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R� _ � -..::,�. � <br /> a' � � <br /> ti <br />� �oAN No. 21 0 4 2 9 "� 3 4 "MORTGAGE AND SECURITY AGREEtdENi" <br /> 7U_ o 0 4 i 6 o KNOW AlL MEN BY THESE PNESENTS <br /> T�inr PiARVIN V. SKRDLANT and JANE E. SKRDLANT, huaband and wife, <br /> reach contracting in his own right and as spouse of the other <br /> of Ihe Counly of Hall and Slaie o(Nebmsko,m n a �� <br /> o g�ors,in constderotion of the sum a( <br /> � `: TWENTY SIX THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED AND NO/100ths-------------------�126,400.00 )ooiv,as <br /> Ihe receip�whereof is hare6y acknowledged,do hereby SELL AND CONVEY to State Federol Sa��nns and Lcan Axociarion,8eatri<e,Nebmska,mortgagee, � <br /> fhe fol�vwiig descri6ed real es�a�e siluated,in �11 County,Sfa1e of Nebrasko,to wit: . <br /> All of Lot One (1) and the Westerly One—half (W 1/2) of Lot Two �2), in Block One (1) in <br /> Rief Addition to Doniphan, Hall County, Nebraska/ <br /> / <br /> / <br /> ; <br /> u �, I <br /> ' ogefher wilh all buildings,e en��,impmvemr.nt:,fixlures or appurrenonces no-N or hereafter e ected Ihereon,induding,oll appemfus,equipmmf, � � � <br /> fixfure�or arficles,whefher in single5unifs or ttnlrally��ntrolled,used Io supply heal,gas,oir mndifioning,woler, lighf,power,reFrigeration,venfilotim, � <br /> dishwashing,disposal,or other services,and any other thing no or herealter�herein or�hereon,ti�e iumishing of which by lessors to lessees is cuvamary or - <br /> appropriale,includin�s<reens,window shodei,slorm doors and windows,(loor coverings,scroen doors,inb-door beds,awnings,stavos and woter heoten(all � <br /> o(which aro daclared lo be a part of said real estate whether physically ottached thereto or not).The Mortgagee ia here6y su6rogated ro the righls of all morv - <br /> tgagees,lienholders and ownart paid o(F by the proceeds of�he loon hereby sewred.This mortgoge mnsitufes a securi��ogreement wiih respect ro Ihe r.haltels . <br /> coverad here6y nnd with respecl fo the fixlures anoched to the abova described.eal mtafe in which mortgogee hos an ordinary security inleresL . � � <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD fhe aoid propery,with soid buildings,easements,improvemenn,fixfures,appunenances,apporo�us and equipmenr,unlo aaid � <br /> f� Mortgo3ae,its succeuors and msigns forever. � � <br /> - The mortgogors repmsent and covenonl wilh the mortgogee thof they ore low(ully seized in fee simple o(said premises;iho�they have good righf ond lawful <br /> oufhaity to ull ond conveythe fame;thot they ore free ond dear from encum6roncm;that there are no wtstanding securify interests agaimt any fixluroa;and . <br /> that�hey will worranl ond defend fhe tiNe lo soid pmmises against the cloims of all perwas,and�hot there ae no ou�standing security inreres�:m m any und oll . <br /> of the above described(ixturw. <br /> - PROVIDED,alwoys and these presenh ore upon erpress condifion:Thot,Wherem the said morfgogon hove this day eaemted and delivered to the oaid <br /> Assodafion,ona certoin note in fhe amounf af the above crnsidemfion,which sum with infermf as provided by said nofe or any mufual modificaticn or ea�msion <br /> , fhareof,ond all sums which wid Associafion sholl poy oul of in own funds for�axes,inwronce or repairs on the properly described herein,or fulure cashodvonce- <br /> � menfs made 6y Ihe mwtgogee fo 1he mortgagor,or nis:ucceswr in tiNe,for any purpose at any fime before Ihe releose and concellofion oF this mongoge(pmvid- <br /> F' ed that the said advoncemenf,rogether with rha principal bolance due at ihe tfine of�he wid odvancemenf,ehall not exceed ihe original omount of rhe mwtgage . <br /> �� end,provided Further,thar no�hinghurein contoinedshall be censideredoa limiting Ihe omwnts tholshall be sewred'nereby when advanced to protecf�he security <br /> d w in acrordance with�he covenonb confoined herein)shall constitute�he deb�owing lo said Aswcia�ion ond by said no�e said mortgagors promise io pay said <br /> debt end in�erost lo the Aswciolion in monthly installmenla as pmvided in>oid nore of even dote herewi�h.Unless modi(ied or eztended,the linal poyman�is due - <br /> 300 m�,�h:r,om dara. <br /> '� Mortgogon further o3ree Io pay,before delinquency,�he wms secured hrreby,and ali toxes and charges of every choract<r as�essed or w due,under <br /> + the laws of Nebmsko,opon said real alole,and upon Ihis mortgoge or the note or de6f secored heroby;Io keep the buildirgs upon soid premi�es in ured fcr fire <br /> 2 � and exfended coveroge in some compony oi mmponien accep�able fo morigogee for an amount not less�han the value af the building,os determined Ly the mw- � <br /> . �gogee or the unpaid balanc<of rhe loan,whiche�er is Imr,fo keep all improvemems�n good repaf and condi�ion,wi�hour wmte d�ring the li(e of ehis mwrgoge; <br /> and to permit mwfgegae or ih ogen�fo mrer upon said premises fo examine Iho mndifion o!said impmvements in order to ensuro mmplionce herewith. <br /> � Shwld defoult 6e made in poymenl o(the wm:ecured hereby,ar ony part fhereof,and said default cm�inue for si.ty(60)doy�,or shwld said inn�mnce <br /> � nol be promplly efFec�ed,ar or asussments no�be paid 6e(ore delinquency,or de(oult in ony oF�he temu o!the no�e For which this mortgage ie security, <br /> or said property�old or tronsferred by deed,conlracr,opfion,easemmf,or o}herwise,wifhout approvol o(a supplemenlal applicafion(w auumFfion of this mw- <br /> tgope and Ihe deh�evidenced�hereby,6y the Associa�ion,or in cose of(ailure to duly obsene and be go�emed 6y the provisions and�condilions oi�he Chorror, <br /> � By-Laws of said Association,and rules ond reyula�ions of The Fedeml Savings and Loan iystem,or if insured by mortgage insuronce mrporations,to pay in odd- <br /> itim at fhe oplion of the Auociofion,the pre oms(or said in uwnce,or fhe di�wvery by Ihe Auociarim,or ib aFficen,Ihor any of the sta�emenh conloined <br /> - in Ihe applicafion for the loon e.ewted by morigcgors ar<Palse,or if a tos lien,additional mertgoge,mecnonics lien,or other en<umorance is(iled of mmrd <br /> � which imposes a lien ogoinst the obove descrioed real eslaie,then Ihe whole o(soid indebl<dness rema;ning unpoid shall ol rhe optim of thr said A�sociation, <br /> f� . bacome due and payoble w�rhout notice,iime being ehe euence of ihte c«,rmct. <br /> Should morfgogon fail ro keep the building�in ured,os herein agreed,ar(oil io poy real estore�a,es and svecial assessmen�s on the said mortgoged pro- <br /> perfy be(ore delinquenry,mortgogee mvy effecf saidsin an ,pay ta.m and insumnce pre ums,and oll such paymenls,with intermr as pravided in Ihe firsf <br /> �� morfgage nofe secured by this norlaoge,iholl be a IimSupon�said premises ond secured hereby. <br /> . The mortgogors hereby relinquich all homesteod ond moritol righb of every kind in and to�he soid premises. <br /> For Ibe purpae of furnithirg tuAher xcurityfor the deb�secured hereby,fhe mortgogon hereby assign rm�sfv ond se�o�er ro rhe mon�a9ee,�o be applied 4+ <br /> lor,ard the paymant o(the no�e and oll ofher wms sacured here6y,in case of a defauh in the pnFormonce oF ony of N�e�erm>and cmdifions of fhis morfgage o ' i � <br /> � fhe said nofe,oll fhe renh,revenues,and income to be derived from the mortgoged promises duriny wch time m ihe mongoge indebtednea shall remain�npaid; . -N.`, <br /> and lhe mortgogee ehall hwe power 10 oppoint any opent,w ogmts,il moy desira for the purpox of repairin3 wid premises and of renting the eame end collect- ' <br /> ing Ihe ronfs,mvenues,and income,ond if may poy wf oi soid inc«ne oll erpemes of repairirg said premises and necas�ory rommis�ionn,ond expense�inwrred a <br /> !� in reN(ng ond monoging Ihe same,and of collecting rmtols fhareFrom;lhebalmce remaining ii any,lobe opplied�oward�he diufiorge of said martgoge indebfed- , <br /> Lnea.Mortqagae shall accounf for renb acNolly collected and nof!or tha rmfal value of said premisn. ¢� <br /> n � <br /> II 16e indebtedneu�ecured hereby be guaronl<ed or inrored under fhe$ervicemen's Readjualmenf Aci,as anended,such Act and Regulariom issoed i�mre- � <br /> under ond in ef(ecl on the dale hereof i5all govem fhe righl,doties and liobilitias of Ihe par�ies herefo,and ony provisiam of�his or o�hu insrrvments e.ecuted <br />' . in connedion with soid indebfednm�w61ch oro incoroinfen�with noid Act or Regulations ara hercby amended to confwm iherero. •- <br /> F <br /> Y � The lemn r}ed ro denignote any of Ihe partim herein shall 6e deemed io include ihe Imirs,representa�ives,soccessore and onyns o(eaid partiee,ono the . <br /> Ierm"Morlgaqor"shall alw include rny Imv(ul owner,holder or pledgor of any indeb�edness secured'nereby. <br />` L-9 Rev.7-75 (rumble) <br />- � J <br /> { <br /> � <br />