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<br /> :. .76- �,(?3�it��
<br /> 2.1—WARRAN7Y DEED F.I�on 4 Wol(Comp.ny,Li�coln,N.br.
<br /> � Helyn E. Roney, also known as He1en E. Roney and as }{elen Roney, an
<br /> unremarried widow, Sa1t Lake City, Utah, and Ra1ph Gdmund Cox, also known as
<br /> Ralph E. Cox and as R. Edmund Cox and as Edmund Cox, and Helen N. Cox, his
<br /> wife,. San Diego, California , herciii called the grantor rchetlicr ono or more�
<br /> in conaideration of Ninety-Seven Thousand Nine Hundred Twenty and No/100 Dollars
<br /> ($97,920.00)
<br /> reeeived from grnnteo, does grant, bui•gnin, scll, coii��cy nnd cnnfirrn tmto Douglas Land Company�
<br /> a corporation, Omaha, Nebraska,
<br /> herein ctilled the �t:mtee whether one or mnre. the 1'nlluicing described renl property in
<br /> � ............................Hdll................................ Cout�tp, :lebranka:
<br /> T All of our undivided interest in and to the
<br /> Southwest Quarter (SW�) of SecCion Twenty-five
<br /> (25), To�,mship Twelve (12) North, Range Ttaelve
<br /> (12), West of the 6th P.M., Ha11 County, Nebraska,
<br /> subject to the 1976 taxes, easements, if any, and subject to lease
<br /> expiring March 1, 1977.
<br /> �
<br /> STAt�iP TAX
<br /> �.�� �;��ct��• .;UL 1� 1976
<br /> s°t`�'� ✓ �
<br /> � C� .�D BY �
<br /> 'fo ha��e xnd to ho11 t6e aboti•e dc,cri�ed prcmises together with nll tenemeuts, heredittunenta
<br /> and uppurtenanc��s thereto belonging unto the grantr.e nnd to grnnfee's heirs�ind ussigns £ore�•er.
<br /> And the gr:mtor docs hereby co`•ennnt �sith tLc grantee and �sith gran[ce's heirs unQ atisi�na
<br /> tliat gruntor is ln�vfully seised of said premises; that thcy are i'rce from encuwbr;mce , except 3S
<br /> above stated;
<br /> ; that grnutor has good right nnd lawftil uuthority to convcy tlie sxme; und that grantor warrnnts and will
<br /> defend the title to said premises against ti�e lawfnl claims of nll persona whowsoecer.
<br /> Dated June -,'='�� Ig 76.
<br /> ��' � ! .�
<br /> ......��-��vv:.�...:...J.....U-.:c�. ...:.............
<br /> . �• , �
<br /> . . .................................................................................
<br /> H" lyn E. Roney
<br /> ; �
<br /> ,
<br /> = 'i � j
<br /> _ _.l.I...�-�1ti.....;::...c.zz,...«.,.��.......''L::..��....
<br /> ............................................................................
<br /> :� Ralph Edmund Cox
<br /> ' �-/�• j, '1�...............................
<br /> ;: �..:..t.G...0::...............�:�.
<br /> ..................................................................... ........... Helen N. Cox
<br /> � .................................................................................... ................__............... .. .................._........_.
<br /> �' UTAH
<br /> ;. �TATE OF�,County of........Sa1t Lake
<br /> , ..........................................:
<br /> Beforc tnc. a notary� pnblic y��ulif'icd fur :ai�l countt', l�crsonall}' c;iiuc H21yII E. ROI12}+�
<br /> also known as Helen E. Roney and as He1en Roney, an unremarried widow,
<br /> of Salt Lake City, Utah,
<br /> �
<br /> cu ,�:.
<br />� Lkno�rn to mc to Le ttu,�id�oyieul J�er;on or persons «�ho tii�urd the f�n�,.euiri�� instrnm�ait aud �ickuc�u�ledged �
<br /> tLc esecutimt tLrreuf 2p�li�l�i§,.hcror t6�ir ��olimtxn� �u•i :�n�l dced. r �
<br />�. : `. '.::� �.",
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<br /> �l'�tqe5y w,•lian(3 a2 d nptu�lal seal on .......... ....�'...,�..''.�`'... ...../..�.., 1'i..76.
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