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<br /> �1QR"fGAGIi
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<br /> ---
<br /> �witi�,�u;i i on�w. .�._22,245.-- -—
<br /> ` �no�+'ALL All?N Bl'TIIESli PRP.SI:N7'S:1'hat Gi 1�ert Dani ei Reher and Janel l e D. Reher, each i n hi s
<br /> r
<br /> and her own right and as spouse of each Oth�P� Atnngegur,��l�etheruneuuuure,incoiuideratlunolthesumoC
<br /> �`; Zi�e.ly.�.T1�.usand�nsLNQJ1QQ--__---- —= =--- -. ---�,------_---------- ----=ixn.i.ntts
<br /> lo;med lo said nlu�ig�gor by'fhe GquiWble I)UIItllil�,80(I LU�til ASSUp(IIIUII 0�CIBI1tI ISI:II1lI.NCL1f8ti{�8.^I011�;et:l'C,11�U11 12� xha�es ol slvck et . � � .
<br /> saiJ :1SSOCIA'IlO�v,Ccrtilica�e Nu.t. 22,245 ,a„i��•«<,>-�:���u,com�e�� snd m�mgage unlu thc said,\SSOCIAT'IUN tlie follua�in}t . . . � -
<br /> describcJ rc�l cstatc,silu�tcd in ilall County.\cbiasl:a: . � � -
<br /> i.,:?; . ' ., � . .
<br /> ,�;ti � � . .. � �.
<br /> NEDRASKA.
<br /> Iogethee aith all the tenemenis�hemduamenls an�appwirn:mces Iheccunto brinnein�:.mclu:lin�:auached iluor eo�enn;:s.�II�cmJow uieen�, .
<br /> �vind���e shades.L linds,st�,nu�ciuJo��s.awnin�s.heahnc,aii a,nditiuning.and plumhing and�caiei cyuipment:md�ctessuries Uurc�u.pumps.slures. - � . .
<br /> icliigtratun.:md ulhcr Iixlwcs:md cyuipmcnt no���n hcicalict:�uachcd lu ur iucd in i��nnccli�m���iih said real csiatc. � � ..
<br /> ��' And�chercas thc saiJ muiiE;ig❑r has asaccd anJ J��cs hcich�•:icrcc thai Uic mong,iF��r ahall:md a�ill pa��:dl �accs�nd asscs.incnts Icricd nr ' . ..
<br /> a>scs�ed upun s�id picmises:mJ upmi lius moil�;.iFe.m�i the L+ond secwcd ihc�et���het�nc thr<.:�mc.shail l.cromr Jelmyuent:cu tiunisli app�ured �
<br /> m.wancc upun�hc I�ullJincs��n s:iid prrmiscs siw:ucd m�hc sum ol j 12��0�.�� 1':���blc to c:ud :\SS(x'IA 1'10\ and t�i dcliacr lu said � . .
<br /> :\StiQCiAllO\ihc�ulirics lot s:nd insmancc.;md not�o.ummit u�pcnnii:my a�asic on m ahuut saiJ prcmixs. . . .
<br /> In iatir.d dcl:tull in thc pcili�nn;mtc o��nq of Ihe icrms and conJition�u(tlus mcrtgdgc ur tiic bund sc.urcS hcrcl��,thc inurt�:agec shall. �.� � . .
<br /> un dein�nJ.bt cnli�IrJ t�+inmiedi:ue pu�xssion��(tha mo�tga�;ed picmises and the nimlea�;��e herehp a>signs. Uan�l'ets and .cts o��er to ihe . � . . .
<br /> tno�tg:i�;cc alI tht icn�s.iccenucs xnd ineontc(J I�C iICfICI`lI IfUlil IIII'IOPf�4!J�`ClI��fC1116C)t�llitlll SUIII Uliif flS II1C IIIUtI�:t�l'IIIlIC�7lClI11CS3$I78II ICilldip � � ' � � � ..
<br /> :;
<br /> unp:iid:attd Ihc m��nc.mcc shall h:irc thc po�sci tu appumt::n��agcnl u�agcm.it m:�y drsirc fur ihc pwposc ul�cpauing saiJ picmises attd renting � .
<br /> '- thc samc and eollcrting ihe rcnis.ic�cnucs anJ incomr.anJ rt may pa��nw ul saiJ w�nmr all c�pcnscs of rcpairing<aid p�emises and neiessap. ': � . .. ... .: . .
<br /> cumminiom and r.�penses incuned in renlw�and m�naging the sanie anJ ol ��nlrilin�: ienlals Iheielwm: ihe Lalance remainin�.i(anr.Io bt . . �
<br /> J�)��IiCtI IU�C�IiI IIIC lllyCll:ll�:C ol>aid moii�a�c mdcbicdncss:th.sc nghts ol thc o�aitr,�i,.ac ma� I�c c�cr.ised at;fm Lnu dw�ing Ihc caistcncr ul cuch . .
<br /> Jelault.incspcct�vc ot�np�rmprna�r�can�cr uf thc sainc. �
<br /> Thcs�•P�cccn�.,h��u�cccr.:iic upun lhr londilion.fha�d Ihr s:ud\I���IcaE:m shall�cpa� .:ud le;m on c�r bcturc thc tn�lurit)'ut saiJ sha�cs by� . .
<br /> p�.q nunC p�r nwnthl}�lo.:ud:\titiU(�I,\I IO\uf thc,um�pcedied m U�c R��nd sciwcJ hnrbr;u uncres�:md priniipal on.�iJ loan,cn or bclorc . � .
<br /> tht'!��'cnticih da��n�e:�th:md cr�•n�utonih.unid�:ud ia:m is IUII\'��JI�:��d\':III18Sl'S:III�I.IS�CS�111�011 IC\'ICII:Iq:lltl)I s:iiJ prctniccs und�+n�lus\lottga�:c � �
<br /> .ind Ihc Bnnd xtwcd ihcichc.6 lnrt�iclinyu��ne���.lunu>h appn�rrJ inw�ance�q>on ihc huil�.i��;:�dic�con m�hc>nm oj j 1�r OOO.OO pacublt .. � .
<br /> tn said�\SSOCL\llO\'.n�pay��siiJ:\titi0C1,111(11'upon dcmanJ all moncp h� i�p.ud lo:�u�li ta�cs..utc.,u cnt>and tusutancc�ciih intcrc�t d� .
<br /> th��mazmmm Irgal iaic ihcrcon lium da�c o(paymert all„��chi:h\ton�:acon c�i b��.i�ac.�s to��.i�:prnnil no�e;ulc nn said picmiscs kccp and mntply . �
<br /> tetlh all ihc af.�ccmcnls aud cunditinns ol thc Bund I���ti 12�OOO.OQhis da� Fnru Uc Ihc said\Iurt�Iagot Io vnd r\Sti(A�IAllll\.anJ cuntply .
<br /> -sil6 alI ihc reyuucnicnt5 0�ihc.l umli�utinn:md 11��La��s nl�aid;\tiSUCL�'ll0\-.Ihcn tin•xt picti.nt�shall htcumc null�nd cu�d,�uhcn�'ix�hcy � .
<br /> .h,ill icm�am m lull I�rtcc and ni�p l�c ioic.l�,vcd ai Ihc opuun��I ihc x.nd AStiU('I�\11U\ :dlci (:niwc tot Ihrec tnonlhs i��mdl.c att�'ot zaiJ
<br /> paymrnt.un c�thrcc momhs m aur:na in m:il.m�:,:ud m��uthly paynicnis.w tn Arcp.uid romph����ili tht:i�;�ccments and c�nditt��ns ol c:ud Uond; � .
<br /> :mJ�t�nie.�pn ati�ccs lo liacc:i ica•n�cr:ippom�cd lunh��iih m`u:h lincch�cwc pmrecduy:s.
<br /> It thcic is an��chanFc in o�cnruhip ol thc ic:d r�t:itc mortFagcd hcicin.by �alc ui o�hcn��nc.�hca Ihc cntirc icmaunnF mJcbtcJness hcicby .
<br /> �ecwrd sh:ill.a�ihr upiiun o(l�he Fqui�able Uuddin�;and 1��an Ati�oi�iaiion ul G:m:i Island Velr��l,:i.L+ecome itnmediatelp due anJ pa��al�lr�cdhuut
<br /> Iwtlir� noucc.:md thc:nnount icmainm�:duc unde� s.nd bund,anJ anc uthci l�nnd Ib�anc add��ional�Jcaucc�ntadc thcrcmidct.�hall.lium Qu
<br /> dalc�d c�r�cisc u(�aid ophon.bcai nilcre�t ai thc ma�imum Icgal r:dc.and tluc mnip:a�:c ma��Ihcn bc luiccluxJ w satisl���hc anwwd duc un�aid
<br /> ���)Ill�.:llll��III\'tll�ll'f�`t�i1�I��I!JIItIIII1)I1:II:III\:tllt'C\.1���!t'�Iil'f\\'1�II:III SIIII75�+:11���\'1:11�� ��Il'�'.1�1111:1�!�t{�III�1�1111:�fll��.�'JII:��1�)l'IJl1Ui1 l��rfilll���c�flll�.
<br /> �l'�!1:1}�:l���I III�l1lJill't'.f:1.\t'S:III�I:15�1'))Illl'Il�},�IItI:lI/�IfJ('llil�'i'\lt'II�I��I1lI1J1�:�'\. 1l'11I1 Illll`li`Sl I�ICII'UII. �1��111 l�;llC �l� F�:1\Illl'il� �l I�IC IIl]\Illllllll
<br /> �i'�;:1�I:III'.
<br /> As p�nvidcJ m Ihc N��nJ sccwcd hc�cby.�chdc Ihn mint�;a�;r icniaim m clleii ihc moiigagec ma��hcrcalic�,idcaner aJdtliunal sums lu Uic
<br /> makco u(said Bond.lhci�assigns ar wcrc>nurs in mtricst.��ludi sunu.:h�ll bc�vithin Ihc xcurit��ul �his I1IPIIFJhC lI1C SJIIIC AT lIl<'�ll111I5 Ufl�'lll:llll'
<br /> +riwcJ thc�chy,�hc lolal amounl DI�1(IIICI��BI tICI)l IIUI�U t'\CCi•lI JI:111\'IIIIIC IIIC UII�IpAI JII1�fUfll pl(IpS I11JII�;JkC.
<br /> n���a w�s 15th i:�>,� Ju1y �.»,:�,, 76
<br /> ���.��'� ^�.. ' ��� —' /�i�. LL 14� r i �/, � F
<br /> Gilbert Daniel^Reher Jnnelle D. Reher
<br /> �
<br /> St'ATFOPNIilliL�SkA. ss. nnthis �,�jtfl 't:'>'O� July 19]� .bc(oicntc.
<br /> COIiV'fY Of fIALL� .,1 �,,. .
<br /> ihc undcnigncd.a Vnlan�Public in anJ li,r said Counl),prrouually runc - r;'.
<br /> Gilbert Daniel Reher and Janelle D. Reher, each in his and her own �rij��hta��nd i`���,���t����.���f� N �
<br /> L each other, �
<br /> mt In bc Ihc idcntical pcuonS ���h��sc namc$ d1'E :d�lxcd lu 16r ahuer mslunncn�as tuuttgsgur 5 ,ind they xecrrally �.;y�
<br /> ac6nu��IcJgrd thc sdid mcUumcnl tu bc t�1211' �ulunlai��tt and Jccd. j.- - .-..� t"` '.. '
<br /> - ..,__ .._".--..--_._IUF`ltiS�+ny-I+Nnd'JIIII�UI'AI18ISl'dIIIICiIJIC.1�0i1'>dlll `/ " !� 1 � .
<br /> . � . ... �� i \�."�) +/y,��_�� .
<br /> � �� . A1�Cou�miti.iun;c��iics .-' G � /�t--i'tT!/� �
<br />� � � � � -.~v�. .
<br /> � - �_�... --l-_, - —�---
<br /> / \nl:u\�I'uhlic
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