rni nt di�Ca�dL r„n?litut�� :in a..ignmrnt ��I itne um
<br /> ranusi premium.
<br /> Any ..�urns rrr��ic��� l b: ih�� A1nri �;:�l'���� Lc rrn<on � d 1� �=., � � ,- ,-l:m::r,;�' iii,urr�i :�e.�uist m.�y I��� n l.� im�d Lc th�� At �iri�:agec �
<br /> uud :tppli���l tnwxrd tLc p.ivnu�nt "t fl�r d��Fl hrrrLr �� ,'un�d . ur. :� t th� • � �p� ion o( H�;- �l� �rlav�,r�•, surh sum: ��ilhrr �rh� �ll)' ��r i�e
<br /> pnrt tru��' hi• piiiJ urer I �� iLc 9fnil ;;n�;ur In ir.� u ���d tu r� �p;iir =urh buil! lini:-. o : t � � hiiild ' n..�c bnildin�;s in Iln•ir placr ��r for uny .
<br /> v: othcr purPosr nr uLjrrl .uli,facfur�� tn ihe Aturip,i�,��• �oitLuul �ifirrtir4 th�� lir�n nn th�� mmtGaitir for tLr full umuunt .��run�J hrrr.
<br /> by b�•fure surh �r,rvment �•vrr l��ik pincr.
<br /> �� 7�o prnmpily mpair. ri•slorr �ir rrbuil� i au.: Luildin;: ; rr impr� �v� �rnrnls nrnv ur hrre��dbrr nn Ihr prornisoa �4fiicli m;�y h��
<br /> i�otnr d:miaFed nr drslrncivi : tu k��ep s[iid pmmi:;�" in �:rxid cunditinn an�i rup:�ir :mJ frr�• frurn any n�rchunii's liF�n r�r nlher lii�n or
<br /> ; rlaim of lien nnl ozPrw.ssly cuburdin:iled to tLr lirn hr .rnf�. nnt �� � sut(��r � �r p�•rrnit .uiv unlaw�(ul usc u[ ur ��nv nuisanrc tu ��sist on
<br /> Snid properly nur to permil « aste on ..�id �nrmis��.,. iinr t � , dn un�� nthi�r ,�rt �chrr��b}' tiie prope, rtp h��r�•6y rnnvey��d shall lucome
<br /> Ir4s v.ilu:�blc, nor ln dinunish nr imir,�ir ii : valw • bv �ine un �. � � �ini �,�.in❑ I , � :�r� � : � r� �mlQ �. �uth ull r� �qninyni� nr; rif Inw wilh n�sprct
<br /> tn LLr mor� g:iticJ �ircinl�r.. :ind lhr u��� Ihrrro(.
<br /> 'Thot shuuld Ih�� pri�inis�•s ur .uiy P:� rl ih��rcr.f Ix� I .ikrn �.. r d:�mu�;rrl Ly r��:i:� , u i�f anc pubin• im •rcnvrmrN ur c��nJemnalion
<br /> i;
<br /> procreding. ur undrr fLc ri;;6t uf ,.min��nt dum;� in . � �r in :wy� r,thrr m:mnrr. thr .Atnrt;;:i�;r�� shall 6�� �•nl �� !:d to :JI rnmprns;dinns.
<br /> �� nwards. and any ulh�•r paymenl ur rrli�•( t6cm(nr. nnd shnll b�• ��ntill�=d . :at it . n� itiun, iu c� nnmi�ncc, nppi•nr in and pr�nir.u[r in if.s
<br /> " nwn mm�e :my ncliun or procrrding. ur lu innpo ,in�� �-�nnprurni=r nr srttloim�ni iu runm�cti� �n w�ith such lakinF ��r rl�unnge. All +ueit
<br /> 4 compensnlion. awards, dnwages. right u( netion and pruce�vls am hrrrhp nssiqnrd �u Ih�� '�L�t (�;�U:ei•, ahu iuog, after deductinF:
<br /> Iherefrom nll its rx �xnsi�s. trlens�• un5' rnuneys wn n�ceivi•d hv il ur appl5' thr snmr un any indeb�rdnrs, �ecurrd hi•reby. '1'hr \lurl-
<br /> � KUFor ug�eis (u ezecufe such furth�v assignrnrnt> �.if nny c� ,wprns�it�un. a�c��rd... Jatnn�;��s, and ril:his nf :�rGnn :uid prneroJ.s as Ihr
<br /> Mortguger mny reyuire.
<br /> '. 7'h;�t in case u( lnilun� lu pi•r(unn .up' u( � hr ron•n;�nl., h�• rcin. lh�• \lurtgu�i�e �nay dn un th�• \tur�t:��or's b��hni( ev�•r>�Ihing
<br /> ` su cuvrnunled : Ihat the \lurtg;�gor nuiy :dsn du anl' uct i ( nc�Y drrnt r,ri�re.ary fu prulrc( Ih�• lii•n th�� rru(: thn � Ih�� \1urt �;a�:ur ��•ill
<br /> i
<br /> �. repuy upon demand �ny monrys pnid ��r dishure��d h}� Ih�� Vr�rt {�a;'r�� f� �r am� ��( ! h�• aboe�r purpn.es. ;�nd sucL mon�•v, fogrtlier wilh
<br /> intert�t thereun nt lhe n�t� prnvided� in �t� id nuli• shall becum�• ,u murh n�ldilion•el indeblednc•ss hrre�by .��eumJ i�nd mav iH• in-
<br /> cluded in any decrcr [or�•clmin{; U�is murt�;age and 6e piiid uut o ( th�• r��nts nr prucerds uf ,alr nf caid prnmisrh i( nnl nthrrwisr
<br /> puid; lh�t it sh�dl nut hr ublignlory upun the Alurtgagee ln inyuirr m[u thi• onGdity uf nny li�•n. rncumbrnnr��s, or clmim in ad-
<br /> �nneing moneys a,s ntxrvr aulhurized. but nutLing herein cnntainrd shall bo construi•d as nv� uirinF, Ihe �turtK+�R�'�• tu .�d��anee any
<br /> mor.eys for nny zuch purpase. nw lu do any acl hi�reunder : and ihat Diurlgnl:er shnll unt.incur nny porsun:�i IiaLilil�' b�•caus�� uf an}''
<br /> thing it may do or umit tu du hereundec � �
<br /> in lhr rvrnt of � he de[aull L)' 1lortgagur in th�• puymrnl nf mty inst:illm��nt. ns rrquin•d by Ihe Notr securrd he•rr6y. ar _
<br /> in lhc perfurmnncr ��f thr uLli�;atiun in this mnrt7:a�;r ur in th�� nolr �irurrd H:creLy. th�� �tortgagu�' �hall b�• �•nti �l��d In drelnr�• I}u� . ,
<br /> y'� deht secured hereby duv and puyuble withuul nolicr. and thr �A �rt ;;;ag�•r yh;ill 6�� rNitlyd at its u�idun. w�ilhuut unfirr. t�ilher by i4vrlf
<br /> nr 6y a nxeiver tn be t�ppuinliKi by the cuurt ihrn•nL and u�ithout mglird �o th�• ndrqu:icy n( nny srcurity fnr Ihe ind��blydn�•ss s�� � . .
<br /> cured hcreby, lo enlrr upnn und I:ikr pnss���sion �d thr �nnrlg:�ged prctni�:es. nnd tn rullect ;�nd rrcrivr fhe• rrnt•;. isru��v r�nd prufifs � .
<br /> thereo(. und npply the �ame. .lt�s3 cusla o[ uperution nnd rulLrlion. upon thc indebl��dnrs� ��•currd by this mnritiutir: sniJ rrnls,
<br /> iasuc5 Nnd profiLS fx�inK hcreby u�niF���'d tn thr M11��rt�;:�7:��e ns L� rthcr se��•urily !nr tha paymi•nt of all indclrlydnrss sirunvi bcrrby.
<br /> �I'hn MurtgnFre shull htive the pow�•r �n appuint any i�grnt or agrnL il may docirr (ur lh�• putPrno ��( rrp:nting s:�iJ prrm-
<br /> ices: renling the snme: collrcling lh�� rents, revrnues and inc��me, and i� may pay i�ul uf snid inrumi• all esprnsrs meurrnl in rrnb
<br /> ing nnd munaging lhe ea�ne and o( cullecling thr renlnis ihrrrlmm. Th�� hnlance rr•muining. if :iny. tifmll h�� ;y,plied luward lhe . .�.. ' . .
<br /> . -,:x:.:' .
<br /> diychorge of (he morlgnge indebtednevs. This :�stiiK�un�•nt i� tu lerminatr and Ir�cumv null and ����id upnn rcir;iw• uf It�is martgage. � . . :s �.
<br /> N
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