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<br /> �` LINCOLN NON-ASSUMABLE Loan Number__3085�------ 1_____18___
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<br />�,�,�'�w THIS MOR1'GAGli. made r��id executed lhis . ...��.__dnY ot.. __.._._,./.z!�'/..... _....._A.D.,19.....7�..,between y , '
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<br /> F Charles R. Cleveland and L. Kathleen Cleveland� husand and wife� each in his and her �"
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<br /> �; own individual ri�ht and as spouse of the other, jointly and severally
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<br /> t��� d ....GPettd_I61arid ...... � CountY of. }Iall _ . SLrte of....... .NebY'aSk.a. ...__ ._ hereinnfter re[erred ';
<br />�i�C to as the \turlgagor,and �1RST rLDERAL SAVWGS AND I.OAN ASSOCIATION OF I.iNCOI.N. Ni�briske. itv successorx ?
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<br /> 4 � �. _.. ...... _...-rc-. ... .. .I, .53.�2QO...QO.. . _. ..1 llollars. . ' �� ' :
<br /> ��id h vmd �turt ���c does hi«b� .�II u�d c�,nv�� unlu I IHS'I' PLDI.RAL SA1[tiCS AND LOA` ASSUCIA'C[ON Ob' ?
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<br />� � I.WCOI.N, NcUrasku. as n�Inrttia�,�r•. it., successors and :c�i�;n� Ifu� (uilowin�; dt�senb�•d R��al IS,lati•.vitualed in the CouNq nf
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<br /> t � West Half of the Northwest (�uarter (41; M�1-,�,-) of Seetion
<br />�
<br />� � Twenty-five (25) in Township �leven (11) North, Renge Ten
<br />� � (10), 41est of the 6th P.t�I., Ha11 County, IQebraska.
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<br /> r , ��bli�ntiuns cunlainrd h�•rein, tugether with nll 6uildin�;s.improvem�•n�s. fi�Wres and uppurtenemces and nl( rnse�mimts ihrrz�untn . .
<br />� . Indun�;ing. and it i, mutwdly covennntrd m3d ngreed br :md b��tween fhr p:�rlies hercto th.rt nll plumhiny�. „n;. rleclric ;md - � : �
<br /> - mrdumical (ixlures. appliunce.�. ��quipment. machinery and apparntus.Ilnnr cuvi�rinFs,slnnn�vindo�vs a�nd semens.and such other � � . � . .
<br />� :� };oodv nnd chaltelx mid personal property aY an�reer furnishcd by a I:mdlord in I�•Iting ur ope�rntin„nn unfurnished Luilding.simi- .� � . .
<br /> .;� I:v to the one no�v ur herrufler on suid Prrmis�•a.whicl��ire ur al�al� br :dtnchod lu said huildin;; in am� manner �chnlsrxwer. am . �
<br />� .ind vhnll he dei�med to Li� Oalumv und an��ussion tu Ihc• Irrchuld nnd,t pnrt uf ihr really i��behvern lhe parties hereta.thi•ir .
<br /> i �:i hrir,, eaccutors.ndmin�strnlar sucee�sur �r �s�ign,, and all personn el:unun:; bv, lhrough ur under �I�rm,and vhall br dromrd
<br />� .� ta Ix•a porlion of thi•.�ecurity fur th�•ind��hlednrss hrrrin mon�ione�l nnd tn lu�cncrr�•d by this mnrt�;n�:��. ' �
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<br />. 4 uhli{;.iliun<o(Ihr \SnrtFa�;ors. In.wil: fy+ .
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<br /> i 'I'h�� 11orf�;nt;��r aarrec to pav lo th�• �lort�:nger,or ord��r. ih�� princip:d �wn o( PIP'TY—THREr, THOUS/�P�TD TYIO �'
<br />� ; xurma� Arm tao/ioo-- --------------------------------- ___c� S3 200.00 �. •
<br /> 6 �. .. .. . ... .. _..... ...... . ...__ ---.—'--- n_ . . . .. i I)nllurs, .. .
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<br />�� � pnya�bl��as prucided in a noti•ra��cut�•d and d��lirerod runrurn•ntk herru�ith. �hr finnl pa>�mvnl nf principol. if n�d =unnvr paid.
<br />, _ „�, t6�� lst __ d:�t• �,f _ __ AU�ust_ _ __ . t�+. 2001
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