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� , � <br /> ��-�-��� 76- 003 � 94 <br /> Mortgage being refiled to correct Document N 76-003214 <br /> ��oKTcnc�: � Correct legal description and complete acknowledgement ) <br /> �10RTGACG I.OAN N0. � �2 i lgl <br /> � KNOWALL �1f:N0YT11LSliPR(:SGNTS: That Robert A . Ochsner and Patricia D . Ochsner , each in his <br /> r <br /> and her own right and as spouse of each other , Mnrtgegur, whetheroneormurt, imm�sidcrctionu( themmuf <br /> i _ Twenty-nine Thousand Four Hundred and No/ 100-- -- ---- ------ -- - --- -- -------- -- -- --- - ������ '. <br /> i IoaneJ tu wid martgagor by The tiquftablc [Suiidtng and Luan Aswd�tiun uf Grand I:land, Nebraska, i�tort�tegec, upun 294 sha�c� uf :tock uf <br /> ; <br /> ry soid ASSOCIATION, Certiflcale No. L , du hereby grnnt, comzy and mortgegc imtu the aaid ASSOCIATION the (ollowing <br /> � <br /> dcscribed real estate, siluateJ in Hall County, Ncbraska: <br /> ; PART OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER ( S�SE� ) Of <br /> + SECTION TNIRTEEN ( 13 ) , IN TOWNSHIP ELEVEN ( 11 ) NORTH , RANGE NINE <br /> ;r ( 9 ) WEST OF THE SIXTH P . M . , IN HALL COUNTY , NEBRASKA , MORE PARTICULARLY <br /> DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS , TO-WIT : COMMENCING AT A POINT 20 RODS NORTH AND 27 FEET EAST <br /> OF THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF TNE S2 SE!h OF SAID SECTION 13 ; RUNNING THENCE NORTH PARALLEL i <br /> ; TO AND 27." FEET EAST -0F THE WEST DOUNDARY LINE OF THE S; SE'� OF SAID <br /> SECTION 13 , FOR P, DISTANCE OF 20 RODS ; TNENCE RUNNING EAST PARALLEL <br /> " WITH THE SOUTH BOUNDARY LINE OF THE S�SE'� OF SAID SECTION 13 , FOR A <br /> � DISTANCE OF 8 RODS ; TNENCE RUNNING SOUTH PARALLEL WITH TNE WEST BOUNDARY <br /> : LINE OF TNE S�SE�S OF SAID SECTION 13 , fOR A DISTANCE OF 20 RODS ; TH[NCE <br /> � RUNNING WEST PARALLEL WITH TNE SOUTH 40UNDARY LINE OF TNE S�SE�a OF SAID <br /> � SECTION 13 , FGR A DISTANCE OF 8 RODS T0 THE POINT OF DEGINNING , AND ` <br /> CONTAINING ONE ACRE , MORE' OR LESS ' ' . . <br /> „ ; <br /> togelher with all tlu tenements, hereJitnntents anJ appurtenances thc�cuntu 6clonging, including atlached Oour rn�erings, all x�in�oe� scrcero, <br /> : winduw shades, bBnJs, storm windowe, awuings, hcating, aic cundiiiuning, and plumbing ond aatcr cquipment and accesso�ics Ihcrcto, pumps, s�uvee, <br /> � refrigeraturs, and other fixturcs anJ cyuipment now ur hercafler attarlced W ur uxd in connecUon wilh said real estete, <br /> � AuJ Whercas Uu said mortgagor has agrced anJ Jues hcrcby agrce that the mu�igagor shall and will pay all taxes anJ asuis�nenu IevieJ or <br /> ; aaseued upon saiJ pretnius anJ upun this nwr�gage and the bond securcd the�ebv 6efore the same sl�all becume delinyaent; tu (urnleh appru�<J <br /> insurancc upon thc buildings on said prcmius siwated in thc swn uf 5 29 400 . �� p�yablc tu said ASS(KIATION end to dciivcr to said <br /> � AS50CIATION thc ulicics for mid insurancc; and nut to cvmmit or ' <br /> " j p Fxrmit any waslc on ur about eaid premisea; <br /> Y In cau u( default in ihc pedo�mance oCany of ihe tc�ms and cunJitiuns of this murtgage ur Ihe bund uw�cd hereby, tlie mortgagec ahall, <br /> '�. un Jemand, bc enliticd to immediatc posussiun of Ihc murlgaqcd pmmises anJ thc murtgagon c�rc6y assigns, transfcrs anJ uts u�Yr tu Ihe <br /> ! nwrigagce �II Uw renls, re�•enucs end income to be derived (rum thc mudgagcd premiscs during such time es Ihe nwrtgage Indebtednes: ihall remain <br /> ; wipaid; aud dic nwrlgagec sholl ha�re Um powcr to appoint any agent or agents it may Jcsire for thc purpuse of repairing eaid prenilses and renting <br /> ! lhe s�me and collecting the renls, rcvenues and incmn^, anJ it may pay oul uf safJ incume all expenses uf repalring said prcmfeea and nettwp. <br /> � commissions aud expenus incur�ed in �eming and managing qic same and uf cullecling rentals �hemfrom; �Me balance remalning, if any, w be <br /> applicd toward thn d�scha�ge of said murlgage indebteJness: these rights of Uic mortgagec may be exercised at any time dudng the eshtence o( such . <br /> dcfault , irtcspcctivc of any Icmporary wai�rr af tlw samc. <br /> Thex Prescnts, howe�c� , are upon thc ConJitiun, 7'hal if Ihc said Alurtgagm shall rcpay said loan un or beforc thc matudty of safd ahare: hy <br /> � paymen�; pay montlily lo said ASSOCIAI'ION uf Uic sum specificd In the Oond secuced hereby a� fnterest anJ p�incipal on said luan, on or befure <br /> ! the Twcnticth d�y of cach miJ c��rry munth, until said loan is fully paiJ; pay all tascs and nsscs:ments IevicJ ug�inst said premises and on this \1or�gage <br /> + and �he ISond securnd thereby, before dcllnyucucy: (umish appro�xd insurance upon dia ballJinps theteun in the sutn of S 29 � QQQ . Q� payeble <br /> i to salJ ASSOCIATION; repay to said ASSOCIATION upun demaud oll moncy by it paid fur such tates, assesamenta nnd insurance wi1 i inlercst a� <br /> :{, dw maximum Icgal rale Ihcrcon frnm datc of paymcnt all uf whid� Alortgagun c�reby agrecs to pay; permit no waste on said premises; kcep anS �r�mply <br /> with all the agreements anJ cunditions uf tlir Bond fur S29 QOO . QQ �his dav gieen br Ihe iaiJ Alurlgagm to �aid ASSOCL\TION , miJ comply <br /> ` with all qic rcquitcnunts of thc CunstituHon and II�••Laws ut said ASS(A'IA7'10�: then tl�esc presen�s shail Irecumc null and vuid, olhecwlu ihcy <br /> ' sliall remaln in full forec anJ maq be firrccluscd al the option nl' Ihc said ASS(X'IA'fION aflc� failu�e fur threc nwnths Iu make anv of wi1J <br /> ; payments nr be Ihrce moNhs in auea�s in ivaking said munthly paymcnls, o� lo keep und comply �vi�h the agreements and conJitiuns uf said Uond; <br /> and Mottgagur agrees w haee a �ecei��cr appuinted forUnefth in such fureduswe piucecding�. <br /> 5 <br /> i If thcre is nny changc fu ownc�ship of thc �cal csm�c mortgagcd hcrein, by salc ur olhcre iu, tlicn Ihe entirc �emalning indebtednas hc�eby <br /> � sccumd shall, et Ihc option uf Thc Gquitablc Building and Luan Assocfatiun of Grund Island. Ncbraskn, bccume immediatcly due and payablc wilhout <br /> fiuthnr nolice, and the amuunl tcnmining duc undc� said bonJ, and any uthc� bimd fur any addiNonal udvances maJc thetcundcr, shall, fmm Ihc <br /> �' dale of excrcisc of said optiun, bcar interest at Uic maximimi icgal ralc, nnd Ihis mungage m�q Ihen bc furecluscJ to satisfy tlic amount duc on safd <br /> ' bond. aud any olhcr 6mid for additional �dvances, togcthc� with atl sums paiJ by said 7'hc Iiyuitablc UWlding and Luan Assoclation o( Grand Islaud. <br /> I Nebraska fur insurnnce, taxrs and asxsuuenls, m�J elistrnclin�t ealensiuu charges, wi�h Interest theieun, from dnte of paymen� et the maximum <br /> Icgal ratc. <br /> As p�uviJed in die Ilund secured hereby, while thic murtµagc rcmains In cffect Ihe murtgagee moy hercefter advance addiNonal sums lu �he <br /> � nmkers of satd Bond, lheir ucigns m suttessou in interesl, which swns shnll be �ritl�in the zecurfty of this murlgage the same �s tht fmid� uriRinally <br /> secureJ ihereby, the total amuunt uf princfpal Jeb1 nol lo exceed nt �ny Ilme the original emount of tlds mo�tgaga <br /> ; bo�ed tlib 1Gth day uf Jut�e _ A . 1> , � 9 7f1 . 1 <br /> .,.,, � / ,{ , ; <br /> �� _,�a4v.� ��wG. �i„ -- �..�- n � � -.r , c� ,� 1 � . '�.�' �t� �_ h r L i <br /> � <br /> Robert�P . Ochsner Patricia D . Ochsner <br /> � �_ <br /> � STATC Of NEBRASKA, <br /> j u. On tlds 16 TH day of June 19 ]( . bcfu�e mc, i <br /> COUN'CY Of HALL � <br /> hr nd n�gneJ, a o o�y 1'ublic in a J rur eaid bunty, peramolly camc `'�'' "°3 � ; <br /> Robert A . Ochsner and Patricia D . Ochsner , eac � �n `his and� her own r �gnt an�d as spouse ,�,.�' : <br /> � of each other , whu aY� personallyknuwnlo <br /> �i �- --� � �t.. . <br /> me to be tlic idcNtcal perwng whox nemeS hc'e afilxcd tn the abovr instrument murtgagor g and they k�crally �'a� <br /> � acknowlcdgeJ Ihc said tnsirumenl lo be thei r ��Iunlary act anJ decJ. � �,i � �" ;�; <br /> WI'I'NCSS my hand and Notadal 5ca1 thc detc eforesaiJ. ( ♦ j� <br /> My Commis�lon expires., .;,,. � ' �� � j <br /> �__ . . r1 � � ;-lG -- ,r � %' •' � - �r--�_ � <br /> �73QM ` � t � . �. � , � �. 1;�'. tl ; + 1 / Nolary I'u �lic ' <br /> � . ._ �. _._ �l ��,� •- <br /> � � <br />� � <br />� <br /> s:, <br />*v> <br />�.' ' <br />