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<br /> . �...a�.
<br /> � �
<br /> � ��_ r���q�� CORPORATION WAI�RANTY DEED
<br /> 'Plie grnntor
<br /> farmers Union Cooperative Elevator Association
<br /> fl corporntion orgnnized nnd esieting imder nnd by virtue of the laws of the State of Nebrdska
<br /> � ;n�m�s�deration ofFive Thousand Nine Hundred Eighty Three Dollars and Ninety Eight Cents
<br /> t'�� ($5983.98)
<br /> rec��i�•ed Lrom t;r;mtec', dues gruut, Lnrgnin, sell convey :�n�l co�ifir�u lmto
<br /> ��� The Countp of Hall, Nebraska,
<br /> >,,
<br /> `µ lierein called the grantee whetlier one or more, th� following deseriUed real property in
<br /> `�,
<br /> �:; Hd�� „CGlItiY,3',Nebraslca:
<br /> t A tract of land comprising a part of the South Half of the Northeast Quarter (S'-2 NE;) of
<br /> ra Section Twenty-One (21), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) 4lest of the 6th
<br /> `' P.M. Hall County, Nebraska, more particularily described as follows:
<br /> ,<
<br /> Beginning at the intersection of the centerline of Lincoln Avenue and the centerline of
<br /> -�� Fonner Park Road (also being the South Line of said Northeast Quarter (NE;); thence
<br /> 53�
<br /> northwesterly along the centerline of said Lincoln Avenue, a distance of Nine Hundred
<br /> 7� Seventy Six and Twenty Five Hundredths (976.25) feet; thence deflecting left
<br /> 89° 48' 30" and running southwesterly parallel to the centerline of Phoenix Avenue,
<br /> ^; a distance of forty (40) feet; thence deflecting left 90° 11' 30" and in a southeasterly
<br />�;; direction parallel to the centerline of Lincoln Avenuea distance of Nine Hundred Fifty -
<br /> four and Seventeen Hundredths (954.17) feet to a point on the south line of said
<br /> � 4 Northeast Quarter (NE;)• thence deflecting left 61° 05' 30" and along the south line of
<br /> r; said Northeast Quarter (NE',) also being the centerline of Fonner Park Road a distance
<br /> %:i of forty Five and Sixty Nine Hundredths (45.69) feet to the point of beginning and
<br /> }� containing 0.886 acres more or less.
<br /> '� STANiP TAX
<br /> :;.
<br /> ; nat�,:;��ii f.:<<;cne� JUL 1G 1976
<br /> � �
<br /> ` �t:.��„„a:t 6Yr���
<br /> �_
<br /> To Luve and tu hold thc aU�.ive described preuiises tuRether �vith atll tenements, hereditamenta nnd :
<br /> tippurtennuces tliereto belangi�i� unto thr, Rraritce �u��l to �;ra�itec's hcirs and as�i;;ns iure�•cr.
<br /> _1nd the grantor for itself and its successors does hereby coeeciruit �vitli the grnntce and �cith
<br /> gr;intee's huirs umi ntisigus thnt �;r�uitur is Ia�cLu:lc seised of said premises; that thec nrr treo from euewn- �� �
<br /> i„,u,ce; except for encumbrances shown of record;
<br />� that grantor L:is Rood ri�ht atid lan•ful aut}�orit}�to cunre}� the ti;une: �ind tliat ,:ruuor �,r�u•r.inLv ,inil will � � � �
<br /> defc��d tiia tit:c to �aid prcn:is2:; �igain.�t tl�e lat•r:u: clrim5 oC;il; prroo; �+h,.oc�er.
<br /> .�� in u�itness �chereof, {;rai�tor hus Lereuuto �^m•���1 ii�l:�ai•���.�+�ikx3.9:x�.X..�31d�.S2+X1��.?iutl these _
<br /> ' presents siqned b}� its Yresident.
<br /> '.i
<br /> llatcil April 29, ]s) 76
<br /> �.
<br /> [;i; ASSOCIATION
<br /> ..................................................................................
<br /> t
<br /> � � �� !; �
<br /> _ / ;: �
<br /> ; / � �
<br /> ? Pv . � "�i�e �:....�:r..a:.n.:�.S..GLI'resident
<br />,. � �`���(Leslie� Schimmer)
<br /> ;,
<br /> :,
<br /> ' S'1':\'CI: UP\1:13R_1�3CA, Cu�.iut}�uf ................F�.�.�.�.............
<br /> Before me, a uotnry public qunlific�l iu saiQ ruuut}�, �x�t:sonully cumo � �
<br /> Leslie Schiu[uner, I'resident of
<br /> Farmers Union Cooperative Elevator Association ..,R� ...
<br /> we,.
<br /> ,u coi•poration, .
<br /> Itnoti�•n to me to Le tLe President and identicnl persmt �cho signed tlie fore�oiii� insirumcnt, and ackno�c- N>
<br /> �� lr,dged t�he esecution th�reof to Le his voluntr�ry ar.t m�d deal ns such nfficer und the �ulinit,ir;� .ict und � {7C
<br /> ; �Iced ol' Said corporation and tfiut its corporntc xeal�ra� tLerulu nfiised b}• its :nrthority. � �';
<br /> � .
<br /> \1'itness my hnnd and noturinl scal on .......F�pri1...29...................................... 19..76..... � '
<br /> . ,�' . / Y ' � -�, .
<br /> GENERAlNOiARY•sro�.e�wr.w .....:;�:....5..::.....L.�..�..:.....�..:..:......:...-..................... �ntnry 1'ublic.
<br /> .m
<br /> - ,.;�y�_.:!hqGts�m E�v feb 7.1911 )T}� <•ommisiion espires ........PebruaX'..y...Z................. 19...7.7
<br /> ......
<br /> .... ..... ...: .__
<br /> � �
<br />