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<br /> p1012T(IAGI�.
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<br /> _ __— .
<br /> '. ���iu�ct���,i ���,��uu � 22,Z43 P16IC
<br /> � s�o�vni.i.nu:�vuvrnrsrritiseNis:rn,u Rai�dall D. 5c:hulz and Lorraine F. Schulz, each in his
<br /> and lier own right and as spouse of CdCIt other,
<br /> � �turty.egur,wliethe�unc r.r more,in eunsidcreliun of the sum uf
<br /> , Twenty-seven Thnusand and No/100---------------------------------------------------
<br /> ----- - — -------- --- _._. _ --- ___ --- __._ __-- --noi.i�,�its
<br /> � loaned to said uiortgay,ur b\1'lic I��.ymlalde Buildiug and I o�n A�y".i niun ul tnand i�l mJ,Nch�a�Aa.Noit�tapec.upun 2J��i��res ol etock uC
<br /> . +aid ASti(XIA1'10\,CcrlilYcatc �o.l.zz.z43 MUIC ,,i,hcaby Kinnt.�unccr and m�itkage unro Ihc�aid AJSOCIA"IIU�tlie IolluwinK
<br /> � dcsc�iimd ical 4`SI81C.f1111:1IC1I in il;dl Cuuut��,\cbiask,i:
<br /> LOT 1W0 (2) IN f3LOCK FOURTEEN (14) IN
<br /> ,
<br /> k'.'.
<br /> �
<br /> � I�ikcthci +eiU� all Ilir lencmcnls.hcicJilantenls and;ippwlenanccx Iliereunlu hclun�;inK.intluJin�:+tlatlicJ Iluur rorenng�,all�cin�lo�e scrceuv. �
<br /> �cinduw nliades,h11i�J�.sl�nm�eiinL��rx.;��cninFs,he;tlink,ui�r�mdllinninti,and pluml�mg:end�saler equipment anJ ncce;sviles Iheiet��.pwnps,slu�es.
<br /> t .. icGige�alun.,md u�hrr lislmes and cyuipment nua ur herc;dlei an;�chr,d tu or u.ed m romicetiun�ri�h�aiJ re:d cuate.
<br /> AnJ�nc��r.n U�c said nwiqta�:o�ha�a�;iced anJ dnes hcicL+��aKrec ilr.ii U�c mo���;a�;vr shall ;md;eill pa��all ia�es and a�sessiuems le��ied m
<br /> . �s�c�.cd upun said picmi�ca and up�rn Ihi�m nlgagc and Ihe bond cecy I tcl+y, �cti�re ihc=ame thall I ceume dehnqurul:tu lu�nish appiuved
<br /> numan.c upon Ilw huilJinKs on s�iJ picmi<c.�iwalcJ iu dic smn��I S�����0•U� ��•���I�Ie tu .aid AStif)('IA1 ION and tu dclierr ti�said .
<br /> � ASti(X'IA'IlU'�the pi�I�CICSIUI SAItI 1115UIIIOCC.:111�IIUI(U C��Illlllll UI��PIIIIII:111\'\\':61C VII CI 8LJ111 SJIII rICII16CS �
<br /> - In rase u(�.Icfaull in ihe pertoimance ul am��d ihe icmu anJ conddium uf this nu�iivaKe ui dir bund scrwcd I�e�eb��,ihe mmlgagee shall.
<br /> � ou J�•mauJ.Lc cntlUcd tu itntneJialc puscr}zioa�rt�he mouyaReJ preuu•�c+ and tlic �umlp�a�oi In,icbc acsiE:ns. Itanslirs ami sris ocei lu Ihe �.
<br /> � m�n�gagec all�he ients,�evenues anJ incmne���be di�iir��d liom ihc munya�{ed prcmises,lu�inF such Ume a<Ihe mu�IgaKe inJebtednes5�hall�elneiu
<br /> i�. nnpaid:auJ Il�c nwrtFa�:ec shall havc ihe pmc�i bi ap�minl any a�t�•nt ui agcnl�it m;n�dcrirc lot ihe nmpesc uf iep�i�inK saiJ premises anJ rcu�inµ .
<br /> �he s:fine aud l'OIICfllllµIIIC ICIIIS,IP\CpI1C311111I IIIiUIIIC.;LIIII II I71111'��8\'�t01 �il viid incuuie all e�prntcs nl irpairinK said Fnemises and necesvYry �
<br /> � rommi��ions:ind c�pcnscti inrnirrJ in�cn�in�±ond ncm:ipn�!thc�:unc anJ ��I�rollec�inF �cn�als iherelr�nn: Uw I�al:mre rcmaininq,il a�n•.�0 1��
<br /> -; � applied Ina�aid die di�chaq�c uf e�,iiJ mortNaqe indcbtedn.sr.thes�•�iKhts ul Ihe moilFa�ec ina��Le e�euisrJ at.un�time�huhiy.�he exis�ence ol eii�h
<br /> i J�•laul� mispecliceul m�iem��nan��caia.ru(ilier�ime.
<br /> f
<br /> � I hi . Pieunly.honrcci..n�upun Ihc CimJiti�.in.�fh�,il il�I�.v said Alonka�:nr ch.dl�cp�iy�,;nJ I��an un oi I�cloic ihc mahmt�•ol taid�harer b��
<br /> . pm�menl;pa��nwnihh'tu�;ud AtiSU1:l,\'llOti nf�he�um sprrilir�l in Ihe 8��nd�tcun�d hcieby ac micie.�and piincipal ur.�aid l��au,�rn ai heli�ie .
<br /> t6c"f���enliclh�Lie u(radi anJ cvcn•m�rnth,unlil s,ud I��an i�li�ll� p�fid:pa��all i,i�ev.�nd as•,es�nu`n151e��i�d u¢ainst 5811I�Ifl'lllll�9 dIIII�.n?ihis 1lmtgaRe
<br /> � � :uid thc It��nd�ecmrd ihcicbp.bckric dclinyucnc���.lunush ap�•ro��cd in+.wann�upun Ilrc huildiu�s Iheieon ia thr wm o�S 2���U�.Q� ��:n ahlc
<br /> � in�aiJ AS5UC1,\110ti�.iepa}�u�s:ud A$tiUl'L�1111N upun dem:uiJ all un�ner I+c il paiJ bn rudi I:ues.a•.�rcvnrms and in�wanc�r�vilh inletest at �
<br /> 7 �lie nc�tnnum Ir�t:d�a�c iheicun liom Jate uf pay�nicnl all al wluch�I��i�ka}:oi h-�el�c a�:iec>�n�rn��.peimit iw wasir�m r.�id P�emi�es:keep;md a�mpl�� .
<br /> _ �eith all Ihe a4icemenis anJ e„ndiii,�m ul tlic 14and lo�5 27 p��0 �0 ihi�day Gi�en hc ihe v,�nl 11nrtRaKo�lu siid:\S�UI'I;\IlUN.and annple
<br /> �cilh:ill llie reyui�emcnts ot Ihc l'�nnlitnhuu:md B���La���s�d said:1550CI:\-Il(lN�.thrn Ihese presen�s eh;dl beiuinr null�uid ��,af.ntliern�ae 16ev
<br /> �hall i��mam m tidl I��ric anJ mae be Imeclu�ed al�hv np�ion�d tl�c aiid AS�UCIA�III)N elle� lailwe Ihr thiee mvnlhc tu ma4.e am�ol ,aid
<br /> 3 pay menls u�6e Unec IIIu11IIlti 111:111!'All III 1178h111�:SJI�ItlO111I1�1'�411'llll`III].OI in Ac��p and a!mpl���vidi the�K�eetneN�and coinlilian�nf v.�iJ Hond�.
<br /> � and!�1o�tgakui:ipice.tu hace a�e�:en�ei ap�,oiu�ed I��ilh�eid�in sudi loicrloswe piocredin�+s.
<br /> � � I1�IIICP•I]BII\'Cllilll�;C 111 U11'Ol'Itld��PI IIIC IC:II CXII1�C 1111111PdWl•lI IICiI`III.I��' �JII' oi ��Ihtncise.Umn Ihc entiic irinainink indel+feJness Itr�cl���
<br /> ; � .Yccwcd sh;dL al Ihe uptinn ol f6c I�.quil��hle Buildink and I!�an Assuriaiiuu uf l�r.mJ IslanJ.�ebiaska.becume imnredixtrly Jue a�u�paynUlc�silhoul
<br /> � lurlhci nuiice.nnd Ihe;nnuunl icmainin�:Juc unde� caiJ b�md,and am�iqhci I�und lor any adJiii�.!nal ad��auccs niade dicicunJer.s6nll.Irom Ihe
<br /> Jaic ul cxcr:i+u uf s:iid opiiun,hca�inlcicsi;il ihr ma�iimun ItF!:II IJII`.JIl1I IIIIS mu�tK,i¢.mac Ihcn br laii•clused 1��salirly tlic arnuwil duc on saiJ
<br /> � I�UfIlI.J111I NIII'Idlll'f IInIIII IUt BI��IIlIU11NI N1I\'AlilCt,ill�!l`IIICI 11'l1ll�II SIIIIIY�lAltl I�\'t:llii Thr I�.yuilablC BIIIIIIIIIk JIIII L�r311/�cc��fl811191 UI(ilJil�ISl;ill�.
<br /> Nehiatkn f��i tn�wanre.la.vesandasec�smenls.nnJ�ilislractinKrslencivndruy.es. �vilh iu�e�cst Ihem�•n. hom dale n( pa)'menl at Ihe maxinmm
<br /> Ic�al mlc.
<br /> ,\s pmviJeJ m the IIunJ;ecwrd heiebp.�rlule Ihis ninu�taYe iemains in elfecl 16e m��i�knkce may heiealter a�.iennce additivnal sium lu Ifn,
<br /> ' makcn nl+aid 8und.d�ri�assipns ui sucei�sxu�s in inlrresl.which sums al�all I+c witliin Ihc�ccwily ul Ihi�muilKaKe lhc samc a.thr(unds oii�in;{Ily
<br /> i . >crured Ihctcbv,Ihc IuL•�I amuunl nl piincip;d dcbi nol In u�cccJ al any lime Ihe mi4inal umuunl ol Ihis muil.KaKr.
<br /> ; l\�`\ ii.��,•a w(� � �i:� r i July � n i" 7 ;' .,
<br /> , ,� , � _ ,, :
<br /> . r�� : � �.� G > >
<br /> .
<br /> § ��n„��.��. e�- �:_ _ �T���. _ _�� �����
<br /> RandaTl—D-�cliu-lz ' � .,1 ----- l�i-raine 1=. 5ciiuT 1
<br /> .i ,
<br /> 17'ATI'01�NI DRASKA,� r �
<br /> �t. tlnthis ���fl d;n��,f �)U�y I' ��,hefoicrnc.
<br /> ('t�UN PY OF I IAI.I. 1
<br /> ib1�undc{siKucd.; Notat}•Public in�m li�r s;dd C��unty,pc�aunnlly cnmc
<br /> Randall U. Schulz ond Lorraine F. Schulz, each 7n In s an� her own r7y�it and as spouse of � ;;,
<br /> each OC�101'. ____. wlu, drC psr�uualiyknuwnw yyy�
<br /> LInC lu I!c Ilir,idPMiCaI pCtsun S u'h��sc namc s are al(izcd lo lhc al���vX inslnuncnl�u'dwlkaKut S anJ t�l�,y .�cvcinlly � .
<br /> ( / �
<br /> � ackm�wlcdgcd Ihc�aid tnsiramcnl lu br the i r r�dunl.�r�•a�l;�nd dceJ. ( � •;• . .
<br /> � /� �
<br /> VUTNPtiS m1'h:md and tinlanal S�•.il Ihc datc;Jotes�ud. � � ��� 1
<br />�;� ti1��('umtnis�ian cx��iics �� i�r'7 (.� � . .
<br /> � . > �, ( .. ,,c, r. l
<br /> . .. , _
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