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<br /> 7 �03��Q
<br /> FIRST � ���
<br /> FORM NO.937(ftev.3•I4� . �
<br /> � Loan Number__39$73_-- --- 1 -_�___J.$�
<br /> r d,���h rYPe
<br /> : , ,
<br /> ; ,
<br /> , THIS A40RTGACI;, made end ezecuted tliis ........I..:....dny ot__.... .... ....._.__.. �i''�t........A.D.,19.76..,I�ehveen
<br /> �l J
<br /> �, Raclford.L.,...FI�p$er�. a�d_..JO..,�XIn..�Ian.&en,...husband...and..wife.,.,.each..in..his_.and..her..orm......... ......._
<br /> t individual rightand as s�ouse of the other, ,jointly and.3everally_.......... ...._
<br /> _._..... . ._.... ... _. _ ........... .. _ _.... . . __.._._
<br /> " ! of .......Gr.8T1d_Islarid...... ... .._.__,CountY of......H811.. .. ...._....� Stuto oL........NebraSka ..................... hereiva[ter re[erred
<br /> to ne the Mortgagor,nnd rIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OP LINCOI.N, Nchrnskn, ite succeasora
<br /> nnd nssignF,hcreinuRer mferred to as Mortgugee,
<br /> WITNGSSETI�I: 1'hal lhe suid A4ortgagor,for and in considemliun of lhe sum ot - � � � .�
<br /> ��IR�X-TW.0...7`.E�_HUNDR�D..��N..ANU No/1oo-- ---- _ ---_--------c�32,31o.Do .................� v�im�b,
<br /> ` pf�id by said Mortgagee, dces hereby sell nnd eunvey untu I�IRS'I' I'LDBRAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF
<br /> I.INCOLN, Nebruska, as niurlgngee, its successurs and nssigns, thr fullowing drncribed Rrul F.alnle,siiu:at��d in the County of . �
<br /> � __....... Stnte�>t.._...IVebrt�ska.... ._......... ........ __. . .....__, i��.a�it:
<br /> _... .. .... . . ..He71...... .
<br /> , The North Forty-�ight Feet (rt 48') of Lot Twelve (12)
<br /> , 'i in Dlock Twenty (20), in Scarff's Additicn to West
<br /> Lawn, in the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br /> � I
<br /> 4 :
<br /> i !
<br /> TO HAVI's AND'1'O 110I.D lhe abm•e described premises for lhe u.=.es herein sct(urtli and to secure per(ormance o[thc
<br /> abligutions ca�tnined herein,tugether N•ilh ol!6uildingv.impruvemenls, fixlums imd nppiuten:�nces anJ ull ensemenls thereunto
<br /> � {�longing. und it is mutunlly covennnteYl nnd ngreed by tu�d br.tween the parties hereto thnt all plumbing, gas, electric nnd
<br /> � mechnnicnl fixtures, appliancex, equipmcnf. mnchinecy and upparntus,(loor caverings,slarm windows und screenv,nnd sucl�other
<br /> . goodx und ehaltcls and personal property as nre eacr(urnishi�d by¢I:mdlord in letting or opernting nn im(urnished building,eimi-
<br /> I.�r to lhe one now or heren(ter on hoid premises.whieh arc ur shull be ntinched to said huilding in an�• manner whnlscever, nrc
<br /> �� ;md shnll bc dectnevl tu bc tixturrs tmd an acces+ion to ihr(rrohold and n purt nf thc rcalty us behvern the pnrties hcretn,their
<br /> . heirs,execulurs,adminialrators.successms nr ns.si�;ne.mid ull prrson.; rlaiminF by. [hrough or under fhrm,nnd vhall be drrmrd
<br /> � tn be tt�wrtion of the securily fur the ind��btednesv herein menlionrd and fu b��cuvrred hy ihi.a mort�;a�r.
<br /> �. . . . �..�..ss+d'•��;�' .
<br /> � PROVIDGD AI.WAYS, mid lhrse pn�sent4 ore ez<•cuted :md d�lierrrd upnn iho fnlluwin;: ennditionv;:��;rnem��nL< and , N��`'-�- ..
<br /> IuLli�;aliunti of Ihn b1or�Fn�;nrs, ta wiL . � ', ��
<br /> The ?�tortgngor tigr�•cti to pny ln th�Murl�:ngee.ur ordrr, th�� princip�il sum nt . THIRTY-TWO THOUSAND THfi�E � �'
<br /> HUNDRID TEN AND NO 100-- ----- ---- -------------- _ . _.
<br /> � --- __ta 32,310.00 �a
<br /> _
<br /> __..__. . _ .__ _... � u„n�,�.;.
<br /> _ . _.
<br /> �+?
<br /> pnynble as provided in n nu(c executrd and delivered cancurrrNly herew�ilh. thr (ival pavmrnt af principal, i( nnt �oonrr paid. �
<br />�.. �m thc .lst._ ..._....._dnv nf....._.�u�`uyt... ....._.._. _�.2005
<br />`
<br />� I Coo��IpA11985 b�f'r�Iti�dknfSirlvRs�nd Lo�n 4�aaciallon ol Llnealn,llnealn.Hebra��a I
<br /> 91 V �
<br /> �
<br />