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! .,. f zs <br />; • �w.. <br /> r � � <br /> pSTATL OF N�B1tASKA, County of ....................................................: <br /> Filed for record on ................................. 19.......,ut......................,..... o'clock ........................ i1f. <br /> nnd recorded in the Aeed Itecord ................................. Yuge ...........,................. <br /> .............................. ...... ................ �y ............. ...... .... ..........,..,........,.. <br /> .............. .................. ........ ............... . .................. <br /> Regieter of Deeds Deputy l�egister of lleeds <br /> r <br /> 7�- �����'�� SURVIVORSHIP WARRANTY DEED <br /> Kenneth M. Cull e.nd Carol A. Cu11, Husband and 41ife <br /> ,l�erein called the gruntor whethar one or more, <br /> in consideration of$4 2,9 00.0 0 <br /> `' received from grantces, doe� grant, bargain, sell convey and confirm unto <br /> Clifford T. Jacob� and Sharon K. Jacobs <br /> as joint tennnts with right of eurvivorship, and uot as tenante in commou, the following described renl <br /> ` property in ...............H.a1.1...................................... Cotmty,NeUrnskn: <br /> Lot Eighteen (18) Bishop Heights Subdivision, Hall County, idebraska. <br /> T���� fJEE3RASKA DOC���IENTARY � <br /> r.�C STkiv1F TAX <br /> el4�t <br /> P.�;:�' J Ul. 1 G 1976 <br /> .� <br /> ���av.�l� <br /> To Lnve nnd to hold the above described premises to�ether with all tenemeuts, hereditaments <br /> s and uppurtennnces thereto bclonging unto the grantees and to their ussigns, or to the hcirs and assigns <br /> � of t}�e siu���ivor of tLem fore��er. <br /> k And grUntor docs hereby covenant n•ith the gruntces nnd with their II691P.,II8 and �vith the heirs <br /> q <br /> and assigns of the survi�•or of them that grantor is lawPully scised of said premises;that they nre free from <br /> encumbrance <br /> y except easements and restrictions of record <br /> r, <br /> tl�at grantor has good riglit and lu���ful authority to cou��ey ilie �nme; nnd lh:it qrfmtor n•nrrttnts and ��•ill <br /> defend the title to snid premises a�ainst the ]a�cful cluims of all persm�s �cLomsoever. <br /> Tt is the iutention of nll partics Lcreto thnt in tha event of thc denth of either of the gruntces, � <br /> iLc rutire fec titic to thie re:il propw•ty shnll c��st in fhe survi�•ing grantee. <br /> £ � <br /> llated � � �i� 19� � l <br /> '' .................................................................................... � / �:,,',�.L_:C.'LG....?..��/•�••r.... ..L.C.'��: <br /> < <br /> � �� �1. �: <br /> ...................................................................................: ........ .......... ..... ..... ......... <br /> - n /� <br /> ���.VC:Q!,����.... Countv of ��G.��.�............................ <br /> , STAT� OF ......................... ..... ............ .......: <br /> 13efore me,t� notar}�public yualifieS for suid county, personnlly cume <br /> Kenneth Id. Cull and Carol A. Cull, each in his and her own right <br /> and as spouse of each other. <br /> kno�cn to me to Le the identicul person or persons�sho siqned tLe foregoing instrnment nnd neknon�led�ed `^ �F�;t-,`, <br /> the ezecution tLcreof to Uc Lis,licr or tLeir��alunt+iry act and decfl. �y : <br /> �Vificss my hand and notarial seal on....... ...................���� .. l.`7...., 19..�(�I...... � � <br /> L ,���� .� <br />, ......y��.C.��G��...�I.�....���:G�I<%.......... Notary Piiblic �S� . <br /> r � , In . .�11��. <br />` 5Iy comrnissiou espires...............�/.L.�'.�.��i....G:'...., 19...G:..�..... - <br /> j;,� 1'nrm I.'_' 'Co Lc a��nroced Uy \�•In•a=ka Stntr It:u�.lssnciation r•�iwn s wotr c�,..u��n.xr�.. <br />�� <br /> 4� �_ � � <br /> � <br />_� <br /> � <br /> F <br />.� <br /> � <br />