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<br /> FIRST
<br /> '.i L�NC�LN NON-ASSUMABLE- DiJ� OP1 SFlI,� LoanNumber._3�9QQ__-____L______�-8
<br /> FORM No. 528 �a..�.�o��o� y����cn r�Ne
<br /> M O R T G A G E
<br /> - ' 'PH(S DiOI�'I'GAGli, mnde nnd exec�ted this .._�!�.._._dny of ._.J•�. ._.__....1.D..12.:(�_..between �
<br /> :; . f....__...
<br /> ; Robert J,_41Yieeler.,and..Ilancy._L,_.{�1ee].e.r.,..kzusband...and_�riis,...each. in..his..and her..otim...individs�l
<br /> , : rioht_anci,ag,spouse,.of the .othe..r.,.jo�,nt7.y.and severally___ _ _ _
<br /> __.. ........ ...__.
<br /> ., �� u( _ ...�I'HriCl._ISZflYld_.__.__...... Cuunty of. ..H��._. _.... .. Slate n( ...._._.IQBbT',aSIC3.___._... _ hercin,ifter referred
<br /> to iis the Nort�;agor,and FIR51'FLDERAI.SAVINGS:1ND LOAN :\SSOCIA7'ION OF I.iNCOI.N. N��brasku. its succctsars
<br /> :md :�s.ign4.herriiuifter re(��rred to sts\lorlgagn•, � � �
<br /> 1\'17'IQI'sfitiL7'f{: '1'hal thr,ai�l 91url�a�:nr.for tmd in cun�idi�r:vian u(die sum o�
<br /> ` '; _��cr�rY. rrvE �oUSA?�_�a4 �Rr.D nPt� r,o/1o�----------------=---�� 25,200.00 � „�,u,��,.
<br /> paid by se�id Murt;;apee, dur; herrby s��ll and cnnvcy unto f�IRS7' PGD1if2Al, SAVIM1Cti AtiI) LOAN .15tiUC!_A7'10!� OF
<br /> I.INCOI.N. NeLrnsku. a.a �1nrl;:a�;ce, its ;uccvstiun and :i.s;i;;n.�. th�• (nllo��in� dc.;rrih��d Ri�al l�:;latc. �iluatrd in tho Cuunty al
<br /> �' ' H�- �i:,i�• ��t ._... i'debr�ska _._ _ . ��,�,a�
<br /> Fractional Lot IQine (9) in rractional 31ocb: Tliree
<br /> < (3) zn Gilbert's Second Addition to the City oi
<br /> l
<br /> ` Urand Island, Hall Count,y, Idebraska,
<br /> {
<br /> e� '
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<br /> � 'f0 HAVE A'.�D'1'O HOf.0 lhi� abuw�dcv��rihrJ premi=�•s for thr usr.herein�rt furth nud tu srcurr p��rFnrnt:�ucr of lh��
<br /> � ��bli�;�i[iuns cuntainrd hi�rein. to�;rthor v.�ith all bnildinps.imprueonunts. (ixlures and �ppivtrnancos aud all ea>��mrnts Ihrrewitn
<br /> ladunging. and it is mulually ruvrmmt�vl nnd al:reed b�� and bnc�e��u tho partieti h��rclo thaf all plumhin;;. ga�. rlc�ctria and
<br /> . meehanir.d (i�lure�. appliancus. uquipmcnt. mnchinen� and apparatus.Ouor ri,��vrinE:s.sturm�vin�lua�s nnd nerornc.nnd wch othrr
<br /> g�xidv nnd cLattelx und personnl propi�rh�as arc o��rr furni,hrd by n lundlord in I��t�ing or nperalin;:an un(urnishrd buildin�;.simi�
<br /> . Inr to lhe one nu�c or herea(ter un suid pn•mis��s,w�hich are ur.hail 6e uUnchi�d tu said huildin� in anp manni�r�chutsarver, an�
<br /> and shall he JremeJ to be fixturos:ind an uceessiun to Iho finehnld and u p;irt u[ihe rralh�n;betticern the�pnr�ies lu•retn.th��ir
<br /> °� . h��irs. esecutorv. adminislrators,succe:sura ur nc;igns. and all prnun� cl:iimin�: by, tivougl� ur under thrm.:�nd shall hr do��mrd
<br /> � lu!x•a pnrtiun n(N�r=ocurily fnr iht�indrbtednraa herein mrnliunrd and fu Ix•r��ci�rr•d hy this nmrt�r�p�•.
<br /> � r
<br /> YROVIDI;D AL�VAYS. nnd thrsr pra•crnr. nm accctdoJ nn�i deliei•rrd upun tfi�• Inllu���inr, cnndiliun.. n¢rrrnu�nl.; ❑nd � `N?`��•
<br /> ohli„atiuns nf lhr \Inrl�;aunn.tu-�cii: � tt -
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<br /> 7'hi� \inrt4at;ur n;;rri•s In pnp lo thi� llnrl�;nprr.ur order. th�� �,rincip:d .um uf `.�`i'n'',L�1'. �''n✓� `�F'�_�1].S�?r� `1'(V'� . . f? ��
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