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p � <br /> 76- 0 (} 415 0 <br /> THE :�tORTGAGOR FURTHER COVF.hAhTS AND AGREES: <br /> r T}iat lhc �1or�gaK�r u�ill pay thr indebt�ninc,s a.s LcreinMdurr �rra�•idtvl. � � <br /> I� Th�t fhe . �lortgay�ur is tl�e uwner nf .aid pro{x•rh• in (ee •implr and has t;uai richt and lawi�il nuthoritp In �ell and � � . <br /> rnnrrv the siune and lhat th�• snmr. i; [ree nnd cli•ar uf :my lien or ��ncumbranre: :md Ihnt �1<irtma�;nr will 'Aarrant :md drfrnd the <br /> _ title 10 •t�id premises acainst t}�,, claims nt ali pernns whom�u���r�r . <br /> � � 'Pu pay immMlintelp ���hen due and paynble .JI gencral taxc., sp�sml t:�a��=, �pecial nc��s.ments. �.vater vhar�r;. =rM�rr �cr:- . . � <br /> � <br /> ier chnrge�. :+nd uthrr 2axc� :md char�cr aFninst snid pruperty. and nll h�xrs I�.��ird nn th�, d��Lt >�•���� «•,i f��-.��r,��. :�n<i ��� (urr.ish thc . <br /> \Zorl;.a�ee, u�wn rc�uest. H•ifh ihi� original or duplic:ite rrceipts therrfor. 'T'bo \1nrt �aeor a�crroi th�t th�•r�• .tiall !x• added t�> � -� <br /> r:�ch monthl}' payntrnl reyuir��d hemundrr ��r undcr lhc rridence �+f d�•bt �ewvrrci hrrrhp :m :�muunt ���timatrd 1�+• Ih�• tilnrt�agr�' � � <br /> to Lc sufiicicnt tn �m.iblc Ih�• \inrt �a.r�. �u pn>�, as thry b��ivm�• dwr. nl1 tasc.. n..r,smr•iq.. :ind zlmilar rh;ir�c; u{H�n ihr prrm� <br /> ia�s suLjecf therrin: an}� deficirnc�• heeausr• r�f th�• in=uliie�ency �,( .uch :+dditiunal � �;iymi•nt. .hall Ix• furthw�ith drp!nitrd he th�� � . <br /> \iurlca�ar xifh ih�� �lorl;;xc�•e nlwn demnnd Ir: th�• \1ort,a;:er. :��iy d�•i;ml; un�i��r thV� par.icr.�ph :hnll 1�• dr��ined a d��f�ult in . <br /> papment �,f taxes, :��ses.mrnt-. nr �imilnr �imrrov r�•quirr•d h��rrur.d��r. _ � . <br /> 1 "I'he \lnrtxa�:ur nCre�•. ; hat ihrre• -ha11 :d�n Lr .�Jd�•� i t �� ,�a��h n;untiil}� p:�err.rnt nl t �nnriP:d ;�nd �nir�r...l trqutmd hrre- � <br /> undcr :tn :fmuunt �•stim:Hrd Ir�� tho Aturt;!a_rr tn I;r �ufti�'nmt tn �� rit�izL• th�• 11ort �;a�:cr t„ p.+:. :�. it I�.��»n,r, dui�. t !ir ir�.itr:mce <br /> ' premiu0f nit :iny incur.�nce � .ulicc <it�li��i�rrd tn Ihr \lnr�c:�ei•r .\ np � 4�hciencc }a•rau.r „f 1iu• insulficiruc�� � �t .ui�'t� addihunal r�ap - . � . <br /> m��nt. :hali la• furth+.��� h dcposuod by ihe Vorlc:�por �.�'ith iF�• AI � �rt ;;ae���� npan drm:�nd Lc : hr Atoripacin�. Any d��fanit iu�rl�c thi� . <br /> p:�tagtaph .tta(I Iw: div�mrd :� �Irfault �n thi• pacment � �f insur:�ner prenuum. lf � hi• �mhe•, or p�rliries drpo;rt,��i :�rr ,ucn a, }:om�•- � <br /> mvne•rs nr all nsk pulicir.. ;md th�� � I���Hist� nre in.ullirn•N tu � �:iv thr � nnrr pm�mium. thr At��rtc�ere• rnac app�s tho dr�wrsit tn . . <br /> pay pn•miurns on r�sk.� n�yuir��d �n h�• in.urrd I,e thi, monc+ic�. . <br /> f'a�'mrnts m:�dr bc thr \lort_a�nr ur:dcr iLr ;itn,cr p:�r�;: r;�piis m:�v . al : hr � q�ti� m � ,f ihr .'.1��rt;:a:��r. br h�•)�i ir: n and � . <br /> t�ummingled �.ith uihrr wch fur.d+ ur itc i ��cn fumi., fnr th�� pr�emrn2 � d ,uc�h ib.m�. ;m�i unUl ,n .ippli�-�i. .urt: p:iym�.n• : :ur in•roh; � � � <br /> >>Iiwl;:rd ;�c ...runt}� fr�r th�� unp:�i�i h:danrc i .i :hr m�vL:icr ir;�icht��dn��.-. � . <br /> . Tu pnxrun•. drlrv�•r !��. �nd :n:nnt:un (or tf���� bcnrlit �;i t }a• At� �rt �•.��;i.�, .. iunnc tb�• l� (c „f thir i:�nrtc:�.r � �n�inai poiicirs :v:d . <br /> ' � r�mr�ral; th�•n�d, dclirerr:i ni lraat trn davs In•forr ih�.� ��zP� r.rt !�� n � �i :mc -urh ;.��licir,. i :: :urn:: n:;:ur�ct � � n• ::nd athrr �nz�ur:�t�l.r . . <br /> . hata�ds. ca.walue:. and rontin;:encu•, as th�. \In�tFacer• nrr: nr�inr�.. : r� .in :rn��un: ��r�ual t•, the indrhtednr=.: .�rumd hp ihiy . . � . <br /> , \1urt�a�r. �ind in c��mpnnic• :n�n•ptahl�• to riir 11nn;;ac��e��. �eith i � �<.. ; �ne:it,l�• ��I.m .t• n; ia:"r ��i :nd m tr�rm .rr��ptaf�l�• tn thv Vortca- � .. <br /> � �ce. In thr �..rnt am� puhc�� i, nu� rrnra�.l � �n � ,r brL �n• !,�n �ia��. : �( c. �� � picatinn. th,. �i� �r7cacc�• r,�a}� prnrun• ,r..ur; � .n Ih�� . <br /> . impru��emen��. Pay' thc prrtmmn � nercl��r. and .ucii >u�n .h.�ll n��r .m�� un:n��iiiat�dy � iu�• .�nd u;�a�abl�• �� uh intrrv�t :rt th�• r:rte .�,t . . <br /> � furth in <aid nuto unu� p:wi :mJ ,hrdl is� ��•rum�i hc thr :n„rtcu_��. f':ulurr � �n tn�• E �art �. �! rho .'�l�,:t ::a::nr ;� o � �.irni.h ;ueh n.•�e.walc . <br /> � a= are hi•rrtn nriwtrd �.r Dulur•. in p:��� :u�y .um> ,�d� :�nr��d I;�•n•umi��r - h:4i . :it ti:r - .pu� �n , .( � h�� \l �.rrt_o�rr. �: �n�� it �nr . i �;el:+ult � . . � . <br /> Und��r : ho trrms n( lho mnrt�.;:����. '�h�� d�•liri•n� n; .urii t �uhru�: •hali . , .. , .0 �..;rnt � ,i .{��Lmit . � <in.trtuV.� an a..renr.:,�nt � �i tk�,.• un- , � . . <br /> ��:emn1 prrmium. ' . <br /> ,anc sun:. m��ri.�.d Lc th�� Alortc.+;;cr I;r rr:i-:�n � �f ln=. , �r du�n;�K�� m.ure�i aCamst r:iav h�� mt:um��.l br tho .',l �,rtc�;:r�• . . <br /> :mJ :�ppli,.i tux.ird th�� pnvmrnt n( 7iir J��ht l:�� rnc� -, .�nred. ur. :ii ih�� � .�rt�on � ��( : i:�� \inn::a�_..�• . •urn -um. + �ith:•r �. hnll� � �.r �n � . <br /> : . (� �•art •�uir M ��:u�i �.rrr t,. th�. \7"r�raeor � .. IK• n-...i t„ r..�.;nr -uch. ),nddine- : �r �� . i•nild m..c i�uildint.� �. r. ; ^ plar„ , .r i. �. :�nc . . . . <br /> � nth�.r I�nirPn.�. „r , �6i�•r� .;�L�•(:u-n,tc ;. .b�� `,1ar . :i :����. .. i .:. . .� .�� ��� r,:: : ��- L� � . .. � nn ,tt�_ac� . r, .r • t� _ � � :i �,,,� u ^.� .. � nn .� i • � . . <br /> hr ..,(� .rr :u�:: I �avrnrni ��t •.r � " �k. t �.L�cr. <br /> � '1'� � prn�npt �v n � •:ur :, ,u . :�.. � .r n� hui:�.i i .� I .: r, i . � . . ._ , . .:: � . � . � . r., r. : . . . : ��.� . � r � ,- n ,� tb. � . �., � i:�• , n ^ . r „ � � r, �h. :�r�� �. i ,. <br /> � � un:e• d:imacrd � r dr _rruv.,i �. t. . Ar�•u •.� � i � �n. ai . . , . . .. , ,, � . .iil �. � ::: . . . � ' r .� � � � L � �.. + . . .i: an•: !•.crin •.0 . i . n ,. � .rhrr ;irn �:��. <br /> � rl:um ��,i livn no: �.� pr�-�•l }� • �t, �niin:et,��i t � , .. � h�� n i�� � , � . : r„ . .,ift�.r . , . n�.. ; .� .. .� . ;�. t � i u :,• � , � .r .in �, nu�.ar��.� •,� �� ci�t � m � <br /> . �ni�1 prn�u�rh� nnr L � . �orart .� a :b. � .. . �.� ul I 'n ���ii,�.. . ., .r '. � . :ar. � .t . ��or .�:�c � •. L �.� . , . , r � r� : L�.n. L�. ;�. n�. . � : �d . �ud � : -,� tne <br /> � ?�r, r:ilunldr. nnr 1n �hmnu.��i r :mn:ns it . •,;i u,� � n, : c .�ri �. . � i.: � - �, n � .�.�� . � � •i� dc •. vr. .: I ! ��an r ,m nt : . ! l,n. �.c� th i ,.� ;�..��t . <br /> ta thr m�,n _aerd nn•n:i�.��. :inrl U��� i�.., i 't•�.n�� �f . . . - <br /> '1�Vu�t �huulil t1���� ��r��una�� � � r ;�n',' � ::�rt ; i�.e� r�.� �! i . � �._v6��ri �. � r damc�t•�: i _ . , �:�.� .;i . � :�m pubi �.• : �np:��nrin� �ni , . r. �nii��m ::;i7i� �n <br /> � prK�ec���n�;. � �r ur.d�•r t 'v rni:t �. ,i ��rniu �rt c „a:iin. „r �n :� rv � �tln r i ^ � . . , .�. � 1 . rt ;::r_�.�. ,i::dl � � • �.nutL, t t � . .iii , � �mp� r .:�� r.,ns. <br /> � �iw �ard.. .iu�i ani � Ih�•r I ,�pmcut �.•r r�•In•I tnrrrf� �r. ❑ nri -h;+ti I ,• ..ntnL r• ��t .� - , .y �n : _ . � r, .rtmi� rct- , at�, �car +. �, .•rct � r, ��z ut .� � . ._ � <br /> � , uamr �inc _vtinn ��r �:rri��.Ji:�c. �•: ; n maA�� ;ur: n �,m� :rum.i .,. u: �.. ttli�mrnt : r. � � ,nrv�i�lr�;i �,. i ! 'i -ucr. tak�r:_ • .; ,iamac�• :lll .ucn <br /> ' . �nmprnurt�un. ;. � .+rd. . :{:m icr. . nCht � �i aru��n ,: n�i ! �� r .r� .., i- .� rv• �hirJc ::- :.r:n� i .. " � h•.� \ I � n .:e:i��. . �. � i.� � r:sn� .�ftrr � 4�, ini�tinc <br /> : thrndnun aN its ��xpru-r., s � I..a.�• :m} :n��ni•� . .,� n �re��� . � i 1 �: it � � r .���� i � � , � •.m:i ;: .ir.�: �. n.l, LH�� Ir� >. ._ enr•�i � ��.-. I �� 'i�io� .'.lott - <br /> . �aCur al;f���-• L � r�c.•eule• ,�irl: !urth« r :i;.idnm�.nt : � ; .•n : i �� :n:��rn -.iu�:r, .i :�. :� r�t.. . .`.�m :�_• - . �. i r cF;. � .u�t . � �n ;� n�r � r� ,�.. .r� i . a. ti��� <br /> ' \lurlc+sa�•�• n�i:q� n�quirv•. <br /> . .I'ha[ m rase oi fnilmc tn prrf� �rm nnr r�( thr ��ovrnnnts '�cr�in. t:ir .`.iort�;accr mac du on :hr A1rn-tcaeor�s I.Khalf evrn.. <br /> �� thin� so coi�e�ionteKi : th:it thr \loncaFe<� ma}� :iho dr, any� nct it m:iy d�rm r�,rce��v�n� tr, prntiY•; th�• ti��n therenf: th;�t thi� >tott� <br /> �;n{;or �.�ill repac upon �:rmand :my money^ � �aid ur tLsi>uni•d bp ;hr S1on�a;;ee for :iny ��( tie :itx�er ��:uryxHti. :md <uch moneyc <br /> tn�:clher .��ith intcrest tnrrcY�n .�t thr ratr pro��idcd in �id nnto shall hcromc• .�� mucn additiunal indrbtitim�s: hnrrhy� .rcu:cd and <br /> mnt lr inciudcd in nnc de�nr ton�clrnfn� tl:is mortuate and hc �-�aid nut �,f tnc rrnt.-, or ;�mar•ds of sale o( s3iu premisc5 if not <br /> � uthrrw�icN 1`nYd: and that \1ort�:ace'• �hnll unt ir,ivr :+m• persvnnl liaf�ilin- !x�cau.:• �,f ancehinv it :nar �in ��r � �mit tn do };rreunde•r. <br /> � In thr ��� ��nt nf thr ,l��l �ult I��.� \i� :rt �•�u:...�r � r, , 'ir p;i� n:rnr , .( .�n•, . ,.�-r:diini•�r: :�- rr�qu ! n.d I:c � . .� ':nt� � �� �run•�I rrrch:. ���r <br /> , in the p��rforr.wna� � ,� thr � �Llieatiou m � ;n, tn, �rte:icv , �r in �6�� n� �ir .� �rurr� l tn��n�hc. ti�.o �i, �rte:+;;�•� >i�� all ir � iunird t,. J�,:larr ; ne <br /> � ' d��bt =...ivrrd hrreb�� � iim and p:�qaLb.� �citiinu� nnhn•. , :n�i the \S� r, '�a ,r,. rh:d � i�r �nhtL-r. ::t i �. � . p. n.� n . �.� thnui ::nrin�. � i� her !�•: it .,�if <br /> " • �r L�� n c.<rierr tn tn• .qq �r.i��t�.�d hy t !�,i� c�� .urt thrro�,t. an�! �,vith•. �ut n��c,vd n � tF:�. ;uk<� uacc , .! :;�n �-�•ruritv I � .r + lv. .. ;•:: irhtr.d�u�,s .. . <br /> rutrd hrrrhy. tn rntrr iqnui ar,d t� i;e � �ns�:•..inn uf th�• mrtt _uCed ��rrnii.��=. ami i , n ,ll,.r: - r.� l n�r,.n. �• • �nr i �- r�r . : .,n�•• :�n�l pr�.�lit. <br /> � ihrrcul. :md ap�dy th�• •am�.. Ir<. rn,� , nf nprrstiun an�i ��ll.riinn. u �x�n thr im?�.Lt��<inr>. .,.cu •�-, I Lv • ��i . �.�• ,r, �:ipe� : .ai<i nn � v, <br /> �. r.<u�� nnd {rrnfits iw•inC L�•mbc nc.icrn.�ct to � hr .'.tortFnc�a• :�. (urfiirr .�.�unh� O.r (h�• ��;�rr,:,.nt � .f :+ll � •;,1,4e�.��� n, �.: �.� ���ur., i 't���rnc� <br /> Thu \tari - uCcr .hnll h�rvc thr pu��er tn :f1�1 aiiu :�m :�ernt or . .. nt . n rn �c . ,vr �� r, th� uu �. �. � r ,. .( r.��airint; .:ud pn�m. I <br /> • .. <br /> i��r: «•ntin� thi .ami�: culleclin�; th�• rent�. re� enur, .md mcem�•. and n .�.� •: pay .. it �,{ �;�id � n«a:v� .�II r cprn<r. mcurn, l in rent - . <br /> inC and m:�nnFinc thc �nmr and ��f cnlluctinc thc� rcntaL. tiien•Irum '1'1u� t•.:ilxnc�• rrmainim:. il nny. s6:�ll F,� apI'li�.d t��H�nrd thr ' (V ~ <br /> diec•k�arR�' nf tht mortcacr ind��bt�•dni��.c. �Phis .u;�cnmrnt ia tn t .•rmin no .�n,l f.r� .m�. •iuli :�r.d . � i�i u� � n I -:+>� �t F �. rrn,-'�a�r � } <br /> C <br /> L �I�IIP �tOf�,4'94�Y• tRH) Cullrct a " ial�� rh.v�;r md I �� racrtd I iu ( '� ut� i : ii li,r � ach di�ll.�z i : { lt(� i .. �� h banl n,� nlhl � � <br /> � y <br /> � ���vmrnt morr tlwn IS dnc. m :irrv•:� r. t � . �.w�• r � iir � �t �:� �-� Imr..., fr���nlo�•d : n 6andiim: �li�linqu�•nt an���unh. f� <br /> � <br />,`c�c��, � ., .._. <br /> x�� � � <br />