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<br />;f:� �.��.Wxr@
<br />�� � 0 (1 -'� () 95 . �
<br /> 76-
<br /> 7'he �iortgagee mnq cullrcl a "L•�li• churtir" nul lu rxerod Five ( 'rnis ( Gc) fur rnrh Jnllur 1 �'b1 .1H11 u[ rvu�h tul:d nwntldy
<br /> pnpmrut mnm fhim IS d:ip�: iii arn�nrv to rurrr Ihr ralrn i�aponsr inv�,l��rd in hrindli�y; dolinyuonl n��iuunls.
<br /> : :111 pai�m��nt. madc under � hr prnvisionn u( ihis morl�;ugc ur Ita� nnt�� hrrrir>' s��curod. ���hicli mn,Y Iv� cunslru<•d as inli•n�rt,
<br /> . shall nnt, in thr :��:gr��giite u��er thr li�nn then�(, esm��d thr rnlr thnt mny nuw br Inadu�ly �tmin�rtod for in writing. .
<br /> �! f Il is (urt6cr ngrced ihul in cusc �im� .�uit is b��Kwi lu [oreclo,sc thin murlgiigc. lhe �torlFnqce� ils r��pre�onl��ti�•ex or ussiNny,
<br /> . sl�ull ut onn• be en� illed �o ihe posses�iun uf yuid promises. nnd upon �ipplicnliun ihcrefoq thr cotul in which euch ncti�m ahnll
<br /> � bi� broutihl or miy judg�� o( eUCII MUCL D1�Ilo� Ifl frnn III17C o� VACllU011. I9 hareby mdhurizisl tu npiwint a n���i�iver lu tnkc p<x�w�x-
<br /> � sion uf snid premisev, ur tn rollect the mMn lhera�frnm, nud tu dn nnd perfurni euch olher ncla +is niuy be ra�uired liy the urdrr
<br /> , uf lhe euUrt tnukinR ihe nppoinlmenl; nnd sniJ D1nrlKngnr hrrrby waivea nny notice uf xuch applicnt.iun. und euusi�nlx to Nw np. .
<br /> ; pninlmenl of n rrcoiver upun fho pr„ducti�m of this morl�;n4�'. ���ithout nlhrr i•vidence.
<br /> - � '1'he Morigagei• shnli be subru�;uli�d lu nll ul the righls, prieilegex, priorilirs, iand cquiliev ul tmy lionholder �nhuse lien muy �
<br /> ` � h;n•r br��n diechnr�;ed from lhe pnx��i�ds- o( Ihin In:m, ur 6y nny (undn h�rob�� pnid ur (urnixhud by lhe At�xl�;upir•.
<br /> - 1T IS I:aPRIiSSI.Y AGREIiU lltnt if lhe Atortgngor stu�ll vell. tv�nvi�V or alicmde a��id proporty, or nny purt thi�rrnL �
<br /> : or nnY intemst tl�rrein. nr shnll Ixr IIIYCN(M� of hiv tille or iwy intrrrxt therc�in in nnp mnnuer or u�ny, wheiher volunlnrily or .
<br /> involunturily, �eithout ti'rilten ruavenl nf th�� Ttortgugi�! hi�ing firal hnd m�d ubtaincYl. \lurtgngor shall hnro Iho right. nt i4g option.
<br /> ; Lo declnre itny indeUt�klness or o61iY.nfiutu� tia�cunvl lu�reby, i [n•�pt�kivo oI Ihr mnturih• d:do �perified in nny nolo evidencing the
<br /> �. s+ime, immedinti�ly due +md pi�ynble wil.hout nutire, und v�id dul�t yhnll thcrru�xm bvrum� nlwululi�. I [ ihe owne•rNhip uf lhe morb .
<br /> . gnged pru�x!rly tx�cti�m�� �•cnt<KI in ii person other thm� Ihr hlorl ��gor. thi� Alorfgr��;ro tn+�y, wifho�d nolice to lhc �I�xtgtiK��r, di�nl
<br /> with such aucc��sor or nuca�a�ors in interent with n�torence to thia morl�;ngc rmd Ihe drbt hereby xi•cunYi ax with the A1urtqagor,
<br /> nnd muy furbear to sue ur may rxtend tim�� fur t6e pnymonl o[ the debt heml,y necnre•d witho�d dischnr�;ing or in nny wny nffirting
<br /> � thee Iit�b;IitV of the originul Mortgngor hrrenndi�r nr ufwn th�� drbt s�runKL .
<br /> In lhis inslrumenl thr singular indudc. the plund nnd the miwculinu includee lhe fcmiuine nnd the nruler m�d thi» im
<br /> � slrumvnt ehull Ix� bindinF upun Ihc uml�rsiHncd. his huirv, pi•rsorr�l n•prru��ntatirrr, sncces�orv :md nexiXrni. �
<br /> ��. IN R'17'NIsSS �1'I�If:R1�AF, �re h:���r homunto �rt uur h:mds �md s•nl. ihr d:i�� nnd y�•nr lirsl nlwn•r �eritt��n.
<br /> In th� prrven�v� oL•
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<br /> 'i: On tl�is . ..:'. .� . _ . dny of . . . . }•��7 . . . . .. 19. _ ,'(� Ixdorc m��. lhe unden+it:nal. a NoUtrv Public. in imd for snid
<br /> i � �
<br /> i• c 'ounty, Pcreunnliv cnm��._ _. ._ _ _ _ _
<br /> f , .. __ _ . . _ _ .._ _ . . . . . . . . . . . . .__ . . _ _ _ . . _ .. . , . . _ . _. _ _ . . . . .. ._. . _ . . . _ . . .
<br /> pereunallY kuo�cn tu mu �0 �k` �fll` I(�Cp� 1CJ� OPf�0115 q'�IU91' IIpI11CY Il[l• :I��IXIY� �O ({IP A�N)tlP nnd (urri:oin�: instn3mcnt. :w morq:ngoro.
<br /> �md rnch ncknutv!ivi�;rd �nid insln�mrnt lo Uo his ur her �•ulunlnn� ncl and dcivl.
<br /> t
<br /> s ��'ilnews rny hand i�nd nulnrial scul :d.. .. . . . _ _. . _ . . _ . . . . . . . . . ._.. _ . _ . _ . _ . . .. _ . . . . _ . . . . . . . ... .. _._ . . . .... . . . .. _.. . _.
<br /> � hr dalc lasl nFwce �vritten.
<br /> €
<br /> ': A{� ROBERT D. PIACZEK
<br /> ? �ENERAL NOTARY - 6tMs ot N�br. �l �; ,J , i�•: � • ,/.
<br /> 5 r, ,g MYCartrniufonExpkq _ _ . _ _ .. __ _
<br /> � r` NOVEMBEii 26. 1978 .. . . �:-� ' . .Nolnry 1'ublic.
<br /> '
<br /> " Aty cummi�rvion i�sPinw _ . . .�i_J- ).:. l.l. . . _ . . . . . . . .
<br /> ; sTnr� or _ _ _ . . _ . . . . .
<br /> ' . . . . _ � 55.
<br /> . . ��OUilt1' . _ . . . . ._ . . . _ . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . .
<br /> r
<br /> I:nternd on numericnl index nnd liled for rccord in lhe ReF;isker of lleede 011ice of snid Count.y the
<br /> _ _ . _ _ . _ . . . duy ot. . . _ _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . , 19. . _ _ _ , ut _ _ _ _ _ _ . u'clark iind_ . .. _ _ minutey . . . . _ _ M,.
<br /> �
<br /> ' nnd recorded in IIook. . . .. . . ... . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . _o( ntort�;n�;cs ut pnFe. . . _ _ _ _. . _ , ns Lisirumait Nn. . _ _ . _ _ . _ _ .
<br /> _ . . . . . _ _ . _ _ . _ . . . . . _
<br /> Iic�;. of Deeds
<br /> I
<br /> I3)'. _ _ . . _ _ _ _ I)eput �• ,, �. ,
<br /> ��'hen recorded to be returned tu thc N �
<br /> ; L I� IK57' I� EDEI2 �1T. SAVINGB :1Nll LOAN :\ 5S0( ' I :\'1'ION Oi� I , IN ('OI , N �
<br /> (� 17.35 "ry., Slrcel i.�j n70G P,r.:dic SL I ] : 120 F�rsl Avc.. Keerney �
<br /> Phonr ?J4•24 J3 � .
<br />", ❑ 135 No. Colnei E3Wd. � � 21U1 So. d3�d SL [ � �; 13 " !i " SUc���. P .nrbuiy �
<br />*�y'�_ , Lj 70th and "A.' St (.� 320i No. 90th St. {'hone % :9.2�02 � � �
<br /> ��] 2541 tJo. Ilth Slrccl � 1 1 •733" `d � 'tiUceLOrd
<br />>i� � �. J 109ZOVleslUodgrlid. f-linnc 778� 3Z18
<br /> Phonc A75�0521
<br />�'c:�& �13Si-2111 . � . j J 1 +Ol R4.i�n rter.. C� r��,
<br /> Phonc 5tig . 323 I 'hnn�, ;?t �..771v
<br />�1.� � I CuordRh11965 bt ,fhsl Rtlr�al SavinRf anE lovi Asaodallan ul Uncubi, li�¢uln, NrLntwe
<br /> "S ' ��� J
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