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<br />" 76- 003957 1_��>_'i'T(�ii OI' CU?,l�CitAC'C Ci!^ :_l1T,1_
<br /> Dlot.icc :i:: ]icrel�;� gi.vnn i:hrit: [,ur�,tt�uiP. t.c� <z cc�nt.rnct: of. �:�ilc:
<br /> rlcitrcl ^-=� i I --.---•' 1�7G, 1�'lorenc�� I:. C;l.oe <ir. i;r.er.utr.i.•r.
<br /> r �___�
<br /> o!: th� li:;i.r�L'c ot Aitii.il.d'a K. St,.r.nsses, Uece:�:�eR, hast tic�.r.ee�cl to
<br /> sell to !(arr.y A. 7.iktl.e and Carol. 1,. I,i.t:t.le, hushand .u�il r�i f`r, the
<br /> f.ollotaing descri}�eci real estate nndccz cont:r.acL-, i•:il-.h the f::i.n11
<br /> September
<br /> payment due on .bm�pcxx�C 1, 199G.
<br /> A tr.act of lanci comPri.sinr� a Pzirt of i:hc Soiii.}ieasst Qucirtc�r
<br /> oi tlie Northeast Quar�er (5�:1/QidT�..1/4) of. Section `.['en (10) ,
<br /> To,ansliip .Ten (].0) t7orth, Ranqc_ r;I.even (.11) �9est of tlzc
<br /> Gtii P.t•1. in IIa11 Couni.y, Nebra,?�a, �nor.e �-�i:ticnlar.l.y clescrib�Q
<br /> as follows: 33eqinninq �it the souilie<<�� c� :�r.r of said I�orcn—
<br /> r ca�t Quarter (PIP1/4) ; thence norther].y al:,ng the E?FAst 1in�• of
<br /> saict Y:orthe<ist Quarte.r (r�r:l./4) , a di>t.ance of riqht Huncired
<br /> Si::ty Six (fiGG.0) feet; th��nce def:lecting 1eLL• G9°23'30° ancl
<br /> runnitig t•�esterly, a distance of Si�: Flundrecl �'IiS.rt}� Six ancl
<br /> 'Pliroe Tenths (G3G.3) Leet, to c.11F� 11CTIT?17� pl.ar,� ot hec�inninc�;
<br /> tlie;�ce continuincJ i:�csterly al.ong the l.zist describ.^_cl course,
<br /> a distznce oL I:ig`�ty Sis (EG.0) feet; thence deflecting left
<br /> F II£3°00' and runnir.c� ::outhe-rly, a distance of One Flunclred '!'hirEy
<br /> z �inh� (13II.0) feat; thence de£lecting right 90°00' and .
<br /> r runni_ny �•�esterly a :�.istance oF it•�o Ilundred P'ifi:y S•'ivc� (?.55.p)
<br /> fee�; thence def-1ec:-L�ig ric�ht SII°00' and runnine� northerly
<br /> a distance of I'ive 3Iundrecl Sivty On� and Seven 5:entlis (5G7..7)
<br /> �: fee`•; thence cleflec�ing r.:i_ght 9?.°00' and running ezisterly,
<br /> a distance of 5:nr.c�� Iiundred Forty S:ix (34G.00) feat; thence
<br /> defleetinc� ziqlt�_ EII�00'l.ri" and runn.inc� southerly, a cl.istanee
<br /> � of Four Ilundred Twenty and Si.}:�y Six Ilundreclths (�7_0.66) Lee�
<br /> to the place of: b.^g:ini�einl and containing �1.079 acr.c:s more or less. .
<br /> ' :;cller ayrecs t.o :inclucle an ezisement for t:se as �� roacl��ay acro,s
<br /> the IdorCtic�isi: C?uar�cr (idF.'.S1 oi Sect:ion 7'en �1.0) , To�::n::hi�� 'P�•n (10)
<br /> I'orLti, R��ngc lilcven (11) ar t;hich i:i�e abovc: desc:ribecl tract is s.�
<br /> F»rL for thc� purpo:e of mal:.inc1 :i.nyrc:s ��nd �.gr.ess to an� From the
<br /> ��bove dc�csibed tr�ict: k����.ng solcl to thc }luycr.s to tl�c pu2�:Lic
<br /> }iigl��i;a}�, ��id casc,ucr�C to rwi along �� :;tril> ot lanc] describ�d �is
<br /> iolloo;::
<br /> Ueginn:iny ati thc :,buthcast cornes ot sa'id I:ortlicasC
<br /> nu�ix'Ccr. (ITli';) ; t.hc:ncc Tldrthc�rly along thc c;�sl line
<br /> ot s��id Pdort:heast Qu�rL-er (P:1:;) a d:isCance of £3F>G fcet;
<br /> thence deflectin�J leit £39° 23' 30° and running
<br /> .` T1e::tcr].y a di.stancc of 33 lect to the i•rest bouncl�n:y
<br /> ' af the public ro��i zahich is the acL-ual place of
<br /> r b�c�.inn:inq; thencr_ coritinuing lles��:r].y aloncs Lhc l.as{:
<br /> de:,crib•ad coi;r::e a�distance ef G£19.3 Ieet; thence
<br /> deI).ecL-ing lct:t C£i 00' tinc7 runnir.y SouL-herly a
<br /> d.i:tance ol 2�� :[eet; thence cleflecL-:iny left: anQ
<br /> runninJ Eastcr.l}� par.a].lc]. �•;.it}i t}ie L7uri:}� l.it�e oI
<br /> s�iid ca.cet�ent a dist[�ric� of G`)O.;tJ icet t� tlzc
<br /> i•le::terly line o:[ tl�c public roa�3; th��nce deflect:ing
<br /> le.ft: a d.istc�nce oI ?.�1 �:ect to the point o�: bec7inn.in<I.
<br /> S��id drivetiaay sliall Eurni::h an ease�nenL' 2n feet in ta:idth iror:t
<br /> � the publ:ic l�iyh�•��i}� to i.he above de�cr.ibed 1�incL; k,ci.nr� contracted
<br /> to h^ so.lcl to the Purch�isers. It shall bc uscd joi.ntly by i:he
<br /> Sc:ller anQ ilie Seller.':: :;ttccesaor: �ind a:;;iqns in title as otane.rs
<br /> of the real esLat� acro:::; ��l�ich said easet�cnC. is ctiven for ingress !
<br /> and eqr.es:: an1 alur� by tlie l�urcht�ser_,� i:heir heirre� execuCars, ^'_,�"'';�,
<br /> r��lmini.sCr.��Lur:; and as::ic�ii;, i.n c��njwiction �oitl� t:lic u�e o.f. thc y '
<br /> Lti:.�ct }�ei.nc� :;n7.d i.o then uncic:r cotltsacL. Sliotild lhe I:tiyel's �
<br />� coiapl.y �r'i Ui cil.l ter.m_ .ni:i concl.it.ions of lhe c�ntrc�et for �he ^
<br />,� �xircht�ne t.hema.`: and the lleecl he1Q in c::ci���;: d liv��re:3 t_o the:n ;p
<br />� tlie ca:cc�;n��nt t:hti].1 }x,cotr.c ir;n:i<in:•:ii.; ot:l�ert;i.s%: to 1�•� Cer.r,!:ir�,itecl Fn
<br /> L, u�,on c.�ncc]. L,itioti uL i.i��: coiitr<�ct.
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