_ } .. �`.i;'
<br /> i�'; �
<br />$� � 7i�- ()l)3���S
<br /> T}tc gruntor
<br /> 6 & Y Duilding Supply
<br /> n coi•porntion organized and existing under:tnd by eirtn�� of tlic In«•s of tlut Btate of
<br /> ri«cm�sideriition of Two Thousand Five Hundred Thirty Four pollars and Seven Cents ($2534.07)
<br /> recciced from ;;rante�;, does grnnt, bnrguin, sell convey tmd confirm unto
<br /> Hall County Nebraska
<br /> hercin cnlled Lhe gruntee whethr,r one or m orc, the followiug described real proporty in
<br /> ' ..........................Hal.�............................................County,Nebrasku:
<br /> A tract of land comprisin9 a part of the South half of the Northeast Quarter (SZ P�E',) of
<br /> Section Twenty-One (21), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th
<br /> P.M. Hall County, Nebraska, more particularily discribed as follows:
<br /> Beginning at the intersection of the centerline of Lincoln Avenue and the centerline
<br /> of Phoenix Avenue; thence southeasterly along said centerline of Lincoln Avenue, a
<br /> distance of Three Hundred Eighty Four and Thirty Four Hundredths (354.34) feet; thence
<br /> southwesterly parallel to said centerline o� P,hoenix Avenue a distance �of forty (40)
<br /> ;; feet; thence Northtvesterly and parallel to the centerline of Lincoln Avenue a distance of
<br /> Three Hundred Eighty Four and Thirty Four Flundredths (384.34) feet to the centerline of
<br /> Phoenix Avenue; thence northeasterly along the centerline of Phoenix Avenue a
<br /> distance of Forty (40) feet to the place of beginning and containing 0.353 acres
<br /> more or less.
<br /> STA�9P TkX
<br /> `' .JUL 1G 1976
<br /> : 4TATl"i�_11f �+SIP,CH�� � �
<br /> �e-�,,. C BY�"�
<br /> d
<br /> Y
<br /> 'Po ha��e uud to Lold the �iUoce describc;i premises to;;ether �xith all te�tewevts, h?reditnmentg and
<br /> � uppurtenances thereto hclongiiig untu thc �rautec aud to [�rantec's hcirs and ussigns fore�•er.
<br /> '� .1nd tlie qrantor for itself and its successors does hereby coveiinnt �vith the grant�ce and n�ith
<br /> z �runtce'� Iici�:5 aud �issigu; ihat �rnutor is l�ncfu;l}� ,ci5ed u£said premises;tLut they xre frr.e from encum-
<br /> br:mce
<br /> ,i
<br /> that grnntor luis kood right und lnwful uuthority to emn'e�� ihe same: snd tluit �r:iutor �cnrrnnts ;u�d will
<br /> �letend tSe tit;c to �.iid I;rcmis,., ai;;aim;t thc la��Pa: ,,..ims of�ili per.,ous�cLo.;oi.�et.
<br /> lu n�itnrss �chereoP, gra��tor hus hereuuto cnu,rd its rorpnr:ite s��al tr� lrr aftised ,md these
<br /> � prF•o��uts si�ned by its 1'resident.
<br /> r
<br /> llati'd �! ��-�-� ,�..�, ]tj �� ( . _. � j -
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<br /> �. � �LLQC� '��
<br /> �'I'A'I'G UI'\I�:PI„1SICA. Count�• of ......�.................. .....................:
<br /> Before mc, u notnry public qu�ilificd in sni�l cntmty, personally cume
<br /> t n ��j
<br /> ;�l'C.,(t..t � , cy�i'�--�1--.^- President af
<br /> i � 1 /�
<br /> �(,.; /n �C-(,cYc�.G�'�--, C:/ LL/JLJ�.C,�_
<br /> [i � i' �f � , a cor��m•ation, I ,r,:
<br /> kuon•n to rne to be tVie Presideut and i�lentic;il person �;ho sigued the fr�mgoiug instrnment, �itid uclinu�c- N':�'
<br /> lydgeu th�� exc�cution thereaf to bc his colnntarc act aud d�•ed n5 sncL officer nnd thc culiu�tnr,y aict and y is
<br /> Lil��rd uf naid corporation nnd that its cuiZ>oratc scnl��'.is thereto a£fi�ud by its authority. a �
<br /> �� �, / �� / �cF`.
<br /> �\'itnesa my liuiid n�id not,irinl scai on ......."S..l. :..�`-`:.....L............... ......... 79.�.5.�. �
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