�1 �.�.Nvi&t�
<br /> j� �� ...: "___ �
<br /> STATE 0�` NEI31tASffA, County of ..................................................... _.__.._.._____
<br />° I'iled tor recoi�i a�id eutered iu A'tunnrieal ]ndex NLf3R/1SKA p(�UI1Sl:NTARY
<br /> ' ...................... �t u'clock ................ \i., :il'�1M('1'AX
<br /> on...................................... , .,..............
<br /> ; snd recunlod in 1)e�Ki Record ............................... P:ige .......................,......
<br /> Jtl1. l.n 1".�76
<br /> ......................�............................,....... �;,� .,.........,...........,....................................
<br /> Counh*Clerk or Ue��ut�• Coui�t}> Cicrk m• � c_�u�'.;%5� !3Y �1....,�'�„
<br /> � 1teAister of T)ecda lle��ut�� Re„istcr of 1?eedy .�.._.._.r,,...,,,,,.�,,,,.,
<br /> 7t�- (1Q39'�2 WARRANT�t I?EEI) :rnren�evr �n�s�r
<br /> Cregary U. tiehring, a �ingla
<br /> pareoa ia his awn right , hcrcin enlled t}ie qrantor �hether nne ur m�:re,
<br /> in ceneidcraliou of 7hirty Tliousand clne INndred Sixty Four i)ollare aud no/1Q0
<br /> recetred frum �rantec, due� �runt, bar&aln, seil, r.oncey niici confitm uuto
<br /> Merlin �. 1)erman and Bernice Pt. Uerman, tivaband and Idife, as �oint kenanta,
<br /> with the riglit of survivarattip and not as tenanto in r.ummon.
<br /> lurei» called thc Hr+�ntee i�•hethcr oue or morc, thi� follu��in&deacrioed real propertp in
<br /> ' . .....................liall,...................,..............,.... Count��, NeLrnskn:
<br /> Lnt Three (3), Islend Acrea 5ubdiviuion Na. 10, in the City of
<br /> CrAnd Iolaud, Hall Couttty, Nebraska
<br /> Tu ti;t�c xud to huld t.lic a6oce deneri6ed premiaca tu&etlier �vith nll ieuemruts, hereditnuscuta
<br /> �ud xppnrtenatici�s thcreto beluugiu� nnto the Rrautre nud tu �;rnnlee'9 heira nud assiKus fore��er.
<br /> �1nd ttw 4raulor docx licreb�� c�.>��cuaut «•ith 1he �rnutec uud �cith �_rautcr.'x hcirs aud an�ignn
<br /> Uiai �:r�intm• i, IntcCullc eriaed uf snid ��remisee: Uint the�• are fine from eneumUranee
<br /> Except lasements �nd Reatrictions of Record.
<br /> tk;it grnntor Lne�ood ri�;ht nud L•to•ful authority to con��r�� ihc ,amr.; aud lLat {;rantur warranta aud �cill
<br /> S drfend tlie tiUe lo s;ud pcentiaev :lKain�t thr la�cful ,l;iimv��t'all peraons n•l�omsuever.
<br /> ll;ued .Tuly 1G 19 ')G
<br /> : j . ;�.� '�: � ,/ �
<br /> > '
<br /> .
<br /> �" � ,��7�� i��7C'� � v�.... ���i,l,��,..'�'j � .
<br /> . .. .......................................................................... .... �yl...;., �...
<br /> �, iJ ,
<br /> ................................................................................_.. ....................................................,.............................. . :
<br /> ' S'C.17'1:t:1F NI:I11i�151i:1, l'ount�• nf .................Hall..... .................
<br /> Refon• iu��. a nalnrc pu61i�� yualit'irJ Il,r�:�i�l enw�l,��, p�r5unall�• eNmc
<br /> c�regory b. Mchrin{;
<br /> I,uo�cu to ntc to be tho idcnlicnl pi�remi ur pe�•Huns niio nieued H1e �
<br /> fi!re�.roinK in.h•uuient nnd ,�cicu�m•Irdked ihe cacrutieu Uiercof tu be: his, ,,.,I ,
<br /> hrr or tlreir c�duntarr nct and dced. N
<br /> ; �
<br /> , � «'ilncnv un• hnwi an�l nol�u�il �sal �❑ . .........:...:..`...,:..1.................................. �
<br /> ItO88RT D.PlAC2EK � .�„ r-���
<br /> OENENAL NOTApY.�t�ee ol HWr. _ 1` r ,� � j� .......................... Nutara 1'ublie
<br /> M 8 �YCommWIonEWka �
<br />� . NOVEMBER 20�1Y70 \I� r�uiunisynm r�puv+ " �
<br /> .................................................
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<br />�;: I'ornt 2.� Aupruvcd i,p Nat�rnsl:n ;;lulc N:�r Aa:.orh.�lii,n t•.u„o e��•„u a,..t.i���dn,ta.nr.
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