� �D.:o-
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<br /> p STATE OF NEBRASKA, County of ....................................................:
<br /> Piled for record on ................................. 19........at............................ dclock ........................ hi.
<br /> ,
<br /> and reoorded in tho lleed Record ................................. Puge .............,.....,...,..... 3ZhTc2dEN[ ATiACH��
<br /> .................................................................................... 13y ........,...................................NEBRASKA.DQCJJMEAIZARY
<br /> Register of Deede Deputy Hegis er of Dee6�'AMP TAX
<br /> r ,�. QQ3�-��
<br /> �/S, S av_r��
<br /> Robert E. Lee and Mary J. Lee, husband and wife, each in his and her
<br /> oVm T'ight, 3nd as spouse of the other ,herein called the grantor�vhether oue or more,
<br /> in consideration of Fourteen Thousand Four Hundred Twenty-six and 09/100 - -DOLLARS
<br /> a c� the assum tion of one certain real estate mortga�e as hereinafter
<br /> Srge�tv�� ram �rnntees,�es grant, bargnin, �ell convey and confirm unto
<br /> Alfred Meyer and Evangeline Meyer, husband and vrife,
<br /> as joint tennnts with right of eurvivorship, and not ae tenants in common, the following de�eribed renl
<br /> � property sn ............xaii........................................ eount�,A'ebrasl�n:
<br /> Lot Nine (9), in Block Two (2), in 4Jesterhoff's Second
<br /> Subdivision in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska.
<br /> The Grantees hereby assume and agree to pa,y, as part of the
<br /> consideration hereof,the blortgage indebtedness due the Equitable
<br /> Building and Loan Association, Grand 7:sland, l4ebraska, as of July
<br /> 16, 1976.
<br /> To have aud to hold the above described premiaex together �sitii all teneuic�its, hereditawents
<br /> and appurtenances Lhereto belonging unlo the grantecs and to their assigns, or to the heirs und nssi{rns
<br /> + of the survivor of them fore�•er.
<br /> ' dnd grantor does hereUy covenant �vith the grnntees and with their ussigns and w�ith the heirs
<br /> � and assigns of the survi�ror of them that gruntor is lawfully seisecl of snid preruises;thut they nre free from
<br /> < ' enenmbrance except as ststedabove - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -�
<br /> e; ;
<br /> that grnntor has good rigftt und lawful uuthority to co�i�•ey ihe 4awe; ttnd tLnt grnulm• trnrrunts and �cil2
<br /> defend tlte title to suid premises against tLe la�efnl clnicus of all persons �rLo�usoe��cr.
<br /> It is tlie intention of all parties hereto thnt in tho event of t�he deuth oF citl�er of the grantces,
<br /> {' the entire fee title to this rral property �hall ceht. in tlie surcicing grautee
<br /> �
<br /> � � �
<br /> Dnted July 2, �9 76. /
<br /> � � � � ��
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<br /> ;: (Robe t �. T�ee)�
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<br /> r �r �:� ee
<br /> � P7EBRASKA Howard '�
<br /> $TATE OF ............................................................. County of ..................................................._.......: SS.
<br /> Before me,n notury public quulified for snid couuty, personally came Robert E. Lee
<br /> and Mar,y J. Lee, husband and wife, each in his and her own right, and
<br /> as spouse of the other,
<br /> known to cue to be the ideuticul person or peraons�aho signed tLe foreRoing instniment and ackno�vledged '��� "
<br /> the execution thereoF to be Lis,Ler or their voluntary nct aud decd. ��j :�;:•�
<br /> L ' arinl senl on ..............J.111y....2.�.................................., 19...7.�.,...... �C
<br /> ��•ltd�dt�4rl� // j� �. { .
<br /> II, CYIUI►.5lIAUONMESSII ...f..���: ..'. U•...�....... .l . . . Notary� PuUlic �
<br /> ......... ..... ....
<br /> Mr Caam.60.M�y 7,t97B ' .
<br /> -- �
<br />:. ��2� ommisrion espires............:...:�..... ..... ....., 19..�8.:_.....
<br />� F'orm 42 To br npproved by \rLrn=ku Statc liur.�ssocintion +'r��n�wdr w.,u�cd�,rr��.
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