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. . ._ � �,�•`• <br /> . . .. . . . . . . . M.dY� � <br /> �►� /� � <br /> MOATGAGE SaWnqe and Loan Form—(Dltect Crodll Plm) 255•2 lSpedal! � � <br /> ' ��H. (10 4 0 5'7 MORTGAGE <br /> 76 <br /> ��No <br /> � TF(IS INDEN7UAE,made 161s 26th day oL Jllly .19 76,by and botween � �� <br /> ROBERT A. t70DEN, JR. AND SUSAN A. NODEN, husband and wife, each in his and her own ri,Qht <br /> 3 and as apouse of the other <br /> a� Ha 11 County,Nebrai�a,m morlqagor S and Homo Federal Savtage and Loan Amociatlon ot Grand Inland. . <br /> ? a eorporation organ(:ed and exietiaq mder the lawe ol Nehsaeka wfth Ite principal ollfce and place of bunineee at Grand lel�d,Nab�mka, � <br /> ae modgagee; � <br /> ; WITNESSETK: That eald morigagor 5 !or and ta conetdoiatlon ot the eum ol i � <br /> ; SEVENTEEN THOUSAND AND NO/100--------------------------------------noua.e (5 »,nnn_nn �, � <br /> lhe recelpt o! wWch Ia hereby acknowledged, do— hy theae preeon�n morlgage md warrant unlo eald morlqageo, ile eucceeaore md � � :� � <br /> ase(qne,forever,all lhe tollowing deserlbed real ealate,siluated In the counly ol f{ali � . <br /> aad Stale ot Nebiaska,to-wiL• . . � <br /> : $ <br /> THE WEST ONE HUNDRED THIRTY FOUR (134) FEET 0[' THE SOUTH SEVENTY ONE AND EIGHT $ <br /> TENTHS (71.8) FEET Or THG NORTN ONE HUNDRED FIFTY AND P'IVE TENTHS (150.5) FEET �� <br /> OF LOT ONE (1) OF NORWOOD SUI3DIVISION OF PART OP THE WEST IiALF (W'�) OF THE �I <br /> �+ NORTHWEST QUARTER (NW'�) OF SECTION TEN (10), TOWNSHIP EL�VBN (11) NORTH, RANGE � <br /> NINE 9 WEST OF THE 6TH P.P1, IN HALL COUNTY NEBRASKA ACCORDING TO 1'tIE � <br /> � ) � , t� <br /> � <br /> ` � RECORDED PLAT 1'IIEREOF. �� <br /> Y €3s <br /> r{� <br /> �S$ }' <br /> ;3 Sogether with all heatinq, lfghting, and plumblag eqWpmeat and tizwree,lncluding etoken aad humere,acree¢s,awNnqe,elotm wiodowe �t � � <br /> ?� aod doora.and window ehadee or bltnde.ueed on or in connecHon with eafd proporty,whether t6o same aro now located on eaid propa[ty S . . . <br /> or heccalter placed thereon. � <br /> 3 ` <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME,together wilh all and etnqular the tenemonta,haredit¢mente and apput�oaances�harounto beloag• �� <br /> � Ing,or In anywiee apportalning,lorever.aad warrant the title to the eame. Sald mortqagor S horeby coveaant—_with eoid mortgageo S . , , � . <br /> �� �� � � � � <br /> � that t oY are at the dallvory heroot,the lawful owaer 5 0l the premieoe above conveyed m�d deuribed,and eTe � <br /> jaelxod of a good and Indoloaeiblo eatate ol tnhedtmce thereln,frea and dear of all encumbraacee,a¢d that t1�oZ'_will warrant�d $r . . <br /> ;jjj delond lho title thereto forever agaimt tho claiau and demaade ol ali personn whomnoover. �+ <br /> � PAOVIDED ALWAYS, and thls inalcument 1s oxecuted and delivered lo socure the payment of iho aum of � � <br /> ` SEVENTEEN THOUSAND AND NO/100-------------------------- ----nollaxe (5 17�000.00 �� <br /> ------ ). $$ <br /> �t wilh[nte�ont thecoon,togother with euch chargee and advancae aa may be duo and payablo to naid morigageo wder the terme and $ . _ <br /> �S m¢ditiom ot the promiewry note of evon data herevrith and eecu:ed hereby,ozecuted by naid motlgago:5 to naid mo�tgcgee,payable i� �� <br /> 3 ae e�ryreaaed in said noto.nad to cecure the pedormance ot all the torcm and coaditiom coatained thwoin. Tho tormn ot said aola aro $ � � <br /> t hereby incorporated herein by th[a refomnco. +I . � <br /> $ It Is thn ln�eation and aqraomoat ot tt�e partiea heroto that this mortgage ahall alno aocure any fulure advanc>e made to eaid � �.. . .. <br /> � marlqogor S 6y edd mortgagee, and any and all inde6tednoea in additloa to tho amount above ntamd which naid cnodgagore, o: a¢y � . � <br /> ol thom,may owa to eaid moitqagee,however ovidenced whelher by nota,book account or othorwtse. Thls mortgaqe ehall romain in lull <br /> lorce aad ellect belween the partlea herelo and tholz heire,pereonal reprenentativea, eucceaaoie and anefqm, uotll alt amounta eecurad � <br /> hereuader,lncludinq futuru ndvaacee,are pafd in!ull with intereel. <br /> Tho mortgagor S herebp asalq�_to said mortgageo all renta and lar.ama nrieinq at any and all tlmee Icom eaid prope�ty and { . . � �� <br /> hareby wlhorizo eaid mo�tgogce or Ile agent,al ila aptlon, upon delault,to take ch¢rge of naid pioperiy and collect oll renla and lnmme 5� � <br /> therofwm and apply the eamo lo the payment ot lnteront,prtndpal,ineura¢ca premlume,tazee,anaeesmenV,repaire or improvoments nucns- � � � <br /> eary lo keop eaid proparty ln len¢atabla m¢d1Uon,or to olher chargee or paymenle provlded!or hereln o[1n the nota Lereby eecvred. Y'hla � � <br /> � renl aasiqnment ehall continue in loice.ualll tho unpaid 6alonce ot eald aote is lully pafd Tho takSnq ol posaoenion heroundez ehall la na . <br /> mannor prevent or reta�d sald yaor�gaqee in�the eolleeHon ot safd nume 6y lo�acloeure or othexwiso. � <br /> f The fallure ot thotmoctgageo t'o�aaierl�arip�.oi��ib�;xiqWa hcreundcr at¢ny tlma ehall aol 6c conetrued ae a walve:o!ite riqht to aenetl <br /> $S tha same al any Iater��mo�andto-tmtet`upoa end eato:co et:tct rnmpllanco wilh all the lermn aad piov3alone o! eaid no�e and ol thla <br /> 3� mo�gaqe. $$ <br /> j� il ea[d mortgagor S ehall cwse�o be paid to eald mortgaqee tha entlre amovat due it hereuader,and uade�tho lerme and provfatona � <br /> al eald notu herebp ieauzad tncludiaq tutum advancos,aad any erionaiona or :anawa6 lhereo! In accoidnncs wdh the teime and provltlani <br /> tho�ool,and U eaid mortgaqor S�hall mmply with atl!he provldons of eald note¢nd ot thta mor�gaqe,then theeo prceenU ehall bo void; £ <br /> �+ otherwlse m remnin In IuA torce aad elloc6 and eaid mortg¢qee ehall be eo6tled ro 12�e poseeeefon o!all ot aNd piopeiry,and may,at ite F � <br /> � opNon,declate the�r6ele of eald note and all Indehtedneu repra�ented thereby lo ba Immedlately due and paya6ie.and may lorecloae Ihin F <br /> r <br /> $' moctgaqe or take �y otLer legal aetlon to protect!b dght,aad Irom the date of euch default ail ileme ol indobtadneei secuaed hereby $� � �.�Y �+^ � <br /> ehall drow Intareet at 9%pez�num. AppraLemeat walved S{y � �y <br /> �� � Thie moriqage�hall be bindiag upon and ahall oaura to ths b�nallt o!tha hetr�,exeeu!on,adminLtratoie.�ucceuore�d aaaiqne e( �{ , <br /> � <br /> � S tho ro�pective partin hareta.. , i � <br /> {.. � IN WITN�S4 WFff.REOP, wid Mongagoz S' t,� Ve huauato ut thei.T' hQad�_Ihe day and year liret above i"- <br /> wdttep. /� � <br /> . ( j ,- �1 ��(. . _ i�.�.�_` ..._ ^\ .\�'�.�\ . . <br /> � -c ,�_, r,�� _ �.-� �, --- <br /> obert A. No en, Jr. Susan A. Noden � <br /> � �� � � <br />