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<br />., � � �
<br /> r �
<br /> iN
<br /> j7 .
<br />��� � 6- 00 � � � 4 . .
<br /> Thut ?he Mortgagor will pay Uir indehtedness ns hereinbefore. pnrvided. �
<br /> That the Mortgagor is .the owner ot �aid prnperty in f��u simPle nnd has goocl right and Iz�w(ul authorily tn .srll :md �
<br /> � r convcy the same �and thal lhe same ia frec and dcueu( nny lien ur encumhnmcr; and lhaf Mnrlgagur will warrnnt und drf��nd the
<br /> Ititle lu wid premises aqainst the claims of al! ��ersuns whnmsoever.
<br /> To pay immediately when due and payable ail R��teral taxes, speciijl taxey: speciai assrssrarnls, w:der chur5us, <��u���r sorv- .
<br /> ice cl�Firgi�. and o�her WYL'S nnd charges agninsf s:iid property . �ind :ill lazrs lnvi�•d nn thr d�•bt sr�•urrd hr•r��Ly. :�nd lo furni�h thr.
<br /> MorlgaB�'e. u�u�n - request, w�ilh lhe original urdupliceto receiptv � thvreG,r. '1'he Rturtgagnr :�t;m��s lhal Uir:e ,hall b�� � added to �
<br /> c:�ch munlhly p;rymenl required he�rew�der or under Ihe evidenca of de6l sccurerl h��rrhy ;m .inumnt rstim�ih•J by ll�e 1lorigaE;ec
<br /> � to be sufticient- to enuble lhe Modgagee: to pay. :�s Uiey becnme due, ail taxes, t��s�'ssmenls. �md �imilar cha� rgcs upon thi� prrm•
<br /> ix�s subject thi��rto; any dr('icieney� Lecausr uf lLe insuflicieucy u( such ��dditiunal yat'rnrnL: �hall hc (urlh�silh depasitr�d by Uir .
<br /> �1urlgugur with lhe Morlgagiro upon d��nwnd Ly � hr blurtga�er Aiq� drf,+ull undcr this pnra�;r:iph nluJl Lr dr��med o detault in
<br /> ��ayment of taxes, ;LcSe,smunts. or similar rhargv. mquired hrn���nder.
<br /> r
<br /> � 'I'he Afort�;+3gor agrrt:s Ih.d Ihere shall alsu bo added lo rach munlhly paymo.n ! uf pnncip�tl and int�•mst rcywred . hr. re�
<br /> unJer nn amound rnlima [ed by the !�forlgaqee lu h�� sul(icirnt tu rnnble the Afucfg:�G�'�' tu pay , as il L+rcumrs dur. the insuranee � . � .
<br /> pre.�r�imn un ariY insurant•e pulicy delivered lo the Tlurlgagri•. Any �Ieficiaucy brcause �d fhr in,oiiici��ncy uf sueh addiliunal pay, . . . ..
<br /> menLv shall br 6�rth�.vith depnsiled hy lh�� tilortgngor wilh ihi� �lorfgagoe upon dernund by ihe Alortgng�n�. 1uy d��fault ur �:cr this .
<br /> parugraph vhall 1-,�� d�•�•mrd :� dt�(�wit in the pa}'nu•nl nf insurance promiums. � 1 ( (hc p�,licy ��r puli�•ies depnsit��d are surh uz tmme� .
<br /> s
<br /> ��wner� or ell risk policir.;. und the depusils an• iuvulilcii�nl fu ��aV thr rnUro ��rrmiuin . iLe I�1ur� gage�• in;�e ��pply thr Jrpu:ii to ,�
<br /> ` t i >rNmiums un rivks ro� uired to tK� insur�•d b this mnrl U;r. ...
<br /> I � Y1 1 Y , k� . .
<br /> . ,
<br /> Pavments maJz� 6}' tho Dtur!{;agur ur.dcr � hc ��bow• parn�:r:�phs mrry'. nf thi• � �pliun u( thi• �tur���.agw�, hc licld � hy it nnJ
<br /> rmnminglr�d �eilh ulher sich fundc or it. u�.,n hinds G,r Ihe papmenl nf such ifr�ns, :md unlil =o upplied. such payments are hrrchp
<br /> ` pI�KlKt�d n, securilv tur lh�• unpaid L;�I �mrr nf th�� murt�;��ge indrbtednoss.
<br /> To procure. d�•I[cer (u, ;uid muinWin tur l6r brnefil n( lhi� Aiurtgllg!•r durint; ih�, li[e nf (his nmrlya�;r uriginal pulicirs nnd
<br /> � renewalc then.i[, drliven•d :+l 4•:�st t�•n d:n's b�durc lh�� rcpir.ui��u ���( �nv �uch {��dicicr: , in.urin4; �4:+�inst fire .md uth��r insurahle .
<br /> }mzards, cneualties, 3nd runtin6encire av lhe Morlgngrc rn:rv nY�uire, m ❑n :miount equnl to lhe indrbtrdnevi securr�al by this
<br /> hiur(ti:+ge. and in ec:m»nnies :�cevpl:a6lc lu tLe Alu[Ig+i6'<'r, ���ith luss papuLlr cliaux�� in fn����r ��( ,md in fnrm oce�'ptablr !o fhr A4or� !;a-
<br /> `� . Rc�e. In the eveul. nny �,nlic� i: mrt i � � �•�.. �. d , �„ � i ,� �r„ � . . i 1 ��- : �r . � � � _.,.r;r�+i..n r6a Mnrtexeee mdY Pra:utrt. insurenc.r nn thr . �
<br /> �. im{'rtovcmenls. Pay thc prrmium tL�•n•(nr. .tud smh ;um :h ili i � < � mu• immi dudrly �lu�� �md p:�y;ibir . ��ih „ �. ,� � ... ; c� � , . ,.l ... _. �_�.. . - �',
<br /> forUt iu s�aid notc until �r�id iand shull ho s�•cumd bv ihis mort,;:�I;o. [�,ulure un ihc pnrl ��f th�. 1lnrtp,agur tn [un�ish such mm��vals _
<br /> �� ns ure herein rcv{uin•d ur (.iilun• lu pay .ury �unu ��dvanc��d h��m�u�d��r =haiL at t6i• npti��n o( th�• Alort�;a�rc. e� �n+titul�• a d��(:iult
<br /> �. widrr the lertns uf this mortga��•. 'I�h�� drliv�� ry n( such pulirir. shsll. in ( hr r��ent u( di•(ault . <-omlilul�• an ;�ssignnu•nt uf the uo- � �
<br /> enmcKi premium. .
<br /> . Any sums n•rriced bp lh�� �lurlr.iKe�= L�� rracr,n r [ lu=; or J:unuge iu,ur� d .ib,un.t mi�' b�. r t:iinrd by thr �1uR„agec :
<br /> nnd applicd tuxt�rd thr p:�yment uf Ih�� d��D� hrn�b>' nrcun. d ur, r, L f6�- upliun u( Ih�: Alurtqagei•. ��i ch .-ums rither w}�ullv ur m
<br /> pu[t may br p;�id ne��r t �� lh�• b]u�ig:iK��r t � � b�• �nrd tu mpuir such 6uildinRs or h � Lu!Id ' n�.µ� huildiu�:s {n ih��ir pl;icv ur fur any
<br /> ut6er purposr ur object s:ilisfaclury tu thr Vlurlgxpec withuut a(T�•c� int; � Lr lien un Uu� murtFaRc (or thv full �unuunt ��r��un•d h�, n•-
<br /> hv 6i�(nrr such payment rvor ir.�k pl��ce.
<br /> i
<br /> - 'Pu promptly n•pair, resture ur rcbuild nny Luildint:+ �� r �mpru��emi�nl.ti no�e' ��r h��rrafl�•r on thc ��rrrnisi�s W�hich mny lic�
<br /> .b, come damaged ur Jestroy�Kl : fo keep snid premi�c� in g�wd cunditiun aud rep.rir tind Irrr lrmm �ny muchamc's lirn nr uth�r lirn or
<br /> ,`- clnim uf lien �wt t�xpr��s�ly suhurdinulod lo L6e li��n hr�reu[t m�t tn �ufter � �r p��r�nit any unluw(ul use u[ or an}' nuisanv�� lo e> �si on
<br /> .? sai�l property �i��r [n p�•rmil w;�;te nn s:� id pn•mis��s, uur lo dn nny nther art u�h��rrhy lhc prnp��rty hrrrby c��nvep�•d shall ixcome
<br /> ��r: luss valuaMc, nor lo diminish ur impair it� �::luv Lp any .irt or ,anis.i � m tn :u�i : tu r� :mPlc �.. ilh .�❑ rrqnirrrm�nl; �;( la�r '..'ith ri�sp��ct i
<br /> to lhe morl�;:�t;ed prcwises xnd Uic use th�aru(.
<br /> n "I'hut shuuld thi• prrmis�-s ur �iny p:+rl th��rru( Ir• L�krn �� f d:�m:�gc�� by rra<ou uf ,ui}' pnLlic miprnrrmiad i,r n�ndetnnation
<br /> � proccedini;. or undcr lhe ri�;ht o( ���nine�d domain, ur in uny nther m:uim•r. lh�• DforlK�r,:r�• ;h:dl b�• i-mitl��d to �JI cnmpcosutions,
<br /> r�. nwards, and anY ��ther payment or mlir( thon•fur. and shall hv enlitle�d. at its optiun. to t•ommi•nrt•, tqip��nr in :mrl prrn�K•itle iu it;
<br /> ` own nninr iin)' ac[iun ur prcx•c�•dinK. ur lu tn:�kc :m�i- eumPrumisi• nr s�•Lll��nii�nl �n eo!inrctiun wilh nuch laking ur damugc. :111 such
<br /> compensation, nwards, dama��K. right nf actinn nnd pra�erKls are hereby assi�;ned to Nir \1urt;;n�;er. ��fin may. a(trr deJucting
<br /> iherefrom nli its expenses, relense nnY m����eys su received by il ur ��pply lhe s:amr �m any indebl��dne.s s�-cured honby. 9'hi� ht ��rl-
<br /> � gaFor ugrrcw lo rxecule s�ich furlher ussignmi�nls n( auy c� �mp��n..diun. n�s:uds, dnmagr.. and ri�;ht� uf ncti�,n and prucc�•Js a.s the
<br /> pioAgngee mny reyuire.
<br /> � Thal in case u( failure tu prrfunn any n( thr iv�arnnnt, herrin. (hr NortgnFrr m.p' du nn thr \1urf�;;igur 'n brkJf ����rrpthing
<br /> :
<br /> ' so rnvenanled : thal the blorlgagrr muy alsa du uny art il may dnem mvr.=.;�vy lu prutecL th�• lirn lhrreu(: Ilc�t lhr Mortgagur will
<br /> c
<br /> (; rrpay upon drmand nny moneys pnid or disbursed by the pturtgagrr (or any u( the abuvr purp�x�•s. nnd .urh mnmrys Iug�t6rr with - .
<br /> t �� interesl lheruan nt thc rate prnvided in viid nute shnll breomi• so �micV� nddition�l in�lebtrdneas h�•reby s��i�urrd ;ind m�iy fx• in-
<br /> + rlud�Kl in xny Jecree foreclusing Ihis murtgage .md bc paid uut uf Ihe rrnts ur pruceeds uf �ale u( said promisvs if nut uthr�x•isr
<br /> ;i paid: lhat it shuli nut 6e ublig•story upun the �lortgagrr to inquim intu the v;�lidily n( any lirn. ��ncumLruna•s, or claim in ad- .
<br /> vuncing monr.ys us eFwve uuthorixed, but nuthing herein contained sh��il ix cunstrucd as requiring ihr Jtorlg+�gee tu :advancr ,�ny _
<br /> � moneys (or �ny nuch Purpuse nor to du any uct hereundcr, and lhut MorlKngec shall nut incur any persunul IiaFility because nf any -
<br /> thing it mey di� or umil to do hereunder. .
<br /> ° In lhe evenl uf lhe defuult by Afurtgagor in th�• pnymi•nt o( any instullment , as rrquired Lv tlu• Note securrd h��mby, ur
<br /> in the �x•r(orn�mice of lhe obligation in lhis morlgage• ur in the nute siYured Uirreby, lhe \lortgagee shall be �•ntilird �o declarr lhe
<br /> - debt securcd herebY due and paYnhle withoul notice. and the Morlgngee shall hr entitled al its uplion. wilhuut noticr•. t�ither b}• ilself
<br /> of l>y a ICCen'er l� lx• +ipp��int4rl Ly the court th��nmL tmd �cithout regurd to the adequacy o( m�y s<�curity (ur thr indeblcdnraa u��
<br /> curcd hereby. lo enter upon und takr possrssion df lhe � murlg.��;ed premises, and tu collect nnd n•ceive Ihe mn(s. ��surs and profils
<br /> thereol, nnd apply the same. Icss cusls of operntio�i and collection, u�n lhe indehtednewv �u�currd hy lhis morlKuge: said ri�nls,
<br /> isvucs and profit5 beinq hrreby a9siK��ed to lhe biurtgugee as furlher srcurity for the payment of utl indcbt�•dnrs; ..ervred hrre6y.
<br /> 'Chr MurtKo6e<' Shall hnve the puKrr lo uppuint any ngent or ngenls il may desirv (or the Purp`ne nf rrpairing uiid prem- i
<br /> ises; renling lhr. same; collecting the rrnts, revrnuey and income, xnd it may pay out o[ suid incumr all ezprnsrs inrurre+l in renb . � . �
<br /> . inK und manuging the anme and o( cnllecling lhc n•ntalv lhere[ re�m. Th�• hulnncr rF•maining. if lIIIV. $IIDII I1P J �I�)IIP(I �OM'8f(� �I1P . ,� N '•
<br /> � dischurRe af the mndgege indebtectners. 1'his asrig��mrnl is tu irrminalr and 1+�cume null and ��nid u{x�n mlrrisr of this m��rtKnge. ?
<br /> �
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