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<br /> I:NOW b',LL h1Eh 6Y "HESE r?ESENTS, �hat we, R�ichar� E.
<br /> !oct:wned -and Carol�ine B. Lockv��od, nf frand Island, County of •
<br /> �lall , State ot �ebras{:a, t�iortgagees i n a Moi-tgaa� Deed datea
<br /> OctDber �! , i974, made and executed hy Owen a. Benson and
<br /> P�ina F. Eer.son, his wife; Patricf: J_ Sv;eene,y and Pame'la Svreeney,
<br /> his a;ife: and Lav.rence . 'riuv+alt, J�•. and Ann *!uwalt t�is wife,
<br /> whi�h trortgage is recorded �in tne iiffice � t.he F.egister cf i�eeds
<br /> of Na11 County. Nebrasl:a, ?n Eeol; 16G �t Pag� 5�4 uf fhe records
<br /> �f said office, is, ss to so much or the property "�er�in des-
<br /> criben, to-wit:
<br /> Lots One (11 and �k�o (21; in Elock Fi�v� (5;
<br /> cf Giadstone f�lace, an Addition t� Grand :siand,
<br /> ='al i County, P;ebraska,
<br /> i: '�U�i:� �3?L�� Sdi.lStlEL', Yo��fiSE� ;:nil �lSChdY'0£C�. .
<br /> ?hiS 1'���'358 15 J1VEP. �ult i.hiL' �n�t'eSS iBt'I➢5 dRC� tend'itior . �
<br /> that it �.ha71 in ro wise affect t:he �ien af th� aGove mentioned
<br /> � ��DY't�d�9t' C�ft th? YeRl3'Ifl'11: Idfl� :1�SC?"IbE� i"i Sd1ii N,�rtgaae, but 5�ldl� �
<br /> only he �onstt�uec� as a r�1ecs= `rom the lier, on saitl N:ort�age of
<br /> ihe iand abo��e desc�-ibed.
<br /> 6iIi?,::SS our t;antls �t :i-ar�d ._ianr, !;ebras4:z, .7is �� "�~
<br /> �ay or' Ju13�, l975.
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