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<br /> rsubsequent �ars taxes and further agree that they will purchase ,
<br /> keep, and maintain in £u11 force and ef£ ect , fire , wind and
<br /> tornado insurance upon the residence on said premises in at
<br /> least the sum of $ 25 , 000 . 00 and all other buildings thereon
<br /> shall be likewise insured in a sum not less than $ 15 , 000 , 00
<br /> which said policies in the event of a loss shall be paid to
<br /> the SELLEP.S to apply upon the contract herein � unless replaced
<br /> by buildings of equal value ,
<br /> It is further agreed that the SELLERS will deliver certain
<br /> items as follows , to-wit : the kitchen stove , refrigerator ,
<br /> drapes , television antenna , and a11 furniture located in the
<br /> basement of said premises ; also the followinq items located an
<br /> the land, to-wit : one cattle chute ; one Paul scale ; one small
<br /> z;
<br /> �, , stock w3ter tank ; one manure spreader ; one flat bed machine
<br /> trailer ; one hay elevator and one two wheel trailer .
<br /> � It is agreed that no part of the premises herein sold by
<br /> a .
<br /> ; the SELLERS to the BUYERS shall be sold for subdivision purposes
<br /> S
<br /> nor will the BUYERS subdivide said premises for the period to
<br /> ` and including the year 1983 . It is agreed that the corn crop
<br /> now on said premises may be harvested in accordance with the
<br /> !
<br /> � ' present lease and distribution of the proceeds made in accordance
<br /> ,;
<br /> t therewith .
<br /> }; This Agreement shall be binding upon the heirs , administra-
<br /> � tors , and assigns of the BUYERS and SELLERS ; the BUYGRS and
<br /> 3
<br /> ` SELLERS agree to place in escrow with the Pirst National Bank
<br /> �
<br /> ` of Grand Island , Nebraska a good and sufficient deed to said
<br /> �
<br /> 2 premises , free and clear of all encwnbrances , and all payments
<br /> under said contract sha11 be made to the First National Bank
<br /> s of Grand Island , Nebraska , for the benefit of the SELLERS herein .
<br /> 5 IN �9ITNESS WI�REOF , We have hereunto set our hands the
<br /> date ,and year first above written .
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<br /> Wii)ness ./ � C . F . �WHITE -.
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