� , ;�;
<br />,
<br />,, �! �
<br /> h
<br /> �b Q0395I
<br /> (" 7�hnt ihe r1urt�;agor H'ill pay lf:o indehlt�dnes�; as IirreinLr(ore pruvidrd. � .
<br /> I 'I'Lat the MortF+if���[ is � hc o��ner of vuid prup��rly m Ivr simple :md ha> 4�����1 n�:lii iind I:��d�il :iuthorilp lo sell und . . .
<br /> . conv�'v th[� hatne and lhat � ht� �ame is (rre nnd r.lc•ur u( an)' lien ur �'ncumbn�nre : :fnd ih�sl Aturt�n:;nr �rill �.cnrrrud nn�l do(rnd thr
<br /> � IiU�• lu 4nid prcmisn: aKninsl th�+ rinints uf +dl persons whmnsnrvrr.
<br /> . ,1'n pav immedialely a�hen du�� and puy:�ble ail Rener+l tacun. si�ecial tac�•< .peci:d .i . � : -menty. �� ai�-r rh;irtii . srw��r srr�•- . .
<br /> ' ico churgr:s. rand othrr It�x��s tmd ch.irFrs aRnmsl. sa�d p� upartv. and F�II tnxo� Irvird on thi• deLl ueumd L��n�b� . ;�ud t �� furni�h llu� .
<br /> � ;�tortgu�ee, upnn rcyuest. with iho uriginul or duplicate [�'��•�Pl.� t}u�refur. 7'hi• 1fiutR�Fur :i�:n•e�; thaL � hrru -h,ill 6r ��ddi•d lo
<br /> e:�ch munlhl)' puyment ri-qnired heround�•r or undrr lh�� rvidvnce of Ji•6t srcun•d h��rrb�� an .unuunt rstunsiu�d hy tht� Afarl ��nge� � .
<br /> tu be sulilcienl to eunLli• ih�� �'lort�:a�;ce to pey. tr, thi�y brcomr dui�. :ill t:�ar•s. �ss��ssm�n[.. :�nd �iiml:� r eh:ir�r> upun thr prem -
<br /> : i,es subjeti•t thercdo: amS de(iciency brc:wse u( th�• m.uflicieniy n( =urh nddiUonal paymrniti tihJl Fr farthuith d�•po.� led by thr .
<br /> � \tort�;.igor �eith lhv D1urIFn4re upun dernand b> the \luil,..i_�•v :1n . drf:wlt ur,drr thi� � ,ir.�; r.iph :hali hr �Ircmrd a dri:nilt in
<br /> . � p�q'mnnl uf laxi•=. itss��ssmrnt�. ur .,imilar i•Lar(:�•s n•quir��d hrraundF•r. �.
<br /> � 'l�hr Jlurt:;axur agrre< thot lhi,rr •hall alsu br addrd tn ru��li mnnlh!}' pnymrnt nl princip:�l and iuton•si reqnired hcrr. . �
<br /> ' undor :m unu�unt eslimated Lc thr AlurtFu�cr �0 6c sut�iri��nt lu riruhlr thr 91nn �aF��r tu p:i�� . as it L�•i�� im��s � hur. thr msurm�rr .
<br /> �' prE•mfum un am� insunmcv pulic�� drlive�n�d to thi� Al�u't �a�uu :Auy � i�-(ici� nc�. hrc.mso uf th� h�.utfirf��ur•. "1 :�rch addili��nul pa��- �
<br /> nn•nts shall lic forih�+�ilh drpusil�•d by Ihr Alnn �::�pnr ����th thr �furlko�:��r upon �iomand hc ILr A1urtf;atir�•. An> dr[null undrr thiti
<br /> " paraKraPh �holl fx• d�•rmi•d a default in ihr �iaymrnl uf insur.inei• Prrmiums. lf th�• pnlir� � r p �lirir, d� ��o;urd :�n• .uch :i< iiumr�
<br /> � nwnct: or ull rick P�>liri��s. and t6t• drpu:its aro iu.u�ficirnl lu p:+y liir cnlir+• prcrn�urn. t6i 91mi ��une m.i�' npply thr dopi�sit fn ,
<br /> . pay Pmmiwn� on ri�ks mquircd ln hr insurc��i Ly ihiti ntort �u���. . .
<br /> Yuymrnl.v madc 6y the >iurf ;;a;:ur und��r ll�ii� a6ue�� p.v� :; r.�ph. uci1 . ❑t th�� � �.��tinn n( the \lorp:u;;�'e'. l�<• hrld hy it :ind �. �
<br /> � rutnminKlerl ���ith nt.her surh funris ur its uv,-n [umh Ic�r tln= p.�y�menl o( su�-h itrm:. and until .0 upplird =uch Pa� mrnta nm 6ercby .
<br /> �. pl�xl;;itil an vrcurill' fur Uir mip:iid 69h+nr�• o( lhr mnrt:c:ati�' fndrbtrdnri.�. � .
<br /> s
<br /> , Tu pn�curc, di�Lvrr !u. .�nd m�intein �or thu hrne�il n( U�iv V r� a�cr uurin„ thr ld� rt iLiv m�alcat;�• uri � tn.�l pulit•i� . and
<br /> " mni•�+' sls thenK>f dclierr-d af I�•a�t l�•n d,ns Lefuri� � hr ocpir.uion ��f �u�y .ucti 1� < Lrii•a. iii,urin �• .��:��ml firr and othrr in. urntd�, .
<br /> h:v�ircls. cu�ualtits. :md cunuut,rnci��� :�s th�� �Surt�:i;;�•�' mae � � qwrr, fn m ;tmuunt rynal lu t6�- indrht��lnrss ��'�•un•d bv � liie ,
<br /> � \furt �;.�gr, und ix� culnpanie� aicoptt�blu tu thr Tlurtt��r:��r. �� ith Iu,v p:�� �hlr clatr•r in f:n'��r � f :md m l� �nn a� crptablr � u th�• \1<�rfga� .
<br /> . /;re. ln the evenl �in�• pulicy i; nnl rene•.ced on nr 6r(um ir�n da}'s uf iis rs� nr:iiu :n. ( hi• �1�,n�at;r<� inay I�ruci� n• iie.urance un th��
<br /> imprnvemen�s. p•sy the pre.mium th��re(ur. :md such sum s}1dII I�rC. �llu� IIIIRII•�II:3IrI\ du�� ar�l p.�1 .�hlo wilh inic�r�•st :it Ihv rtl � si•t � .
<br /> , forth in said ntde� un� il pi�id Und >hall b�• ..�•currd he ihis uinn�ac��. P�illurr uu th�• pt�rt nl thi• Alr�rtcu„ar to lunu•'h .uch n n� u:�L .
<br /> � as art� herein rcK�uir�rd ur Failure lo paq any swns +�dvimi•i�d h��rrunJrr <hnlL :rt � hi- ��pGun u( � hr Alun�;a;;r� , o�n,� ilutc n drduult
<br /> � under Ihe tomn ut this mnrt�;;iCr. 'l�h�- d��liv���n� oi .urii p� ,lirii�. .}�:JI . in tho ��crnt ni dof:�ult . rnn.Ututr nn a;;r,' nmrnl of iLr tui- .
<br /> '. �•:�rnrd prrmium.
<br /> . , :Any sums rt•reived by lim \lun;;;µ;rr by r�•a.on u( I��,< nr d:uua��� in�umd a;::iin:t mac L�• mtau�c�d i�iy � hr Ainrte;i:;ee
<br /> - � :md appfi�•d Imvurd the pu:�mrnt ui lht• dc�bt n� rrbp si-curod. ur. at ihe option oF t6r 1lorna�;.a�r. ouh =iuns � ithrr wkwllp ur in . .
<br /> . p;vt mav bc paid over ln thr \1unR�;:or to IH� u;��d u� rrp�ir .ucii bni !dm�s nr t �� huild n� �� buildin�;; in tncir Pia.o ��r for any ,
<br /> � oth��r purpn5c ur objr�'t xati+factorv tn tV:� 11ort �;ac�•�, �•�i1L� �ut :�lirrunc thc lirn � �n Ihr mnrl �a�r f� �r ihr (uil :imaunf =ri�un��l hrrr-
<br /> � hc Ledur�• c�trh p:��vnrnt ecrr ��.�k pl�in•. �
<br /> 'r.'
<br /> �
<br /> x� . "Cu prumpUr rrpaur. r�.•toro ur rrhuild u,}� b�iild�n,. < n • unpr nrm� nt . n� nti � �r iirrra( n r un thr pmmi.�� ; whi� 6 m;�c o�..
<br /> ' ri,m�� damat;�sl ur dc.s� rnc�-d In 6erp ::�id prrrui_i > in ��H�d iunditi��n :md r� pair ��nd im�� frum any' m ch:mir � li� n � �r ati��•r ii�•n nr
<br /> - cL•iim of Lrn not ospressle �uiburdin:�trd lu d��• lirn hrrrn� t nu� ln �ulL- r or prrrnu nn� uul :�:v(ul u=e� nt ur :inv mu<unrr tu ��uvt on �
<br /> � s:nd pruprr[y' nnr tn prrmit w;istr , �n ..ii�i Pn-misr. n �r � n � io .�.�c � th�. r art �,ch��rrin iiu� prnprnr h��rcL�. � im � n rt =.hull h - cr:me
<br /> . I���: � :iluablc. nur tn dimini<h ur impnir rn �'alui� h� ��n}' a��l rr mu •..� �n tu :irL t " �'� •npl � •��ith ;dl n quinanrnt : .�f l�i ,� ',5'i � h r��;prrt . . .
<br /> fi
<br /> � u th�• mnrt�n�;rd prr�ni�i•� :�nJ th�• u:�� t6���r�.i �f.
<br /> "�hat s}iuuld � h�� prrmi.��s ur an�; part � iu•n•u� Ix� takrn ur dama::��d i�c rr:�:ru � d :mv puLlic ir.�procamrnt ur cnn�irrnnniion
<br /> � pr�Krcvlink. ��r unil�•r tiu- rit:ht u( r�min� nl � lutram , ur in :iuy ��th��r m;u;nrr. thc V� n �acc� �h;tll h�� rntitl�sl in all r� �mprn.�;it�uns.
<br /> � � ;iwards, :mtl :my nthr�r pa)'tnrnt nr r��lirt ( hrn•fur, and �ii;�li br rn � itl��d .�t n . o� u n to c� tnrz rncc. upprnr in un�i pnc:�cut� m its
<br /> �. ��:+�n numr I+ny �clfnn � �r pnas+'<lin�. � �r tn m:Ja� :� n'. u m� � r ir�l�r or . � l�lemrnt in ronncctinn �citn dui�h turim� r r dam:iK�. �Il cuch
<br /> � r��mp�•nvatiun. awo-�rd�, duma�;c.. n,:ht d irti��n ;mu pnti�cr� l• :v �• h nh} r�i ;;n«��t in ih�� �1 ,rt�.ietr. .� hn ma� .�I �rr d�•ductint;
<br /> thcrcirum atl i[. �_zprn�� s, r�•li�asc ;w�� mniii �. c >n mcvic��d 6r if nr -ipph iLr >nmr un anc irvlrbirdn� _� r��iimd h �mbv. 'Pm• �1nrt-
<br /> � (:apor ngreo< �n �a�v. utr >w h furti:rr aa:iy, n�ncniti � �f unr r"mpr•n �:iw n_ .�oard? d.�m:q:r. .uid neht� n( .�rnun �ir�i Prn'� �ti1, a,. � n�•
<br /> \1or� ea�:�•c m:�s rrquirr.
<br /> r
<br /> 1'hat in case ul failure tu prr(onn ��ny o( the c������•n:3nt.s herein. the �lorlca�;i�e mu}� do „n lhi• '�lorttiagor's IN•heil( eacn•-
<br /> � thin;; su cu��enaNid: thal the lfurtl:ageo rnnp alsu do nny »et it may dea�m nrcescurg to prot�x�t the lien thereo[: thnt the 11ort-
<br /> cagor will repap upon demand un>• mon��ys paici nr disbursed by the �turtgageo (ut anY o( thr atx�ce puh>rnes. ond �uch moneys
<br /> tu�ether w�ith interesi then��n ul the r�te providi�ci in :u�ici note shall becvime vo much .idditiunx�l indchti�iness hereUY sttvred nnd
<br /> m�y tx� included in an�' d�rree forect<nin�; thie mnrt�age tmd be p�id �rut o( the rcnts or procrerls ot s��ie o( s:sid premises if not
<br /> oth��n.�i�e P%+id: nnd thni �iurtt�a�cr� .hall nul incvr unp pi•r:unal linhilih� hx•caus�� nf an7thine i� m�y du or nrnit tn dn hercunder.
<br /> ) n thr ev��nt ��( the dcLmlt h � Vl��rtpa�or w th�� p:i�'ment ra ;iny ���:t :dlnu nL :n r �quirrd i��' iLr� K� I �� ��•ruren hrn I;p. nr
<br /> in die prrfozmance n[ thr uhlieatiun in fhls nu,rly�a�:r , r in the nnt�• < ,eiu��d tla� « ��y lii�� .11url �;a�o�• �h.dl h�• �•nutlr•d in d�clnte ihe
<br /> drld secured hercb}' Jur ;�nd p;�}'able• �5'ilh��ut u��ticr. :+ nd thr \lnrt:;a����• .iv�ll br ��ntilicd :rt rt• � qdiun. �� rthuut nutirr. rith��n c� uw�lf
<br /> �,r bV tt rrceivcr tu hc :�ppuint�vl by tiv v„ur[ tlirmut. :ui�i �vithout ri��urd l� � thu adi•yuvc�• ��f :�m' `�.rnri[c Fur th�� indrbt�•dm•ss cr-
<br /> � currd hqreby. tu entcr upun and teili p� .� �ra;iun „f � lie murteaFed prrmis� ��, and lu a,llrit :u�d rrcr�r�� tiv n •nt i. � .-urs anr( pro(its
<br /> therenf. rmd apply the same. I��, co.t, o[ upi•ratiun aud iolhrtinn. upnn ( h�• indcLtwinr• � ,��Kvred hp� ihis m� rt �. i{.� : �aid e.nis.
<br /> Laeur_� and prutils Ixin�; hrr�by :i�tii�m,d tn tiir A1nrlt;:�q��v as lurlh�� r s�.eurih: L.r iho p:n'm��nt uf all ind�•htrdnr�<; =�-��nrr+l hrrc•i���.
<br /> �
<br /> _� �
<br /> The '�1ortK:�Pre �hall 6ac�• tLe p� �'���rr tu app� nnt �my aF� nt nr :u:�•nt. it n..t�� d�•sim b �r ihr ��urp�ne uf r� p �innt -:�id prem- -, � -
<br /> . iw•c; runtin�; ihe �ame: cullechn7; the ronf.. rrcenui�� and mcemr. and it rna> P:a>' � �u n( �:+id u:r��m� ill rs ��. m� .- incurrmi in r��nt- _ Ny` •
<br /> ing tmd managm�; [he s:�mc and uf crllvctu�4 thr rrntals thrn•irom Thi• 6alancc nmain�nu. ii :ur: =h:ill br dlrpiirJ ti ��.vard thr , '
<br /> L divch�r�e of the mnrti;a�o indeht��dnr.e "fhi� .��=icnmrnf i, t�� ti rr�in.iir :�n�i hrr om�• null �n:d nnd �ip� n n l� :ni i ,f tlu, m� �rt.: ��:�� �
<br /> $
<br /> TLr ?dortga�;ra may cull��ct a ' lal�• Ji.ir�;i� ' nnl i � rarrr� i 1 i . r l 'rutv 13ci (o: � �;uh dnll:ir 1 `. I Oul � rf � erli I� �;.d ninnlhl �• � .
<br />� � pnyrni•nl mnrr J�an 15 dxc. in arrran: tu ��nerr Ih�• �� titrn ��zl,rn•o inroh ��d in hnn�llin;: �L•linqu�•nt arroiint< � � . �
<br /> �
<br /> , �
<br /> q�`�SI., . . � • Y .� .
<br /> tii •
<br />-�� �..� � �
<br />_ �
<br />:- �
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<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> ,
<br />