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<br /> UNS'P�D 5'1'11'PliS MI�RSCIAL'S D13LIl
<br /> r KNOW ALL M�N 13Y 'PIiE5L PRLS�NTS:
<br /> i.:
<br /> '1'hat, wherea�, on llec�mbcr 3, 1976, United Jersey
<br /> Mortgage Compan��, a corporakion, as mortga9ee, recovered a judqment
<br /> and obtained a decree againsL- S & 11 Shoppin9 C�nt-ers, lnr. , a
<br /> ? corporation, as mortgagor, in thc United States bi,trict Court
<br /> for the District o£ Nebraska, i.n a certai_n action ti.tl.ed: `Phe Law
<br /> r�� Company, Inc., Plaintiff, v. c;rand Island Mall, Inc. , et al,
<br /> Uetendants (CV 75-L-24) , oL $3,72G,435.a9, with intrxest at
<br /> i:he r.ate oi ].0.75� Erom thc date ot said judqment; and thal- said
<br /> juclyment decreed said amount was a first lien on the real estate
<br /> and the chattels, fixtures, eRuipment, Lur.niture, furn.ish.inq„
<br /> machinery and property wittiin any buildinq and i.mpravements located
<br /> on said real estate hereinafter descriheci;
<br /> 11nd, wlier.eas, said judqmenL- furt}ier or.dered L-ha{� in
<br /> default- of payment by L•he said 5 & li Shopping Centers, Inc., for
<br /> a period oi: sisty days Lrom the dat•e of said judyment, said
<br /> pro�erty slioul.d be so.l.d as upon eYecutioti and l-he nroceeds ot'
<br /> such sale applied to L-he payment of Court costs and the satisEaction
<br /> of liens upon the property, .including said first l.ien of UniLed
<br /> `� ,Tcrsey Mortgage Company; � � ��
<br /> :.:.1z � . . .
<br /> And, whereas, L-he s�iid S & H Shoppinq Center, Inc. ,
<br /> not having paid t11e judgment within the period of si.xty days
<br /> f.rom date of e;aid judgment, the Unit.c:d 5tates Marshal Cor thc_�
<br /> I)isl-rict of NeUraska, under and by virtue of an Order oL Salc�
<br /> as Upon L•;xecution of the United States District Court for thc
<br /> District of Ne�raska, to I�im duly d:irccted, d.i.d ot� ,Tuly 1, 197G,
<br /> at the rotunda on lhc second level. of 'i'he Iiall County Court
<br /> ' Ilouse, lst and Lvcust Streets, in �rand Island, Nebraska, at
<br /> s;'' 11:U0 A.M. , and havinh fir:,t 9iven due and leyal notice of L-he
<br /> timc and place of said sale i.n the ��r.and Tsl.and 17aily Independant,
<br /> a lec7al newspaper printed in, and in general circulation in, s��id
<br /> 'Phe Iiall. Co wity, NeUraska, once a we�h Eor fivc (5) weeks, com-
<br /> mencing on June 1, 1"75, and end.inc� �vith the i.ssue of sai.d news-
<br /> paper ot Junc "l9, 1976, :�s requir.ed by law, se17. said property
<br /> hereinafter de��cribed al i�ublic auction to Un.ited Jersey Mvr.tqage
<br />' Company, a corporat.ion, thc hirihest hidcler, for $3,7'S,OOn.00;
<br /> �1nd, whereas, thc sai.cl ,�al�: was atterwar.ds on ,7ul.y 'll,
<br /> 197G, duly examined �nd confirmed by thc United :,tai.es i)i.sti-ict
<br /> Court for the Distr.ict of Nc�braska, and the United Sl:ates fiarshal
<br /> tor the District of Ne�br.aska ordered to execute and deliver to
<br /> United Jersey Mortqage Company a deed conveyin� said property t.o it.
<br /> NOW 'PHL•'REPORE, T, Ronald C. I?omans, United States
<br /> ftarshal for thc D.istrict of NcUraska, in ordcr to carry i_nto
<br /> ��f`fect the said sale and the order oi: the CourL- confirminq said
<br /> sale, �nd in con>ideration of tlie nremi.ses and thc cred.iting o1`
<br /> $3,725,000.00 on the [irst l.ien of [Initrd .lerscy Mortqaqc Company
<br /> on thc property herei.naf.ter described, do grant and convey to
<br /> Uni.ted Jersey Mortgage Company, a corl�orati.on, .ind Co i.ts
<br /> successors and assigns for.ever, r.�ll oE the ri.ght, tit:le and interesL-
<br /> or ec,�uity of rcdemption oE r;rand Tsland P4�17., Iiu:. , S s II Shoppinq
<br /> Centers, Inc. , I�rS Grand Tsland �ssociates, T,td., ;iohn 1.. GncJlish
<br /> and Mary E. Lnglish, 13aker'� fiupermarkets, Inc., indi.vi.di.ially and
<br /> do.in9 busines�:; as ]3altcr', r;rand :i:sland, Inc., II h H C�rpet Scrvice,
<br /> Nicas-Goldstein Associates, Inc., and CuUb.ision I�istrihut.inq Company,
<br /> inc., and each of tllem, oL wli.ich they were sci.zcd or possessed at
<br /> any tirtie, in and to L-}ic fol.lowinq rcal estate, and thc chattcls,
<br /> fixtures, equinment, f:urniturc, fur.nishi.ngs, machinery and Property i
<br /> .r.•.
<br /> N 3.'.
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