�. ; ��.b
<br /> 4 ._,,w.�,
<br /> I* . �
<br /> 7b- t)(1�1t1,i� MURT� AGE
<br /> (�' [iNO\�'i\LL\1rN I�Y TIiL5E T'RESENTS, '1'list
<br /> 1; LONNIE ll, 1)AVIS ANll ,IANI'sTH C. I)AV1:S. itu;:bund cind tdifr, :is ,joinL c:en:tttts
<br /> ec�ch conL-r�cCing i.n his o�m i-i�;hL- cind us ;;pouse of Che uCher,
<br /> hereinuiter callcii thc murtgn�;or, in cimsideration nt tlie sum ut '1\�+Cttl'�>-ttittu '1'hottsttnd Se�.c*[t
<br /> }; 1{undred ��nd tto/1UU-----------------1�29,?(lU.QO)------------------9)ULLA1i5 '
<br /> �
<br /> in htuid puid, r��cei��t oE whirii is hcl•ebv acicuo�vl�d,r,ed,du liereby l;r.int,bar�;:iin,sc11 and com�r.y unlo:
<br /> its successors +md assitins, ]�i:reinaiter call�*ci tli� mortp:ay;ce. U�e fullo���in� dcscritic�� r��,al c�state sitGtatecl 1n
<br /> Itttll Cuinri�•, Ne6raska, to-wiL•
<br /> I.,oe Ninc (9), 1)lacic 'lleo (�), ��i: l,ul:��vir�a, :ind AddiCion tca lhc
<br /> ;%{
<br /> CiCy c�i Gi.tnd I sland, Iltill t;�ui�tv, i���l�i:t;:l:.�.
<br /> �:�
<br /> ;,
<br /> :';;
<br /> ;; � � � �
<br /> r;f
<br /> :; R'itlt :ill Lwld�e�t,s, imprueemrnis. �i�ture, or ,�ppurtcn:�mres nme on c�rvn(ler ereclyd iherron� includin�: all :�pPnr. . -
<br /> '} �dtc;. cuuipmcnl, tisturcx or :irlicics, ���hethrr in ::in�:k units oc rrnlr:dly ronlrullcd. �c,cd l,,s�q�pl�' tir:ri, �:�c. alr-cnndi•
<br /> "i Uonini:.�vidcr,lii;ltl,pa�eer,refril:�'rntion.ecnlilatiun ur oUtcr r�•r�•icco-. nnd ;m�• �,liicr Iliin;; noo� �n• herruf�cr tlierein ur � .
<br /> ;,,
<br /> ��� thcr�s,u. Il�c turm,lun;; �.�i ��•hich lrv lo:;sur:; 1�. loasoi�s i� cu}In�unry u�� �q,�,rn�irinRt, motudin: rr��cvnc:, �einduo• shndcs, ��'.�� . ..
<br /> >lorm dout5;ind wmdo�c.,ftvur rocoim4s,arrccn d�,ar.;. In-a-�lour 6rds. :nvninLa� .;t��ar•; ond ��•at�.r he:uo�^� tall ��t �cl�irh � �� � .
<br /> nrc dcclored lo be a�,:u't i+f snid real e:;inte tehether Ph�•�irall�' ❑iLt:hc�l Iherrto rr nofl; and nlsu nll ron4:�. r.:wes and ..
<br /> prollts ut r•uid prvmrc�;�cl�irti arc Imr��bc�,Ic�l�;cd,.c,uitaird.ir:in:di�rrc�i nnd srl oerr unlo Ihc mortt;uy;er. � � . � � .
<br /> :\II rcnls;m�i incomc from s;iid rr:il rstutc rccoivod b,r•Ihr morl�::�,:r��I�crriu.n(lcr l�nym��ut ot^urh rspcnsc;�a=nwrt- � .
<br /> p:i�;cc SM�IL�•unstdcr nvco::var�• nr �,raper tu incur Car thr prr�:rrv:iUnu. oprralion. nmintrnnu��r or rrp;�ic ol :a�d real . . .
<br /> estate.sl�ull he i�pplird upun tlic indchlednc�s::rcured b�• this murli_u�,:v. iiicludfu;: t:rnoa nnd insurut�cq bul lu uo m�ent . . .. .
<br /> shnll moriCu7:cc bc requimd lu upply upon:�aid indcblcdn�ss or l�i account for nu,rr Ih:w Ihc rrnL: ;md incumc nclually . .. . .
<br /> t�ticiced b�� il front nnid reul rslutr. Icss such rcpc�nscs. . . �
<br /> Upon ccyursl at �lu mor��;:y;ur lhc mnrlG;p:ri� may horrn(lcr. :il ils o��fiun. at :uty litnc l�efore fuil pncincnl ��( tl�is � . � ... .
<br /> �,� murl�:;iGe, m;�lce fucHicr ��dcnnces lo Ihe murt�::�Nur nnd ihe �:;nnv. �cdh inlcrc��, .:liall ho =ec�u•cd hp Il�i:s mi�rtS:�lic; . . . ..
<br /> pru��idcd. howcvcr� Ihat thr. amouul u[ priucipal scrured 1,�• thia mnrli:n4v nud rvmaluwg intP:�id. ;;liall nal al lhc iinir_ ,
<br /> uf :�nd lncludinC any surh n�lv:mrv csrccd Ihr urikinal prinripnl::um :�rcurcd lirrrh�•. ;md pro�•idin�; turllirr Ihal if thc
<br /> nwrt�u!:cc, nl its opliaa. :;hall tn;ilco a (urlhcr nd�:�nec uc ;uh•nncr.: u� nforr.;iid. Il�c tnurlC:�k�,r a&t��•cs lu exccutn nnd � . . .
<br /> deli�•cr lo tl�c tnurq:a�i�c n notv lo r�•idcurv ll�r.�atnr. �riyu6lo on or I,cforc Ihc m:�lurilp i�f thi;, uu,il�in�;r nnd I�ri�rinU � . .
<br /> such UIIIM'Il'1'i1L5 n:;tlu� morltln�cr�hnll rrquirc. 7'hc uuy�l;::q;ur �iuca ro�•rnont and :�Crcc t„ :�ad �cilh Ihc morlts;ebrr. . .
<br /> t��rcU::y nll:;uch Surihcr ud�•anccs madc as nfon^::iid�rilli iut��rr.;l: lh;rt s�ich hn�thcr nd�•:utro.� ;a�d i•ach nela �•��idettcuiK � � .
<br /> the saux�shall Lr recureei�t,y Ihis mvrt�a,c; and tlr,it all ��f Ihe ra��vnnnls :md ngcrrincnl:: in Ihi:: InortG;4.0 rvnlnined �
<br /> shnll,q,ply to nuch•turHfrr rtivanrrs ns ��•c•Il +c: in tl�c�,rit:ituil 1`�'�����ipal sum hrrcin rocilcd. � .
<br /> 1'ROVIllF.11,howevcr�:tlial.thcsc �trc<enls �n•u un Ilic tull�n��iuY.�'�,��di�iuns: � �. .
<br /> 'Chat thr..aid tnort�ti�:ut� hut�.vuculcd und drlivrrcd l�� ::nid innrlt'oCc�� n prumi.aory n��lv 1�, rrpnc thu �wn o[ .
<br /> mi�nrt� abu�•e mentioned. �eilli inlcrest thercan iu Payroeirts o,::rl Gn�lli in::iid nvlr,nnd Ir.�ce aL•:o eta�red l�, I<r<rp thr � . .
<br /> buildin�,s ou rnid rrnl c;t:ilc inai�rod uyseilnst Ore, Inrnadu and h;�il �vilh I�e::; �np•ublc l�� th�• m��rtt:q:ce ns ils iu;croel � .
<br /> mny:ippeair,nnd p;q•all tases.aqteeiul:�sscc;!neula and fnsurnnre I�r��miwny ��n x;iid prrmi;;r:v t���furr lhc �miu lrrmu�±
<br /> drlinqucnL . . . . . .
<br /> No��� Ihcrc(orc, i[lhc anid �„„rlCn�:urs, Ihcfr �:c;iniccn :md�c:,il:na.:;hnll I�a��ur i:n�:r lu Le Unid U���r::iicl numn nt mouoy � .
<br /> �ehrn iiuc n:;s�•t(nrlh i�i�aid nuto riud in Uii:;murl�::q:r� llirn tticse prr.�cnts::hnll Lv nidl nnd vuid:ulhccwlse lo bc�nnd
<br /> rcnudn in full turce uud cdTcol �md lhl:s murlCugc xh:tll st:uid u::accurily f�n• nll umounls nuntioncd lu naid promissory � ..
<br /> nole and fur nll t�mounts ndv:mttd by llx� mnrl�;:ikce tlicrcundcr. uud u Ldlure tu pnY mU' uf lhe ❑mounlv �i� r.r.ivrr�.i -
<br /> ur to cotnRly will� unY u( thn nKcecmenls cunlnlned in snid note ur m this mortF.;V:e�hall r:u�se thr cnUre c,u»> herein _,.i
<br /> x�curcd to becume due and collectlble ut enco nt thr uption of the morttcaNca - ,�;;y "
<br /> Dati�ci thls 'L6th dqy ot JU1y . 1:7 �G . �M
<br /> , , �
<br /> � �
<br /> • �
<br /> .
<br /> 1 -, . ( t . . _-_. �_.
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<br /> i,u�,nL� i�. n�vi�,
<br /> �, rrr r � Y.__.
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<br /> � JancCh l;. Duvi;,
<br /> � �
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<br />