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<br /> hIORTCAGG
<br /> ------- nioitTcnce i.onn no._�22.242
<br /> KNOWALLAIENUYTIIfiSf:PR13SGNT5:That Lawrence E. Ffuwaldt and Anna f4. I�uwaldt, each in his
<br /> � and her own right and as spouse of each other,
<br /> � Atortgugor,whether une or more,in consideration of the sum of ..
<br /> ; ` Twentv-six Thousand One Hundred and No/100-----------------------------------------uoL[.nas
<br /> ' loaned to said mortgagor by The liquilable[luilJing�nd Luan Association uf Crand Island,Nebra�lca,Mortgagee,upon shares of stuck of
<br /> said ASSOCIATION,Certificate No.L PZ�2�2 ,do hereby grant,com�ey and mortgage untu!hc said ASSOCIATION the following
<br /> described real cstate,situated in Nall County,Nebraska:
<br /> t
<br /> �
<br /> � togetl�er wilh all the tenements,hereditamems und appurten�nees thereuntu beluneing,including attached Ilour cuverings,all H�induw screent,
<br /> - window sh�des,blinJs,sionn winduws,a�enings,healinc,air conditiunine,�nd plumbing and water equipment and acceswries thereto,puntps,sto�•es,
<br /> � «frigrrators,and other fi�tures and eyuipmeni nuw or hereufttr attached tu or used in cunuectiun wid�snid real estate.
<br /> .AnJ aherc�s the saiJ mu�tgagor has agreed and does hereby agrce tha� the murtgagur shall and will pay all taxes and assessments levied or
<br /> �.: � assr.ssed upon said pmmises and upun this mongaea and the bond secureJ thereby betiire the same shall brwme delinyuenC m fumish approti•ed
<br /> - . inwrance upon ihe buildings on said premises siluated in Qie sum of 5 2(��QQ.�Q pa7'ahle tu said ASSOGATION and to delieer to said
<br /> - . ASSOCIATION the policies fm said insurance;and not to cummit or pem�it any waste on ur about saici premises:
<br /> � In cax o(default in tlre perfonnunce of any of the terms and cunditions of this mortgage ur the bund secured hereby,the mort�,7gee 5hall,
<br /> - on demand,be entidrd to immrdiate pussessimi nt�he murt@aged prcmites and the nwrtgagor herebg assigns, transfers and sets ucer to the
<br /> ' mongagee all tiie rents,revanues nnd income to be deri��ad from the mort�g:i�:rd premises during such time ns thr mortgage indebtedness shall mmain
<br /> unp�id:anJ the monga�ee shall ham the puo�er tu appuint any agent oi agents ii m�y desirc fm thc purpose uf rcpairing said premises and renting
<br /> the s�me and collecting the rena,revenues:ind income,and it may pay out uf said income all ezpenses uf cepairing sxid premises and nteessary
<br /> � cummissiuns and e�penses incurred in renling and managing the same and o(collectinc �entals therefrom; the balance remaining,if any,to be
<br /> � applied lo��'ard!hc discharce ul s:�id nwne�Ee inde6tedness;these rights o(th�•mortgaece may be exerciud at any time during the existence o(sudi �
<br /> v de(�ull,irrespective of any tentporary��'aiver of the minc.
<br /> �` � l�hese Prosents,ho���cver,arc upon[he Condi[ion.Th�t i(�he suid 1lortg�gor�hall rep�y stid loan un ur befurc tha maturity o(s�id ehares by
<br /> r paymrni;pay munddy tu said:1SSOCIATIbV nf the sum�peciCied in the Bund secured hereby as interest and principal un said loan,un or belure
<br /> .�. thc T���enticth da��u(each and rvrp-month,until s�id lu�n is Cull��paid;pay all��xes and asse:�ments levied ag�ins�said premises and on this�lortgage
<br /> JI7(I UIC Bond secuted thereby,6e�ore delinyuenc��:(urnish approved insurance upon dte buildings'thrreun in the sum o(5 26����.�0 pa}'able
<br /> �o c:iiJ ASSOCI:1TIOti:rrp�y�u said ASSOCIATIO\upon demand all moncy by il paid(ur sueh t�xes,assessmonts and insurancr with interese at
<br /> � the m�simum IeF:il ratc thereun Gum data ol pacment all uf�vhieli lfuriGagur hereby agrces to pay;pennit iw waste on said premises;keep and cumply
<br /> wiih all the ac�eements and conditiuns ol the Bund for S 26 ��� nn th�s d�y given by the s:uid 1lurtgagor tu vid ASSOCIATIOti,and cmnpiV
<br /> � «�ith all the reyui�ements of th�Cunstitwiun and 8y-Laws uPs�id,CSSDCIATIOti;then these presenu shall become null and�'UI�,o1I72(wISC[Ilt)'
<br /> S�1J�� Il'IIIJIII 1�1 �ll�� �1)f('l':Ifl(� Ill:l)'hl'�tl(l'lI(lSl`lI Jl lI1C UF1l1UR UI III�'S:IIII 1�55��i���Oti :1((ef I�IIUfC �Uf I�l(Cl 111()I1ltiS [U Ill�}:t:II1V U� S1I(�
<br /> paymenti ur be threc mun�hs in aircars in makinc said mumhly'paymcnts,ur tu kecp and cumply with thc agmemems and condi[iuns ut said tlnnd;
<br /> and\turigagor ag�ees to hase a rccciver�ppuinted lorthwith in such fbreclusure proceedines.
<br /> � If th�rc is any ch�nFc in uwnership ul'thc rc�l esiate mortgaged herein,by sale or uthc�vise,then the entire remaining indebtedncss hereby
<br /> k, ucuted shall.at Ute uption u(The Lyuiea6le Building and Loan Associatiun ot G�and Island,Nebtasks,become immedi�tely due and payable without
<br /> fiuther nutice.�nd the amount remvimng due under�aid bund,and�ny uthrr bond for any additional ad�ances made thereunder,shall,frum the
<br /> datc o(eaercise oi s�id optiun,bcar interest ai the rtmximum Icgal rate,and�his mortgagc m:�y then bc toreclosed to satisfy the amount due on said
<br /> t� bond,and any othrr bond for�dditiunal ndvances,togeiher with all sums paid by s:iid Thz liyuitable Building and Luan Association of Grand Island,
<br /> Ne6rasAa f'or insurance,taxes and a�ussmenis,and abstractine extension ch�rges, widi interest thereon, from date of papment at the maximum
<br /> �l`���fBIC.
<br /> t� As provided in ihc Ilond secured hercby,while this murtgage«enains in r(fect the mortGagec may hercalter advance additional sums to Um
<br /> makers of saiJ Nond,their assigns o�succezwrs in inrerest,«�hich sums shall br�vithin[he security o(this mortgage tha same as the�unds uriginally
<br /> r � xcured thereby,Ihe�o�al amuuN uf principal drbt not�u exceed at am•time the original amuunt oC ihis murtgage.
<br /> Dated t6is 15th d:rv ot JUIy :�.D..i'�76
<br /> �p�,h;�ny,�,�tl_ `\ .�N.w.�i��i� ���� ���. X"r'lCf.T�l�p'
<br /> Lawrence E. Huwaldt Anna M. �iuwaldt
<br /> ss. Onthis 15th ��Y��� July 19)E ,beforeme,
<br /> � COUNTY Of F1ALL} �
<br /> - the undersigned,a Notary Yublic in and(or said County,personatly came �
<br /> Lawrence E. Huwaldt and Anna M. Huwaldt, each in his and her own right and as spouse of
<br /> ed �;y:•;ZT- who are Personally known to _ N
<br /> ��C 21 7�
<br /> L '2dlo bq.tht•iSaO}�d(��'VS?;°n$ whosc name S are aftixcd to tl�e above instrument as mortga6o�S ���� they severally OC
<br />�_ �,ackqbwftdged ihEsaul instlument to be thei r voluntary act and deed. �,�,�. ;
<br /> �y. � t� ��R I'I�f 1$$'.my hand and Natarial Scal thc date aforesaid. . ��� I ��
<br />� t �ti1��omrfussion expires �.,� �� �� ���1� \ —��� �' tf�
<br />�,� i :.� �^�''� � .
<br />,ti� V� -.� �� !:u�ary Pu '
<br />�. " �g�r,r :E�;. ' �� l__�'
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