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�� � .:,:��.� � <br />�; � ��. �to�r.�aa � <br /> MORTGAGE—Savinq� and Loan Fo�m—(Dtrect Credit Plm) 255�2 (Spodal) . � <br /> `�.�N..� � MORTGAGE � <br /> ��xa <br /> � THIS INDENTUFIE,made thl I 91'h d�,o�_ J u I Y .is 76 by and betAeeu .. I �. . <br /> � <br /> HARRY W. STIENIKE AND CONSTANCE G STIENIKE, husband and wife, each in h(s and her <br /> 3 own riqht and as spouse of the other <br /> o� Ha I I County,Nobraaka,ae moriqagm 5 and Home Faderal Savinga and Loan Aa+ociation ot Grand Inlaad, l � � . <br /> a mrpomlion organlxod and ozieting u¢dai the lawa ol Nebraeka with fle princlpal oflice a¢d placo o!buiinoea at Grand Ielvnd,Nebraeka, � -�. <br /> an mortgagee: . . <br /> �,,� S WITNESSETH: That eaid mortgagor S tor and in coneide�ation of the eum ol �! � _ <br /> �� THIRTY-THREc ThIOUSAND AND fJ0/100 ----------------------------- n 33,000.00 � <br /> ; � allate (S_ L . <br /> i Ihe recoipt ot which le herehy ack¢owledged, do—6y thoee preaonle mortgoge and wavant unto eQid moctgagee, ila eucceeaore and � � � <br /> aseigne,lorever,all the followinq dascr[bed real eetalo, eitualod in tho counly of �1a� � � <br /> aud Slale of Nehraeka,tawit: � . <br /> , � <br /> LOT FOUR (4) CAP I TAL HE I GHTS SEVEtJTH SUBD I V I S I ON OF A PART OF THE IJ!��a OF SECT I Otd 3,� <br /> ; Tt�10 (2), TOWNSHIP ELEVEN (II) NORTH, RANGE TEN (10) 'r�EST OF TH[ 6TF1 P.M,, HALL COUNTY, F3 <br /> ,; 3 <br /> IJEBRASKA i# � � � <br /> � <br /> # <br /> �}. �}� �� <br /> ; j s� <br /> ,, � �t <br /> ; <br /> � <br /> _ � S� <br /> , <br /> �� j <br /> S Togother with all heaQng. IighUng, and plambing equipmeat and tixtu�ee,�ncluding etokere and burnere,acreena,awninge,eto:m windowe � <br /> 2f nnd doors,and wtndow ehadea ot blinds, used on or In cotmection with said p�operty,w6other tho eamo are now located on eaid prope�ry � � �� <br /> ii o[hcrealter placed Ihereon. F{3 . . �. . <br /> �$ TO HAVE AND TO HOLD TFIE SAME.�ogelher with all and ainqular ihe tenemanls,horeditamentn and appurtenancee lheraunto belong• 3� . <br /> � Ing,or in anywisc appo[tain[nq,forevet,and wan¢at lhe title to(ho eame. Said moztqagor S hereby covenan�with said mortgogeo ftt - <br /> l� thal�he�— a�� at the delivery hecoof,thr, lawful owner Sol the premisea abova conveyed and dencribed,and a�e f$S � � . <br /> �Sf seized o(a good and indeteasible estate ol[nherilance iherein. 1[eo and dear o[all encumbrancea,and tLat_tlio.�_will warrant and $� � ,. <br /> i delend ihe litle the[eto!orever againsl tho daims and demands ot all persone whomsoevor. , <br /> { ___________________________ . . . <br /> PIiOVIDED ALWAYS, md thia inslrument in executed and dolivered to sucura the paymont ot tho eum of <br /> �T TH I RTY-THREE THOUSA�dD AND NO/I 00 - - noua:e ts �3,000.00 � $ <br /> F wilh intereat thereon, togelher wilh such charges and advancos as may be due and payablo to said mortqagee under �he terau and �($($ � , � . <br /> T �$ <br /> �; condiltons of tho pmmissory note o( even dale herewith ond aecured hereby,ozecutod by eatd mortgagor=to said mortgagae,payablo � . <br /> ae expressed in said noto,and to eecure l6o pedormance of all tLo�orma and condltiom conlained thotoin. The fenn+ ol eaid note ate � <br /> t herehy incorponated hemin by thie referenca. S � <br /> S #� <br /> It ie the Intenlion vnd agreemont ot the partlea hereta lhat ihie moclgage ahall aleo eacure any luture advancee mado lo naid � . � <br /> _ � morlgaqor—by aaid mozigaqce, and any and all indebtednoen in addltioa to lho amount abova staled which eaid mongagors, ot any 3 � � <br /> 01 them, may owo lo said mortgagoe,however evidencod, whelhor by note,book account or othexv+tee. 7hu mortqaqo nhall romain in futl f <br /> lorce and effoct belween the parties herelo and thoft heire, pereonal repreeentativea, succeeeo[e ond aeeiqae, until all amounls secured } <br /> hereunder,tndudlnq luturo adv¢ncee,are pa�d[n lull with iataresL # � <br /> $tS Thn mortqagor 5 horeby anaiq�—to eaid mortqogeo all ienU and inrnme ar!eing at a¢y and all tlmea $om eoid p�operty aad � . <br /> 2� hereby authodzo eaid morigagee or ite agenL at its aptiDn, upon dofault,lo lake charge ol w[d property and mllect all renln and Inmmu +� <br /> $I therefrom and apply lhe eamo to lhe payment of inte[oal,pdactipal,Sasurance premlumn,tazee,aaseesmenle, repaits or improvemente nacoe• fft <br /> � eary lo keep eaid property in tenmtable condltion,or to olher ch¢rgoa or paymonte provlded foz horein oi in lhe note hereby eecured. 7hfa � <br /> �� ront aeeiqnmenl ahall conHnue in lorce until tha unpaid balance ol eaid note is lully pafd. T}ia taking of posseeaioa dnrounder ehall!n no <br /> mannor prevont or re�ard naid mortqageo in the colloctloa oi eaid eume by lorecloeuie or o�herwino. <br /> ' The tailuio ot ihe moctgagcro to annert any o! Ite righle hareunder at any Umo ehall nat be conntrued ae a waiver ol ite rfqht to aexrt � <br /> j1 tha eama at any laier tlme,md to imist upon and eafotco etrict complianca wi�h all tha tormn and provisions ot said uoto and ol �hie f <br /> 3� monga9e. �J <br /> f It eaSd morlgagor S ohall caveo lo he paid to ea3d moztgagae the en�ira mnount due it hereunder,and undar tho tormn and proWniona � <br /> �� ol eald note hareby eocured,lncludinq lulure advancee,and any eztemione oc renawaln �hereo( In accordaaca with the teims aad providoa� <br /> #i thereol,and It eaid moifgaqor=ehall comply with all Iho pxovlslone of eaid nole and o!lhie moctgaqa,thon theso preacnU ehnit be vold: <br /> o�herwiae to remain in lutl force and offoct,and eaid moitgagea ehall be enUqed ro the poeeeealon ot all of eaid proporty,and S <br /> S$ ophon,deciare tha whola ot eald note and all indebtedaesn zepreesnted thaseby to be lmmedlately due md payable,and may tocecloao thin £ � <br /> mo��gaga or take aay o�har legal actioa to pmtoct 1te dght, aad fcom the data ol euch delault all llema ol indabtedneas secured horeby ' ^i��� %r': <br /> Ij ehall draw tniereet at�,�ol per aaaum. Appmi�ement walved S ' <br /> } ° }jjj ��N <br /> $f Thie mortgage �hall bepbindlnq upoa and �hall eauco to ths beneflt o!the hefrt,ezecutoi�,adminlst[ato:e, succeenore aad meiqw of Sj � ? <br /> I $f Iho ro�poctive patHe�heteto, }� I �r <br /> S'{ ' J <br /> �} IN WITNFSS VJF�REOF!wld Moxtgagor 5_h�e horounto .si_— the i r hQnd 5 the day and year liret above � <br /> will�en. � <br /> �j �. f•-1—_ _ � <br />� ��—� � . /� "� � �Il "� �� 1:( \�/ .�'�1.�::1;( �'r),�.i [f''7 <br /> �., �, � ,n�„�-�� <br /> � �'L�=r--- <br /> �� F?a��ry-W�. Si`i en i ke on�st3nc� � ,;i n i .e <br />��� �� _._.— <br /> »....... ... ........». <br /> r� � � � <br />�� <br />�� <br />� <br />� <br />