�. �:;;
<br /> � �w���
<br /> � �
<br /> � MORTGACE—Savinqs and Loan Form—�{Dlrecl Crodll Piml 2553 (Speclap � � . �
<br /> .. ......»...... `.�"^^.^""'^^...,..»......�.�......�.............,...�.................,....................�..,......-.................,......�..._...�,...�.:�.:..... . �
<br /> �` 76- 1)03Hy� MORTGAGE
<br /> f.oan No� . � � . � . .
<br /> �� 7H13 IND6NiUAE.mado thl� I J��'h day ol �U I y .19�(�bY O�d IMIB�YG �
<br /> l'IiOMAS K. EiES�91Ci< ANb PGGGY A. BGSWICK, husband and wife, each In his tin�1 her own
<br /> ; rlghi� and as spouse ot the other,
<br /> oL. '{`��I --County,Nebia�Ya os mortgagor�,and tiome Fedeml Sminq�and Loan Auodotlon ol Gmnd I�land . �.
<br /> a mrporatlun o:ganliod and e:Ltlnq unlor thu law� o! Nob�adca with Ils prindpd olflco and plarn ol bwfneu al Gmnd Idand,Nobrmka, � . �
<br /> m mmtqaqee; .
<br /> ; WITNESSETH: That eald morlqaqor� for and ln cronalda�ation ol tho sum ol�_._ � � �
<br /> ' THIRTY FOUR TIiOUSFlND AND NO/100--------------------------------'-�,oua�, ts_j`�,�00,00 ,
<br /> ;? the rocelpt o1 which 1� herohy aclmnwlodqod, do—_by �hoee praaonb mongago and wmrmd unto �afd mortqngao, Il� eucceuon and - � � .
<br /> .� aestqa�.1o[ever,all the tollowing doecribad roal eelato, dl�atod In the munty ol I{��I� _— � �
<br /> - and 6tate o!Nebraika,to•w1t . � � � .
<br /> PART Of LCIi IJIhJL (9) AND PFlRT OP LOT TT:N (I0) or �iivrrsioc rni:ni SU�DI\�ISION 01- TIIF:
<br /> f2ANGE NINE (9) WGST OF THE 6TH I'.�i. PF)RE f'Af:fICUI.ARLY U(:SCRI(3FD AS POI.LOtdS, i0-WI1 :
<br /> BEGIfJNING AT TIiG NOhTfiL-:AST COI�NER Of` L.OT T[N (10), RUNNIfJG TIiI:PJCL P!. E39° 4ti" W.,
<br /> � ALUNG THE NORTH LIf�L OF SAID.1_OT 'f[N, 330.0 I'1,[1, Io TfIE NOf21'FIWF;T COR'���� Of` 5AtD
<br /> _� � LOT TEN; RUNN I NG TNCNC[ 5, 0� `ip;' E., ALO^JC TI If. WESI I_I NL 01" $A i D L(11 T�fJ, i75.0
<br /> I�E[T1 RUNNItJG TIILNCE N, t33"42z' L., :r31.4 f E LT, TO A P(11N( Oir' 'iHl: EAST �II![ 01` �AID
<br /> LOT TEN; RUNNING THLIJCG N. (7� �U',' W., A�ONI> TFi[_ tA51' LItJC ('f- ;All) LOT TP.W, IIH.4 S�
<br /> FEE'i; RUtJNING 11iENCt N. 79° 03�' E., I'�4.0 FELT, 10 A POINT cJtJ lll[ NO('.T11[�ST[I�LY LINLi ��
<br /> OF LOT N I NE (9); RIINN I N6 TNfIJCE H. 5�`� 55�' W , ALl)NG l I IC �dURTl�If FlS TEfif_Y L 1 NE OF t �
<br /> SAID LOT NINL', °40.0 F(CT, TO 1'fIF f'tACI Of L��_GIPJNING: Ci�N1AINl�d( i.05 /1CRP5; 2.tiH ��
<br /> $ ACf LS f3E I NG I N LOT TE i!, ANU U,i7 A(i�L i CIIi l t;c� I h! I.O f fJ l i!( , ACCORD I FJG 1'0 �IIRVFY
<br /> � OF 5AID LOTS. #�
<br /> S+ �
<br /> 5� ( �
<br /> 3
<br /> � To othcr with all hoalin II ht(n and lumbin o mant aad fl:mroe.Includln �token and bumen,eacons,awntn �,�torm windows . ..
<br /> {S 9 9. 9 4. P 9 4WP 9 4 . . .
<br /> Stt aad doo+s and wlndow ehadce ot 611ncie,usod on or In connrcHoa wlth eold propa�ty.whe�hnr tho wm¢aro now looatod on eald propocty
<br /> �3 or hotcallcr placod Ihoraron. - �
<br /> � +
<br /> TO HAVE 11ND 70 HOLD 7HE SAME,Sogethec with all and dnqular the tenamonte,�oredllamont�cmd appurtanuneo�thorounlo baiong• �
<br /> �
<br /> Ing,or In anywi�a apporlainlnq.loruvcr,and w¢nant tho tlllo lo the eamc. Sald mortqagor=herc6y rnvenant—.wlth�ald moriqaqoo
<br /> - � iha!�ho�- `ir�"' ,at the dolivory 6crool,tho law�ul owner�_al lho pvemleae abovo mnvayod and ds�cribod,and 1���<' s � : �
<br /> � sei:ed o!a qood and lndefoaniblo cetato ot inhed�anca thercln.!rno and dear ol all encumbrance�,and ihat�]�a�wpl warrant and t �. . .
<br /> - deland iho lltle lheroto lorevet aqalnal lho dainu and demandi of all pareone whomaoorar. � � . .
<br /> FAOVI➢ED ALWAYS, and Ihl� lnetrument fe eYecuted and dolive�ed lo eocuro Iho paymnnt o!lho nun ol '� �
<br />� : TFI I RiY FOUR THOUSAIJD ANU NO/I 00---------------------------------1r9Aaia li '-'�,000.00 �.
<br /> � wlih fnleroel lhermn.la7othm wilh euch chnrgce nnd ad�vncoe ns may bo duo nnd payablo �o mid moqqageo undor lhv tormi and � .� � - � �
<br /> mndltlons ol tho promfasory noto ol oven dala hnrowiih and �ecurod heroby.ozocutad bq aafd matqnqoc ��:_to�aid mortqagoo,payablo
<br /> $ aa o:pree�ed In eaid note,and�o sacu�e tha perlormnnco ot all tho torm� and conditlon� canialnod thoroln. Tho torme a! �ald nom aTo - . ��
<br /> homby Incorporalod hcrcin by th4[olorunco. . .
<br /> � It ie ihoflntontlo4 and agrcamenl ol thn parliee hemw�hat tlile monqaqo ehall also �eeu�n any lutwo udvancv� mado to wid . . � .
<br /> 3 mortgagor=by eafd mor�qagev, and any and all Indob�adnoae In addltlo¢�o tho¢mount abovo nlalod which sald morlgaqon,or any
<br /> 01 them, may owo lo eald mortgagoc,howovcr ovldencad whuthor 6y oola,lwok accoum or othorxleo. 7hle martgaga�hall cemain In lull � .
<br /> forca and eltea botwoon the partia� hocolo aud thulr haln, pnreonal ropmeontativn. �ucceuon and aulgne. uuul all amounts �ociuod �
<br /> horaunder.Induding lulucu advancae.are pafd In!WI wlih In1o�e�L � �
<br />� iho morlqagm `_horaby andgn—__to eatd mmtgagao all [onU and Inrnma artelnq at any and atl tlme� Irom sald propony and
<br /> f��� hemby authod:e eald moctgagoa or Ib nqnnt,at f1e oplton, upon dofaulL lo tako charqe ol eotd proporty and collai all mnb and lncomo � -
<br /> Ihcrolwm and opply Ihe samo�o the paymant ot Interod,ptincipal.Sneurance promlu¢u, tazo�,auoumonl�. tapain or Improvomnw nornn � �
<br /> � �acy lo kaop wid proparly In tonnNablo crondltlan,or lo olhor chacqo�or paymeob provided lor horeln or 1n tho aote horaby wcurod. Thl� .
<br /> rent ae�ignmeol ahall contlnuo ln tome until Iho unyald balanco d ■nid mte le lully paid. 7'ha taking o!poescuion ha�oundar�hall In no
<br /> mnnoor prevent or rotacd�aid mongnqee In �he rnlloction ol eald�ume by Imoclo�ute or olharrrf�o.
<br /> �' 7he latluro ol �ho mo�tgagoo to auert aay o! tt� riph� hareuador at any tlma ahall not be conelmad ai a walvor ol lu riqh!to a��ert �
<br /> ftt the�ame at any later timc,and to 1mVt upo¢and nnlorco��dct compllanca wf�h nll Iho lorms and provlelona ol eaid no�o and ol thle �
<br /> � mongaQe. ,
<br /> II wid modgagor=.�hall cauw to bo pald to�ald mortqaqw ths enl:rc amount duo!t houunder,and undor tho tarm�and provldon�
<br /> $ o!eald note horaby�ocutod Intludioq Iwu�a advnnce�,and any e:tomloro or ronowal� thereol In accn�danca wl�h the Immi and pro�idoni
<br /> jIheroof,and 11 wid mortgagor=�hall mmply wl�h ail Ihe provldon�ol�afd note and ol�hb mo�tqaqo,then thc�a pra�oot��hall be void;
<br /> othe�wlee to remala In lull loma and efloct,md�aid morlpaqso ehal! bo�ntllled to the pououlan of vll o!sald p:oporty,and may,at fi�
<br /> op�lon,doclare�he whole ol safd no�e aad all lndoblednc��npre�en�ed thereby to bo Immedlately due and payable,and may fowcloeo tN�
<br /> morlqaqe or tako any ot6or logal acuoa lo protxt 1t� dqh6 and lrom tha daia ol�uch dclault all 1tem� ol Indeb�acinou �ecumd horcby _r�
<br /> i� �hall draw Interost al 9% por annum. Appmi�am�nt walved. . �'" � �
<br /> � Thb mo�lgaga �Lall bo bindlnq upon and �hall�nu�e to th� b�nstl�ol the hdn.�xetutor�,adminidmlot�. �utte�wn and mdqn�d � �iV ' �
<br /> � Iho ro�pectiv�pa�i�ei heroto. . �'�„
<br /> �
<br /> IN W17NE39 Wt�REOF, aald Mo�lqaqor -ha�t h��eunto wl 1 h(�I f' hond-i_tho day md yva�Il�et above ,�.
<br /> wrltlrn. t+:.��
<br /> /_ t. / i' �
<br /> --- - ---���,���-;,=i;�-r��:�,�,-��,�
<br /> ,� ,
<br /> �. ,' S
<br /> _ _ _ �'nRq`I�"fi.=f?i*sTrir.s. - f
<br />� , _.�..._y.....�. �.._��w�_.�_..�._.`..w..,.�.... �
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