_ � t;;:
<br /> � . ! ....,�fiw .
<br /> � �
<br /> , ,, S1'A'1'F. UP Nli131tASKA, Cow�ty of ....................................................: '
<br /> `.; Piled for record on ................................. 19........at............................ o'clocic ........................ i1L
<br /> uud recorded in the lleed l�,ecord ................................. Pagc ....................,........ .
<br /> ,.1� .................................................................................... 13y .......................................................................................... ,:
<br /> l�cgister of llecds Dcputy Itegieter of lleeds
<br /> � ?'c5-()03J,36
<br /> ;;
<br /> r�; Roland D, Hammer and DeAnn M. Hammer, Husband and Wife, each in His and Her
<br /> ' own right and as spouse of each other ,Lerein called the grantor wheCher one or more,
<br /> :��
<br /> �� in considerution of Forty-Five Thousand Nine-Hundred and No/100 ($45, 900.00) Dollars
<br /> � ri�cei��ed from gravtees, does grant, burgain, sell convey und confirm unto
<br /> �s
<br /> �' James G. Fredrickson and Merle B. Fredrickson
<br /> ,:�
<br /> 4'ii
<br /> S
<br /> *°s as joint tenants with rigLt of survivorship, emd not ais tcuant�s in common, the following described renl
<br /> "!;i
<br /> � property in ................Hall...................................... Connt��,ATebraska: :
<br /> r3 Lot Four (4) in Block Four (4) in Kay-Dee Subdivision, Located on part of the
<br /> �i Southwest Quarter of the South�vest Quarter (SW1/4SW1/4) of Section Twenty-One
<br /> i (21), in Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P,M„ in Hall
<br /> {:�
<br /> County, Nebraska
<br /> # I�'EQRhSKN DCCUM[PdTAR'( �
<br /> ii S I�iaiP TAX
<br /> %a
<br />� � � ,: , .=sa� �i U L 1 G 1976 �
<br /> ,,, '
<br /> ��":: �
<br /> � y; SO �O py,J��. ,'
<br /> .;`; ---
<br /> .
<br /> � 'Po liu��e und to Lold the uLoce descrited premises toqether witL alt tenements, heredituments
<br /> und uppurtenunces Lhereto belonging unto tlie �rantecs und to their ussigns, or to the heira and assiqns
<br /> of the snrvi��or of t.hem foreccr.
<br /> '; And grautor docs hereUy coven�mt �cith the �runtecs and �vith their nssigns und �sith the heirs
<br />� and assi�is of the suil�i�•or of lLem that gravtor is ln�sfully seised of sxid premises;thnt they nre free frmn
<br />� encumbr�mce except easements and restrictions of record,
<br />�
<br />� tluit grautor has good ri�;ht and luu'ful �mthority tu ennti�ey tlie tiame; und that gr.urtor ���urrants und �rill
<br /> deYcnd tlic title to sai4 prcuiises a�ains� the ]a�sfut claims af +ill p��rtions �cliomsnc��cr. � �
<br />� It is tlic iutention of all p�u�ties Lereto tLat iu tt�e ecci�t ot thc denth of citlir.r of tlie grantcce, � �
<br /> ili�� �•ntire Pec title to thiti rr�il prop�•rt�� s.Irill �-ent iri ihc sur��irir�q graii6ce. �
<br />-.�.�::`:i ... � .
<br /> Dated Jul 8, 79 76
<br /> ; Y � _.
<br /> + ...................................................................................
<br /> ........��...�..�..............................
<br /> � �ic��la/nd D. Hja�m�/�
<br /> ..C/..�:..GG��n.�..%'l•�••,J� " .... . . �L, �
<br />.._,:s, ................................................................................... .... .......Lln'i�Irx.G. .i....
<br />� � DeAnn M. Hammer
<br /> ` S'1'ATl� Ol�' ....NEBRASKA .................. Coui�t�• of .........Hall
<br /> ........................ ..............................................
<br /> �<;r:i , �
<br /> I3cforc mc,a uotary public yualificd for snid count}•, personally cumc �
<br /> Roland D. Hammer and DeAnn M. Hammer, Husband and Wife,
<br /> each in His and Her own right and as spouse of each other,
<br /> s
<br /> ,.�1,- ys •
<br /> knnicn to me lo be thc identicul person or persons�vho signed the foregoing instntment nnd ackno«•IedFed
<br /> �lie c�ccutiou tl�ereof to be}�is,hcr or tlicir voluntary uc[ and deed. ' N
<br /> � �� ' � � ,
<br /> ..
<br /> ��Vitucss mj��RiPiltdi no�nl seal on ......il.�.....�`....................................... 19..��....... ,•
<br /> :' - �FIIERILL IIOTApY � ' ! c„
<br /> Sbt�of M�6ruka i/ �• ��GCc �'otary Pnblic �
<br /> . .....................�.................... .................................. .
<br /> = .tiY� ...... Yr Commhslon Fxpircs i� ,
<br /> �. � �~� JAHUARY 6.1978 y � �
<br /> . . . �i
<br /> --, .11v eommiss�on ezp�res.....:�:r:�.�-:�?�:�.. �........., 19..�..........
<br /> P��riu l:! 7'n bi• n����rucrd b}• \�Lr,ulr�titnlr liar.�.cnciatiun r•«iw,�@ N'olt W..�n,NeLr.
<br /> � J
<br />