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<br /> � MORTGAGE
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<br /> Laan Nu__._._-- � � � �
<br /> � THIS INbBNTIlRS, male �hb--_��Y�I .__day o�-_--•I��I Y �_--__—_-.197f-.bp und botweea � ' �
<br /> _:.,-i
<br /> DAV I I� LLE FlIZI�OLD AND GA I L L. ARNOIf.), husbancl �nd w f 10, r�c:h i n h i s ��nd her own r i�.�ht � �
<br /> � ancl �as snouse oi` the� oi her
<br /> oL____._�.L'i.LI__._—__ Caunly,Nebmeku,ae mody�por:�L and iteme Fedeml;S�vinqe m�d 4aan Aeaix.lotivn ol G�und lelond. '� . .
<br /> �i curpo�ailon o�qanlied and eafetlnq undec t6a tawa uf Nebraekn wdth Ile prlucipal ollice und pluco of hueineee at 4mnd lelm�d.NeLroeka, : �.
<br /> ae mo�lpaqee; . �
<br /> �� WITNCSSETIt: That enid nmHyayar�'___, lor a�id in coneYderalion ul U�e emn oL____.
<br /> �, . . _---_._--__- �- ---'---'
<br /> '� 11111�TY IIIOU`iAND /1ND I!0/100------------------------ ----- -- tiO,OQQ.00
<br /> . .s .___-_____ '__."�_.___,__"_.____'_____ `—'—_. . _.. . ...__�ullate lS... _.__'w"_J. . . .
<br /> Ihe retulpt of wUlth le hereby ucknowledUed, do__ 6y 16eae preeouie mwlyaya und watraul milo euiJ modyayee, Ile eunreeeote m�d � .. .
<br /> 's aeeiyue. iorev'!�,all the Idlowluq deecrtbed real eelute. nilualed in tlie �vwdy ul __.__.__ �1;7�� � . .. . .
<br /> . _._._._.__..__-.._._.... ._.—___._______�_
<br /> .., +
<br /> and&lale ol NeLta�kv.lo•wiL• .. . . .
<br /> I_(il� iW0 �Z) IN liLtl��l< :iEVLN ('1) IN 4Vil��DlilNl�: �111UIl�lt?Pd li) II�IE �'I1Y t?F ��fi,1l�I1 I+�Ai'dl) . � �
<br /> �J[[?FASICA. ��
<br /> ; � �,
<br /> , S
<br /> �
<br /> # �
<br /> f $�
<br /> � ��y Toyelher w•Ith all h�nlMu. liQhting, und plumb{ny w�ulpmonl nnd ❑xtutea.fncludinq�Inkeie uud 6umete.ncteene,nwnlnqe.ete�m wfndban ! � . . .
<br /> + nnd doa�e.ond wlndow ehadee uc bllnJn. uned on or In ivmieclinn wllh nmJ piapwy,nhethe� Iha eumr, ma nnw Ixutrcl un enid pmpetly i� .
<br /> inr L„reNlec pinCed Iheteon. . � . .
<br /> �i ySt
<br /> i� 1'O IIAVC AND TQ HOLD TIlli Sh�1G. tepetl�er with ull und elnyula�Ihe lenemente.hetPdilumanle anJ appwlenancee 16e�eunlo bclenq- 7j
<br /> {� iny,c�fn anpwlee aVPerlmniuq,lotevnr,and wnrmnl Ihe Iltle to ILu name. :iald mo�lqaVur_- .heteLp i}�rrnm�l _. �.ilh eaid morlqnaev �� . � .
<br /> f 't` �S
<br /> 2 tlm�.._f�_ho1L._..-,.]Lt:._..at Ilin Jeliv��y hotwl,Ihn lawlul ownet._.. .1 Ihn pcemieae uL•ovn ionroynd�nJ deecriheJ,m�d _
<br /> f� erlsed el n yuod nnd IndeloamblP enlulo ol InheNlmirn Il�ereln, l�co m I 1 u el ull nnaimhrvncee,and Ihul ...t:..liAr will wvnunt cmd � .
<br /> ; d�lund�he il�le�hc���o lo�ever u�amot Ihe elolm�and drmvnJn ul all po�aonn wlionu�mve�.
<br /> ' 1!fiO�IUCU AL�VA7'S. aud Ihin hiaUumenl In carcWed und Jnllv t f lo nM.na Uie Oc�y�ienl ut Ilio aum cL. "_ �___ ��
<br /> ;'� � f H I(il l I f IC�U FlND ANU IdJ/I UU---------------- � t� (�UQ.O�� � �
<br /> --------
<br /> .— -- - - . — - . _... _.._ . .7'ouutn I5. . . __!.
<br /> t w�ll�InletPe� Ihm�ron. IrN�olher wilh euch chmU�o nnJ advoia�ea as tn } hn di and �.,�yulde lo naid mo�lvuve wide[ Ihe le�nm and $ � � . .
<br /> S $
<br /> 3 conditbnn el Iho p�omineury nole ol even dolx he�rwilh ❑nd xrcuted Leio6y.eaoculed by niiid metlVaUord_t�n�id nuvlyuu�e.p��ynbla
<br /> � nn ezpm�aed in eaid noln.m�d lu eccum Ihe pedoroiance el all the lunne uud cundillune cuntulned ILmnin. The Iennn ol nidJ nole are .
<br /> hc�e6y himrpowleJ 6e�ein L} Ihi�ielerenca. �
<br /> � 11 le Iha Itdenlion and aq�eomenl ol Ihn pu�lfno hc�eW Ihal Ihio niu�IVuyc niwll aleu necuio nny �ulurr udvmiecx nmde lo euid . � �
<br /> {
<br /> f mo�tyugor_':.i.by nnfd mo�lyayeo.and mry nnd all InJoblednene In uddlllon to ihn umuunl ulrove nWled whicL nuiJ medpayure, nr uny
<br /> # o( U�em. may owv lo eaW nw�l9oyoe. howeret rvldenced, whelhe� Iry note,biwk accuunl or vlhetw•fne. This mmWoye nhull remvin In lull
<br /> S lorca and o�lecl 6+!Iwum� Ihn pa�llvs Nerela und Ilioit helta. pe�ao�inl �eprene�duUvoe. nucceeeo�n und onnlVne, unlil all oinmu�te ee�ured
<br /> hemunder.Inc�wllnq lulu�e udrancee,me�id In lull wilh Inloteel.
<br /> iha mmlyagor_;i._.hn�eby u�dOt�__ lo nuld morlVaOeo ull tenle und lucume mielny ul any and oll Umae hum euid p�operty and
<br /> hetnby�utlhotlao eaid mml�uyeo ut Ib uyenl, ul Iln oplion. �q>on deluult.lo lake chmye el eald y�op�rly nnd ccllecl ull tenln ond lucome �S ,
<br /> ihe�o6om nnd apply Ihe aame Iv Ihe f+�y���^nl ol Inlere�l,pdnclpnl,h�eumncvt{aamlutne, �uxv�,unneemm�nla, tr�wl�e m Impmvementn newe• �
<br /> � •u�y W k�ap ea1J pioVe��Y 0� Ienwil�Llo cnnJ111on.ui Io olhar chu�yne m{x�ymnnb p�or�dad In�Im�eln or B�Ih�ncln I�e�oby necu�ed. Tlile � �
<br /> �nnl aenlynmanl �hall continue In imce unlfl ILo un�wid lwlanco ol m�ld nule In lully puld. Tho tukmu�I ponennoivn he�e�mdee ei�all h�nu �
<br /> } fiunno�prer¢n1 or taW�d euid mo�lqayvo In Ibv culleclleu nl n�ild�ums 6y Iorecleema ar ulhe[wlne.
<br /> S
<br /> �S Tha Ialiure nt Iho mutlqagen lU vuetl any ot Iia d�ht� MeteunJet vl any time ehall nol Lo tnelrued ae a'+alre�nl Ife�Iqhl!o a�eed
<br /> S Ihe eume ul any loler timv.und.to Ind�l u{wn and enlorco et��c1 cvmpllance wuh uil Iho le�me uud prorinbun nl .nid uele and ol Ih❑ ; .
<br /> ' moH9nUa. , 3 .
<br /> S
<br /> } II enld tnotlyago�^eh¢II cauee Io be pald lo nnid moHyayoo iho enliro aroounl due II hereunJer,m�d uudar tho Imms�mS p�uvlslon�
<br /> $t ol oald oulo hvre6y eneu�ed,IncluSinq luluro advuncee,und any ealaneiun� or reneanle ihe�aal In uccurdanca riHh Ihe in�m� und p�orl�lon�
<br /> s, flieraol,and II ea{d motiqa9nr..�_�hall rumply w�ith all Il�e pwvlNoue ol�uld nole anJ ol Ihl�mmlq�ye.Ihen Ihe�e ptee«nla�hall I�e�oIJ: . .
<br /> j� ol6etwile lo tamain h�luli laic�and ollocl,and�aW mortpaqee�hall Le eniltled to Iho pue�e��lun ol all ol e��id propmiy,m�J may,nt Ils *�
<br /> ;+ opllon,Juclute Iho w6ole ol �ald nvle m�d all IndeLlodovu tnpte�enlnJ IhereLy l0 6o Itnmedlufei�due unJ puyuble,uuJ moy lo�nilone Ii�le
<br /> �� morlyvy�or lako any o1ha1' loqal acllvn Io p�alecl 11� dy1tl. and liom Ihe dulo ul euch delauh�II iletn�ol IndaLlealn�ns uacweJ iin�eby j �."j :
<br /> i eholl d:aw Inla�aet al 8%por annum. Appml�omanl walred. � ;
<br /> Th�� mo�lynqe �hall lw bindinq upon and �hall anuta 10 Ih� b�nxlll ol Ihn heln,ecewlcu,uiLnlN�ltalote,�u�Yesem�imd an�l�n�ol �"
<br /> � � Iho re�pecllve pa�Us�hecelo. �
<br /> # IN WITNI:i3 W1tEAEOF. wi1 Mo�ipavor�__hn�tu_ hsnumo �el_.-----�.�1�.:i1�—'-'.---1ianJS__�hn day nud y�a�Ii:n�ulroro �
<br /> -�: wr'on. .• ...... .
<br /> � , .
<br /> ,
<br /> �i � �
<br /> � ��� / .� : .�. ��
<br /> • ._..---- ._.__._._. ' � ,
<br /> _-.-=_L--_.—�__._..--'-' `'1:,1I t ....11,u,1�.�.:_.�-----
<br /> � � �av I d Leu Arnr� �.I ` _
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