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<br /> +ioirrc;nc;r i.onti No. L 22s236---
<br /> KN0IYALL�t1iN8Y7'llliS81'RL•SI?N7'S:'fhat James G. Fredrickson and Merle B. Fredrickson, each in
<br /> �
<br /> his and her own right and as spouse of each other, hi,,,,KoK„�,wne,i,C,,,,,�„�,,,�«,inwnsiderutionufthesumuf
<br /> Twent -five Thousand and No/100----------------------------------------------------
<br />+ —Y -- --- —. ------- T)OLI.ARS
<br /> ��
<br /> loancd to said mur�gagur by 7'lic fyuitablc Uuilding and Lu�n Aseocmtwn ul Gf�IIII ISIJ�III.Nl'I)f:ISl:il.MUfI�;d�'CC.Il�lUi��� sliares u(stuck of
<br /> said ASSOCIATION,Curti(icatc No.L 9 9q ,du hcrcby grant.cotney and nwrtgngc untu the said ASSOCIA'1'ION Uic folluwing
<br /> i describrd«:d eslate,si�uated in Ilall l'o2iTlt�.'lG��raska: ...
<br /> E ;i;
<br /> �.'r
<br /> ,i,s
<br /> iogeihe� wi�h all �he �enemeius,hen�dilaments and appurrensnces dirieunlu belnn�ing.includiug;�ttaclied Ouo�cuverings,ull winduw screrns. � . .
<br /> w�inJuw xhade�,hlinJs.s�oim��•iuduws,aw�ungti.heating,aii eunditiunin�;.and plumbing and water eyuipment and aecessories theretu.puntps.stoves, � � .
<br /> ref�igeralors,and uther li�turos w�d cyui��ment nuw ur he�caltrr aUached lu ur used IIl 1UI111C111U11 N'illl S�III fl'OI l'tilate. � .
<br /> i�ll��11'�Il'll'JS 1�1[tiJll�IIll1I(;JKtt�IIJS�IKICCII ell�l�UC1�lCll'�)1'�IE:fI'l' I�I:II I�It' IllUfl�;:ll'.Vf 3�1���:111�\VIII�?81':III l�\l•5 BIIII ll5SC55f71CfIlS ICVICd Of . . �
<br /> :ItiSL`SSC�U�)UIl SJIII�tfl'II115C5;IIIII IIFIU11 IIIIS I71Uf1�;8�;1':IIItI Illl`�lUlll�Sl•l'llll'� I�II'Il'�/V�)C�UfC l�ll`S:II11C SIIHII�CCUIIIC lICI111l�UClll:lU IIIf1115I1�P�fl)YCII �
<br /> insurancc upon Ihr buildings on s:ud picmises siluatrd in the swn ul S 25 f000.00 p.i�ahlc lu said i�SSOCIKIION anJ to drlirer ro s�id �
<br /> ASti(X'I�CI�ION t6c pnlicics I'oi uud insurancc:and not iu cuinntit m�)L'11➢11:IIIC\\'JSII'UII Uf 8I)UU�SJIII�lll'p71SC5: � � � .
<br /> �11 iJtil'll��l'��Ill�l Ifl I�ll'�±t'II�!Illl:lill'l'UI:1111't)I�Ill Il'III15 JIItI l'l)Illlllll)Il)U) l�llti Illt)fl(�:1(;t'U(l�ll'�7UIIl�u�urccl liere6y.thr mortgagce shall� � ' .
<br /> ()11 i�C1118111�.�1t'l'llll��l'l�l(1 IIIIiIICI�I:III'�ti)ti5C)SIUII U� I�IC IIIU(1�!:I,CCI��)fl'Illt)l'S All� I�II' ill(til(.J;.'.Uf �ICfC�1' :1)SI�;IIY� lf�I15ICI� 811(� SCIS UVCf l0 l�ll' � �
<br /> mongagee all thc rents.�evcnucs and incunu 1u be dem�ed Gum ihe murtEaged premius during such time as the nwnguge inJebtedness shall remam ... .
<br /> - ❑II�I:IIlI.:1111I UIC IIIUfI�!:IFCd SI18II II:I\'t'thc pu�vcr iu appuint nny�gcnl ur ugcnts il ma��drsirc fur Ih¢purpusc ol rcpai�mg s�id premises and renting .
<br /> tlic s�me and cullec�ing ihe nnts.icrenucs 2I11I Illl'UIIIC.JII�I 11 Ill�)'�t21'l�lll ul'said incomr :dl espenses uf rep�irinF suid premises and necessary �� �.
<br /> cumnusaiuns and rxpeuses incurred in renting and maue�;ing the s;nne:md ul'culleclin�; �en�als Iheref�rom: the L+a�ancv remaining.if any,to be .
<br /> applicd tn�ea�d thc Jischarge uf said monpage inde6�edness:theu rights uf�he murtgagce m:�y be exercised at any�[ime during thc esistence ul'sucli �. �
<br /> Qef�idi.inespce�ive ui any tempura�y wai��cr u(die sante. .. . .
<br /> ��I�`til���fC�tI115.�I�)1\'��'l'f.;lll'll�Il)II Illl'C�t111llllll111.I Il:ll I�IIIC f;ll(I��()lI�;J�;11�1I1JII fl'��:1\'�:IIII Il).lil llll Uf I)l'�UII'lI1C III:IIU[II)'11I tiJl�S�IJ(C!�)�' . .
<br /> p���ment:pa�mun�hh'tn}aid:\Sti0CL1'I�IOX of ihe sum specifieJ in Ihe Bund secured hrreby a+utirrell aud principal un said lu:m,on ut be(�+m � � �
<br /> l�ll`�Ncll�lCl�l�:11'11I f:ll'�I JIIt�i`1'i'1\'IIIl�I11�I.Ulill�S;III��t):1II It IUII�'�1:IIJ:(1J\':III(J\CS:IIIII�1SCStillll'llll ICtllt•tI il1�:11(15l SJII��)fCl1115CS�IIII UII 1II15�IUIIEB�;C � .. �
<br /> and�hc Hond sccwrd Ihcreb��.Lcfuic dclinyucucr:lumisl�appiuvcd insur.inec upun�hc bwldings tlicreun m tlic sum ul S 25�QQQ.QQ pap:d�le : .
<br />�. , �o sud ASSOC1:1110\;icp:rc iu s.iid ASSU('IA'llO\'upun drmand all muncy br it�FII(I IUf SUl'II IJaCS.8ti11'S}III('lIU'JIIII insurante��ith in�etest at
<br />� ; �Ill'Ili:l\Illllllll IC�;;II f;lll'(IIC'Il't>11�I�.?111�.1�1'�If�1.1�'111t11�:III�1�1{'III�II,I��II�:J�;UI Ill'Il'�1 J1'fL'l'1 l�l F�,1\'.rl'fI7t1I fIU lV:l)IL'U11 S:IIII F)IGIIII)CS.I:I'l'�:IfIII 1UI11�1I}' � � �
<br /> � v:ith:ill�he agrcemruts�nd a,nditiuns u(tiie Bond lu�S 25����.��t6is day gi�rn 6y ihe}eiJ llurtgagur w s�id ASSOCIA I10�,and eomply . .� .
<br /> wlih all Ihe requi�cmcnts u(the Cunstitutiun and ISy�Laws uf s�id,\tiSOCIAI'IOti:lhen lhese prcscnls tihall become null anJ vuid,ut6erwix thev . � .
<br /> shall icmain iu lull lincc and ma)' bc tincduscd al thc aptiun u��hc tiaid ASSOCI:1110\ sllcr lailwe lur threc monlhs lu tnakt any uf said �. � . . .
<br /> p.p mrnl.ui bc Ihicc mumhs iu 111'�fti 111 IIIdl.11l�'\L�ItI IIIVIIIIIII'PJ}'illl'1115,UI �u F,ccp anJ cumply with thc agtccmcnts and candi�iuns o(said IiunJ: . .
<br /> - :wJ 9luugegoi agn�es W ha��c a reu•i�ci appuinlcd lo�di��ith in suih fuiceloswr piucccdiugs'.
<br /> II there is auy chuntir in uwne�ship uf ttic rcal estate mongaged hcrcin,hg�alc ui uthenvise,then lhe enurc�emaming indebtedness hereby � .
<br /> >rcwcJ yI1:lII.:lI UIC U�)IIUII UI I IIC I1t�1111:IL1IC UUIIIIIII�;JI1lI LU811 A1)Ul'i;lUUfl O�Gf.lI1lI ISIAiIII.�C�11:I5I�e.I1rl'Uilll'III1111C1Il:lll'I)'IIUC i1111I�)8}'�bll'\YIUIUUI � .
<br /> I111��i�'1 II�ll�l'..111t�I�li'JIIIIIl111i Il'1I1J111111�!t�ll(lllll�l'f�.fll��t�llll�.�I71�:III\'Ul�ll'f I)t)I1lI IUf;1115':IIIlIIl1U118I:1{I��III'CS Ill:l�l'llil'ftllll(Itf.5I7JII.I(UII7 lI1C �
<br /> t�Jl�'t�l l\Cll'ItiC ll�S.II��I�)11i111.Ilt:li IIIiCII'ti�dI llll•fll:ltllflllfll I�'�;:fl i�lC.:lill�IIIIS Illufl�.l�;l`I11.IV l�ll`17 f1C IUfCLIUSCtJ lll 5.11131}'lIl[8111OUf1l I�UC UI7 5:11(� � .
<br /> I���IIiI.;1111I:IIIV'�11II1't I1��I71I I��f JIIlIIl1U11JI:IlI1'.Iilll'S.ll��;�'flll:(\\'1�II:III 5111111��:tlll IJ\'S:IIII�I Ill'�:i�llll'J�1fC{�II1��If1K 811t��.U811 Associati�n�1(�18111��5�8f11�,
<br /> 1.•hiasAa lur mtiut:wn.ta�cs anJ as�cssntrnis,and ah�tracting c��cntiuu ch��gcs, ���ilh intercst lhcrenn. (�utn datt ul paymcnt at thc maxitnum � �
<br />� I��g;d r.�ic. . � .
<br />�'��� As p�ueided in Ihr.8und seeutcJ heic6q.�ehile Ihis nturlg��:r rcmams in eliecl Ihc murtgagee nta}'hc�tallcr aJvauce additional sums�u�he . � .
<br />� m:ik�rs ul said B�mJ.U�cir assigns o�snccc�sors m micresi,which sums�h;dl bc wi�hin Ihc SCl'llfllY O(1I11Y II7Vf1�;:1KC IIIL•SJO1C as thc lunds unginally . . .
<br />€'...�. srcwcJ ihc�cby.Ihc�ul�l el7llllllll UI�t(II111�1�I lIl'Itl IIUI lU CSCCCtI:11;IIIV Illlll'IIIC UI1�1118I:IIIWllfll UI Illlti I11uf��;B�;V. . �
<br /> 1
<br />�^ D��ed Ihis 8th day��f �U�,y �\.I1 1��6 � -, j � '
<br />� �—_1�a%�J �"' � .�-=�'CL4�'L�L`��'._—�_,_ i�' �.' '',�j i�.;�//,�-:'�>-:/�
<br />� '
<br />� , ,7 James G. Fredrickson � Merle d. Fredrickson
<br />€
<br /> r .
<br />� tiT,1'(f OI NEBRnSKA, ss. On iliis 8th da}u( JUIy I'�76 .bcforc me,
<br />� COUhTY Oh IIALL� � , '
<br /> �hc wiJcrsiFncd.a Yuruy Public in mid Ibr s�iJ Cnunty persunally camo
<br /> James Fredrickson and Merle B. Fredrickson, each in his and her own right and as spouse � �
<br /> 0 � �vho are persunully known to y
<br /> �' RY
<br /> � ` i�lyt,l��dc,��lf�1 son S «'husr namrS are �Ifiacd lu��ll':I���VI'IIIS(Illiill'lll�S IIIUflE86U15 �iiil they ..cvcrully . ;�
<br /> l !
<br /> � ail�r��'1cJ�,eJ�hp�Syd m �,�������i�,��� thei r �uhmtarq acl an��cc�. 1``
<br /> i ^ �� �, � �L � i r i �4'IjN���S III�'II:II1lI AIItI NUIlf18I SCII llll'tlllll'JIUII'SdIII. �
<br />� � . ` '• • � J � .... -
<br /> 1 � �� ����1�Condnissiun expiics � �,1� �� �� ��� �� �, ,�tI
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