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� ' <br />� i ,,� :: <br />� ..: .�:� <br />; � _ , -1 <br />� <br />� <br /> 76- O O 4 0 '7 � <br /> ll is furlLer agrred 16:d in aitie :wy suit is bcgun to C�vrclosr Ihis mortgn�:!`, the 2�4ur1l:��Fer�. ils roprenrnlidives or nssigns, <br /> � .ball at nnce bt� entilled lo ihr posaession of aaid promisen. and upnn upplicaliun therefor, the euurt in which ��uch nciion �hnll � <br /> ' 6e brouRl�t or uny judge o( such court, either in terrn lim�• ur vucation. is hi�rebY cmllwriced (u +ippoiut ;i n•eeiver tu iake p<r.'�.u�v- . <br /> . . .. �`� sion of snid premine+, or Lu cullrrt. th�� nnds therefrom, and tu dri and perfurm such other ncls av m:n, Lc r�r�uircd by the order �. <br /> uf the eourl malcing the :qipuinime�il ; and s:�id A9urlgngor hereby wnives nny m>tice of huch nppliciatiun. :md ennsanls lu thr np- . <br /> pnintmenk af n receiver upon lhe produ<•tion nf t6ix marlgng�+, withuut ofher evidenee. . <br /> ' 'Che hiorlgugre shxll be aubrugaled lo ull ut thc righ�s, priviluges, priurities, nnd equilics uf ony lienhuldcr w6usr lien mxy �. � <br /> Iu+vc lu�en discharged (rnnt the procreds ol' this lunn, or I�y nny funds hcrcirv p�iid or furnishcd by tl�e ntorlgagee. <br /> IT IS �XPRESSI.Y AGRG�D thnt if the A4ortgntinr yhall yell, comey or nlienute vaid prop��rly, ur nny p��rl lhrreo(, <br /> �� or nny interest therein, or sh+ill bcr divcsted of his tille or any inlerc�st thercin in :my mnnner or way, whelher v�dunL�rilY or �- <br /> involuntarily, without written causent uf 8ie hlortgng��e� being firnt had and obGiined, Mnrt�;a�;re shaLl havc the ri�;ht, .�t itt npfion, � � <br /> to declure nny indeUtedness or oblig:dions ecrurod hereby, irrnspeclivr ot Uie m;�turily d:ile Spi�cified in nny unti� �n•idencing ihe � <br /> snmc, imm�dintelY duo nnd P:lY:ible wi8�out nolice. m�d eaid debt shall lhemupon bc�cnme :dr�ulutr.. If the ownrr.,hip r�f ll�e morl� <br /> t ,.. . ' griged property hecomes vistecl in u person ot{�cr thnn tha n7ortgat;ur, the Dlurtgngeu may, tvithuut nolirc to thi� Mortgagur, deal . <br /> ��. with duch succes;or or suce�reaors in intere=t witi� r��ti,n•nci� tu this mortt;+�tie nnd the debl hereby s��curcd :is witli the Mort�;agoq . . <br /> ; and rnny forberv to nue or m�ry extend time [or tLe puyment of Lhe debl hen-lry securrd w�ithnut dischur�;ing or in nny wtiy nt[ecting � <br /> , the Iinbility of thc uri�!inul 11ort�;iiqon c�rcundcr or upon th�• d��bt srrur��l. . <br /> ` � Lt Ihis instrumenl t6u singular inch�drs the plur,�l nnd the masculine includes the Iemiuine nnd fht• nruter :ind lhie in- . <br /> ' slrumrnl shnll be bindin�; upon the undorsi�;neJ , his heirs. Personel rrpn�sentativos, succrscnc, and a��i�:ns. <br /> � <br /> F� <br /> TN Wl'PNI�.SS \VHL:Rf'Ai', we hrrvi• hrrwutfo set nur htutds unrl thi� day ;md cr;�r fir.t above uriUrn. <br /> In iLe prrsrnce aL• --- r <br /> � , :fi�.. t � . . . <br /> .: ��... 1 .. �'lC�'.. .�� ' _ ... .. . ... . . .._ .. _ _ ... <br /> • c' hard J i 1�� `' <br /> w _. . ._ _ _.. ._._ ..... ._ . .. .. ._. . . ..._._ _. _ _ _ _ _.. _ _ _. .. <br /> � <br /> ,�r��z�r on c���nsx� <br /> ;� - :.� j sv. � <br /> `.. ' .... . .. .?{aa.�.,. . . .. _ _ .._ _._Cowily. <br /> _� ! On lhis .. ... _ .. ..�l.Y�: dnv n! .._ . . _ . _ . . _ _ . C. ,�,�i,.G� . ..._. l��i _. before mi�, thr undersiFned. n Notnry Yublic. in and fnr xnid . <br /> / � <br /> - Ri.c.h�rci_J . _ , .... � C� R <br /> . ; Cuimty. Peraon:illy came. .. . . .]11eR 2 . . 5.�-ri >�.8 . eT5917..... . .. . ._ .. . . . _. _. . . _ . . . _ . _... ... ...._ . . . _ . . . . . _ . .. . _. <br /> }� � � persunnlly known to me la br thr identical persoti+ whuse numes are n�iized to tlir nbnvc• nnd forrgoin�; instrumrni, as murtFagury, <br /> nnd each acknoa•Ievigrd snid inslrument to be his or hrr eoluntnry tmt nnd decd. <br /> f. '; \Vitness my h:md and notarial s<�nt ut.. . ..Gr.and..Islarll,_.IVeUraslt:. . ._ _ __....._ _ _ _ . . . . . . . ._ __ . . _ _. . ..__ __. ....__ _ � . <br /> ` thc datc last iilwve w�ritten. � <br /> � <br /> . �a� <br /> � � , <br /> itAl. � _ Gs' ' ,.�r.J . ,L/.. ._ s��/ <br /> . _._ .._. <br /> tTAt� /11� � ,� . y nubsc. <br /> !/ <br /> „ � Diy cnmmission expirc�s__ . _ _ _ _... ._ _ . . . ��i.9�... . . _.._ . . . .. . <br /> ; STATE OF. . . _. _ _ . . _ _ . . . . .. ... . . .. . . . . . .. . . .. . . .. ... .. . .. . <br /> : _ _ � ss. <br /> ! Counly . . . . . . . _ _ _ <br /> _ . . . . . . _ _ . . . _ . <br /> I;ntered on numerical index 1nd filce3 for record in the Register oF Ueeds Olfice of said County the <br /> _ _ . . . . . . . . . _ day ot. . .. . . . . . . . _ _ . . . . _ _ . . ., 19_ _ . . . . , at . . . . . . . . . . _ o'cla�k and _ . . _ . minutes _ _ . _ . . A4,. <br /> and recorded in Book.. . . .. . . . . _. . . . _ _. .. . . . _of �iort�,�nges at pa�;e . . . . . _ _ _ _ . . , ns Instrument :�o.. _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . . _ . . . � j . <br /> ,. �:,_ ; , <br /> ; . <br /> . . . _ _ _ _ . _ _ . _ . . _ _ . . _ . . . _ . . . . _ _ . . . _ _ . _ _ . . .. . . . . . . N .. <br /> _ Rek. nt Dceds � .': <br /> � I3y. . _ . . . _ _ . _ . . . . . . . . _ _ . . . . _ . _ _ _ _ . . . . _ . . . . . . .. . . . Deputy d <br /> � ' <br /> �l'hen mcurded to be returned to the � <br /> � I�IKST FEDI: RAL SAVINGS :ANU I.0.1N ,1950CI :17'fON OI� LI � COi,N �- - <br />.� ❑ 12ss � � N �• sucet f] -� :05 P,�,: �.r :. s � . <br /> . . , ❑ 1 �`_, No. Cnlncr filvd. -1 , ". . . _ � . . . . ,_ <br /> z � � � LI �JCOLN i I :nl � � �. . . . �n � , , <br /> i : J <br />