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<br />;;� .__ ` ,.�w::w
<br /> A� �ry�� �
<br />'c�. M1 I
<br />�, r .
<br /> ��- (103981
<br /> srn��e oF ) 83
<br /> couNz•Y or )
<br /> F.nlcred on numcricnl inclex ,
<br /> F'iJed for recorci in Che office of the
<br /> County Clerk (Regisier of Ueeds) on
<br /> fthc day oE 19_
<br /> ut o'ciock M and recorded in book
<br /> of at page _.
<br /> Councy Clerk - Register of Deeds
<br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY 1'll1:SC PRtiSENTS; By:
<br /> Tt,ae el�� GranCors, Gale D. Wright and Detta V. r q -- us an
<br /> ot c��� co��,cy of Halr
<br /> an t e Stace of �9�3TeSkd for und in consider.�xtion of the. s�m
<br /> of one dollur (51.00), receipt of whiclt consideration is hereby ac{cnowledged, do
<br /> hereby graat, convey and contiim unto Kansas-!;ebraeka NaCur.:l Ga.^, Ccmpsny� Inc., n
<br /> Kansas CorporuCi.on, it� succr;;sors and assif;us (herei.nafrer collec[ively called
<br /> GrAnCee), the righl-of.-way and easement to construcc, i.nstcll, mainCain, renew,
<br /> replace and operare pipelincs, ei.ther abo��c or beJow ground, and appurtenances
<br /> �� [heret:o, for tlro txansportaCioi� nf gas, in, on, ovcr and throu�;l� c1�e following
<br /> �escri.Ued lands si[uaced in the Co��nty of _ Ha,11 __ and Siate of
<br /> NPhra Ska co-c�i c:
<br /> Lot five (5} in block one �1) in Yates subdivision of part of
<br /> lot eleven (11) county subdivision in section five (5),
<br /> township nine (9) north, range nine (9J west
<br /> � � TO ItAVI: Af1D TU }IOLU s:iid ri�hL-of-i:�:3y and C35CmnpL un[o said }:ansas- .
<br /> � Nc.ura::l:a Nahirzl Gas Company, ]rc., iCs siir.cessor.^, and as.^.igns, so lonh IIS such � �
<br /> _ pi.pe7ines, 2nd appurtenances tl�rreto, shall F:� n;aintaincd; Cogeth2r ��ith the right
<br /> of in;;ress to and cgress fro�» said premises Lor tli� purpo�e of constructing, in-
<br /> � �rnr��irf;� rcpai�•in� mninr^i��i��, rr-nriainr and rrnl.^.cin,; tli� n,-nnrrt�� �f f,rnnCee
<br /> locaCed tliereon, o� Clic rc�no�•a1 thereof, ir, �,rl�ole or iii part, a� wi.11 oC Granccc.
<br /> Cremiors retain thr rif;ht to use and enjoy said prcnises, subjcct only to Che
<br /> rihhl of Grantec to usc the same for che purpuses herciii c:pressed.
<br /> All pirc lines insLalled or constructed un lhe surface of or aUove
<br /> � ground shall, er.cept du�ough grazin�; land, parallel esCaUlis6ed fences and be so
<br /> installed or cons[rucced as noi Co incerfe:e ��i.[h conCinued use oF n�l E'Y.15Clllb'
<br /> fi.elcl entrancer and roadways, nar ohscruct che fla+ of draina�e in na[ural or
<br /> constructed water courses, irri�ation canals and ditches.
<br /> �� IN WITTdESS SiIiGEEOP, lhc said Grantors have hereunto set their hand this
<br /> day of �A/C{� , 19�.
<br /> In Presence of
<br /> s"^ ,Y�j��� r. 1� A .,�'l '�� �����.'L'"�.jL-1 .
<br /> //, 'X C t �L I .7��'��L<--,r -'L�
<br /> Right-of-Way Agent
<br /> �
<br /> i
<br /> s Stnte of {�Pb/• )
<br /> � ,/ ) ss
<br /> County of !'/A�� )
<br /> �.
<br /> F SE IT REMEhIISERED [hac on this ��� day of �C� ,
<br /> A.D., 19�, before me, a notar ublj'� in and or [ e count and state aforesaid,
<br /> '� per•onally appeared the above named (�i A�� � r.l���/D'L71*yL 170T/.0 �J. -
<br /> ' ��/!Q`jf who � persona iy known to mc and known to � .r<<
<br /> 3 me to b [he same person�who er.ecu[ed the foreguin;; ins[ru:acnt and such person "`
<br /> dul achnowiedged the execution ot the same and ucirnow said instrument to be � �
<br /> L � volun[nry uct and deed. et�HpYEs �
<br />' �,,.No�� �
<br />'x-� IN WITNESS WIlEREOF Tj 6ave ,reunto 5�����r� ffixed my notarial �
<br /> eeal the dny and year lus[ abo c wri' �n. � �
<br /> N� t�C MY ,1977
<br /> CA
<br /> y� ,s>,,s,�, tdaY l4 '
<br />��.� MY CO�SPtISSION GXPIRES: �,;_�yg3,�
<br />>.`ro
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<br /> � PJuiary Yiit�ltc
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