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<br /> AfORTGACG — -- --
<br /> ------ h10RTGAGIiL0ANN0. L 2Z.�B8
<br /> � KNOW ALL�fI:N iiY rruse�ResenTs:ri,�i Cl i fford T. Jacobs and Sharon K. Jacobs, each i n hi s
<br /> and her own ri ght and as spouse of each 0'Lh21'.���rtgagor,whether one ur more,in consideration of the sum u(
<br /> Thirty-four Thousand Three Hundred and No/100------_---------------------------- i>o�Lnas
<br /> loaned�o said morigagur b}''Phe I:quitable Iluilding and Luan Aswciation of Grand Island.Nebraska,Aturtgagee,upon 343 sh�res of smek of
<br /> said ASSOCIATION,CertiGcatc No.L 22.�8a ,Jo hcreby grant, convey und mortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION the following
<br /> . describeJ rcal estate,situated in I�lall Cuwny,Nc6raska:
<br /> �.
<br /> � together �+�ith all the �enements,he�editaments and appur�enances thereunto belonging,including attached iluur coverings,all�eindow xreens,
<br /> � x�indo�+•shades,blinds,storm���induws,awnines,heating,air cunditiuning,and plumbing and�sater eyuipment and acceswries thereto,pumps,stoves,
<br /> � refrigeraturs,and other fixtures and.quipment nuw or hereafter a[tached�o or used in cunnectiun with said real es�ate.
<br /> . And whereas the said mortgacor has ugreed and does hereby agree tli�t the nrortgagor shall and will pay all taxes and asseuments levied or
<br /> assessed upon said premises and upon this nwrtgage and the bund secured thereby before the s�me sliall bemme delinquent:to furnish approved
<br /> . insurance upon the buildings on said premises situated in�he sum uf S 34�3QQ.QQ pay'sble to said ASSOGATION and to deliver to said
<br /> 6 ASSOCIATION the pnlicies for said insurance;and not tu cummit ur permit any waste on or abuui said premises .
<br /> . In case uf de(ault in the perfunn�nce of any ui the terms and conditions of this murtgage ur tfie 6ond secured here6y,the mortgagee shall,
<br /> � on demand,bc entitled tu immediate pussession ul'the morigaged przmiscs and the murtgagor hercby assir,ns, tr:�nstrrs�nd sets ovrr to ihe
<br /> �uorig�gee all the�ents,�cvenues and income to be deri��ed trom the mortgagad prtmises during sudi time us the murtgage indebtedness shxll remau�
<br /> � unpaid:and the nwr�g�gee shall h�vr the power tu appoint�ny�gent or agents it muy desirc for�hr pucpose of mpairing said pretnises and renting
<br /> rj� the same and collecting ihe rents,rcvenues xnd incom�,and it may pay out ol suid incume all expenses of repairing said premises xnd necessary
<br /> � cummissions and expenses incurred im m�ting and m�nagin@ the same and of ml!ecting rentals thereCrom:the balance remaining.i(any,tu be
<br /> applied�oward the disch��ge ot said n:��rt�aee indebtedness:these rights of the mortgagec may be exercised at any time Juring the existence of such
<br /> �: de(ault,irrespcctivr ot any temporary�vaicer uf the same.
<br /> . Theu Prexnts,hu�rever,�re upun the Cundition.'(hat il the said\lurteacur shall repaq s�id loun on ur 6ziorr the m�turity u(said shares 6p
<br /> payment:pay nwnthty tu said ASSOCIA"fIOV uf iha sum specificd in the liond securzd hereby as interest and principal un said loan,on or betore
<br /> ihe T«�eutic�h dsy of rach and e��ery month,wuil s�id loan is fulic paiJ:p�y all ta�es and assessments levied acainst suid premises and on tliis lfortgage
<br /> t 34 300.00
<br /> and the Rond secured thereby,before delinyuencp:iunush upproved insurance upun the buildings therton in the sum of S � payabie
<br /> to said ASSOCIA710ti:repa}�to said ASSOCIAIIOV upon demand all money by it pmd fo�such taaes.asse�sments and insurance with interest at
<br /> �� ihe maximum legal r�te thereun frwn date u(pa}�ment�II uf which 1longueor hereby xerees to pay:permi�nu waste on said pmmises:keep and comply
<br /> ui�h all ihe agreements and cunditions of the[iond Ibr S 34}300.00 this day gi�zn Uy the said�iurtgagor tu s:iid:1SSOC1:1T101,and cumply,
<br /> H91I1 8II fI1C ffyWlClflCfllS U�fI1C CUI15fIlUGO(1�f1ll B\'-L'J\VS Ol 5011I ASSOCIATION:Illl'Il these pmsenti shall become null�nd�nid,utheru'isz thoy
<br /> shall cemain in(ull(ur.c and ma��be IureclouJ�t the uptiun uC the said ASSOCIA7'IOV after Cailu�e fur thrcc months w make any of said
<br /> paymrnts or bc th�ec munth�in arreacs in making said munthly payments,ur tu kcep and r.omply with the agreemems and eonditions of uid Uond:
<br /> - . �nd Atortgagur agrtes to ha��e��eceicrr appuinteJ funhwi�h m such loreclusure prottedings.
<br /> { If there is any changr in uwne�ship ol thc rcal csta�c nwr�gagcd herein,by sale ue uthcrwise,then thz entire remainine indebtedness hereby
<br /> secureJ shull,at the upiion of The Gyuit�ble Uuildine and Luan Assuciation of Giand Islsnd,\e6rxske,become immedi�tely due and payable x�ithout
<br /> further nu�ice,and the�mount remamine due under said bond,and anq uther bond fur any addition�l advances made thereunder,shall,frum the
<br /> date u(exerc�se i�(said optiun,be�r interest at the maximum Ictial r�te,and this mungage may then ba fo¢closed to satisfy the amount dua on ssid
<br /> bunJ,and an}�wher bund fur�ddi�ional nd���nres,toeether with all sums p�id by said The Equitable Building anS Luan.A,sociation of Grand IslanJ,
<br /> \ebraika(ur insurance,i�xes�nd asseuments,and abstracting eslensiun charges,widi interest thereon, trum d�te ut pa�'ment at the maximum
<br /> legalratc.
<br /> A�provided in th�Hund securcd hereb}•.�vliile ihis mongagr rem�ins in elfect tlie murtgagee may heresfter advance additiunal sums to the
<br /> � � makers uf said 6��nd,their assigns ur sureessurs in interest,which sums shall br within Ihe securitc nf this mortgaee tf�e s;ime�s die funds originaliy
<br /> '•� � ucured thereby,the total amuunt ut principal debt not tu exceed a�any time the o�i�,inal amount of this mongage.
<br /> n/y� i�5 17 f d�y�r June ,� ��..�', 76
<br /> /I /'�'��r' / �Z'/i+Y
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<br /> C��f d T. Ja,c9bs� /
<br /> �� ��r,�.{. i�� �,/'t it..�-G'-'1--�
<br /> �� Sharon K. Jacobs �'
<br /> k STATI:OF NEBRA51'v1,�ss. On this �]th ��Y�f June 1) 76 ,before me,
<br /> � COUN'fY OP fIALL i ,
<br /> the undersigned a hotan•Public in and for said County,personally came , ,
<br /> Clifford T. Jacobs and 5haron K. Jacobs, each in his and her own right and as spouse of 'N�,`;.
<br /> � �a�.C�}'O�tBr� w�ro ape Frrsunallyknavnto
<br /> L � �.. : � �
<br /> �me,tQbe Ih...�dFsftical peaon 5 «'hose name S hc'e affixed w the abuve instrument as murtgagor5 ��� they ��'erally
<br /> .J ��cknowledgEd,the said�instrument m be thei r r•oluntary acl and deed. � ',�
<br /> ! ',R'�7�VESS m}•lund and Notari�l Seal the date aCoreuid.�{ ' �
<br />'w�� _ .A1�CI>mmission expires �� '7� � `�, 1� ��1 I . .
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