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<br /> naoa•rc�ce
<br /> — — n�oit�cnGii LOAN N0._�,24R
<br /> ; � KNOW ALL rfBN[lv T�ir:se E�ar_seNrs:�n,a� Charl es Gl en McCI ure and Leota P. McCI ure, each i n hi s
<br /> and her own right and as spouse of each other
<br /> ' � � ___Afortgugor,wl�edier une ur mure,in cun:ideration uf the sum of
<br /> Ttventy-four Thousand and No/100----------------- ----------------
<br /> DOLLA(iS
<br /> � loaned tu said murigagur by The Lquitable Building and Luan Association ol'Grand Island,Nebrasku,Aturt�ge�,upon 240 shares of stuck of -
<br /> said ASSOCIATION,CertiGcalc No.L 22�248 ,du hereby grant,cunvep and nwrlgage unW the s�iA ASSOCIATION lhe following
<br /> � dcscribed real estate,situalcd in{lall County,Nebraska:
<br /> (24), OF [3AKER'S ADDITION TO THE
<br /> � together with all tht tenements,herediiaments and appurtenances ihereunto belunging,including anuched Ilou�cuverings,all window scceens,
<br /> : winduw shadrs,blinds.stunn��•inJuws,aa�nings,heaiing,air conditimiing�JOII�llllfil{)lil(:eOII N';i[Cf l•yI11�1171C11i eI1lI BCIC)SUIICS[IICfClO.PIIOl�S�5l0Y1'$�
<br /> refrigerators.nnd uther fixtures and eyuipment nuw or here�lter�ttached lo ur us:d in eunnectiun���ith s�id re�l�state.
<br /> t
<br /> . And whciras the s�id murtgagor has agiced and du:s hcreby agme d�at thc wuricagor shall and will pay ali taxes and assessments levied ur
<br /> assessed upon s�id premises�nd upon this mortgagr und ihe bund securrJ there6e helore thc same shall become drlinquenL to turnish approveJ
<br /> � insu�ance upun ihe buildings un s:�id pmmiscs situated in the sum o(S 24����.�� payal�le iu said ASS(X'IATIO� and to deliver to s�id
<br /> ASS(x.'IATION the pulicies lor s�id insurance:and not w eommit ur permit anq waste un nr a6out s�id premises:
<br /> _ - In cau ul defauli in the pedurmancr O�JIIY UI(I1C[C(I1158111I l'OIl�Ih0175 UP 1I111 mnrtg�gc u�the bond SCCIIfC(I IICRh\'.[IlC 1➢UflE3ECe SI18II,
<br /> � llil/121i1'JI71�.ftt`Clllli�C�10 IIIItIII•�I�IC�k1S5C5S1U11 U�I�IL`I71Uf��;:i�QCI��1I1'i1ll5C5 3115 I�1C I17U(l�`:1�CUf �ICItI/1' �SSIFIIS. !(:IfIS�CfS �(ll� SCfi UYl•( (O l�l[
<br /> . I17Uf�C:1ECC JII II1C fl'OIS,fl'YCIlUCS 8111I incumc W L)l'I�l'fl\'Cl�1NI11�IIL`IIIUfICBFC(I�IICITIISCS llUflll�SUCII 11fOl'85 II1C IIIDfI�`�CC lI1/I0b![(II1tSS SI18II(Cllldlll
<br /> u unpaid:and the nurztgagee shall h;�ve the power w appuint any�geni ur�cents it ma��desirc(or the purpuse oC rep�iring s�id promises and renting
<br /> die s�me and mllectine die renls.�cranues aud inrome.and it may p�y uut ol vid income �ll ezpenses uf repairinF said premises and necess�ry
<br /> cummissiuns aud expenses mrurred in renting anJ man�ging the s�me�nd oi cullecting rent�ls Uiere(rum: the balancr«maining.il'any,to bo
<br /> � ��1�)IICII IUN'ffilI ihe disdiargc of said mortgagc indcbtedness:ihese ri�hls ol'the mungagce m���be CSl`fl'ISCII 1l:1111'Gitll`llllflll�'IIIB CAISICIII'C OI SL1CI1
<br /> ` . de(�ull,irrespeciice uf any Iempura�y a'aive�ut the s�me.
<br /> i
<br /> � Thex Pn•sents.hu���eve�.are U�)UII IIIC CqI1tIlU011.Tlldl 11 lI1C S:IIt��IUII�!:ICUf SI18II IC'1:1V tiel(I IOdil UIl U[bC�Uft Illl'Iil�Ill(1lV 0�3811I SI18(BS b�'
<br /> y � �>J)'llll'ill;�1:1)'111�>I11III�'ll)5J1�r�Stin��i�T�n�i it�I�II'111171�(1CL1�1C11 111 I�IL���il�1l'�'llll`(��1l'IC�/�':IS Iflll`fC$l eI1tI�1llill'I�t�I Ofl 511(I IJ:111��II llI hl'�Uf2
<br /> � Itll'�(tl'Cilllrl�l�:11'(t(C�C�I Jlll�C\Y'!1'IIIUIII�I.11llll�S;llt��U;111 IS�U��\'�1�1�:�IJ\':1��t:1\L`S:Iill�:1511'SSIIICIIfS�C\7C�LL:llllfl SJI��ICRIISI'S 8111�UII I�IIS��Ofl�'7PC
<br /> ;
<br /> and�hc eond sc��urcd thcteby.Lctinc dclinyucncy�;furnish appruvcd insurance upon ihc buildines�hereun in tl�c sum ol'S ZQ�Q�Q.�� Payablc
<br /> �n saiJ,�SSOCIATIO\:repa�'tu said:1SSOCIATI05 upun demand all monev bp it paid(or such t�xes,assessments an�insurance with intercst at
<br /> ' � thc maximum Irgal raic thcrcon f iom datc u(pa}•mcnt�II ut whieh 1lorte�gon c�reb�'agrees�o pay:pcnnit nu wastc un said premisrs:kccp and compl),
<br /> P
<br /> � witlt all Ihc agrcemcnts and conditions ot the tlond lor 5 Z4 OOO OO this Jay gietn bq thc said 1lorig�gor tu said AtiSOCL1710N,and compl),
<br /> � with all thc rcquircmcnts oC Ihc C��nsGtutim�and R}'�Laws ui's�iJ ASS(XlAT10\;thrn tlicse presents sh�ll berome null and vuid,uthc�N�isc they
<br /> . shall rcmain m full fiircc and m�y�bc furcrloseJ at thc uph��u ul thc said ,1SS(X.�IA'I70\ a(ter liuhuc lur threc munths �o m�kc am�o!said
<br /> paymcnts or bc Uvcc 1➢UI1�fIS 117 efil•7Iti IIl IIIeAIII�;SJItI IIl��I1lIlI\'�d\'Oil`IIIS.Ut IU kcep mid l'UIO�I1'K'11I1 Illt e1�Il'CII7CI1I5]flll CUfItI1LO11S(1(ti�1fl BUIItI:
<br /> � and\lurlgagur agn•cs tu huvc a recciver appuintcd for�h�vith in such(utcclusurc proecedmEs.
<br /> Y„ I(Uicre is an��clungc in uwnership uf thc rcal est�ic mungaged hcrein.by sale or oihcnvise,then the enticc�cmaining indebtedness hercby
<br /> sccured shall,at Ihc uption uf Thc Gyui1a61c Uuilding and Loan Assuciatiun u(Gf�11lI ISI�fIII.i�C�I�SRB.bI'Nf11C II11117C1�1�1[I\'1�11C fl0(I r81'�I1Il'H'IIIIDII[
<br /> � �UfI�ICf IIt�Illl'.:llll� l�ll'�IIIUl111i fCII1:11I11I1�;�LIC Uil�l'f SJItI hUI1lI.:IIIII BIII'I)llll'f bUI1lI�U(:1111':1lJlllll011]I 9tI\:If1iCS(fl��C fllc'(CllI1ll[f.S�I�II.If0111 lllf
<br /> IIJIC 1l(t\fl�l)C 1)I SJIII l)�1IIUII.IJt'Jf IIIICfi�Sl�I llll'II1:1l1IIlUfi1 Ii'�;BI f:ill'.eI1lI 1I115 I11t1f1�;J,1'L'tll:i)'I�ltll bC loreclosed to satisl'y th�amounl due on said
<br /> bunJ�:lll(I d0�'OlI1Cf IIOfIII(0�2lIlI111011flI BIII'�Ill'C5.(Olt'�Iltf\V1�II eII Slll16 F)�Il�I1\'Se1lI TIIC Lt{111t8�I2 BIIlIlI3I1K:ItlII LU3I7 ASSUL'18lNIl U�Grand Island.
<br /> �� I�CbfeSIC��Of II1Sll��fll'�,l'JXCS eflll�SSI•tiSfltl'IIIS,JIItI 8I151��CfIIIG l'%ICfIS1Uf1 CI18I�,CS,\�'IIII Iillifl'SI thcrcon, Irom �3l[ U�r�y171Cf1I 8l��IP m�ximum
<br /> Icgalratc.
<br /> r As proviJeJ in ihe Bond s�cureJ hereby.�chile�his mungage remains in eftict ihe rour�gacee may hercafter ad�anee�dditional sums to the
<br /> �r ' makeis ol'said[3ond,thcir assigns ur successurs in interes�,which sums shall be within ihe�rcurity ol this murtgage ihe same as the funds originally
<br /> - - scwred�hetcby.�hc total amuunt uf principal dcbt nut Iu cxceed at any iime thc uriginal amuunl of this mortgage.
<br /> i u�<<a�t��, 20th a� � , July ,�.n,i��76 .
<br /> �G��F�� x�`��F� >r� ���«.._. �������;�f1,� (���.�,,,_,;
<br /> Charles G en McClure � Leota F. M Clure
<br /> STATEOFNEBFtASkA, ss. Onihis 2�th dayof �U�,Y 1976 ,belbreme,
<br /> COUNTY OF IIALL� `�
<br /> �he undersigned,a�utar}'Public in and fur mid County,personaily came _ .y..,�:`�,,'�.
<br /> Charles Glen hlcClure and Leota P. P1cClure, each in his and her own right and as spouse of each - N `..
<br /> other, "'hO dP0 Vermnallyknownto � .
<br /> L �
<br /> me to be the idrntical person 5 whou namc5 d re affixed to thc aUuve instrumen4as murtga6or S and they severally ¢
<br /> acknuwlcdgcd thc said instrumcnt tu bc the i r vulunlap�act and dced. � �� �' �
<br /> s - ��WITNESS tnv:hahd and No�arial Seal thc dcte aforesaid. ' �'�j. � . �
<br /> N�� � ' ... � . . _ / /
<br /> '�1�Comniisatvt��xpires 1 �
<br />.�;. ,
<br /> , .
<br />� �o,, r.,r. , �. .. .� � • f�C .t'', _: .' � � . .��f`�L��
<br /> � _..�__ .�-.,_.� - -�--- )� , � \utnq�Public
<br />— 6.1.1AfR1 ��l---r�� ; j", ,a� ;�l - .
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