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� . .. u..��ak <br />:�:: �.�� �� ^ <br /> I <br />��• <br /> 76- Of1�.10� <br /> n+oRrc;nr�: <br /> �ioit�r„�cc�onNvo.� 22,261 MGIC <br /> �^ �:nown��ni[:Nuvriiese��aesenrs:rn�� Dean M. Johnson, a single person <br /> � <br /> � Afortgagur,whether une ur nwrc,in cunsideratiun of Ihe sum o( <br /> Twenty-seven Thousand and No/100---------------------------------------------------����A�� <br /> r luanrd to s:iiJ mur� a�or by The lic uilable 13uildin dI1lI LU811 ASSOCI�l1Ui1 0�Gf8171I ISIdI1lI,I�CI)I85IC8,DIUfI H�PC.0 on 2�� <br /> . K 6 { K' g E p shares ul stock u( <br /> - said ASSOCIA770N,Ccrtihcate No.L Z2,261 MGIC ,du hereby giant, cunve�• and mortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION ihe(ollowing <br /> describrd real estate,situ:�led in tlall Cnunty,Nebr;aka: <br /> ' SOUTHERLY FIFTY SIX (S 56) FEET OF THE EASTERLY <br /> ONE HALF (E�) Of BLOCK TEN (10) IN PLEASANT HOME SUBDIVI- <br /> SION OF A PART OF THE E�2 SE; OF SECTION 21, TOWNSHIP 11 <br /> � <br /> NORTH, RANGE NINE (9) WEST OF TIiE 6TH P.M., HALL COUNTY, NE. <br /> -, <br /> togeihrr u�idi all the tenemems,liereditamcnts and appwtenances thereumn beloneing.including att�ched tlour cueerines.all w•induw scrcens, <br /> s.� �eindu+r shades,blinds.storm windo�cs,a�enings,haacing,aie cunditiuning,and plumbing ard�rater eyuipmzn[and accessmies therem.Pumps.stoves, <br /> fClll{;l'f8lUf5,:1111I OfIICI IlXfUll'5�IIII c'I�UIFIff1CI11 IlU\P OI Ill'ICJIIPf:l[I'Jl'IIL'lI!U Of 11SClI in.unnection with said rcal estate. � <br /> And whereas the s�id mongagm has ac«ed aud dues hcreby agree diat the nwrtgagur shall and w�ill pay;dl taxes and asse-a,ments Icviad or <br /> asseued upon s;+id premises and upon this murtgage and the bund srcured therebg Leiure the s�me shall become dclinyuent:to furnish appi��•ed <br /> . insurance upon the buildings un said premise�siiu�ted in the sum ot S 2]��Q�.�Q p�yable tu said :1SSOCIA'iIOK and tu delivar to said <br /> ASSOCL\TIOV the pulicie:li�r said insurance:and nui to conuni�ur parmit any waste on u�abuut said prentises: <br /> - In case of dziaul�in the perto�mance u(�ny ut 4�e temis and cundiiions ul this mortg�ec or the bond secured hereby,the mortgagee v�all. <br /> i ��n demand,bc cntitled tu immediatc pussession i�l thc mml�aecd p�emises �nd thc tnungagon c�reU}' assigns. uanstccs and sets ovcr to Ihe <br /> nwrtgagce all the rents,resenues und incomc w be dzrired from the moncaged p�rmises during such time�s the murtgage indebredness shall remain <br /> unpaid:and thr moneaKec sh�ll h:i��c the pux'cr tu appuint auy a}cm or agcnts it may dc:ire tur the purpose uf rrpairing said p�emises�nd tcnling <br /> ihe s�me and cullectiug the�ents.rc�'enurs snd incuma.�nd it m�y pap ow uf s�id income ail expenses' u�repairing s�id premises and nectssary, <br /> commissiuns and rxpenses incurred in rentinF and nunagin�;ihe same and o(rullacting icntals therelmm:tlie balance remaining,if any,to be <br /> :1(J�lI1lll ION'8f(I IIiC(IISCIIDfEC<�I S:IIII IIIUfIPB�:C IIIIICI)ICSI1P55:l I1CS2 pCI1LS UI�Ill`IllO1lEJCCC II1dY�P CXL'�l'tiC(I 1(JM'lllill't�UIIIIF I}1C CSISI2i1CC O�SOC}7 <br /> Jefuuh,f�resptctivc oF un}�teinpuiun��caieer of ihc winc. <br /> "fhetir Prescnts,ho«�r��tr.are upon�hc Condiiiun.�l'iat if the S:IItI�I�RI!_B�.UI SIIJII It�l:l\'1]ItI IU8I1 OII Uf L�CIUfC IIlC p1dlUI1lV U�S81(I lI1:IICS b\' <br /> �>;fl'ill�'11I.�JV�Iillllll{l�\'I�1 5:11�r��5�)(�r���n�J�I�il'i11i11 5�1�'L'1�11'(�III l�iC{i�)Ill��Cillfc';l t1L'�t'�l\':1S Illll'IC1l:IRI�PIlfIL1�3I U(1 S�III I(1:117.Uil llf�C�l1fC <br /> � I�IC�����'t'IlI1C1�1�:1\'�ll t':IC�I;III(�L`\'�f\'f11llI1t�I.liilll�):11t��tl:ltl IS�11��1'�):Il�:Ft�l'3��I:t\tS;ill�:l�)t:SfI11�i115�t1'it(�:1�!;IIIISI SJI(��)fC1111SC5:111:�UP 1�115��UIl�3�C <br /> I <br /> �and�ht Bund sccurcd therchy,belore dclinyuenry:lun�isfi appruvcd insmancc upun thr In�ildincs thercun in thc sum oi S 27 000.Q� p�yable <br /> io said ASSOCI:ITIOV�.repa�;t��.aiJ ASSOCI:\'il(�\upun denund ali nwnaa bt i�paid(u�such taacs,aisescntents aud inmrance�vith inte�es�at <br /> the m�xitnum Ieg�l rate iheroun lium date uf pa�'ment�II o(whid�\Inrteacor hereby acrres�u p:n�:prrntit nu���as[e on said premises:keep and eomply <br /> x�ith all d�e a�,reemrnis and conditimu uf tl�e U�md(ur S 2�����.��Ihis day gi�an by tl;e said 9lortgaeor tu said ASSOI'IATI01.and cumply <br /> �ei�h atl ihe n•qui�emrms ul iht Cons�ituhon and By�Lntes ut said ASSO('1,1'Il0\:�hcn these prrxnti sh�Il betume nuli and��uid.otherwise thcv <br /> �6�II rtmain in tull lorce:mS tnay b��iureclused at ihe optiun ul the said ASS(XI:\TIO\ a(te� fadure li,r tluee munths to makt aur uf said <br /> - p:iymcnts ar Lt Illfl'C I11UIlII15 111 9111'81S IIl I71JI:IIIC Shcl�IIIUIllV1I\'(��\'OIi1115.UI[u krep and comply�ri�h dtc ugrtcmemc�����ondiuons of said Bond: <br /> auJ 9loiteacui acrces w havc a rcrenrr�ppumtcd lorth«�ith in sudi foreclos'urc prurccdings. <br /> II IIICfC i!JII�'CII:IfIFC 111 UR'lll'ISIIi�)11I IIIC IC9I tSI:11C f110fI�14ClI IlCfrl(1.I]\'SBIC Uf UlI7CflYICC,fI1CI1 IIIC entirr«•maining Indebtednas hcrcby <br /> X'l:Ui2�\�1:1��.:11��Il`U(111U11 tl� ��1�`�'t(111�iib�l'ISIIIILIIIIL:II1tI L.(1J11 ASSUIi:illl]f1 llf lif:lil(I ISI:IfIII.�t'UIitS}::I.h��JI11L'IIIlIi1ClI1�tEI)'1I11C:ti]{I�:1)'J�)Il'\\'1fI1�UI <br /> Illfl�ll'!IIi��1CC.:llll�I�IP;II11Ul1i71 fC1IIJ1I11fIC litlC Uil��f SJIII bllll(I.:iIIII�II}'UII1Ct I�JfItI(Uf JIl\':Il�lIlll�fl;ll:1(�17f11'L'S ffl�dl II7CIl`LLIIIIC(.SII�II.IfUI111I1C <br /> date ul c�arcise o(said uption,bcar inten•st�t�he inaximum IrFal��te.and ihis mortgage ma}•then be iureclosed tu satisiy the amount due on s�id <br /> bund.and any'�uhcr bund for addiiional udvances.tuccthcr with�II sunu p�id t>y said�[he Yyuitable 13uildinc snd Lo�n Associa�iun of'l�rand I:land, <br /> lcbraska fur insurancc.taxes and asscssments.and abstraetinc estcnsiun ciia�ccs, with intc«st iherevn, from date o(pai'ment at dic maxinnnn <br /> t Icgal r.itc. <br /> ,1�pru��ded in tlic f3ond sccu�cd hr�eby.�ehile this moitgace rcm�ins in effici thc nwncagce may hecesl�cr adean.e additiunal sums tu the <br /> IIidI�CfS O�SJIII BOI1lI,IIICII flSSI}'i7S Of}LiCCSSUIS III II1ICfC)l.\t'IIICII S111115 5I18II hC\\'II�IIiI IIIC ncuriiy u(this murtcage the vme as U�e limds originally <br /> sccured thercby.ihc lotal atnount uf princip�l dcbt not tu excced a�any�ime the original amuunt of this niortesGe. <br /> i>��a�n:� 27th /,i�y�,r July �.n.�"76 <br /> .�'',�,-',� `�� �-/ ,�-t`1-� <br /> Dean M. Johnson <br />'- r <br /> S7,�Ti:Of NEDR�.SK.4,� <br />,sg ss. Onthis 2]th <layoC ���y I��76 ,beforeme, <br /> COUNTY ul'HALL : � , <br />� ihc undc�sicncd,a Nutarv Public in and 1'ur saiJ C.ounty,personallc came ''"%.�" � <br />�c �y _,. <br />�; � Dean M. Johnson, a single perso� ���» is persunally�kno�rnw � : <br />�`.;� me to be Uic idemical perwn whose n,.a�R ����iR � �cd to!hc abuve inslrument as mortgagor �nd he X�J(VtKdly( d` � <br />`� �cknouledFed�lic said instrument to be t,� ����fi�tU ry;7r y����d decd. � <br />� 1l'IT\ESS my hand and Tiyf S2aI•Qic�i�j�afi?ni�i�y ) � <br /> ,� �, rorr , � � /� � <br /> \1y Cummissiun rxpires�'�� �l_�t���: � � �' C. �. <br /> �� F..�" .>��i� � _ %��1 .'k Cli Zl 9 <br />-`-..# s.i.s�t Hi ��p �'• ��� 0.1",1 �n Votary Nublic <br />'i r `!�`f/ �'':'.7:.•'�j�r,: <br />�..� �14��E L�f fl[H�'^ <br />.�1 I 'Z'.RLil��+ � <br />,; Y <br /> i <br /> � <br /> t <br />