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<br />� � Wilson Concrete Company, Grand Island, Nehraska, has and claims a
<br /> lien against Western Centenial Construction, 4605 South 96th, Omaha,
<br /> ,:;
<br /> Nebraska, for material supplied said Western Centenial Construction,
<br /> �� pursuant to a written agreement; said materials were supplied said Western
<br /> Centenial Construction up to and including April 22, 1976; that the amount
<br /> � presently due and ❑wing is Five Hundred Eighty-four and 48/100 Dollars
<br /> ;;
<br /> ($584.48), as per attached Exhihit "A".
<br /> '-' STATE OF NEBRA515A )
<br /> � ; )ss.
<br /> GOUNTY �F HALL... )
<br /> William E. Arthur, Grand Island Plant Manager of Wilson Cancrete
<br /> Company, being first duly sworn ❑n ❑ath, states that the foregoing itemized
<br /> a�count ❑f material supplied Western Gentenial Canstru�tion, is a true and
<br /> �orrect ac�ount of material supplied Western Centenial Construction, For
<br /> installation on the site set out helow for improvement on the site, located
<br /> on the follawing described praperty:
<br /> Lots 7, 8, 9, and 10, Block One (1) in "Better Homes Sub-
<br /> division", said Block One (1) being located ❑n and 6eing a
<br /> su6division of Lots 4, 5, 6, 7, and the North 38.3 feet of
<br /> Lot 8, in Black �ne C1) ❑f William Frank Additian to the
<br /> City of Grand Island, Hall �ounty, Nebraska.
<br /> Affiant further states that said materials were furnished for,
<br /> delivered at, and used in said premises on the date specified. That the
<br />� � charges therefor are fair and reasonahle; that there is naw due on said
<br /> p, accaunt the sum ❑f Five Hundred Eighty-four and 48/100 Dollars ($584.48);
<br />� , �
<br />� that the said Wilson Concrete Company has and claims a lien ❑n said
<br />�
<br /> premises for the full amount ❑f said account, to-wit: the sum of $584.48,
<br /> together with interesi therean ai the rate of nine percent per annum from
<br /> the 22nd day of Rpril, 1976.
<br /> William E. Arthur, bei.ng first duly sworn ❑n oath, deposes and says
<br /> that he is the Plant Manager ❑f Wilson Concrete Company, Grand Island,
<br /> Nebraska, that he has read the above and foregaing instrument, knows the
<br /> contents thereof, and that the facts stated therein are true and correct
<br /> as he verily believes.
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<br /> Q .••NE•R` FoF, Z�> � ,
<br />� L ��crih@ 3fi sworn t❑ before me this.:f/J'day ❑f �uly, 1976. �
<br /> �y` i �j. �,,, _
<br /> NOT1lRY i
<br /> COM�tIS510t1 � �
<br /> 'Z EXPIRE6 � >L X f �
<br /> J'. �E14.��r.�4' Nota Publi� e.
<br /> >>;OF NEBQPS
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