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<br /> A � . �
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<br />�� �`�' ���t��� STATE OP )
<br />�� COUNT'Y OP ) gg
<br /> Gntered on numerical index
<br /> Filed for record in the ofEice oF the
<br /> ' � County Clerk (Register of Dceds) on
<br /> the day of 19
<br /> nt o'clock PI and recorded in book
<br /> of at page _
<br /> RICllT OP WAY G:tANf
<br /> Coun�y Clerk - Regi�[er of Deeds
<br /> iCt�'�i� ALL PfEN DY 1'HESE PRESE(dTS: By:
<br /> x
<br /> � That thc Grantors, �lP D Wriqht and Detta V. Wright--husband
<br /> �Q ot Lhe County of Hd IZ
<br /> � nnd the State of Np hra ska for and in consideration of Che sun
<br /> of oiie dollar ($1.00), receipt of whi.ch consideration is hereb}' acknowled�;ed, do
<br /> hereby grar.t, convey and con`.irm uato Kaasas-�ebraska A'atural Gas Company, lnc., a
<br /> Kansus CorporaCion, its successnrs anci assigns {hcreinaiter collectively called
<br /> Gran[ce), the right-of-o�ay nnd easement to consirucc, i,nstnll, n�ai.ntain, renew,
<br /> replace and operate pipelines, cithcr aUove or belu�r ground, aurl appurtenar.ces
<br /> thcreto, fnr che transpm�Ca[ion of gas, in, on, ovcr and �hrough [he following
<br /> s descriUcd lands situated in the Countp of _�11 and State of
<br /> ___NPbr�sk� ro-�,�c:
<br /> Part of lot ten(10) of county subdivision of a part of the south one-half (S�)
<br /> of section five (5), in township nine (9) north, range nine (9) west of the sixth
<br /> (6th) principal meridian, Hall County, Nebraska, more particularly described as
<br /> f: follows: Commencing at the southwest corner of lot ten �10) thence in a east-
<br /> erly direction along and upon the south line of lot ten (10� a distance of one
<br /> hundred eighty one and five tenths feet (181.5') which is the point of beginning,
<br /> thence easterly one hundred forty feet (140'), thence noztherly sixty six feet(66'),
<br /> thence westerly parallel to the southerly boundry line of lot ten (10), a distance
<br /> of one hundred forty feet (140'), thence southerly sixty-six (66') feet to the
<br /> place of beginning.
<br /> 5 TD HAVL AND TO HUI.D said ri�;h[-cf-way an:l casement unto said Kansas-
<br /> Nebraska t7atural Gas Coa�pany, Inc., ics successors and assigns, so long as s;ich
<br /> pipeline:,, a:id appurtenances chereto, sha11 be r.�aintai.ned; to;;ethcr with the right
<br /> of ir,gress to ❑nd egress from said premises for Lhe purposc o: constructing, in-
<br /> srectir.�, repciri.n„ naintair.i�q; ......_._ . •r.nd rnp?=cins th� T�n.+F*ty nt Gr,�ntee
<br /> IocaCed thereon, or the rer.,�val thereof,nin .ai�ol. or 9.n part, ae will of Crantee.
<br /> Grantors ret�in the ri^,ht to use and ent�Y said pre�r.ises, suUject only co chc
<br /> righ[ of Grnntee cu use [hc same in. the purposec hca-ein er.prPssed.
<br /> �' A]1 pipe lines installed or constructed on the surfacc of or above
<br /> ground shall, er.cept ttu-ough grazin�; land, parallel established tences and he so
<br /> � installed er constructed as noc to interfere wi[h co��:inucd use of all existing
<br /> field entrances and roadways, nor obstruct the ilo�.� of draina�e in aatural or
<br /> constructed waler courses, irrigaGion canals a�a a�c�n�5.
<br /> � IPI WIT:QESS HIIGREOF, [he said Grantors have hereun[o set their tiand [his
<br /> �_ day of Y17AfC'_ti , 19�j.
<br /> In Presence oL
<br /> /��. _�,r �`) !'t'� ^.��.�/�
<br /> ° � � 7 i�.C'-�C�? ��. 1C/iL c� .�7`_
<br /> � Right-of-Wny Agent �
<br /> State of P /. )
<br /> ) ss
<br /> � County of f'�A�� )
<br /> � BE IT REMEMBERF.D [hat on this � Lh day of �,0✓rI� ,
<br /> A.D., 19�, befote me, a notary pu6��c in and fot [he count}� -ad s[ate aforesaid,
<br /> personally appeared [he above named(��rA�p � /,(�Y�ntiT �1'-�i�Tl�n /� L��1'iC{�77
<br /> who� personally Imet-1 [o me and knbwn t� � - ,
<br /> me to be [he same person�, who executed the foreguing instrument and sucli person 'y�''�
<br /> duly acknowledged [he execu[ion of [he same and ack/nolya.edyed said ins[rument [o be N> �
<br /> � �i_volun[nry act and deed. ,�g ¢
<br />� • ;}�4�N�no�;,t�:t ��,
<br /> M,:
<br /> IN WITNESS W}ILREOF I Jtsv iereu �
<br />� _ n�tg3C3'C�"�ytfiiEnd_aqd al:i:ced my notariul h
<br />"' senl the day nnd yeur last-ff5ovc itten. 51a�e°t.,s<�c�`�`� �
<br />�� ; �`, �:m""•. �-,"
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<br /> i�i 1�.. -
<br />�� MY COMFfISSION EXPIRF.S: ` ;'�� -'"
<br /> t
<br /> "• IYIAu lH�' /977 ; : '0� a� ��
<br />;i�i �— � Not,ry Yublic
<br />�! �y �
<br /> i
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